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Author Topic: Citizens of the Empire Unite! All Power to the Kurultai! (IC)  (Read 4313 times)


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Citizens of the Empire Unite! All Power to the Kurultai! (IC)
« on: February 16, 2020, 02:07:29 am »

Turn 0: Sleeping Dragons (Pre-Revolution Resource Allocation)

The rugged lands of Kanogawa has been the home of the Charuke Clan for two centuries. Under their rule, it has blossomed into a centre of industry. In the Warring Clans Period, the Charuke had long held supremacy over the nearby lands and defiantly fought the clan of Kamon until the Battle of Miyahiri. Though the Charuke were victorious, the whole of the battle was but a feint, with Kamon Masaru's ninja creeping into Kanogawa City during the battle and slaying several key clan members and officials. Her core retainers slaughtered and her remaining family taken as hostages,  daimyo Charuke Sakura  made the decision to surrender. She has not forgiven the Kamon for her defeat, still arrogantly waiting for a chance to wage a war anew. At the same time, she knows that she cannot risk the extinction of her clan. For her own reasons, the famed kensei retired from clan leadership and deigned to teach her art to all those who would desire it on Mount Yashin. Her son, daimyo Charuke Ajin, is the nominal lord of the land, although all know that true power yet resides with his mother. If all goes according to the Shogunate's wishes, the legendary kensei will die of natural causes, eliminating the last obstacle to extending their authority over Kanogawa. Charuke Ajin is a known coward in the Shogunate, having failed to commit seppuku and forcing her mother to surrender in order to save him. That decision supposedly haunts him still. As a ruler, he follows the way of his mother and largely leaves the affairs of the realm to the officials. He spends most of his time writing poetry and attending to the geishas at his castle. Even by doing nothing, the Charuke still seem to accumulate wealth.

The land's wealth is of course, found in its iron. From this rare material was produced steel- which itself was used to make the weapons and armour of the Charuke. A large assortment of goods that are all too necessary for the upkeep of society are made from Kanogawa's metals; nails, pots, shovels, axes, traps, hooks, cutlery, frames, furniture- and yet many others. Whole caravan trains travel to and from Kanogawa's cities and villages, each destined for the iron-deficient lands that make up the rest of Yamato. For all its reputation as a centre of industry however, most of the population is still involved in agriculture, although peace has resulted in more food being brought in from outside the region. Preserved seafood and manatee steak is greatly appreciated in Kanogawa, owing to its landlocked state. Indeed, most of Kanogawa's waterways are but streams and brooks.

Of course, Kanogawa is not its lordly clan or its wealth, but its people. The people of Kanogawa are known for their industry, stubbornness and thrift. For centuries, the people have become used to the fact that they are higher (both literally and metaphorically) than their lowland neighbours- and more blessed by the earth. For while the lowlands had great quantities of rye and barley, this only fed a man; it did not make one. Kanogawans believe that a tough life is what shapes character and that giving in to one's desires too often is a path to wickedness and loss. For that reason, the number of Meditationist monks in Kanogawa is rather high.

Whilst these traditional values permeate Kanogawan thought, life in practise, is much less optimal. The guildmasters of the land administrate the affairs of the realm. Many are corrupt, using the authority granted to them to enrich themselves and their clans - to the detriment of the people. Those who cannot (or will not) follow the wishes of the guildmasters find their lives harder, sometimes impossible. Those who speak out against this are visited by guild thugs. Those who are visited are highly encouraged to leave Kanogawa or change their mind about the corruption issue. Those who refuge this kindness are soon forgotten about, their homes sold off and any assets they had distributed amongst the guildmasters and their lackeys. Consequently, an oni may sometimes find a bag of fresh meat near its cave. Sometimes, the red-light markets find themselves restocked. Sometimes, the cremation furnace is seen to be working through the night.

As a result of this, many are those who harbour antipathy for both the guilds and their daimyo. Some turn towards religion, others to the shogun. Some, it is said, seek more taboo paths. Some speak of it in whispers, in dark cellars and hidden caves. They speak of liberty and equality, of goodness and unity. They speak of the Red-Wrung Ideal.

Spoiler: Kanogawa Map (click to show/hide)

The Revolution has been in the works for seasons and years and each member of the Supreme Kurultai has used the resources at their disposal to ensure their success. In this phase of the game, the Genro allocate resources and time to the furthering of the Revolution, prior to the day of uprising. Some of these choices are more straightforward than others, with some having unintended consequences. Genro may share resources in order to carry out the Revolution. The resources in this phase of the game are:

Connections: Knowing a guy or two to do a job opens the door to many opportunities.
Relationships: In the world of traitors, it is best to keep some friends at hand.
Incidents: Kidnappings, strikes, murders or thefts; both over and covert.
Secrets: Forbidden lores, embarrassments, weaknesses, strengths; all perfect for planning and blackmail.
Wealth: Sometimes, you can throw money at a problem. Wealth can be used to improve the effectiveness of an action.
Zeal: True belief can erode mountains and becalm storms. Zeal can be used to improve the effectiveness of an action.

Note that no matter what actions are taken, the Revolution will have access to forces and resources based off Genro backgrounds once the Revolution begins in earnest.

Spoiler: Plots (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Cells (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Actions (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Unique Actions (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Fiefs (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: OOC Link (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: March 07, 2020, 01:19:01 am by micelus »
You win Nakeen
Marduk is my waifu
Inanna is my husbando


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Re: Citizens of the Empire Unite! All Power to the Kurultai! (IC)
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2020, 05:53:36 am »

Secret journal of "Mumei" Nakamura

~~~Fourth Month of the Year XXX~~~

"The scent of iron
Or is it the scent of blood?
People of the land
A wind of revolution
Will soon blow in your favor"

After years of preparation and intrigue, I face once more the square of reunion. Today an old promise is upholded, today four sleeping dragons reunite.
A dragon hailing from the lands of the west. One of exotic ideas, of alien culture.
A dragon of faith, whose vigorous youth is only matched by his fervor in the Singularity.
A dragon of noble blood, most fiery and fearsome. A deadly and elegant flower.
A dragon of many trades, of challenging ideas. Ambitious, and ruthless.

What they gathered, who they recruited, I do not know yet. I smile in anticipation. For soon the dragons will awaken.

In Kanogawa. Land of iron. Land of the Kensei. Subject to envy, subject to fear. I have spent great time studying daimyo Charuke Sakura in the company of men and women of letters and words. Truly an amazing individual this Charuke Sakura. A woman loved by the sword, and blessed with great wisdom. A woman filled with love for her land and her people.

The only weakness in an otherwise perfect swordsman.

It is my hope that the view of the kensei can be made to align ours.
It would be a great loss, and a great sadness if she were to remain blind to the wrongs of the Shogunate.
Because in that case, we would have to show that not even the Kensei can stop the revolution...
« Last Edit: February 16, 2020, 06:07:25 am by Nakéen »


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Re: Citizens of the Empire Unite! All Power to the Kurultai! (IC)
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2020, 02:00:58 am »

Zhang Jian in his priestly robes, arrives promptly to the discussion where all of his other colleagues known as the Genros. Preparing a notebook that he takes out of his satchel, and puts his hand at his chin and spends a good minute to formulate his mental thinking and to start his oratory and starts the discussion.

“Now let’s see here, we need both the support of the military and the mass populace before we can start the attempt of overthrowing, and I feel we should attempt a non-forceful approach based on the understanding of the lost souls, to see the corrupt system that takes advantage of them. The first matter is where our headquarter shall be, as well as how many resources should be allocated in creating self-governing cells in each of the different fiefs. There was some talk about the starting of the HQ in the inhabited forest, which I kind of agree with, it will be discrete when the rising happens. As for our other cells, I feel like we all have the respective connections and relationship with people of wealth, to create more of them. But I feel at least a second cell in the major Trade City should happen.

Another, point of interest is that of how we should all allocate resources on the time we spend before the revolutions and the plots to enact. I personally will focus on the masses to recruit the largest amount of souls for our paramilitary fighting force, but they could use some training for our experienced leaders even if matchlocks aren’t more difficult and sophisticated to use compared to a Yumi, though they have stopping power to stop an armored samurai on a horse on its tracks, so that would mean arms manufacturing would also be important, which my efforts will be focused on Okimichi to produce the necessary weapons. As for the Genros. Nakamura, your scholarly approach will be fruitful in the attempt of getting the educated population on our side, getting more modernized technology for the people and our army, maybe know of any technology that could be invaluable when the time happens?, I’ve also been asking to your assistance with your clandestine approach to things, your secrets on the world could help me with trying to desecrate the town to help the spiritually-drained population to join the cause to have satiate that need.

As for my final thoughts, Eri will great for those so-stated clandestine and subtle approaches to the revolution, have any main objectives of mind that you desire to be completed. Lastly, Silverstein your conversion and recruiting to the merchants will be extremely helpful the second we start, and maybe you have some thoughts on how to utilize some newly made gadgets, and what you would desire for these inventions. What do you desire them to improve? military, civil, political, etc.”


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Re: Citizens of the Empire Unite! All Power to the Kurultai! (IC)
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2020, 04:33:23 am »

The nameless Nakamura listened intently to Zhang Jian's speech. When his fellow Genro was done, the elder spoke in turn.

"Thank you for opening the discussion Zhang. I agree without your suggestions, my skills would be better used bringing great minds to our side. I also intend to gather more secrets about the domain of Kanogawa, especially the mysterious forests of the north. Which brings me to our headquarters. Your arguments are valid, and I agree with all of them.

However I suggest our headquarters be placed in none other than Kanogawa City, the very core of the domain. While a risky gamble, I believe that with the right moves we will be able to take Kanogawa City and by extension all of the domain in one fell swoop. I have plans for that, and I hope to hear your thoughts on these matter.

Before I start exposing them, let me remind you an important fact we know about the Kensei. Daimyo Charuke Sakura is bound to the Shogun by threats of hostages instead of loyalty. I have two plans to get the Kensei to our side by using her captive relatives. The first plan is simple, and consists in releasing said hostages to bring them to daimyo Charuke Sakura, after which I could use the secrets I have acquired to bring her to our cause. I will be honest though, as I cannot guarantee such a plan would succeed. The second plan, however..."

Nakamura paused, and resumed with a ruthless voice.

"Would likely have a higher chance of succeeding. We assassinate the hostages, and put the blame on the Shogunate. The Kensei is akin to an immovable rock. Unbreakable. But she has a crack, a weakness: her love for her family. This plan would cause her to fly into rage and lower her defenses, and like the rock, her fall will be greater. She will be shattered, and we will use that opportunity to bring her to our side. We could also kill two birds in one stone by forging incriminating evidence against the corrupt Za Masters, connecting them to the assassination under the pretense that their greed caused them to seek to overthrow the Charuke clan."

Headquarter vote: Kanogawa City or Primeval Forest

Plots suggestion: Rescue/Assassinate the Charuke Hostages, and/or accuse the Za Masters of seeking to overthrow the Charuke Clan.

Actions planned: Uncover secrets about Kanogawa and the Primeval Forest. Consort with the Intelligensia, spread propaganda...



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Re: Citizens of the Empire Unite! All Power to the Kurultai! (IC)
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2020, 05:27:02 am »

"I intend to seize the Ozu Clan," Ai states bluntly. "They control a large and poorly defended agricultural and population center, and an unexpected promotion may persuade their new leader to bow to me."

She doesn't bother correcting herself to 'us' before continuing.

"Of course, such schemes may fail. In which case Yamamizu will burn and the Ozu will kneel or be exterminated as fate decrees."

She turns a page in front of her as though selecting a soup.

"Ah, yes. There are only two good men in this country that I'm aware of, and I intend to have them both. The first is a peerless general to lead our forces. The second is a mighty sorcerer who conjures demons to do his bidding. Both will be indispensable under my command."

She once again provides no correction to 'our command' before moving on.

"I otherwise intend to recruit Samurai from Shin-Kanogawa, Yashimura, and the Primeval Forest. The first is a densely populated trading city, likely with many wanderers. The second is a moderately sized town known for its military training. The third is a gamble," she concludes with a shrug. "If there's anything worth having in there, I will have it. If there's naught but bugs and weeds, I'll be made a fool of. Again."

She glances at one last note on the table.

"Speaking of which, I will begrudgingly spare some time to train the diseased rabble we have accumulated. Polished trash is still trash, but I have a duty to ensure they are not completely worthless. I might suggest someone else acquires arms and supplies for this purpose, else they will be as poorly equipped as they are bathed."

Plots Planned: Adjust Ozu Leadership
Actions Planned: x3 Consort with Samurai, x2 Hero of the Revolution + Pure Determination, x1 Drill
Actions Requested: Acquiring Materiel (Effective for Eri, Karuzuki Ai and Silverstein "Sibin" Erill)

“Now let’s see here, we need both the support of the military and the mass populace before we can start the attempt of overthrowing, and I feel we should attempt a non-forceful approach based on the understanding of the lost souls, to see the corrupt system that takes advantage of them. The first matter is where our headquarter shall be, as well as how many resources should be allocated in creating self-governing cells in each of the different fiefs. There was some talk about the starting of the HQ in the inhabited forest, which I kind of agree with, it will be discrete when the rising happens. As for our other cells, I feel like we all have the respective connections and relationship with people of wealth, to create more of them. But I feel at least a second cell in the major Trade City should happen."
The nameless Nakamura listened intently to Zhang Jian's speech. When his fellow Genro was done, the elder spoke in turn.

"Thank you for opening the discussion Zhang. I agree without your suggestions, my skills would be better used bringing great minds to our side. I also intend to gather more secrets about the domain of Kanogawa, especially the mysterious forests of the north. Which brings me to our headquarters. Your arguments are valid, and I agree with all of them.

However I suggest our headquarters be placed in none other than Kanogawa City, the very core of the domain. While a risky gamble, I believe that with the right moves we will be able to take Kanogawa City and by extension all of the domain in one fell swoop. I have plans for that, and I hope to hear your thoughts on these matter."

"The Primeval Forest is a good choice. Isolated and steeped in horror, fitting for rebels and with a chance of wielding something our foes have never seen before.

Shin-Kanogawa is another option. Controlling trade is an important strategic consideration, as is controlling a major population center. The city is well-defended, but not relative to the prize it represents.

Tairana is a sound choice as well. It's poorly defended and sparse, but is a good place to train soldiers and secure mounts. We will require a great many of both in days to come."

HQ Vote: Primeval Forest, Shin-Kanogawa, or Tairana

"However I suggest our headquarters be placed in none other than Kanogawa City, the very core of the domain. While a risky gamble, I believe that with the right moves we will be able to take Kanogawa City and by extension all of the domain in one fell swoop. I have plans for that, and I hope to hear your thoughts on these matter.

Before I start exposing them, let me remind you an important fact we know about the Kensei. Daimyo Charuke Sakura is bound to the Shogun by threats of hostages instead of loyalty. I have two plans to get the Kensei to our side by using her captive relatives. The first plan is simple, and consists in releasing said hostages to bring them to daimyo Charuke Sakura, after which I could use the secrets I have acquired to bring her to our cause. I will be honest though, as I cannot guarantee such a plan would succeed. The second plan, however..."

Nakamura paused, and resumed with a ruthless voice.

"Would likely have a higher chance of succeeding. We assassinate the hostages, and put the blame on the Shogunate. The Kensei is akin to an immovable rock. Unbreakable. But she has a crack, a weakness: her love for her family. This plan would cause her to fly into rage and lower her defenses, and like the rock, her fall will be greater. She will be shattered, and we will use that opportunity to bring her to our side. We could also kill two birds in one stone by forging incriminating evidence against the corrupt Za Masters, connecting them to the assassination under the pretense that their greed caused them to seek to overthrow the Charuke clan."

"I favor precisely the opposite approach. We know the Daimyo to be a weak-willed fool, so better to pick off his vassals one by one. He will do nothing to prevent us, and his minions will lack the independence or motivation to oppose us effectively. Once we have seized his lands from under him, we can claim the capital with no more difficulty than executing a man deprived of his limbs.

If we instead attack the capital, there is some chance his vassals will break away from his inept rule and fight us on even footing. That would be a truly unfortunate turn of events."

She waves a hand dismissively.

"Assassinating the Kensei's kin strikes me as needlessly convoluted. If we have access to them, why not wield them as hostages? It worked for the Shogun. It also risks word getting out, particularly if we get greedy and attempt to pin the deed on all of our enemies at once. And of course, this is assuming we can reach the innermost reaches of the Shogun's palace to begin with. A hefty gamble requires an appreciation for what happens if we fail."
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


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Re: Citizens of the Empire Unite! All Power to the Kurultai! (IC)
« Reply #5 on: February 17, 2020, 06:20:12 am »

((Certain colored words in my post have extra details just copied from the OP or OOC, which can only be viewed when hovering the mouse over those words))

"[...]Before I start exposing them, let me remind you an important fact we know about the Kensei. Daimyo Charuke Sakura is bound to the Shogun by threats of hostages instead of loyalty. I have two plans to get the Kensei to our side by using her captive relatives. The first plan is simple, and consists in releasing said hostages to bring them to daimyo Charuke Sakura, after which I could use the secrets I have acquired to bring her to our cause. I will be honest though, as I cannot guarantee such a plan would succeed. The second plan, however...[...]"
"I can be of aid there." Eri said, eschewing any dramatic entrance by moving through the obvious door. "We have so much attributed to culture that we can be exploited by the right mind." She gestured at the paper-thin door.

"I feel that we've all made our ways sincerely to our positions, unlike many of the people ruling these lands. Corrupt Za Masters, ineffective bureaucrats, single-minded policymakers, all leading to the unheard and unseen masses. But we should keep updated in what we know else we miss what led these to happen -- else even if we succeed where everyone else failed, we open ourselves to failure.

"I can do reconnaissance on people or places, and I have a keen eye for what to know and what to search for. I need input, however, as my eyes are affixed at ending the Za Masters, before my mind sees anything else."

Eri remembers the good lessons learned beforehand...
The Genros are assembled in a candle lit meeting room. Eri spreads files covered in diagrams for everyone to see. With a clear and determined voice, she says:
"...and that's why we should make an economic system that integrates the merchants into our philosophy and system. The shogunate will crumble undoubtedly."

Nakamura smiles and makes a gentle motion for Eri to sit.
"An interesting plan Eri. Ambitious, even. But the hawk does not fly when the storm is brewing. The time for your plans will come, when the storm has passed. Patience."

...and then she went outside to take some tea.

"Once they know, which they already know in banning the ideology (and not making any changes to the system), we'll face great reprisal. I believe we must get as much as we can before the Uprising begins in earnest, especially in breaking roads and other infrastructure that lead out of the area for our benefit."

Eri noted several plots of good consideration for herself and others, "In addition to those raised...I feel like these are good to consider, taking away resources from the Shogun but not where they are needed by the people.

"The Charuke are the biggest ally we can have here, or our greatest enemy. Regardless, we should treat either with respect, and that includes a lot of socializing our actions into public memory."
"Honestly, I'm fully aiming to rob caravans but also consort with the merchants that way, instead, while sabotaging major routes of movement. But I am asking what potential for reconnaissance do we have here? How do the Shogun's forces move to our place? Where can we get the best stash of intel on the vassals and the Charuke? The relationships of vassals and clans?

"We must not forget that because the Shogun has, there is no reprisal but death. Gladly, we may not share Her values, and this should be known and shown to the people."

Planned Actions: 2x Recon, 1-2x Sabotage Infrastructure, 1-2x Rob Caravans (plus the plot), 0-1x Consort with Merchants, 0-1x Acquiring Materiel (i.e. important stuff with Ninjutsu?), 1-2x Weaken Domain Forces (i.e. Kanogawa),
(My Unique Action "Ninjutsu" is really reserved for niche cases...but really needing to focus on recon for more info, like perhaps even swaying powerful potential enemies to our side?)

"We need people, however. Finding potential heroes for the revolution will be of great help. I was thinking someone very well versed in culture and the social arts. One who can actually debate the system for progress."
« Last Edit: February 17, 2020, 06:25:55 am by Tiruin »


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Re: Citizens of the Empire Unite! All Power to the Kurultai! (IC)
« Reply #6 on: February 17, 2020, 06:30:20 pm »

"I favor precisely the opposite approach. We know the Daimyo to be a weak-willed fool, so better to pick off his vassals one by one. He will do nothing to prevent us, and his minions will lack the independence or motivation to oppose us effectively. Once we have seized his lands from under him, we can claim the capital with no more difficulty than executing a man deprived of his limbs.

If we instead attack the capital, there is some chance his vassals will break away from his inept rule and fight us on even footing. That would be a truly unfortunate turn of events."

Nakamura chuckled audibly upon hearing the thoughts of Karuzuki Ai. All smiles, he spoke without even looking at the fallen Samurai.

"Your recklessness is admirable Lady Karuzuki! You would start your operations despite the shadow of the Kensei! Which would equate to openly defying Daimyo Charuke Sakura. While the young daimyo is indeed a man of meek aspirations and cowardice, the Kensei is not. She is everything her son Charuke Ajin is not, and she is sure to make a move as soon as her clan is threatened in the slightest. You would do well not to forget who is the true figurehead of the Charuke clan.

We cannot hope to succeed if we do not deal with the Kensei, and especially not in manners of war. While I do not doubt your ability to detect talent, I highly doubt your two heroes combined would hold a candle to the legendary Kensei and her mastery of the oni arts."

She waves a hand dismissively.

"Assassinating the Kensei's kin strikes me as needlessly convoluted. If we have access to them, why not wield them as hostages? It worked for the Shogun. It also risks word getting out, particularly if we get greedy and attempt to pin the deed on all of our enemies at once. And of course, this is assuming we can reach the innermost reaches of the Shogun's palace to begin with. A hefty gamble requires an appreciation for what happens if we fail."

"Hostages can be rescued a great many times. But they can only die once. Rescuing the hostages would just open us to a similar operation, and this is a risk that must be seriously considered. This is where you see the Shogun is a fool. If he truly wanted to make the Kensei his loyal guard dog, he wouldn't have used a chain as frail and pathetic as hostages to keep them. I propose we burn this chain, and forge a stronger one from its ashes."

Nakamura then directed everyone's attention to Eri.
"Eri here is a talented shinobi. I have no doubt she would know where to find a person with the skills and zeal needed to undertake the mission I suggest."


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Re: Citizens of the Empire Unite! All Power to the Kurultai! (IC)
« Reply #7 on: February 19, 2020, 12:34:30 am »

Erill, in contrast to his fellows, was absent from the meeting, and was in fact hard at work in his drafting room.
He is surrounded by half-drawn blueprints and inbound letters, asking him for a variety of inventions.

(Just ping me in Discord if you have questions or suggestions for me, I have too much fucking homework.)
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.


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Re: Citizens of the Empire Unite! All Power to the Kurultai! (IC)
« Reply #8 on: February 19, 2020, 10:09:18 pm »

Zhang Jian hears how the conversation is going between, the questions of recon, and whether a more aggressive or subtle approach to how we do takeover, waiting for everyone to take their turn before going to use his authoritative demeanor to give a rundown on everyone’s thoughts.

Your recklessness is admirable Lady Karuzuki! You would start your operations despite the shadow of the Kensei! Which would equate to openly defying Daimyo Charuke Sakura. While the young daimyo is indeed a man of meek aspirations and cowardice, the Kensei is not. She is everything her son Charuke Ajin is not, and she is sure to make a move as soon as her clan is threatened in the slightest. You would do well not to forget who is the true figurehead of the Charuke clan.

We cannot hope to succeed if we do not deal with the Kensei, and especially not in manners of war. While I do not doubt your ability to detect talent, I highly doubt your two heroes combined would hold a candle to the legendary Kensei and her mastery of the oni arts."

To me and my own thoughts, it seems that a Kensei will be a major figurehead in this war, however I doubt that be a good fencer will be of any usage. We are Don’t with the romantization of the sword, we have access to sulfur and gunpowder, the ability of to fling steel objects at thousands of kilometers per second due to the technological innovation towards mechanization. We would be bringing a mass army of levy in the basic trained arts of warfare, armed with gun and cannon, it’s only a matter of question of who has the most amount of numbers and equipment on their side. Even if we don’t, then each second man will pick up the guns from their fallen comrades, until the iron lands are ours. The Kensei while a trained fencer, is only an aged woman with her athletic days bygone, and the only thing that will help her is if magic if involved with her skill. Even Oni can be fallen, guns we’re designed to be superior hunting weapons than the bow being able to take down the massive grey-skinned beasts back in the Rajh and the savannah lands, the same could be said for the Oni giants. It’s all a matter of manpower and resources.

What this ends up as, is the need for us to acquire material as many times as you can fease in your time slots, and maybe an invention for a Matchlock to be more... consumer-friendly or more easily manufactured? As I recall based on the land’s technological level, their isn’t mechanized factories based on the mass-production of firearms, but rather skilled gunsmiths who hand craft each Gun with precision and skill. Possibly a invention or technology acquired here, could result in our paramilitary force being that much more scarier.

Hostages can be rescued a great many times. But they can only die once. Rescuing the hostages would just open us to a similar operation, and this is a risk that must be seriously considered. This is where you see the Shogun is a fool. If he truly wanted to make the Kensei his loyal guard dog, he wouldn't have used a chain as frail and pathetic as hostages to keep them. I propose we burn this chain, and forge a stronger one from its ashes."

As for the matter if we were to spend the large amount of resources, in capturing the hostages I hope we don’t try to do anything involving the murdering of the Kin, more than just on a ethical level but the removal of life of hostages would be an extremely waste of resources on our end. I can provide the religious zeal of the people and the worship of the gods in the effort to increase the chance of the plot, but it seems to me that Karuzuki is mainly against the motion, while Eri and Erill are
still undecided on this motion.

Now as for my own thoughts I have chosen to do, I have mainly bent on acquiring the people’s religious and military might to wave a new dawn for the government of this land. The rebellion will bring the will of people in it, with the more people and rural-based farmers will be helpful in amassing of such a force. The main problem I believe I have is how many cells we are going to build, Id prefer at least three with combined of our headquarters. One in the trade city, one in the manufacturing town where I will spend my own resources on creating it, but the third one remains a mystery, the capital is a scary and very aggressive place to put one there.

Plots Planned: Desecrate the Temple, Build a Cell in Okimichi
Actions Planned: Inciting Rebel 1-3x, Know a Guy for Wealth, Incite Disruption 1-2x, Consort with Intelligent, Propaganda

HQ Vote: Primeval Forest, Shin-Kanogawa


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Citizens of the Empire Unite! All Power to the Kurultai! (IC)
« Reply #9 on: February 20, 2020, 03:39:44 pm »

Assassinate the Charuke Daimyo

"I recall people talking about blaming the Shogun and using the timing of confusion for greater benefit, especially given the whole 'elect from the ranks' culture here? Survivors can...spread the word."
"Absolutely not. The Daimyo is a weak-willed coward; his presence is essential to allowing our swift and unopposed victory here. His death would only clear the stage for someone with vision and spine. Whether the Shogun is blamed for such an act or not, they would have to dig deep to find a softer fool for us to topple."

Nakamura chuckled audibly upon hearing the thoughts of Karuzuki Ai. All smiles, he spoke without even looking at the fallen Samurai.

"Your recklessness is admirable Lady Karuzuki! You would start your operations despite the shadow of the Kensei! Which would equate to openly defying Daimyo Charuke Sakura. While the young daimyo is indeed a man of meek aspirations and cowardice, the Kensei is not. She is everything her son Charuke Ajin is not, and she is sure to make a move as soon as her clan is threatened in the slightest. You would do well not to forget who is the true figurehead of the Charuke clan.

We cannot hope to succeed if we do not deal with the Kensei, and especially not in manners of war. While I do not doubt your ability to detect talent, I highly doubt your two heroes combined would hold a candle to the legendary Kensei and her mastery of the oni arts."
"The Kensei has stated to hold no interest in mortal affairs, and will thus act only when the situation is dire as it relates to her kin. Once we stand poised to march on the capital, we can expect her interference to ensure the lives of her kin; an offer of clemency and perhaps an arranged marriage or two should ameliorate that issue, as the province will already be ours by then.

The only cause for concern would be if the Shogun is wily enough to threaten the hostages should she fail to bring us down. Such an act would be one of desperation on both ends, and would allow us more leverage for a more clever solution."

"Hostages can be rescued a great many times. But they can only die once. Rescuing the hostages would just open us to a similar operation, and this is a risk that must be seriously considered. This is where you see the Shogun is a fool. If he truly wanted to make the Kensei his loyal guard dog, he wouldn't have used a chain as frail and pathetic as hostages to keep them. I propose we burn this chain, and forge a stronger one from its ashes."

Nakamura then directed everyone's attention to Eri.
"Eri here is a talented shinobi. I have no doubt she would know where to find a person with the skills and zeal needed to undertake the mission I suggest."
Ai shrugs. "If you fear the Shogun's dogs are crafty enough to steal them back before we can take the province, yet bumbling enough to allow their murder and placement of blame, I suppose that would be a sound concern."

She gives a dismissive wave in the scholar's direction. "Speaking of things going wrong, I take it you have a backup plan should the plot be revealed to the good Kensei? Perhaps an honor duel could sate her fury without endangering the rest of us."

To me and my own thoughts, it seems that a Kensei will be a major figurehead in this war, however I doubt that be a good fencer will be of any usage. We are Don’t with the romantization of the sword, we have access to sulfur and gunpowder, the ability of to fling steel objects at thousands of kilometers per second due to the technological innovation towards mechanization. We would be bringing a mass army of levy in the basic trained arts of warfare, armed with gun and cannon, it’s only a matter of question of who has the most amount of numbers and equipment on their side. Even if we don’t, then each second man will pick up the guns from their fallen comrades, until the iron lands are ours. The Kensei while a trained fencer, is only an aged woman with her athletic days bygone, and the only thing that will help her is if magic if involved with her skill. Even Oni can be fallen, guns we’re designed to be superior hunting weapons than the bow being able to take down the massive grey-skinned beasts back in the Rajh and the savannah lands, the same could be said for the Oni giants. It’s all a matter of manpower and resources.

What this ends up as, is the need for us to acquire material as many times as you can fease in your time slots, and maybe an invention for a Matchlock to be more... consumer-friendly or more easily manufactured? As I recall based on the land’s technological level, their isn’t mechanized factories based on the mass-production of firearms, but rather skilled gunsmiths who hand craft each Gun with precision and skill. Possibly a invention or technology acquired here, could result in our paramilitary force being that much more scarier.
Ai sneers viciously at the Celestial.

"Watch your tongue, dog. 'Tis the refrain of cowards and weaklings everywhere that a magic potion will make them as gods, and each time their mettle is found as weak as their sword arms. Iron alone does not make a warrior out of a pig, neither is it so for sulfur. If you disagree, feel free to challenge that 'aged woman' to a one on one duel with one of your precious firearms, and see how tall that potion lets you stand."
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Citizens of the Empire Unite! All Power to the Kurultai! (IC)
« Reply #10 on: February 21, 2020, 06:31:12 am »

Agitation kept shaking the room as the scholar, the missionary and the samurai argued. Nakamura listened intently to the rebuttal of the other two Genros, nodding with a wide grin. Finally he laughed out loud in a hearty way, still maintaining a stoic posture.

"Admirable! Such inflamed words atypical of fiery youths! I do not dislike the way you see the world, your thoughts hold well-deserved merit. It is great to see my fellow Genros have some fire to spare!"

To me and my own thoughts, it seems that a Kensei will be a major figurehead in this war, however I doubt that be a good fencer will be of any usage. We are Don’t with the romantization of the sword, we have access to sulfur and gunpowder, the ability of to fling steel objects at thousands of kilometers per second due to the technological innovation towards mechanization. We would be bringing a mass army of levy in the basic trained arts of warfare, armed with gun and cannon, it’s only a matter of question of who has the most amount of numbers and equipment on their side. Even if we don’t, then each second man will pick up the guns from their fallen comrades, until the iron lands are ours. The Kensei while a trained fencer, is only an aged woman with her athletic days bygone, and the only thing that will help her is if magic if involved with her skill. Even Oni can be fallen, guns we’re designed to be superior hunting weapons than the bow being able to take down the massive grey-skinned beasts back in the Rajh and the savannah lands, the same could be said for the Oni giants. It’s all a matter of manpower and resources.

What this ends up as, is the need for us to acquire material as many times as you can fease in your time slots, and maybe an invention for a Matchlock to be more... consumer-friendly or more easily manufactured? As I recall based on the land’s technological level, their isn’t mechanized factories based on the mass-production of firearms, but rather skilled gunsmiths who hand craft each Gun with precision and skill. Possibly a invention or technology acquired here, could result in our paramilitary force being that much more scarier.
Ai sneers viciously at the Celestial.

"Watch your tongue, dog. 'Tis the refrain of cowards and weaklings everywhere that a magic potion will make them as gods, and each time their mettle is found as weak as their sword arms. Iron alone does not make a warrior out of a pig, neither is it so for sulfur. If you disagree, feel free to challenge that 'aged woman' to a one on one duel with one of your precious firearms, and see how tall that potion lets you stand."

"Ah yes, the power of the Tanegashima- It is indeed true that the combination of sulfurous powder with bullets of iron make for a potent weapon, but one should be aware that such a weapon is not without weaknesses. First and foremost, the tanegashima sports a shorter range and fire rate than the yumi in the hands of a skilled archer. By the time a gunner can load, charge and fire, an archer will have loosened a dozen arrows. And last but not the least, water and humidity completely neutralize the properties of black powder. Countless armies over reliant on the tanegashima were defeated by a single sorcerer and its spell of rain!

You are right however that these weapons sport the benefit of requiring minimal training. It would do no well for us to focus all our resources on fire weapons, unless we could find a way to eliminate the weaknesses of these weapons. Sir Zhang, do not underestimate the might of sorcerers and power wielders. Magic is a real, and extremely potent weapon, and Lady Karuzuki is right in that matter."

"Watch your tongue, dog. 'Tis the refrain of cowards and weaklings everywhere that a magic potion will make them as gods, and each time their mettle is found as weak as their sword arms. Iron alone does not make a warrior out of a pig, neither is it so for sulfur. If you disagree, feel free to challenge that 'aged woman' to a one on one duel with one of your precious firearms, and see how tall that potion lets you stand."

Nakamura couldn't help but chuckle and sigh.
"Still, honor and challenges... such antiquated notions that only serve to bind a sword. Warriors become intoxicated on these more easily than with alcohol..."

Assassinate the Charuke Daimyo

"I recall people talking about blaming the Shogun and using the timing of confusion for greater benefit, especially given the whole 'elect from the ranks' culture here? Survivors can...spread the word."
"Absolutely not. The Daimyo is a weak-willed coward; his presence is essential to allowing our swift and unopposed victory here. His death would only clear the stage for someone with vision and spine. Whether the Shogun is blamed for such an act or not, they would have to dig deep to find a softer fool for us to topple."

"It is as Lady Karuzuki said. Killing the Daimyo would only generate a power vacuum in the current state. It is fortunate for us that his only merit is preventing a more cunning and dangerous enemy from governing the domain of Iron. But where we to succeed, we would be able to make most of Kanogawa forces surrender without a fight. That is, if the Kensei didn't exist."

"The Kensei has stated to hold no interest in mortal affairs, and will thus act only when the situation is dire as it relates to her kin. Once we stand poised to march on the capital, we can expect her interference to ensure the lives of her kin; an offer of clemency and perhaps an arranged marriage or two should ameliorate that issue, as the province will already be ours by then.

The only cause for concern would be if the Shogun is wily enough to threaten the hostages should she fail to bring us down. Such an act would be one of desperation on both ends, and would allow us more leverage for a more clever solution."

"It is understandable that you all would underestimate the Kensei, you are after all too young to have witnessed the feats of the Kensei inperson. It is not without reason that the Shogun fears the elderly Charuke Sakura. The Kensei is the blessed blade of the battlefield, and no man fighting to the sides of a Kensei would even think of surrendering or fleeing. Especially for one as loved and feared as Charuke Sakura.

She is the reason why Kanogawa has remained the independent domain of Iron for so long. She will never let our forces grow to the point we can even think of marching on the capital, she will move way before. The land of Iron is her home, and probably the second most important treasure to her eyes after her family."

Ai shrugs. "If you fear the Shogun's dogs are crafty enough to steal them back before we can take the province, yet bumbling enough to allow their murder and placement of blame, I suppose that would be a sound concern."

She gives a dismissive wave in the scholar's direction. "Speaking of things going wrong, I take it you have a backup plan should the plot be revealed to the good Kensei? Perhaps an honor duel could sate her fury without endangering the rest of us."

"The Shogun selects only the best breed of dogs, and grant them the best instructors. Unlike the foolish and corrupt nobility, the most loyal servitors of the Shogun are crafty and cunning. And they possess resources we lack. We should assume that what we can do, they also can do twice at least."

Nakamura laughed again, holding his right side.
"Please stop with your jokes! This old man can only take so much!"

He straightened up, and adopted a heavy tone.
"You shouldn't joke on such important matters Ai of the Karuzuki family. Our plot being revealed would reveal the utter ineptitude of our carefully chosen subordinates. Which would mean we were dead before taking a single step. Now on the offchance our plot were to be revealed, I have one lifelines and one last-resort. The first is an ancient secret concerning the Kensei and its relation with the Shogun. The last is for me to act as a scapegoat for us all, revealing that the plot was my own doing as an ancient servant of her Empress.

I plan for any ties to this plot to only come back to me, not to you. That way even in the worse case scenario, we could fan the hostility of the Kensei and direct it toward the Shogun. I have enough connections to the old world that my involvement and a link to the Empress would be more than believable."


Nakamura took a deep inspiration, and concluded by stating his decision.

"I stand firmly by the fact that the Kensei must be dealt with, one way or another, and sooner than later. I will follow with the plan of rescuing the hostages, and fully intend to make full use of their lives. I will shoulder all responsibility and keep any loose ends from leading to any of you. What resources I have left from planning this plot, I put them to your disposition and will assist however I can."

"Lady Karuzuki will take control of the Ozu clan and keep bolstering our forces. Sir Zhang will keep rousing the populace and extend our network. Oh, and you should put a word to Erill about your idea about fire weapons. His talent with mechanisms is par to none, he will surely find a way to alleviate the weaknesses of the tanegashima. And finally Eri will lead covert operations to gather information and funds for our rebellion. That would be what I understood of everyone's objectives. So if any of you need anything from me, feel free to let me know. I will do what is within my power to support your plans."

He turned toward Eri.
"Speaking of, if you could lend me your expertise Eri, I would be most grateful. There is a certain assassin I would like to contact, and I would rather not use of my contact for something else."

And finally, he bowed respectfully to all present.

Plot planned: Assassinate the Charuke Hostages, and put the blame on the Za Masters, accusing them of consorting with the Shogun to overthrow the Charuke Clan. (Low Chance of Success) 3 Wealth, 2 Connections, 2 Incidents, 2 Secrets

Resources used: 2 Connections, 2+2 Secrets (Use all Secrets remaining if none were given to other Genros)
Resources requested: 2 Incidents (Eri), 3 Wealth (Erill)

Actions planned: 
- Consort with the Intelligensia (x2): Nakamura will meet with men and women of letter, reinforcing the rebel network among the upper spheres.
- Spread propaganda (x2): Nakamura will write poems exhorting the people to freedom, and to fight against the oppression of the Shogunate.
- Hero of the Revolution (Cost 1 Relationship): Fūma Kotarō the Wind Demon, head of the Fūma clan, he is a half-oni shinobi known for its legendary assassination skills.

Unique Actions planned:
- Uncover secrets about Kanogawa.
- Uncover secrets about the Primeval Forest.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Nope~
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Re: Citizens of the Empire Unite! All Power to the Kurultai! (IC)
« Reply #11 on: February 21, 2020, 08:35:30 pm »

"It is understandable that you all would underestimate the Kensei, you are after all too young to have witnessed the feats of the Kensei inperson. It is not without reason that the Shogun fears the elderly Charuke Sakura. The Kensei is the blessed blade of the battlefield, and no man fighting to the sides of a Kensei would even think of surrendering or fleeing. Especially for one as loved and feared as Charuke Sakura.

She is the reason why Kanogawa has remained the independent domain of Iron for so long. She will never let our forces grow to the point we can even think of marching on the capital, she will move way before. The land of Iron is her home, and probably the second most important treasure to her eyes after her family."
Ai hesitated a moment before answering.

"I assure you, I do not underestimate her skill in battle, but rather her commitment to political affairs. Officially she is retired; unofficially, neither she nor her family truly control these lands anyway. It would be... most unfortunate if your prediction were to come to pass, but such involvement would be uncharacteristic of her as of late."

She paused in thought a moment longer.

"I maintain that the Kensei's direct and early involvement is unlikely, but I concede it would be catastrophic. I also confess to not knowing her mind, but only reading her actions."

"The Shogun selects only the best breed of dogs, and grant them the best instructors. Unlike the foolish and corrupt nobility, the most loyal servitors of the Shogun are crafty and cunning. And they possess resources we lack. We should assume that what we can do, they also can do twice at least."
She shrugged, frowning.

"That would seem to imply their own assassination attempts will be doubly successful. You may have a point about bewaring the Shogun's dogs, but if we cannot best them in some arena we cannot succeed."

He straightened up, and adopted a heavy tone.
"You shouldn't joke on such important matters Ai of the Karuzuki family. Our plot being revealed would reveal the utter ineptitude of our carefully chosen subordinates. Which would mean we were dead before taking a single step. Now on the offchance our plot were to be revealed, I have one lifelines and one last-resort. The first is an ancient secret concerning the Kensei and its relation with the Shogun. The last is for me to act as a scapegoat for us all, revealing that the plot was my own doing as an ancient servant of her Empress.

I plan for any ties to this plot to only come back to me, not to you. That way even in the worse case scenario, we could fan the hostility of the Kensei and direct it toward the Shogun. I have enough connections to the old world that my involvement and a link to the Empress would be more than believable."
"Hm... very well then. I still think it wasteful, but if you are both able and willing to sacrifice your own life in failure, I have no right to stop you."
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Also known as the Chroniqler
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Re: Citizens of the Empire Unite! All Power to the Kurultai! (IC)
« Reply #12 on: February 22, 2020, 02:05:34 am »

Erill finally arrives at the meeting, and receives a brief - perhaps not entirely clear - summation of what has been requested of him.

"I... no. The fact that killing the Kensei's relatives would remove their bindings to the current reign does not justify, in my eyes, the fact that it is quite simply a terrible thing to do. And to assume it will not be traced back to us - all may be well and good if it is not, but if it is - why, the Kensei would be enraged! She may not like the shogunate, but she would despise us!

I would be willing to support an attempt to rescue the hostages. Yes, they may be taken again - but I cannot imagine that the Kensei would keep poor guard over her returned family members, and it would not change the fact that returning them to her in the first place would be an excellent display of goodwill.

You want to frame the Za? You can certainly set up an escape to look like it was conducted by them, in the case the work fails or is otherwise discovered. But I believe that simply killing the hostages in the name of another is simply not the proper course.

Erill will provide his resources if the plot conducted is one to rescue the hostages, or at least looks like it to him. [Note: disguising an assassination plot as a "failed rescue mission" would fool him.]

"Now, other matters. I have been at my workshop; I heard there was need for more resilient firearms? I could certainly attempt to design something more effective than what we have now. What other creations may be needed? Traps? Transportation? Simply something flashy, to amaze the populace? I only have so much time with which to bring my ideas to life; I must know what is most needed.

As for less specific things, I can attempt to sway merchants, and perhaps officials, to our way of seeing things, or perhaps arrange for more materials and technologies to be brought in for us to work with. What specifically is needed?

And for a base of operations - well, I do believe we must have a presence in Okimichi. It is the only location in this domain that can both produce and process industrial materials. Aside from that, and likely some province from which to acquire foodstuffs, I have little to request on that front.
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Citizens of the Empire Unite! All Power to the Kurultai! (IC)
« Reply #13 on: February 22, 2020, 07:11:08 am »

Erill finally arrives at the meeting, and receives a brief - perhaps not entirely clear - summation of what has been requested of him.

"I... no. The fact that killing the Kensei's relatives would remove their bindings to the current reign does not justify, in my eyes, the fact that it is quite simply a terrible thing to do. And to assume it will not be traced back to us - all may be well and good if it is not, but if it is - why, the Kensei would be enraged! She may not like the shogunate, but she would despise us!

I would be willing to support an attempt to rescue the hostages. Yes, they may be taken again - but I cannot imagine that the Kensei would keep poor guard over her returned family members, and it would not change the fact that returning them to her in the first place would be an excellent display of goodwill.

You want to frame the Za? You can certainly set up an escape to look like it was conducted by them, in the case the work fails or is otherwise discovered. But I believe that simply killing the hostages in the name of another is simply not the proper course.

Erill will provide his resources if the plot conducted is one to rescue the hostages, or at least looks like it to him. [Note: disguising an assassination plot as a "failed rescue mission" would fool him.]

After explaining his goal in detail, Nakamura frowned upon realizing Erill still vetoed the assassination of the hostages.

"It pains me that you do not agree with my methods. All pieces of the board must be used optimally, and morality should be used as a tool to bind our enemies, not to limit ourselves. But it stands for a fact that without your resources, the plan cannot succeed. I must as such reluctantly agree to alter the operation from an assassination to a rescue, even though I firmly believe a rescue to be a sub optimal choice."

Nakamura sighed in annoyance.
"I have adjusted the plan by taking into account the increased risks. The shinobi team of the Fūma clan with which I have good relations will prioritize the life of the hostages at all costs, putting their lives on the line. I do not make a move with the thought of defeat in mind. Now the obvious problem with that change of directive is that a failure is very likely to cause the operation to be tracked back to me. Even dead men can talk, especially if the Shogun summons a necromancer. Failure is not an option."

"A successful rescue could lead to three potential outcomes. The best one is for the Kensei to join our cause, obviously. The second and most neutral one is for her to seclude herself further in order to protect her family, depriving us of her powers, but at least removing her from our list of potential enemies. For now. And the last and worse outcome is for the Kensei to remain unswayed to our cause, and instead make an enemy of us."

Plot planned: Rescue the Charuke Hostages. (Low Chance of Success) 3 Wealth, 2 Connections, 2 Incidents, 2 Secrets
Description: Send a team of elite shinobi from the Fūma clan to rescue the hostages. Use a combination of connections within the palace, bribes and diversionary tactics to extract the hostages to Kanogawa. Once the rescue is completed, convince the Kensei to join our noble cause using forgotten secrets as well as the rescue as a leverage.

Resources used: 3 Wealth (Erill), 2 Connections, 2+? Secrets (Use all Secrets remaining if none were given to other Genros)
Resources requested: 2 Incidents (Eri)

Actions planned:
- Consort with the Intelligensia (x2): Nakamura will meet with men and women of letter, reinforcing the rebel network among the upper spheres.
- Spread propaganda (x2): Nakamura will write poems exhorting the people to freedom, and to fight against the oppression of the Shogunate.
- Hero of the Revolution (Cost 1 Relationship): Fūma Kotarō the Wind Demon, head of the Fūma clan, he is a half-oni shinobi known for its legendary assassination skills.

Unique Actions planned:
- Uncover secrets about Kanogawa.
- Uncover secrets about the Primeval Forest.

Available resources/actions:
- 2 Secrets (all remaining Secrets will be used for the planned Plot)
- 1 Action


  • Bay Watcher
  • If you wait long enough, it moves.
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Re: Citizens of the Empire Unite! All Power to the Kurultai! (IC)
« Reply #14 on: February 22, 2020, 09:44:33 pm »

The sliding door opens once more, this time revealing a man of foreign complexion...although one styled in Yamato fashions. He was dressed in the garbs of a peasant; a cotton kimono of drab design, and a coat of straw over it. He came with a platter of hot tea and a smile on his face.

This was the local GUKR advisor, Comrade Mysha. The GUKR, being the beating heart of the Revolution, sent many such advisors throughout the world in order to further spread the Red-Wrung Ideal. There were many already in Yamato, plotting and aiding the local socialist cells, eagerly counting down till the day of the general uprising.

He offered each of the genro tea; it was matcha bought from the market just this morning. Nothing great, but still decent. He took a sip for himself and kneeled with the others, finally speaking with the foreign accent of the Liao steppes.

"It seems to me, komrades, that there is much discussion about many things perrrtaining to the Rrrevolution, which is most good. However, I feel that there should be a few concepts finalised prrrior to the others. First of all, is the location of the Headquarters here; this should be voted on before all else."

"And also, a final agreement on what is to be done with the Kharuke family. Now, official GUKR protocols state that such tyrants should be executed or re-educated in intensive assemblage kamps- but matters of ideology and praktical matters rrrarely mesh. What say you all?"

Code: [Select]
Vote Tally:

Headquarters Location: [This is a preferential poll; mark a 1 next to your preferred choice, 2 for secondary choice, and 3 for last choice]
Kanogawa City
Primeval Forest

Charuke Clan Hostages: [This is a simple binary poll; mark 1 next to your preferred choice]
« Last Edit: February 23, 2020, 04:28:48 am by micelus »
You win Nakeen
Marduk is my waifu
Inanna is my husbando
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