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Author Topic: McCreary's Planet -- (FINISHED)  (Read 252792 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: McCreary's Planet -- Act III: Sol's Reign
« Reply #5160 on: September 17, 2020, 09:11:08 pm »

"Well, let's get going then." Emma nods.

Breakfast, at first glance, seems like a very moderate affair. One that you shouldn't even note as an event -- it isn't until you taste the bowl of porridge in front of you that flavorful spices explode across your palate: heat, pungency, peppery, all twisting together into an interplay of flavor. The porridge nearly drips with butter and cream.

Thin slices of dried meat drip with fat and flavor, berries dried into the dusty protein, and herbs and spices round out the experience, turning each bite into a salty flavor burst. You're surprised, but devour an entire plate of the sticks.

The next is long, thin dried pieces of ...a fruit? A vegetable? Its a ruddy, rusty red, with dots of black. You pop one into your mouth. And chew. And chew. And chew. The material becomes softer, and it tastes close to an apple mixed with cherry but has the consistency of dried vegetable chips. You notice, after the first, that the Outlanders are pocketing these as opposed to eating them.

"Dried [cactus] fruits." Mellone explains, "Traditionally, every Outlander is to carry some dried food. These have the least scent, last forever, and are tasty."

"What was that meat?"

"[Beast of Burden]." Mellone nods, explaining, "They dry it out, pound it into dust, mix it with fat, berries, and spices. A traditional dish."

You put another dried [cactus] flower into your pocket and rise with your group

You munch on one of the dried flowers as your group exits the palace and travels down the main road under heavy guard. Nicole and Samkrend speak quietly together in a clump, while Rekhyt, Bat, and Atlan all do their best to stay far away from one another. Bat approaches first.

"I am Bat Samkrend. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Likewise. Pheobe Gainer." You nod

"I am told that war is your strong suit. That you need soldiers." Bat nods, "I'm the current [Marshal] of our military forces."

You fight the urge to raise a brow. "And you have many soldiers?"

"A great deal. Some are more loyal to me than my father. I have a great many contacts within the temple of War, as well."

You stay silent.

"I would love to see you fight." He bows, his expression never changing as he drifts away to stand with his guard.

The temple of Money is free of the common folk, and the guards gleam in gold and silver ornament. The priest bobs his head respectfully when he meets Samkrend. The Khan introduces you, and the priest doesn't bow to you, only looking at you with contempt. After you tour the temple in silence, you are allowed into the Samkrend's family vault.

Piles upon piles of gold and jade coins lay neatly stacked in great piles upon pallets of wood. Banknotes and deeds lay on desks, and a young priest is pouring over figures upon folded and wrinkled paper -- your datapad pings.

"At [0900] this morning, Crusaders have completed the evacuation of Achmil, in farming district seven of the Holy Fortress-State of Pheonix. Current civilian casualties report being as low as two hundred individuals, out of the town's three thousand and ninety-seven inhabitants. Crusader casualties are currently at thirty-five. "

A brief image appears on the screen -- a figure strides across the battleground, massive and bulky in the heavy Crusader armor, his face hidden beneath a gas mask.  A heavy steel shield is strapped to his arm, and one hand gleams with the silver of cybernetics.  He shreds apart Insects with a cutter hilt and a sawn-off inferno shotgun. Crusaders follow him, laying down suppressive fire and holding their ground. A great beast rises from an alleyway, lunging at Eric -- the head of a barker hangs loosely from its neck and human twists' face in perpetual agony beneath that. Great, sharp tentacles lash out--

Eric twists, lopping them off and sending a spray of ichor across the street. He levels his shotgun, and Inferno explodes out, sending superheated magnesium and white phosphorous burning out across infected flesh. The creature screams as Eric ruthlessly unloads shell after shell into it. When it stops twitching, he moves on.

Atlan sniffs, playing with her hair. You didn't even notice her approach. "The North has far more money than this old fool." She explains quietly. "And the Temple of Money is based there. Great deposits of gold, silver, iron. Rare metals too."

"No doubt valuable." You offer politely.

"Of course." Atlan shrugs.

[-][17] Her sleeve rides up when she rubs at her face once, and you notice a thin spider-work of a brand across her forearm.

The Temple of War is a block of a building -- a massive fortification of stone and cement, with sword-armed guards standing at the gate and rifles aiming down from murder holes. After a verification process that puts your Crusaders to shame, you are allowed in. 

This temple isn't so much a place of worship as a military academy. Young men and women either train with various weapons or pour over crumbling military treatise under scarred veterans' watchful eyes. Bat approaches a man leaning heavily on a knobby cane. The two hug and exchange a conversation.

"Form up!" Bat barks sharply after a nod from the elder.

The youths scramble into formation behind older students, pulling themselves into crisp military lines and clasping their hands behind their backs in the manner of SEED Crusaders.

"Drop. Push-ups." Bat barks again.

The youths do so -- and you watch as they push themselves as hard as they can. It takes an hour for the last one to collapse to the ground in exhaustion, soaked in sweat and caked in training ground dust.

Bat nods. He embraces the elder once more, returning to Samkrend's side.

[19][20] There's reverence there from the priests. They watch Bat with wide eyes, stepping carefully around him --  but you notice something fascinating on the last hug. Branded on his forearm in the silvery Outlander script of ritual burn are the words 'Blood-Splatters'.

 You draw close to Mellone, leaning over to her, "What is the Outlander's War God's name?"

"Uh...' Knife-Song,' 'Waste' and 'Blood-Splatters.'" Mellone mumbles.

You and your entourage are seated in front of the palace, at a wide stone table filled with [dallahs] of tea, bowls of bread, and pastry pieces. OF note is one that you would call [baklava], were it stuffed with nuts as opposed to dried fruits. It's delicious, creamy, sweet, and sticky-- and would give you indigestion in the hot noon-day sun. But the chilled breads and sweet buns provide relief, especially when you sip on the cold and bitter tea provided. A military parade forms up, and you watch only half-interested. Instead, your datapad chirping draws your attention.

And you almost immediately slam it into the table. The screen scrambles for a second -- there, standing side by side with Eric in a wide plaza is the Demon armor. Thornton Warmachines stand at his side, firing their heavy weapons and ruining buildings -- not to mention Infected. A Colossus rips through the city --

William in the Demonic Armor sprints forward, tanking las-gun blasts and ramming his shoulder into the Colossus's stomach. The creature sways back -- and William slams a gun into its flesh, holding down the trigger -- the Colossus screams in agony. Eric and the Warmachines concentrate their fire--

" you're saying that you use calvary still? Even though you have hovercraft?" Cephie is playing her part well.

"Yes. They're good for endurance. They can refuel from the land, not a hydrogen plant." Bat nods, and you drag your attention from the datapad to watch the parade. Outlander outriders sit mounted upon [beasts of burden], saddles tucked into soft fur. Packs of food and gear are piled high on the muscular beast's back.

"Bos Prime." Ethan murmurs, "And they're using them as mounts still."

"Backwards." Finn nods.

"Backwards." Ethan agrees.

"Bos Prime?" You question.

"[Those things. They're Bos Prime -- cattle, beasts of burden, walking nutrient gatherers. Highly efficient. Every SEED world has them.]" Cephie explains, drawing close, "[They process plant matter of all kinds into several products. Milk, meat, wool.]"

The aqueduct stretches for miles across the Outlands' badlands, all the way to a tremendous eastern mountain change that blooms with greenery and life. Rivers and streams flow down the mountains, some ending uselessly in the desert, while others are capped with human-made structures that divert water into the massive aqueduct. You inspect it visually from the hovercraft, feeling the wind whip past your hair from the open doors.

Rekhyt approaches, all smiles. "Impressive, isn't it?"

"Yes. Very. It must have taken a long time."

"No, just a great many lives." Rekhyt points and you notice shallow patches of green spreading out beneath it -- square mounds dot the landscape. "Mass graves, for all the workers."

Your stomach turns, just as the hovercraft begins its descent towards an ornate palace that sits high in the mountains, nestled among black rock and gleaming spires that have thrust themselves from the earth. A great cypress forest stretches out, filled with towering redwood and an abundance of fauna. Moss covers the ground where pine needles do not. After a short walk upon a smooth granite path, where you see red [deer] and grazing Bos within the bountiful temperate rainforest, the Redwood Palace looms overhead.

Great pillars of redwood hold a glass ceiling aloft. The stone walls are graced with painted animal relief, and Barker Fur hangs from the rafters. Guards lounge nearby, but they seem less interested in you than in the forest near the palace. Pools of steaming hot water dot the glorified hunting lodge haphazardly, and leafy plants hang over them.

"Welcome to the [Redwood] Palace." Samkrend nods, gesturing with a sweeping hand over the courtyard, towards the pools hidden behind thin-cut, lacquered redwood screens. "Dinner will be served soon. Please, let our servants guide you to your rooms."

And they do. You collapse into a bed for a little while, pulling up the streaming app once again. Looking out through an opening in the wall, you notice the sun going down--

"It seems like the Crusader forces are being pushed back. The Temple Plaza has been lost, and the Crusaders are currently retreating across the ground. Air support is no longer viable." The blue humanoid reports, with a pout. "It seems the city of Achmil is about to be lost. Current Crusader casualties are at one hundred and twenty-eight. Of note, in Infected dead, is two Colossi, fifteen Insects, and a battalion's worth of Abominations. Stay tuned!"

Dinner service begins when night falls in the mountains. Snow drifts down from the sky, but the palace is quite warm. Roasts of all kinds dot firepits that smoke with aromatic woods. Chilled and warm tea sits offered alongside cold kefir. Groups mingle and form, but you have no mood for it. You eat quickly and ignore any conversation. The flavorful, herbed meats taste like ash in your mouth as you hurry back to your room.

Isela refuses to respond to your questions, only repeating two words: 'Opsec. Sorry.'

You want to scream at her, but you keep your cool, setting the datapad aside -- someone knocks at your door. Iyal stands in front of you, tossing reddish-brown hair over her shoulder. "[I was wondering if you would ever come to the hot springs.]"

She speaks quietly, tempting you.

"They're serving natural sorbet."

...natural sorbet?

You and Iyal/Cephie sit comfortably in the hot springs, munching on crushed ice covered in a sweet, sticky wine. You've been making small-talk for the last few minutes, but its slowed down as the two of you enjoy the rare treat in silence. Midnight came and went uneventfully--

"Want some drugs? I got some bug oil, [amphetamines], Smoke--" Cephie offers as Iyal.

Your datapad gives a ping, and you snatch it up.

"Or you could ignore me. Rude--"

"All Crusaders have been forced from the city of Achmil. It is a sad day indeed for the people of SEED--" The blue avatar sticks out a tongue and blows a raspberry. "Not! Now a word from our sponsor!"

Eric peels off his gas mask to smile at the camera. In one hand, he holds a bundle of wires and technology, in the other, a small timer that's ticking down. "Now, some of you might not know what this is, but this is a timer! Like a digital clock. This one is ticking down to midnight."

He holds up the bundle. "This is a fusion reactor's overload control matrix."






The view switches -- and mushroom clouds explode across the city of Achmil. Debris and rubble spray out as abandoned buildings turn to glass -- and the Infected within the town turn to ash.  Eric reappears, grinning, "I'm guessing, we just eliminated a few brigades of Abominations, maybe a couple of dozen Insects..and we probably may have damaged a Colossus. More importantly, we just disabled anti-aircraft in this region."

"...beautiful. But that's not all!" The camera angle shifts, the blue avatar appearing once again -- as dozens upon dozens of hovercraft streak out past the exploding town, raining autocannon round and las-fire across the blasted land, mopping up abomination and burning Insect. They fly towards plague territory. "Stayed tuned -- Captain Murdach is leading an assault on a nexus as we speak."

You begin to laugh, happily, hysterically, as Isela's name lights up on your screen. Cephie turned Iyal raises a brow. "Well, that lifted your mood pretty quickly."

You slump into the hot springs, wondering if you should scream at Isela or reward her.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2020, 09:47:22 pm by 19_EgarAlnis »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: McCreary's Planet -- Act III: Sol's Reign
« Reply #5161 on: September 17, 2020, 09:29:35 pm »

The destruction of a small town may arguably have been worth the enemy casualties.  I see why secrecy was so important. Let's see how the assault goes.  I do think we should name Eric the Thirteenth Crusader as soon as we can.  As for the tour, we now know that three gods are among Samkrend's children.  Which is the correct choice?

"Do you think it was a coincidence that the Plague attacked while we were away, or was it intentional?  How could the Plague have found out?"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: McCreary's Planet -- Act III: Sol's Reign
« Reply #5162 on: September 17, 2020, 11:07:16 pm »

The plague doesn't need significant spies to find this stuff out.  One spy in our midst, one in the outlands and it would be enough.  Hell, shaking the place itself might have done it.

An excellent strategy, not only did it cost the plague a great deal in soldiers but they gained nothing from it.  The only downside was losing the town, you can not afford to repeat this, but neither can the plague, hopefully.

You should speak to Nicole about the prospects here.  She seemed to know a great deal and it would be a waste to have her here and not see what mad manipulations she thinks she can get away with.  How much wealth do they really have.  If mobilized what power could the underclass and criminals here serve.  How quickly could the industry be retooled for modern war.  Are these soldiers really disciplined or is this just a show of military pomp.

Building a military industrial complex from close to nothing will be a challenge.

All the technology in the universe will not save you from cowardice and corruption.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Soothly we live in mighty years!
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Re: McCreary's Planet -- Act III: Sol's Reign
« Reply #5163 on: September 17, 2020, 11:10:03 pm »

As for the tour, we now know that three gods are among Samkrend's children.  Which is the correct choice?

Bat has power; Atlan has money. Rekhyt has that coyote's wit and a hand in every [cookie jar]. Any will do, resource-wise.
I'd be more concerned with attitude. Who's pleasant to be around, and who's not? Who's easiest to steer?
Falling angel met the rising ape, and the sound it made was

tormenting the player is important


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: McCreary's Planet -- Act III: Sol's Reign
« Reply #5164 on: September 17, 2020, 11:19:10 pm »

Rekhyt amuses me and seems generally amiable.  It's hard to say about the others, but Atlan seems a bit stuck-up.  I'm not sure about Bat other than that he seems vaguely menacing.  However, I don't think it's accurate that they all bring something equal to the table.  Unlike the other siblings, Rekhyt does not appear to have strong ties to the military or hoards of wealth.

Also, I hope this puts to rest everyone's outsized fears of the Demon Armor.  Contrary to what several Ancestors said, it did not cause William to fall and become a Plague Lord, and it did not eat him.  Obviously we should be cautious of it, but we should not be paralyzed by fear.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2020, 12:58:31 am by ZBridges »


  • Bay Watcher
  • Soothly we live in mighty years!
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Re: McCreary's Planet -- Act III: Sol's Reign
« Reply #5165 on: September 18, 2020, 01:21:27 am »

Ha-hm. I'll relax a bit on that front after he takes it off.
Falling angel met the rising ape, and the sound it made was

tormenting the player is important

King Zultan

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: McCreary's Planet -- Act III: Sol's Reign
« Reply #5166 on: September 18, 2020, 07:37:02 am »

Everybody has something to bring to the table, we just have to figure out which thing we want the most.
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: McCreary's Planet -- Act III: Sol's Reign
« Reply #5167 on: September 18, 2020, 07:59:40 am »

"Well, if it knows modern military strategy, then it doesn't need spies." Cephie as Iyal states, stretching one of her long legs in the hot water. She grins when she catches your lingering gaze. "It probably analyzed your response times and personality. Started with a light force then pushed hard when you didn't show up. Isela kept you away to keep it on guard."

With a stretch, Cephie turned Iyal wraps an arm around you and nuzzles into your collar bone. "You should answer Isela. It's probably a debrief."
« Last Edit: September 18, 2020, 08:05:03 am by 19_EgarAlnis »


  • Bay Watcher
  • Soothly we live in mighty years!
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Re: McCreary's Planet -- Act III: Sol's Reign
« Reply #5168 on: September 18, 2020, 12:00:11 pm »

Ah yes! Debriefing.

...might want to keep your video feed off or some such. Just so's you're not showing off a certain someone at your shoulder.
Falling angel met the rising ape, and the sound it made was

tormenting the player is important


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: McCreary's Planet -- Act III: Sol's Reign
« Reply #5169 on: September 18, 2020, 12:26:17 pm »

You pick up the datapad, and answer it, keeping your feed cut as Isela begins her debrief.

"Ah. Pheonix. Good Morning!" Isela offers cheerfully, then, with confusion, "Did you know your feed is off? If you just press the square sha--"

"Yes. Please continue debrief."

"Currently casualties are holding steady at one hundred and thirty-five Crusaders, fifty-seven of which are injured and relieved. The rest perished. Widows and children will be supported, standard clauses. Civilian casualties are at two hundred and five. The rest have been evacuated to neighboring towns and cities." Isela pauses. Cephie half-listens, and presses into your shoulder. You keep your attention on the business at hand.

"The townships to the north and south of Achmil report that the Infected assaults have become sporadic and disorganized after the detonation of Achmil's reactors. Reported casualties are reflected in the total. Eric and William are leading airbourne assaults on monoliths in the exclusion zone. We've knocked down three. Murdach is assaulting a nexu--" There's a loud ping from the other end.

"Speak of the demon. The regional resupply and 'communication' nexus has just been levelled. Murdach reports no casualties. They're linking up with Eric and intend to 'burn every fucking bug they see' on the way back." Isela nods, rubbing at the bags under her eyes. "Do you have any questions? The line is currently being secured, but the Clans can't keep it up for long."
« Last Edit: September 18, 2020, 12:38:13 pm by 19_EgarAlnis »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: McCreary's Planet -- Act III: Sol's Reign
« Reply #5170 on: September 18, 2020, 03:31:46 pm »

"What should our next step be?  Should we plan an assault once our airship is ready, or should we remain on the defensive for now?  Also, General, I am very pleased with your performance.  Keep up the good work."

"One other question: do you have an update on the expedition to the arkship?"
« Last Edit: September 20, 2020, 03:15:08 am by ZBridges »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: McCreary's Planet -- Act III: Sol's Reign
« Reply #5171 on: September 18, 2020, 04:24:57 pm »

Make a rundown on how the units operated individually and as a group.  Plans need to be made to counter colossi and insect threats without ascended interference.  In the case of a large scale invasion we would be spread too thin to defend multiple points like Eric just did.

If adjustments need to be made to war machine production to counter the threats make sure Silas does so before continuing work on his project. 

Also force Silas to get some rest, it is no use having a mad scientist burn himself out on just one project.

Rejoice that you have reliable subordinates.

King Zultan

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: McCreary's Planet -- Act III: Sol's Reign
« Reply #5172 on: September 19, 2020, 07:53:28 am »

"What should our next step be?  Should we plan an assault once our airship is ready, or should we remain on the defensive for now?  Also, General, I am very pleased with your performance.  Keep up the good work."
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: McCreary's Planet -- Act III: Sol's Reign
« Reply #5173 on: September 21, 2020, 07:46:14 pm »

[16 vs 13]As you open your mouth to question, Cephie slips a hand over it tightly. She breathes a sigh on your neck, then addresses Isela.

"General. Does operational security still apply? You mentioned previously?" Cephie questions.

You flinch -- her voice is just like your's.

[14 vs 11]"Um, yes Mother Pheonix? What's the matter." Isela responds, frowning at the screen.

"I'm just curious. I did not receive any explanation of protocol changes with regards to sensitive operations. Make sure those are hand-delivered next time. By you. Thank you."

"Oh. Of course."

Cephie slips her hand off your mouth, leaning in to give you a peck on the neck. Her free hand presses the mute button -- "You owe me. Isela is playing at communication and information security." She gives you another kiss and gives a wicked, sharp smile, "But you knew that, didn't you? I hope you weren't going to ask any revealing questions."

You hesitate, then unmute yourself and speak, "I am very pleased with your performance General. Please make a rundown on how our units operated individually and as a group. I wish to see squads of our troops taking down Insects and Colossi without interference from Eric, William, or Myself."

Do you still ask the suggested questions?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: McCreary's Planet -- Act III: Sol's Reign
« Reply #5174 on: September 21, 2020, 08:18:35 pm »

Tell her to continue taking measures she feels are appropriate to both this theater and the overall war effort. 

In the future you should see about creating disinformation over the radio of some sort to blur where people think your assets are.
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