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Author Topic: [IC] TTG2: Public Void - Chapter 1: Hope  (Read 10791 times)

Sutoratosu Akira

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Re: [IC] TTG2: Public Void - Chapter 1: Hope
« Reply #15 on: February 21, 2020, 11:54:04 am »

Revenant's Workshop
Revenant stroked his beard in silence as Maddie explained herself. Though he was not physically touching the keyboard anymore, a blank document opened on the screen of his terminal, rapidly filling in with text and formatting itself in a manner appropriate of a case file.
    "How curious..." he finally said, "You know, what you're doing, what you've been doing is an extremely difficult feat for most people. The level focus and mental acuity it would take to repeatedly do repairs on you own mech without the proper systems and maintain this level of quality... and you sit here and talk about it likes it's easy. Hmph. Looks like Truths really did find himself a special champion."

Caridin (Arena)
"That..." Caridin paused a moment, his eyes returning to their normal green as he let his focus ebb, "Huh... yeh, guess I probably would do something like that. But then, who are ye exac-" He again stopped as the warrior began to kit himself out, obviously for battle. For just the briefest of moments, part of Caridin reconsidered this. After all, he had just been expecting a talk from that message. But that moment passed in an instant as he shrugged, chuckling softly under his breath. Maybe this was precisely what the warrior had meant by 'talking'. And perhaps the best way to make sense of that email was to simply fight it out.
     "Alright then," He said "You're on." With a snap of his fingers, his body was immediately engulfed in a torrent of blinding light from head to toe. Light that expanded and hardened around his form in a mere instant before fading from blindingly bright to far more tolerable, dull glow. Once it did, what stood there was not a sinewy young man, but instead a hulking giant of a machine decked out in white armor plating, easily standing as large as his opponent, if not a little more. The juggernaut retrieved the sword hilt hanging at it's side, and with a flick of it's wrist sent the thing spinning in it's palm, the blade manifesting itself midway through before being brought to a ready position, held diagonally in front of the mech with it's tip angled oh so slightly towards the mysterious warrior.

"Still not sure who ye are, but feck it. Let's do this!"
« Last Edit: February 21, 2020, 12:00:41 pm by Stratos »
"Reality, unlike fiction, has no obligation to conform to what people find believable." -Chroniqler


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Re: [IC] TTG2: Public Void - Chapter 1: Hope
« Reply #16 on: February 21, 2020, 12:12:18 pm »

Maddie nodded in response to Tarmo, since the answer was clear enough (of course she meditated), and then paid attention to the Revenant again. Special, huh? "Well from the sounds of it, I still need more practice - you mentioned some kind of... fragmentation, in the data? Is that the sort of thing you can help with, or is that covered under the whole 'no modifications' thing and I need to work it out myself?" she wasn't sure how she'd figure out how to defrag her own mech, but maybe if the mechanic could show her what it actually looked like compared to a non-fragmented (unfragged?) example...
Of course, Twin is neither man nor woman but an unholy eldritch abomination like every other Bay12er. The difference is they hide it better.
Quote from: Caellath on IRC
<Caellath>: Twinwolf, your thirst for blood has been noted.

Sutoratosu Akira

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Re: [IC] TTG2: Public Void - Chapter 1: Hope
« Reply #17 on: February 21, 2020, 12:39:24 pm »

Revenant's Workshop
"Yes, Fragmentation. It's similar to the type that can happen to a computer's hard drive over time. Basically, parts of the programming for the static favor making up your mech have become indexed in a non-continuous fashion; its something that happens to all Meditation DIYers who don't have the good grace of being named Sleeping Bear. Like I said, this whole process requires extraordinary concentration, and compared to equipment specifically designed to do this work as fast and efficiently as possible, most minds are rather... poor at doing the repairs and keeping all the programming in proper order. Or properly intact for that matter, as we discussed earlier. As for whether I can fix it.... one moment"
    Said moment was occupied by Revenant staring at the ceiling, still stroking his beard. For a second it seemed like he had totally spaced out, but just as suddenly as he had, he snapped back to attention, swiveling to his terminal again. "You're in luck kiddo. Asmo and I have reviewed the exact wording of our orders, and well... in this case I can bend the rules just a little bit, since technically this falls less under modification and more under maintenance. Plus if any of them give me shit for it, I'll just say I was keeping the playing field leveled, like they want it to be. Just stay as you are and I should have everything back to proper snuff in a few minutes."

He glanced back at Maddie before he started the Defragging process though, staring at her with an unusual intensity that made his eyes almost glimmer like the dancing embers they resembled "One more thing though. You may be a prodigy at this, but most people rely on licensed mechanics for accelerated repairs for a reason. The work I'll be doing for this tourney is funded by the Gods, no charge to any of you competitors. Even if you really do just prefer to handle it your way, you'd still be wise to at least check in with me from time to time while you're here. I trust we have an understanding here, yes?"
"Reality, unlike fiction, has no obligation to conform to what people find believable." -Chroniqler


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Re: [IC] TTG2: Public Void - Chapter 1: Hope
« Reply #18 on: February 21, 2020, 12:39:33 pm »


Trinity giggled again. "I don't think there's going to be much to commentate on in this fight." Trinity didn't want to sell any of the challengers short, but Arcturus was something well beyond anything any of them were prepared to face. Even the gods struggled to stand against Arcturus, his spirit was just that powerful. This would be over far too quickly for Trinity to say anything.

Raguel vs. Arcturus

-Arcturus alternate battle theme-

"Your enthusiasm is welcome." Arcturus said, stepping back to an appropriate range to begin, "Now then, let us speak as only warriors can!"

Arcturus raised his bow, the nocked arrow glowing bright red. As he drew it back the arrow shifted colors first to yellow, then white, and finally an unfathomably vibrant blue. Though Raguel might have braced himself for an arrow to come flying at him, he couldn't have anticipated the flurry of blows he would take from multiple directions. The first impact charged his Spark with such speed and intensity that it couldn't absorb any more energy by the time the second impact hit him mere milliseconds later. This volley of supercharged blows was only the beginning though, as Arcturus released the arrow he had drawn. It flew towards Raguel at high speed, leaving him almost no time to defend himself. The arrow's volatile nature meant that the moment it impacted something it would explode violently, threatening to totally obliterate everything caught within its range.

While the arrow was busy threatening Raguel with a swift end to the fight, Arcturus used the speed granted by his enchanted pants to reposition himself towards his opponent's right side and began nocking his next arrow, intent to follow the first attack with a second volley before Raguel had a chance to respond.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2020, 03:35:48 pm by Takosher »
Am Shami, I run RPs. People seem to like them.
Currently focused on Defile Circles, a game all about being corrupted by demonic powers while trying to figure out a magic system where there are literally billions of possible spells.
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Re: [IC] TTG2: Public Void - Chapter 1: Hope
« Reply #19 on: February 21, 2020, 01:00:21 pm »


It wasn't much of a surprise when Bear didn't even change his breathing once she poked him. She had heard the stories after all, of how Bear had ascended to godhood, even if she felt they were possibly exaggerated. Why anyone would focus on sleeping their lives away was relatively unknown to Celica, much less how they could be one of the most 'respected' individuals in history. They provided nothing aside from a word or two, when they had the rare willpower to actually open their eyes. She could at least respect his rumored intelligence, if he actually did anything with it. His laziness even extended to his 'champion' 'selection', which she had heard was literally just him picking someone to represent, and apparently it was a good choice because "Bear has good judgement". A single person says that a challenger is good just so they could go to sleep faster, and suddenly they're considered one of the best, while she's stuck at the bottom because of another's poor opinion. Good judgement... No, it wasn't anything more than people blindly listening to those in power without a single...

... She was getting off track, ranting in her head just because bear didn't wake up. This lack of food was starting to drive her crazy.

Bearing only a slight look of disappointment, Celica folded her hands together, resting her head on them for a few seconds as she pondered what to try next. It didn't take her very long to decide as she pulled out a sharpened pencil from underneath her coat, giving Bear's arm a few pokes of varying roughness, her face never changing from its tired expression. If poking his arm directly didn't work, she could attempt to snap her fingers in his ears a few times, or even pinch his nose shut if she had to. The only problem she had with those is the fact that Bear was far larger than the small girl, meaning it would be difficult to actually reach up there.
Just some nerd who thinks they're a half decent writer.
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Re: [IC] TTG2: Public Void - Chapter 1: Hope
« Reply #20 on: February 21, 2020, 01:06:39 pm »

"Well, I'm going to have to to keep in top condition, from the sounds of it," Maddie said, doing her best not to wince - was she that easy to see through? "Besides, might as well take them up on their generosity, yeah? So yes, I'll come to you between matches, at least until I work out defragmenting myself." She wasn't acting totally full of herself at least - the 'figuring it out herself' comment sounded like a joke. She settled back onto the table and relaxed a bit
Of course, Twin is neither man nor woman but an unholy eldritch abomination like every other Bay12er. The difference is they hide it better.
Quote from: Caellath on IRC
<Caellath>: Twinwolf, your thirst for blood has been noted.

Sutoratosu Akira

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Re: [IC] TTG2: Public Void - Chapter 1: Hope
« Reply #21 on: February 21, 2020, 02:09:34 pm »

Revenant's Workshop
Nodding with satisfaction, the Revenant returned his attention to his Terminal. With a key strokes, the process began. True to his word, it only took a few minutes before the work was done. Checking that everything was now in order and satisfied at the results, he gave the command for the Apparatus to extract a small amount of favor Maddie's dreamspace before retracting out of it and returning to it's resting position on the ceiling. Shortly thereafter, a small machine just beside the operating table Maddie lay on, unnoticed until now as flared to life, dispensed a small, glowing pill.

"Alright, Hunter." Revenant said, leaning back in his chair "That's it for now. Take the pill that was dispensed and the fragmentation should be dealt with. Don't expect any major improvements in performance or anything, it honestly wasn't that bad. But you should feel some parts of your mech feel just a little snappier than before."

Caridin (Being treated to a Can of Whoop Ass in the Arena)
Caridin felt himself rocked by the impact of the attacks he never even saw coming, feeling the searing pain as some of them even managed to break through his armor completely in certain places, leaving his hull riddled and battered. The temptation to sit there and wonder what the feck had just happened was powerful, so too was the temptation to let himself be washed away by the pain of a thousand glorious suns that had just perforated his being. Caridin could not afford either however, he knew that much immediately.
    Thinking on the words and advice that had led him to follow this man's mysterious call to the Arena in the first place, he steeled himself the moment he had become aware of the mysterious blows breaking through his armor, eyes shifting to an even more intense gold than before, so intense it caused the cracked visor of Raguel to burn with otherworldly light. He channeled his entire focus away from the confusion and the agony caused by the onslaught and instead towards his opponent's actions, and how he might salvage this already horribly doomed battle. With adrenaline pumping, his focus intensified to a razor fine point, he watched as Arcturus loosed the attack he had been anticipating in the first place, sending it hurtling towards him at dangerous speeds. Were his concentration any lesser, he would've easily let that fact alone distract him from the man's rapid movement towards his right flank.
    His options were limited, his time preciously short. Attempting to unleash a Smite at such an unfathomably full charge as it had now, even with the added speed of a favor burst, would likely still take just oh so slightly too long to accomplish anything before he was destroyed. He could attempt to instead surge that unfathomable charge into his armor, empowering it to the point of oh so brief invincibility... but that still left the problem of the inevitable follow up his opponent was doubtlessly preparing. Channeling his spark's charge to defend himself would leave him even less time to use it to unleash the retaliatory strike he so desperately needed to interrupt that follow up. He could try to reach him with a favor burst fueled charge, but there was no guarantee his attack would connect before the archer loosed his next volley and destroyed him.


If it hits... the opening could let me close in and smash him. If it doesn't, well... won't change anything

His course set, and his mind resolved to at least go down swinging if he was destined to go down, Caridin wasted no effort on attempting to move out of the way of the arrow. Instead he focused the entirety of his being into making his one shot at retaliation count, loading up his sword arm with as much fluid favor as he could muster, holding it there until the right opportunity, instead of immediately expelling it as the spell usually would've. He could feel his mech protest as the stress on its limb grew ever greater, like a balloon swelling to the point of bursting. He ignored it, knowing full well he would still have the other arm fully operational for use if this gambit played out well.
     Just before the Arrow finally made impact, Caridin leapt into action. He called forth the light of his spark, but rather than project it outwards, focused it throughout his hull, dedicating its power from destroying everything in its path, to instead destroying anything and everything that would dare touch him. At the same time that he empowered his armor to the point of invincibility, he simultaneously unleashed the full brunt of the fluid favor he had stored in his arm, primarily centered on the wrist. What followed was an unearthly whine as his blade left his hand with monstrous speed and power, moving across the battlefield as screaming blur of white light that hurtled directly towards Arcturus.

Mere milliseconds later, the arrow made impact. The veil of blinding light around him grew even brighter, destroying the projectile on contact and unleashing it's full force to counteract the power of the massive explosion of energy the arrow subsequently spawned... and then immediately fading away as the immediate danger passed.
6 Point Armor Bonus Used

Through it all, Caridin kept his attention focused on the mysterious man, ready to cast Favor Burst one more time in order capitalize on whatever opening his gambit might've bought him.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2020, 03:43:05 pm by Stratos »
"Reality, unlike fiction, has no obligation to conform to what people find believable." -Chroniqler


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Re: [IC] TTG2: Public Void - Chapter 1: Hope
« Reply #22 on: February 21, 2020, 02:42:59 pm »


Astra watched from the counter as Celica's attempts to wake Bear became more and more ridiculous. "Aren't you gonna help her?" He asked Winter, who seemed to be ignoring the debacle.

"She didn't ask for my help." Winter pouted, "I wouldn't want to get in her way."

Astra held back a laugh, "You should show her some pity. She'll be there for hours."

Winter sighed, "Okay, fine, I'll help."

Winter got out from behind the counter and walked over to where Celica was half-climbing on Bear in an attempt to pinch his nose. Ignoring Celica, Winter instead spoke directly to Bear, "Hey, Bear, get up."

Her request prompted Bear to stir, shaking Celica off as he did so. "Something the matter, Winter?" he asked, surprisingly alert for someone who just woke up.

Winter pointed at Celica, "Sycophant wanted to talk to you."

"Oh." Bear said, glancing Celica over, "What is it, Sycophant?" He didn't sound upset that he'd been awoken, but he did seem annoyed that his attention was needed.
Am Shami, I run RPs. People seem to like them.
Currently focused on Defile Circles, a game all about being corrupted by demonic powers while trying to figure out a magic system where there are literally billions of possible spells.
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Re: [IC] TTG2: Public Void - Chapter 1: Hope
« Reply #23 on: February 21, 2020, 03:35:40 pm »

Maddie hopped off the table, taking the pill and looking at it for a few moments. "If you say so." she said, before popping it into her mouth and swallowing. "Thanks a bunch, Revenant. I'll make sure to come back sometime. Just gonna see if it feels any better before I head out, gimme a second..." Before the Revenant could tell her not to go summoning her mech, she had already done so... or well, she summoned something. A small glowing shape appeared in front of her, the light fading until it was visible as what looked like a part of the mech - Sully would probably recognize it as one of her drones. It started whizzing it's way around Maddie's head. "Yeah, Boo's responding a bit faster than usual. Bit less lag on the orders."
Of course, Twin is neither man nor woman but an unholy eldritch abomination like every other Bay12er. The difference is they hide it better.
Quote from: Caellath on IRC
<Caellath>: Twinwolf, your thirst for blood has been noted.


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Re: [IC] TTG2: Public Void - Chapter 1: Hope
« Reply #24 on: February 21, 2020, 06:15:43 pm »


God this was already pathetic. She was actually having to climb out of her chair using Bear as support, just to get up to his head. Even she didn't sleep this hard, and she never slept unless absolutely necessary. Granted, even through her hidden frustration over this, Celica quickly noticed Winter approaching them, glancing at the servant from the corner of her eye as she kept trying to pull herself up. At least, until Winter began to speak-

"Hey, Bear, get up"

For an instant, Celica couldn't believe what she had heard. Winter had expected to wake Bear up by just telling him to? As if that would ever- and Bear woke up, his movement causing the noble to lose her balance and fall back into her chair, watching as Bear quickly woke himself up and became aware of his surroundings. How in the Planes did Winter wake him up with only four words? And why did Bear wake up to those four words? It completely baffled her, seeing as it didn't make any sense. The only explanation she could come up with was that Winter had experience with Bear, either as his servant or something else, which would make her... Actually important, in a way.

Well, it was a reminder to not judge a book by its cover.

"Thank you, Winter" Celica said after a brief moment of surprise, giving Winter a small bow before turning back to the God of Sloth, "My apologies for wanting to interrupt your nap, but I wanted to ask you a few questions regarding this tournament, before I lost my chance. And, as selfish as it is, I wanted to ask about your champion. Nothing to give me an advantage when we inevitably fight, but for curiosity's sake. After all, the only things I know of them are that they're a fantastic fighter, as well as personally selected by you."
Just some nerd who thinks they're a half decent writer.
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Re: [IC] TTG2: Public Void - Chapter 1: Hope
« Reply #25 on: February 21, 2020, 07:55:36 pm »

Tarmo had moved closer (though he made sure to give her enough space to not intrude, given her removed shirt) as the conversation continued. It wasn't often you heard people compared to Sleeping Bear, at least not to his positive aspects. (Not that the negative ones were commented on often either, most people respected him enough to refrain in his experience.) What she did after the process was complete, though. . . "What is that?" Was it what it looked like? It couldn't be her entire mech, unless she possessed some incomprehensible power. But what it looked like seemed to be impossible, at the same time. . ..
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Re: [IC] TTG2: Public Void - Chapter 1: Hope
« Reply #26 on: February 21, 2020, 09:01:39 pm »

"It's Boo." Maddie said as if what that meant was obvious. The flying thing turned to Tarmo and bobbed up and down, as if in greeting. "One of my mech's drones. ...Ok this part I know is weird, admittedly."
Of course, Twin is neither man nor woman but an unholy eldritch abomination like every other Bay12er. The difference is they hide it better.
Quote from: Caellath on IRC
<Caellath>: Twinwolf, your thirst for blood has been noted.


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Re: [IC] TTG2: Public Void - Chapter 1: Hope
« Reply #27 on: February 21, 2020, 09:36:59 pm »

Raguel vs. Arcturus

Raguel's flying blade was an intimidating prospect that even Arcturus would have to put a good deal of effort into fending off before he made his counter attack. That is, if the sword hadn't flown wide. In his haste to make his counterattack count, Raguel had miscalculated the amount of strength he had to put behind his throw. Swords were already not made for throwing, so even a minor misstep was enough to send Judgement careening off course. With no counterattack to threaten him, Arcturus was free to draw his bow once more.

But rather than fire another volley of impacts and an explosive defeat at Caradin, Arcturus simply lowered his bow. "I believe we both know what happens if I fire that arrow." he said, "I don't think it's necessary for me to actually do the damage. Especially not when we're just sparring before a larger match. Catch your breath, then we'll talk like civilians."

Arcturus went over to the spectators seats and sat down to remove his quiver and monocle. Once Caradin joined him, he gave the boy a friendly smile to show that he really was ready to talk. "I think now would be a good time to reintroduce myself, I'm Arcturus." he revealed.

This made it apparent where Caradin had gone wrong. Attempting to defeat a man who embodied raw power in a clash of strength was a good way to end up defeated. Although Arcturus was fairly certain that in Caradin's case, the difference in their power wasn't the only thing holding him back. Leviathan would have mopped the floor with him just as well, even little Belial would probably have given him a run for his money. It was apparent in Caradin's power that his very existence was one teetering precariously on the edge of destruction. And yet curiously, the way he fought told Arcturus that the boy was striving to take the path of a hero. There was only one conclusion Arcturus could come to knowing that. He considered calling it out, but decided against it. If Caradin wanted Arcturus to comment on his quest for vengeance, then he would ask. Arcturus bringing it up himself would just be causing unnecessary damage.


Bear squinted at Celica, scrutinizing her alongside her request. He didn't have a good reason as to why just yet, but he couldn't shake the feeling she was hiding something. If he got the chance he'd have to ask Sain to try to figure her out, because if she really was hiding something, it was probably beyond Bear's capacity to figure it out. He glanced at Winter to see if she had any comment, but his ward seemed busy pouting. He'd chide her later on not acknowledging the thanks given to her. Right now she probably still felt like she had a good reason, and he didn't want to start an argument. It seemed Bear was going to have to handle this himself.

"Astra will answer any questions you have about the tournament." he said, closing his eyes to go back to sleep.
Am Shami, I run RPs. People seem to like them.
Currently focused on Defile Circles, a game all about being corrupted by demonic powers while trying to figure out a magic system where there are literally billions of possible spells.
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Re: [IC] TTG2: Public Void - Chapter 1: Hope
« Reply #28 on: February 21, 2020, 10:15:02 pm »


Neon was at first a bit disappointed with how quickly Raguel had been pacified; a stark contrast to how his usual fights went. Though, Arcturus had shed a light on an obscure weakness of the mech, that it was possible to overwhelm its spark's energy absorption. Besides Arcturus, the only other person she could imagine accomplishing such a feat would be Trinity, though he hadn't been able to take advantage of it in his previous matches. Perhaps that spoke volumes to how skilled Arcturus exactly was, how his power came not just from arcane magic but also the refinement of various techniques.

"And now~ Our turn. C'mon, let's go~" With a skip and a hop, Neon entered the ring and gestured for Trinity to follow. As the two got into position, she summoned her mech seamlessly. The difference was mostly on the inside, after all.

She pointed straight at him and winked. "Remember, there's no need to hold back here. Give me a workout to die for, would you?"

Sutoratosu Akira

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Re: [IC] TTG2: Public Void - Chapter 1: Hope
« Reply #29 on: February 21, 2020, 10:40:18 pm »

Revenant's Workshop
"Weird..." Revenant took a deep breath, steadying himself to back down to an objective place of mind "Does not... even begin to describe... this. this is groundbreaking, amazing... unfathomable, unheard of!"
     Unable to curb his enthusiasm, he sprang from his chair and got closer to the drone, examining it from every angle he could. Behind him yet another blank document opened on his terminal, again rapidly filling with text, though this time formatted as an actual scientific report. "Asmodeus, look at this!"
     "I've been looking the whole time, Sully!" came the AI's disgruntled voice from the Terminal
     "Well look harder!" Revenant shot back, "Make you sure you get every detail about this! this challenges... everything we think we know about the limitations around summoning mechs."
     "..." rather than waste the energy responding further, Asmodeus simply did as he was told, accelerating the rate at which he filled out the report. After a few further moments of gawking at the device, Revenant turned his attention to Maddie herself. Once again, his eyes shimmered with the intensity of dancing embers, the clear indication of mental gears working overtime to formulate a hypothesis for the anomaly standing before him.
    "Hunter," he began, "How long have you been able to do this?"

Caridin (Having just finished a can of whoop ass in the arena)
To see his gambit fail so utterly, and not through any action of his opponent but from his own ineptitude, was quite the deflating moment for Caridin, to say the least. He had to have uttered at least a thousand curses at himself under his tongue as he'd sheepishly dismissed his mech and followed after the mysterious man. Was this even truly a man, though? He seemed far more like something akin to the gods than to a simple mortal. Caridin had no inkling of just right that idle thought was until the warrior introduced himself... again.
    "Well... that explains a lot, I s'pose" the boy responded, rubbing the back of his neck. "ye know it's funny. Ye said the first time we met, I demanded to talk to ye. Now after having my arse handed to me, I don't even know I intended to say."

Of course, Caridin realized, it was fully possible whatever questions he'd wanted to ask this man had been purged with everything else about that encounter. In that case, he was well and truly fecked for finding those questions again any time soon. Yet here he was, sitting with a man so powerful he had literally served as the final test of resolve and power for the god who saved all of Tempest. It seemed a damn shame to not at least glean something of substance from this encounter. And so... Caridin simply went with the only question that came to him now:

"so uh... what did I say in that fight just now, seeing as we were talking as warriors and such?"
« Last Edit: February 21, 2020, 10:46:49 pm by Stratos »
"Reality, unlike fiction, has no obligation to conform to what people find believable." -Chroniqler
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