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Author Topic: [IC] TTG2: Public Void - Chapter 1: Hope  (Read 10784 times)


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[IC] TTG2: Public Void - Chapter 1: Hope
« on: February 20, 2020, 02:07:53 pm »


Interaction Phase

Maddie and Tarmo, visiting the Revenant's workshop

Although he'd been in Hope for almost two weeks, Tarmo hadn't had much he was able to do. While the rest of the selections were finishing, he and the others had been given little freedom to leave their quarters. It wasn't done to stifle them, the Trial's organizers just hadn't had time to set up the proper facilities for the challengers to use, but it was still pretty stifling. Thankfully, that was over now, and they were all free to roam about.

Tarmo had chosen to roam to the Revenant's workshop, a small but neat room with walls covered in various gadgetry. There was an operating table in the center with the apparatus that extracted Favor hanging from the ceiling above it. It reminded Tarmo of every other workshop or laboratory he'd seen, although most were at least a little messier than this. There were two other people in the workshop. And older man with dreadlocks who could only be the Revenant, and a girl he recognized as the challenger from Gluttony, Ethereal Hunter. She seemed to have just arrived herself, as she was trying to get the attention of the Revenant, who was distracted with something on one of his many computers.

Ookami, Caradin, and Neon, practice arena

C̕͝҉o̵͠m̡̕é̷͘̕͏ ̸̴͝͝t͞o̶̢ ̵̡́͟͡t̷͠h̢͘e̛͠ ́̕̕͢a̷̡͠͠ŕ̷̨͘͢e͏̶́͡n̷͘a̛͏̧̀͞,̧҉̨͜ ̛͘ẃ̴͢͟è̢̕͢'̧͏ĺ̶l̛͞͏ ͟͝t̶̵́͘ą̛̛l̸̵̢͘ķ͘͏ ͏̨̀͠͞t̢̕h̶̴̀͝͏é͘ņ

Caradin couldn't shake those words. He didn't know where they had come from and the memory of them was hazy at best. During his time here, he'd found himself alone with those words in his room, able to do nothing but wait. Now that the arena was open, he would finally have his answer.

The practice arena was a private space reserved for the challengers and people directly related to the Trial. It was a standard arena crafted into the shape of a shallow bowl with a flat center using Hope's unusual shapeshifting properties and with a small spectator section protected behind an almost invisible force field. The room above also seemed to have been converted into a camera space for recording matches, although it was unlikely anyone was up there right now.

He was not the first to arrive at the arena, there were three others already there. He first noticed Neon Aletheia, one of the other two challengers who had arrived with him two weeks prior. There was also a young man, or at least Caradin was pretty sure he was a man, Trinity. Caradin had beat him in a couple of major tournaments before, although it had never sparked much of a rivalry. Trinity seemed to care more about having fun than winning, which was probably why he had so many fans. That and his ridiculously cute face. Behind Caradin, he heard the sound of the transporter activating as someone else followed him into the arena. When he glanced back to see who it was, he spotted the wily old man that was Unequivocal Soul, Hope's own challenger.

"You made it! Hurry over and we'll get started!" The third occupant of the arena called out to Caradin, and he immediately recognized the jovial voice as the one who had spoken the words trapped in his mind.

The owner of the voice was a tall man with ebony skin and a bald head. He looked to be in his late thirties, his powerful muscles indicating that he was still well within his prime. Matching this, his orange eyes were still bright with the fires of youth, although Caradin could sense that they also held more than a hit of the wisdom that comes with age. Considering the scars that covered the man's bare chest, Caradin could only conclude that this was a man whose wisdom had been forged in the fires of battle. The man was wearing some kind of skin-tight pants and a pair of leather sandals, a rather unusual outfit that Caradin instinctively recognized as being designed for use in battle. Whoever this mysterious man who could leave words in Caradin's head was, he was clearly a warrior.

Aleks, Elspeth, and Celica, challenger cafeteria

Having not had anything decent to eat the entire week she'd been in Hope, Celica had made her way to the cafeteria as soon as she was informed it was open. Much to her immense dismay, the artisan chef from Greed that was supposed to attend them wasn't there, instead there were simply a bunch of trashy frozen dinners set out on a counter. Behind said counter was a young woman not much older than Celica herself. Dressed in what seemed to be a servant's uniform, she had pale skin, jet black hair, and red eyes.

"Welcome to the cafeteria, Miss Sycophant." The woman said with a shallow bow, "I'm Winter. The chef will be here in a few days, until then I'll be taking his place."

Aside from Winter and Celica, there were four others in the room. Fellow challengers Ruby Darter, who had arrived alongside Celica a week prior, and Midas, who had arrived a few days before them, were both currently occupying seats in the dining area. A rotund man that Celica recognized as Sleeping Bear was living up to his name by taking a nap in his chair. And lastly, a tall man with wild white hair and an angry glare, who from that description could only be Astra, was slouching at the counter, though he didn't seem to be interested in getting any food.

Seeing as the dining area had several sets of tables and seats, there was plenty of room for everyone to ignore each other if they wanted. But sitting in a group could also provide opportunities to get to know one another, maybe even get a leg up in the Trial itself. Of course, sitting with Bear would be ideal, as his wisdom had become known throughout the Planes with the advent of moss communicators, but it seemed like accessing that wisdom would be difficult in his current state. If anyone wanted to pick his brain, first they'd have to wake him.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2020, 02:17:08 pm by Takosher »
Am Shami, I run RPs. People seem to like them.
Currently focused on Defile Circles, a game all about being corrupted by demonic powers while trying to figure out a magic system where there are literally billions of possible spells.
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Re: [IC] TTG2: Public Void
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2020, 02:35:47 pm »

Maddie had just arrived at Hope the other day - it kinda bugged her she was the last to finish, as if she'd been holding everyone up. But of course, with Gluttony's drawn out selection process it was sort of inevitable. She'd said goodbye to her family and hopped on the train, and then immediately after arriving at Hope got sent to her room. She'd been tired when she got there so she hadn't minded so much, but then she was asked to stay there while they got the facilities ready and that was incredibly boring. Annnd now she was free!

It had been a long process, deciding between whether she would visit the Hellfire Knight to properly greet her host and getting her mech checked out by the creator of the Revelation system himself, but eventually decided on the latter; it had been forever since she'd been able to see a mechanic and while she was making do on her own, it was still probably a good idea to get it done before the first round. So she got ready in her room, putting on the "up and coming challenger" persona and hoping that people saw that instead of a countryside girl entirely out of her depth.

So here she was in the workshop. She didn't notice Tarmo entering, occupied as she was getting the man's attention. "Hey, you're the Revenant right? I'm Ethereal Hunter, one of the challengers, although you probably already knew that, could you take a look at my mech? I just got here the other day, so it's worth getting it checked out." Right, right, not nervous that you're talking to the creator of the Revelation system, just a normal fighter getting her mech checked out...
Of course, Twin is neither man nor woman but an unholy eldritch abomination like every other Bay12er. The difference is they hide it better.
Quote from: Caellath on IRC
<Caellath>: Twinwolf, your thirst for blood has been noted.

Sutoratosu Akira

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Re: [IC] TTG2: Public Void - Chapter 1: Hope
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2020, 03:09:22 pm »

Revenant's Workshop
A crawl of data flowed across the screen that currently occupied Revenant. Upon Closer examination from behind him, Maddie might notice a few bits and pieces; namely raw mech ratings coupled with looked to be pulled quotes from various analysts. On the table in front of Revenant sat a small sphere, colored black and red with a set of delicate electronic tools beside it. It emitted a quiet, but still rather audible hum which was easily overcome by Maddie's announcement.

"Sully. We have Company..."A graveled voice called from unknown source in the ceiling. Revenant waved a hand at it dismissively, before turning about face, eyes fixed to one corner of the room.
    "Thank you, Asmo, as if I didn't hear her just now." He turned his attention to Maddie, then to Tarmo as he noticed him further off, "Well well, The Wandering Dragon and the Ethereal Hunter. Welcome to the place where the magic happens. What can I help you with? And before either of you get any ideas, no. Can't do any modifications to your mechs, the Gods said something about how they wanted all of you to proceed through this using the builds that got you here to begin with."

Caridin (Arena)
Caridin stood there for a moment, taking in the sight of the man before him. There was definitely a pang of familiarity to him, even if he couldn't for the life of him recall why besides recognizing his voice. That's right... how long ago had that been? Just after he'd arrived? Sometime after it? No, no.... couldn't have been then. At least he didn't think so, he had no recollection of receiving any visitors while sojourned in his quarters. Then again that wasn't saying much considering he also couldn't even recall the interaction where those few words had been spoken. He was far from used to that feeling, forgetting something without actively wanting or trying to... as if it had been forcefully slipped right out of his mind. That eMail he'd received from some rando had just made the whole situation all the more engrossing, yet funnily enough he could recall that message absolutely perfectly:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Even though Caridin's gut highly doubted that this absolute unit of a warrior before him had anything to do with it, he still couldn't but feel maybe, just maybe, something about this meeting would help him make sense of that other message. Thus, he waved back to the man cordially as he walked over. At the same time his eyes shifted to a soft gold as he channeled his entire focus into observing the man's appearance, his mannerisms and disposition, and inevitably, the subject matter they would be discussing this time. He had no inkling of how he'd forgotten their apparent first encounter, but he had no intention of forgetting the second as well.
    "So..." he began, "yer the one who left that message to come to the arena, then?"
"Reality, unlike fiction, has no obligation to conform to what people find believable." -Chroniqler


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Re: [IC] TTG2: Public Void - Chapter 1: Hope
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2020, 03:25:45 pm »

Maddie was a bit confused why they mentioned Wandering Dragon until she turned around and saw the man had entered behind her. To her credit she managed to keep the surprise mostly under control, and after a few seconds to make sure her voice wouldn't come out as a squeak she turned back to the Revenant. "Right, right, heard about that. Not asking you for changes though, just a..." What's the right word, what's the word... check ups are for people not mechs, so... "Diagnostic? To make sure that everything is operating correctly, keep it in top shape, all that."
Of course, Twin is neither man nor woman but an unholy eldritch abomination like every other Bay12er. The difference is they hide it better.
Quote from: Caellath on IRC
<Caellath>: Twinwolf, your thirst for blood has been noted.


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Re: [IC] TTG2: Public Void - Chapter 1: Hope
« Reply #4 on: February 20, 2020, 04:07:31 pm »


Since Celica had arrived, Hope had proven again and again to not be a sufficient place for the young noble. That was for a variety of reasons, but the food quality was definitely one of the main reasons, as she had been fed frozen garbage for the last two weeks. She had been dealing with it thanks to the promise of an actual chef who would be arriving at some point before the fights began. So when she had heard that the cafeteria was finally open, it was a rare moment of excitement for the normally calm girl, leading her to finish some personal paperwork before rushing to where she assumed good food would be waiting.

Except she ended up being disappointed when she saw the same garbage set up as if to taunt her. At least Hope lived up to its name, leaving her longing for better days.

"A pleasure to meet you, Miss Winter" Celica replied in a cheerful voice, taking only a few bits of food for herself (barely enough to even qualify as a meal) before she rolled away, tired eyes scanning the entire room as she went. She didn't have any reason to speak with Winter, seeing as she wasn't important in any way, shape, or form, but there were others who had caught her attention. Astra, one of the challengers for godhood; Sleeping Bear, one of the actual gods; and two of her opponents, Ruby Darter and Midas. She had spent enough time on her own doing research to easily recognize these faces, but she hadn't expected one of the gods to chose to be here, much less sleep here. However, though she had initially planned to scout out her opponents and their personalities, a god offered a whole new avenue for progress.

Altering her course slightly, Celica made her way over the Sleeping Bear, the food on her tray still untouched as she did so. Though she cleared her throat as she approached, Celica did not expect the god to wake up so easily. But she could at least start small and work her way up, "Excuse me, Bear" she began, speaking in a tone slightly louder than she normally spoke in, whilst leaning forward to tap on Bear's arm.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2020, 10:23:09 am by GodofGamingRWBY »
Just some nerd who thinks they're a half decent writer.
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Re: [IC] TTG2: Public Void - Chapter 1: Hope
« Reply #5 on: February 20, 2020, 07:47:50 pm »

Tarmo met Maddie's eyes as she glanced back, an icy, intense gaze that felt like she was being searched for weaknesses. The feeling only lasted a moment, though, as the man turned to walk a different direction into the workshop. "Hello, Revenant," he called back, raising his (single) arm in a greeting. "I need nothing urgent." Truthfully, he'd only come to see if anything here interested him, as evidenced by the way he immediately began poking about the lab, investigating gadgets while being careful not to disturb them. Labs were familiar places to him, at least, and it seemed they all had some traits in common.
GM of Trespassers V2.
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Re: [IC] TTG2: Public Void - Chapter 1: Hope
« Reply #6 on: February 20, 2020, 08:51:12 pm »

Aleks could barely wait for the fights to start proper. If he remembered correctly they weren't for about another week, but seeing - knowing - that all his competitors had arrived made him feel excitement on a level he hadn't felt in a while. The tournament to become Greed's champion was tough, for certain, but he had mostly entered on a whim, not expecting to make it as far as he had. Strange how so many of his foes seemed unable to avoid being struck down before even a minute passed - and stranger still how so few were even able to scratch him at all, spark or no spark.

Now that he was here, though, far from the luxuries he usually enjoyed on his travels... he was loving it! While of course the meals were on the surface terrible, something about them gave Aleks a massive wave of nostalgia. They reminded him of his times of struggle, when deals fell through or the weeks after he lost one of his high-stakes bets, building his way back up from his losses...

Hopefully (ha ha), Aleks would finally be able to experience... a little bit of challenge again.

Seeing that Celica was already heading over to speak to Sleeping Bear, Aleks instead turned over to Ruby Darter. "So, what brings you here, to the tournament?" Whatever the reason she had were probably a lot more interesting to hear than his, and maybe he'd be able to gain an edge or learn something to spice up a fight.


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Re: [IC] TTG2: Public Void - Chapter 1: Hope
« Reply #7 on: February 20, 2020, 09:19:16 pm »


Neon had spent the last few days studying for the upcoming battle. While Ethereal Hunter's records were something indeed to be cautious about, she was also using the opportunity to shake off the distasteful feeling Swag had left for her after their friendly talk. Though something told her that she had probably left a mark on him in return as well, however shallow it was. All that was in the past now, however.

There was something quite interesting in the room, and that was the man himself, Trinity. It was the dream of countless boys and girls to meet with Trinity, though for Neon in particular, he was a direct competitor. Luckily for both of them, they weren't going to be meeting in a public arena anytime soon.

"Hey, Trinity! What brought you here?" She waved at him with an earnest smile, though she paid a slight attention to how Caridin was seemingly about to enter the ring with a suspicious figure as well.

Sutoratosu Akira

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Re: [IC] TTG2: Public Void - Chapter 1: Hope
« Reply #8 on: February 20, 2020, 09:44:02 pm »

Revenant's Workshop

Revenant only nodded in response to Tarmo, leaving him free to look around. The warrior would notice as he looked around that most of the monitors along the walls were blank aside from the one Revenant had been viewing, but periodically he'd catch one briefly come to life out of the corner of his eye, displaying a... well it was difficult to figure exactly what the hell was staring at him from the brief glances, but the thing had a ghoulish face to be sure, complete with a large nose, beady eyes, pointed ears and sharp fangs on its bottom jaw made all the more prominent by its sizable underbite. It's beady eyes seemed to follow him wherever he went.

Along the wall opposite the door into the workshop sat all manner of precision machining equipment: lathes, milling machines, drill presses, saws, grinders, even a set of robotic arms mounted to the ceiling. The wall to the left of the door was comparatively sparse, occupied only by a computer terminal on a simple desk, several locked metal cabinets, and a small sink in the far corner.
   The wall to the right of the door, meanwhile, was occupied with a sizable table spanning it's whole length, part of it dedicated towards a workbench with a great myriad of drawers and cabinets overhead and underneath, and a powerful overhead light and magnifying glass to boot. Lying on the workbench currently was a small, strange little cube with holes the seemed like they were designed for some sort of strap to be fastened through them. Beside said cube sat what seemed to be a small child's puzzle, consisting of a series of small, colored metallic bars bent to 90 degree angles on each end, interlocked with one another into the form of a rudimentary cube.
As Tarmo took a tour of the workshop, Revenant focused his attention on Maddie.
   "Well, in that case everything should be alright," He responded. He gestured towards the operating table as he turned towards the computer terminal on his desk. "Go on then, I'm sure you're quite familiar with how this goes. Get ready, get on the table, and then we can begin the diagnostic."
"Reality, unlike fiction, has no obligation to conform to what people find believable." -Chroniqler


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Re: [IC] TTG2: Public Void - Chapter 1: Hope
« Reply #9 on: February 20, 2020, 09:53:34 pm »

As the Wandering Dragon explored the workshop - it had felt like the man had been staring into her soul - Maddie relaxed a little. Even if he... wasn't as tall as she'd expected from all the videos (camera adds a few inches, it seemed) he was somewhat intimidating.

In any case, diagnostic stuff. The apparatus was something she remembered from last time she got her mech updated, so this part was simple. "Yep, done this a bunch of times, one second..." Maddie said, carefully getting onto the table (she didn't think it was delicate, but best be cautious) and lying down. "So, who was that voice a second ago? I didn't see anyone else in here." she said, trying to make conversation while she got her shirt off for the diagnostic. The first time she'd done that it had been... pretty disconcerting, but she was fairly comfortable with it these days.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2020, 09:56:52 pm by Twinwolf »
Of course, Twin is neither man nor woman but an unholy eldritch abomination like every other Bay12er. The difference is they hide it better.
Quote from: Caellath on IRC
<Caellath>: Twinwolf, your thirst for blood has been noted.

Sutoratosu Akira

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Re: [IC] TTG2: Public Void - Chapter 1: Hope
« Reply #10 on: February 20, 2020, 11:00:17 pm »

Revenant's Workshop

"That was Asmodeus," Revenant answered "My partner and lab assistant. He's an AI, made him when I was a lot younger... and a lot more foolish-"
    "And just what," interrupted the same graveled voice from earlier. "Is that supposed to mean, Sully?"
    "Exactly what it sounds like it, Asmo. I was young, I was dumb, and I made you too damn smart for your own good."
     A long stretch of silence followed, before the AI softly chuckled, and Sully along with him. Through this little exchange, the apparatus and the needle attached to it had been steadily lowering itself towards Maddie, and as the AI and Revenant laughed at their inside joke, it finally pierced her, just a little to the left of her sternum. Despite it's intimidating size, she would only feel a slight prick as it broke the skin, and little else afterwards. Various bits of data danced across Revenant's screen as the needle phased into Maddie's Dreamspace, with what he saw becoming stranger by the minute...
    "...How... This is..." He shook his head as he shifted through the readouts one by one "This makes no sense... what the hell is this fragmentation all about? And where are all the traces of past repairs? There's no way you got this far without getting damaged in a single match, even with your set up, absolutely not... Asmodues!"
    "I already double checked the analysis," the AI answered from above. "It's... accurate."
    "Accurate my ass," Revenant pondered to himself. "Unless... no... besides Bear, there is no one in all of tempest even near that capable of doing it for this long, without completely fucking it all up." The apparent truth of the matter couldn't be helped though. Sighing, the mechanic shook his head and swiveled in his chair to face Maddie. He still glanced back at the screen every now and again though.

"Well... I'll give you this kiddo," he began "You're an anomaly. From the looks of this stuff here, the only times you've actually been to a mechanic are for upgrades. No trace of professional repair... but this fragmenting is similar to what I see in some of the more DIY Meditation enthusiasts who try to emulate Bear's prowess a bit too much. Most of those knuckleheads usually end up screwing something up and needing to come in to let an actual professional fix it. Even the ones who can do it without some horrible misstep know better than to rely on their own method over professional repairs."
    He swiveled back to the terminal, bringing up a few old diagnosis files with readouts leagues more chaotic than Maddie's own had appeared "Going off every recorded case I have seen or studied, past precedent dictates that given how long you've been doing this, your mech should be a horribly twisted mess of broken programming that is barely even recognizable as a functioning specimen. Yet here you are, with one that aside from some fragmenting in certain parts, is relatively alright. How did you do it, kid? I genuinely want to know, this has to be documented."

"Reality, unlike fiction, has no obligation to conform to what people find believable." -Chroniqler


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Re: [IC] TTG2: Public Void - Chapter 1: Hope
« Reply #11 on: February 20, 2020, 11:29:06 pm »

Maddie nodded as the Revenant and Asmodeus bantered, trying pointedly not to look at the needle. She hummed a tune to herself as she waited, and the mechanic started to analyze her data. And then she got a bit worried, because he started talking about it making no sense. "Is something wrong? It's been running fine so far..." Maddie asked, and then the man turned to her and started asking questions.

She blinked when he compared it to how mechs usually break when worked on wrong. "I had that happen once, when I was... thirteen I think? We had to pay for a mechanic and Dad got on my case not to break it again... so I didn't. Is it really that weird? I just..." Can't afford mechanics, "Like working on it myself, you know? I'd done something wrong the first time."

Then the man elaborated on just what was weird, and Maddie... honestly felt kinda proud of herself in regards to that, and that showed a bit. "I didn't honestly realize I was doing anything weird. The way it works is basically, I imagine how the mech is - whole thing, you know, not just how it looks but how it works and how the parts work, if it's got any damage, all that stuff -  and then I imagine how it's supposed to be, one part at a time, and imagine the real mech starting to look more like the one I'm imagining. First the feet, the thrusters and all that. The legs and their servos, you get the picture I think. It doesn't usually just, fix it instantly, unless the damage is superficial, but it really speeds it up. Can't say I've really had problems with doing it this way." She rubbed the back of her head a bit. "...I really didn't realize that it was strange, it's just... kinda how it's been for me since I started."
Of course, Twin is neither man nor woman but an unholy eldritch abomination like every other Bay12er. The difference is they hide it better.
Quote from: Caellath on IRC
<Caellath>: Twinwolf, your thirst for blood has been noted.


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Re: [IC] TTG2: Public Void - Chapter 1: Hope
« Reply #12 on: February 21, 2020, 12:09:27 am »

Tarmo listened in on the conversation in the background, trying and failing to split his focus between it and what he was looking at. Another day, perhaps. Combat, and the things surrounding it, demanded his focus, despite his best efforts. It was the only thing he was good for, after all. He circled back towards Revenant as he spoke with Ethereal Hunter, mentally noting down everything to ask about - particularly that unpleasant-looking face. While he did so, the exchange between the other two occupants of the room grew even more interesting. "So you practice meditation, then?" His voice was soft, almost startlingly so, not that he let this interfere with him being heard. "I wonder if there's something I will learn in particular. . ."
GM of Trespassers V2.
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Re: [IC] TTG2: Public Void - Chapter 1: Hope
« Reply #13 on: February 21, 2020, 10:19:39 am »


"Yes." the man answered, "I told you who I was and you demanded to speak with me." He stopped talking when he noticed Caradin looking at him intently. "Don't bother, I won't erase our encounter again. That was just to get you out of my hair."

The man turned away from Caradin and walked over to a few items set on the floor of the arena just behind him. He strapped small, monocle-like lens to his head with an elastic band, affixed a quiver of arrows to his lower leg, and then picked up a bow which he held loosely in his hands. "Ready to get started?"


Winter saw Celica going over to Bear and started to say something, but since Celica seemed intent on ignoring her, she chose to keep her mouth shut. Bear, of course, also kept his mouth shut. His eyes also chose to maintain a state that could reliably be described as "shut." Indeed, Celica's gentle speech and light tapping of the arm did nothing to rouse the god from his deep slumber. It would take much more than a little prodding to rouse Sleeping Bear.


Trinity met Neon's smile with his own. "I'm going to be commentating on the matches." He told her, "And since I got pretty far in Hope's selection, I thought I'd come here and see if anyone wanted to spar. Although compared to Arcturus I'm probably not even worth talking to." He giggled, dismissing the self deprecating remark as a joke. After all, Neon was talking to him.

"What about you?" Trinity asked, "Did you come to get some practice in?" Although he didn't offer just yet, the implication was that he would be willing to be Neon's sparring partner if she wanted.
Am Shami, I run RPs. People seem to like them.
Currently focused on Defile Circles, a game all about being corrupted by demonic powers while trying to figure out a magic system where there are literally billions of possible spells.
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Re: [IC] TTG2: Public Void - Chapter 1: Hope
« Reply #14 on: February 21, 2020, 11:29:11 am »


"I see, I see." Neon lifted her chin with a finger, her eyes staring right into Trinity's. "That makes two of us, then." She turned to the open arena below the spectator section. "It's not everyday that we'd get to fight without so many eyes watching, you know?"

"I say that we go after those two are done. I'll be getting a sneak preview of your commentaries in meantime~" Casual as they were, Neon had sensed self-depreciation from Trinity. It might be holding him back, and that kind of restraint would very much be detrimental to how the practice match would go. And besides, seeing someone as powerful as Arcturus fight right before her eyes would be a real treat.
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