You go in to the household first, to notify your employer and put people on alert and such.. better to be protected, and if you just run up to him and get stabbed, well, someone might see it, but it might be a few minutes later.
With that, you go out and openly approach the "beggar" Keeping your gaze on him, you put on your grimmest expression, and confidently march across the street to lay down the law. About ten feet away, your foot slips on a loose cobblestone and you end up falling face-first onto the cobblestones. Should have been watching where you were putting your feet. You then get up, brush yourself off, and try to restablish at least some level of dignity.
The assassin is obviously amused at your ultimatum, and you see him straighten up, shove back his stained cloak, and.. he's not bad looking. Quite handsome, actually.
"Violence, eh? Violence is but one of my many talents". He then pulls out a weapon similar to your own, only his is some kind of black-yet-shiny steel, and it catches the light of the setting sun just so, as he reaches out and tries to stab you.
[5+2=7] vs [6+1=7]
You hold off his first flurry of blows, as he dances into range with you, flourishing as he goes about striking at you, still trying to maintain a heroic look as he.. you swear, he's concerned with the aesthetics as he's fighting for life and death? Seriously?
[6] vs [10+2]
You can't manage to hit him back, as he easily weaves out of the way. Next, he begins dashing down the street giving you what you think is supposed to be some kind of signature smile as he runs away, showing a set of perfect teeth to go with his face.
[4+8+1] vs [10+2]
You're momentarily bewildered by his whole swashbuckler act, almost forced into inactivity, but you feel a brief burst of fire, and manage to keep centred despite the madness. Who is this guy, and what's wrong with him? And he's trying to get away.. but do you want to pursue?