You decide that maybe it'd be better to start with something more mundane than looking for creatures out of song and story. At least for the current moment.
You cut a wide berth from the backalley bar with the slavers. In fact, you decide to go to an entirely different part of the city.. the Magic Quarter.
Inside things are, well, not that much different than the rest of the city, save for there being a few more foreigners and more visible magic-users about, as identified by the various somewhat odd hats the different branches of magic favor. But there are still estates, taprooms, laundries, workshops, scribes, eateries, apartments, and boarding homes here as in your home district.
..and, presumably, somewhere there are dojos. Presumably full of fancy martial artists and maybe some kind of funky combat magic. Although you know that lightning blasts and chilling frosts and fireballs are not real, there are certainly some kind of combat-related magics.
As is, however, you end up empty handed in the realms of dojo pursuit today. You get distracted by several interesting shops, mostly selling what you imagine to be trinkets, but since you aren't looking to shop, you pass up on an enchanted rope, an amulet supposed to make you lucky, (as if that was possible), and a small bell that is supposed to bind imps to your service.
..but two things do catch your eye enough to get you to open your purse. In a somewhat narrow shop, from a musty old propreitor, in among small statuettes and questionable animal pieces, two things speak out to you.
One is a fairly thin book, loosely bound and quite old. Flipping through it, it looks like the diary of an adventurer.. but there's something wrong about the writing... both in content and calligraphy. This is a book with secrets in it, and you can't pass that up. The shopkeeper takes four silver for the book.
The other is a totem; a thin bit of silver wire wrapped around a ram's horn. It's supposed to ward the holder against spirits.. blocking one's mind and body from their influences. That is a claim you've heard before, but this one seems more.. true. You examine it closely, and as you pick it up to take it out of the case, it explodes, completely removed from existance with a huge bang, shattering the top glass of the case and rattling the shop.
The now angry and somewhat bewildered shopkeeper stops you, and after some harsh words, demands payment for the glass case you wrecked, and suggests you get out before breaking something else. Stunned, you end up handing over the remainder of your money, (not the ten or so silver such a case is worth, but close enough), and leave.
Now what happened there?
Week 2. Action 3/5.
Assets and Abilities:
Prestige = 0
Concealable fighting dagger
Adventurer's diary (unstudied)
Charming, +1
Huan Zhang, diplomat, 2 prestige, 1 favor
Upscale Weapon Shop.