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Author Topic: Smallhands - nearly 40 years and still tiny!  (Read 422689 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Smallhands - a small fort for small computers (small overseers welcome)
« Reply #675 on: October 07, 2020, 11:59:31 am »

Spring & Summer

1st of Granite. The enemy has come!

The enemy then runs into the joint forces of the Grave Wardens and The Swamp Hunters, and proceeds to have an exceedingly bad day.

One of them is caged, the only survivor of the raid. That’s right, even the map edge has been no respite. We, on our side, have no losses, only two wounded (one from each squad).

With some assurance that the surface will be safe for the next three months, I drop all bridges and allow dwarves to pick everything from the non-fevering biome. The fevering biome gets a renewed batch of mass forbid, just in case.

18th Granite. While enemy corpses are hauled to the atom smasher, the revamping of the resurrection chamber begins. First, the cyclops is re-trapped, and the shutter bridges are raised.

Next, a wall is laid down; the cyclops cage is assigned to be rebuilt in the middle of the future 1x5 room, and in the newly-cleared dwarven room, I build the furniture that had been toppled by the cyclops: an excellent quality chair, a masterwork table and an artifact weapon rack.

6th Slate. The fort has 3 vacancies at minimum, 8 if the poor Rainbow Raptors are removed from the rolls. And not one blighted idiot has deigned to arrive...

16th Slate. I’d prefer you’d keep hauling, if I’m honest...

8th Felsite.

To cap off spring, I must say not much has ever happened. This is one of those seasons that consisted mostly of hauling. The defenses have some progress; the tower is no longer a wide open route into the fort:

Above on the surface, the future bee-keeping area is a few constructions away from completion; as soon as the older hives are collected, they’ll be deconstructed and moved on the roof.

The ‘new and improved’ resurrection chamber is a bit behind, but not that far. The old dumping zone was deactivated, and the input will be supplied from above. The drop spot was initially made right on top of that instrument, where manual dumping left them in… and then I remembered hostiles can climb; especially when a wall helps them along. So I move it in one of the older gaps:


1st Hematite. We have a new siege. Not a wimpy one, either! Of the nine ‘actual’ military dwarves, four are both uninjured and unoccupied; they assemble under the surface, while all others flee for the safety of the deep fort. Then they’re let loose upon the enemy:

They have, without a doubt, given at least twice as good as they’ve gotten; between the spectacular murder spree and the cage traps, the siege is broken on the 10th of Hematite.

The resurrection chamber sees immediate use; our four ‘volunteers’ get dumped, from the stock list, where I think it’s much easier to find them than by digging through the carnage above:

For a baffling moment, or three in-game days, nothing happens; then I think to check orders, and find dwarves were told to ignore outside refuse. That’s rectified, and the dumping begins:

While I’m here with all jobs unassigned for everyone, I take the time to fill the squads. It seems like it’ll be needed.

15th. Nothing is happening; I presume the corpses need to be placed right next to the fortifications (this would neatly match up with why my own experiments have failed). So I pull the shutters, and trim the old dump zone - from a vertical 3x1 it’s reduced to a single tile in front of the necro.

16th. What the… didn’t I close the shutter? Oh, it was closed; I opened it. Oops.

To make matters worse, we have no forlorn ghouls; just ‘standard’ zombies.

Two have exited the dubiously-named resurrection chamber; one was trapped, and the other has escaped into the fort, busily chasing a glassmaker.

The door is locked, and the new army is called to put down the remnants of the old.

And then a minor disaster has gone down:

These two events are unrelated, from what I can tell: the tavern keeper overseer, Recon, has swiftly put down the loose zombie (Vabok's corpse, if anyone is interested). At the same time, one of the two backup lawgivers and former Grave Wardens, Tosid, has picked a fight with a scribe. Despite not having any weapons and being limited to punches… well… the above has happened. Now Tosid is collecting equipment, and running in terror from every fortress dwarf that comes in her way.

Oh, and we still have two zombies in the resurrection chamber.

Well, drastic measures must be taken. Tosid is made leader of her own squad, and sent on a mission to raze the thoroughly broken goblin pits of StableVile.

Her ‘squad’ is named Relieved Fountains. I mean, one way or another we’ll be relieved… either a hostile dwarf will be restored, or she’ll die. Either way, we’re relieved of her buggy loyalties.

Now I can only hope she’ll manage to leave the fort, while being terrified of everyone she meets.

Meanwhile, life carries on, and on the 20th of Hematite, the Grave Wardens are stationed before the resurrection room. The door is unlocked, the two zombies rush out (with tremendous speed, I should mention), and are swiftly struck down. Then the three other corpses are also marked for dumping, because apparently I’m at least as thick-skulled as a dwarf.

3rd Malachite. Tosid has returned from her expedition; as expected, she’s now fine with everybody.

11th. Of the three dead dwarves, the scribe has been resurrected as a forlorn ghoul.

The previously-existing ghoul, Vabok, has also been resurrected, as he was before. Both are now ‘visitors’ and won’t be shown in Dwarf Therapist unless that category is enabled.

I look for the last corpse in stocks - Ast - and re-dump it. Maybe we’ll get lucky, before dude rots away. I find another corpse, and tentatively mark it… then return to unmark it, because it’s a baby turkey.

Ast was resurrected, again as a standard hostile zombie. And again, the army is quick to put it down.

Alright. I think I can draw some conclusions from my little bout of !!SCIENCE!!.

Firstly, our necromancer has problems seeing corpses that aren’t right next to the fortifications.

Secondly, the motive cyclops also needs to be right next to his side of fortifications; probably for the same reason as above.

Thirdly (and more contentiously), a dwarf is set as ghoul or zombie once per dwarf, and it’s not going to matter how many times the poor corpse is killed and raised. It’s a good question how Nogood will behave if he ends up dead again. But I refuse to experiment… in the community fort; NoGood will die offline, and I’ll inform you of results.

I allow dwarves to bury their dead; until the next dead citizen, no more resurrection experiments will be made. Maybe the overpaca, but I need to load a new cage first. The now five zombified dwarves need slabs; they’re no longer recognized as citizens of the fort, and won’t be buried.

Oh. Speaking of. KingZultan is taking recent events very badly:

She hasn’t woven any cloth, as I initially intended; she was injured during the spring ‘invasion’, because for some bizarre reason she went into the Tall Bar instead of hiding away in the fort. She got pelted with arrows, and spent the rest of spring plus the first month of summer in the hospital. Then she went outside, saw the invader corpses still outside, and had a nervous breakdown immediately.

The other two are comparatively much better; one is a legendary+3 bone carver, who was set to make totems and crafts until he feels better. It’s not that one, by the way; that one is only Legendary+1, and also insane. The third one is Reg, who doesn’t have any remarkable skills to get him out of his funk; he’s in the most danger since I can't just get him to crank out masterworks until he's blissed out.

21st Malachite.

Avuz, one of our few non-feverish dwarves and legendary weapon-maker, was asked to use some bronze on, well, making weapons. Too bad there’s nobody to give them to.

22nd Galena. At long last, the melancholic murderer has perished:

He’s quickly dumped into the resurrection chamber, and we have been met with success!

I now wonder if the problem with the other dwarves was that they were killed in combat, as opposed to other causes; causes that were less violent, and more alcohol-deprived. It shouldn’t be too hard to station a small squad in the resurrection chamber, and see the outcome…

The sacrificial subjects are chosen from the dwarves with outstanding health issues:

Amost and Kubuk are the only two members of The Covers of Silver, a new squad forbidden from either equipment, weapons or supplies. They are stationed not in the resurrection chamber proper, but in an adjacent room; the former jail, in fact. There they will sit, under a locked door, until at least one of them dies.
Needs caffeine to get through the working day.
[Sigtext. Contains links to mods, LPs and an index of all the things I wrote on this forum. Does not contain a viable sig.]


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Smallhands - a small fort for small computers (small overseers welcome)
« Reply #676 on: October 07, 2020, 02:54:05 pm »

Journal of the Tavern Keeper Overseer, 24th of Galena 165

This overseer, as far as smallhands' crop of overseers go, is the epitome of oxymoronic policies.

The tankard was seen as a security risk and its access altered: great!
The overseer forbade us looting the gear from next to it- boo!

The sieges have returned in full, with the first caged in the traps and butchered by our soldiers, and the second resulting in a fairly costly draw.
He even started drafting anybody and everybody that was fevered for the army, smiths, cooks, brewers, everyone.
We lost several good dwarves, and the overseer got the necromancer to start raising our poor dead! He clearly didn't think through this plan as one escaped

At least those of us deemed important to the long term prosperity of smallhands didn't have to go outside into the masscre...though it seems I would have faired better than the rest of us "Ancients"-I still know how to swing a blade: offed vabok's body and saved Olin our glassmaker. I was hoping to give our fantastic blacksmith a proper burial this time but then the overseer demanded I return the body for a second resurrection! How can he be so callous??

After reluctantly doing that and seeing the Overseer deliberately have two of our dwarves walled in, I had enough.
I marched into his office and found he was drafting a document of dwarven !!SCIENCE!! on the circumstances of necromanctic revivals. This vile stuff should be destroyed!

A large alcohol stain covers the page
...trary to what any sane follower of Armok would do.
I don't remember what happened after that. Something about an ale bottle, me making drunken threats, the overseer making drunken threats and the Overseer aggreing to not do any more !!science!!


Loving this update, surprised so much has come out. Hope you didn't mind the little rp i did there at the end of my journal strike.

What's the status of our military? living/trained members, kills, gear etc?
Urist McRecon cancels make exploding booze: Interrupted by bad idea
Urist McRecon cancels bad idea: missing raw files
Urist McRecon cancels add raw files: Interrupted by fortress mode
Urist McRecon cancels play fortress mode: Needs exploding booze
Urist McRecon cancels acquire exploding booze: No materials


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Smallhands - a small fort for small computers (small overseers welcome)
« Reply #677 on: October 07, 2020, 03:41:04 pm »

It would probably be a good idea to rescue the Rainbow Raptors as soon as possible.

22nd Galena. At long last, the melancholic murderer has perished:

That is an accurate term for several citizens/corpses in the fortress
The sacrificial subjects are chosen from the dwarves with outstanding health issues:

Amost and Kubuk are the only two members of The Covers of Silver, a new squad forbidden from either equipment, weapons or supplies. They are stationed not in the resurrection chamber proper, but in an adjacent room; the former jail, in fact. There they will sit, under a locked door, until at least one of them dies.
I'm not sure what the fact that 'a quick death very slow death by starvation followed by a dubiously reliable resurrection through black magic is considered a viable alternative to therapy' says about this fortress.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2020, 03:56:28 pm by auzewasright »
On a fun note, all of the beds just starting disintegrating
By the way, it (my name) is pronounced "ah-zee".

King Zultan

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Re: Smallhands - a small fort for small computers (small overseers welcome)
« Reply #678 on: October 07, 2020, 03:53:03 pm »

Well my dwarf doesn't seem to be doing well, maybe if we're lucky we can salvage it or if it dies we can raise it.
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Smallhands - a small fort for small computers (small overseers welcome)
« Reply #679 on: October 07, 2020, 06:07:21 pm »

Nogood died a violent death and came back a forlorn ghoul.  Phonso died to dehydration and came back as a regular zombie.

I don't think method of death matters, but there might be something to the "type of rez per dwarf" thing. I save scummed with phonso and after 4 attempts he was always a regular zombie. It could be that the necromancer has a specific attack readied (like an action order) but I don't know.

The cyclops necromancer combo just uses DF's sight stuff. They don't need to be 100% next to each other but it helps. If you ever played with marksdwarves and small know how impossible it is to get them to notice things sometimes.

Also, beware dumping multiple corpses - if one is a ghoul and the rest are zombies, the zombies will attack the ghoul - could cost them limbs if not potentially mangling them beyond resurrection.

This is great, Strika. Loving it even though many are dying.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Smallhands - a small fort for small computers (small overseers welcome)
« Reply #680 on: October 08, 2020, 07:13:38 am »

Journal of the Tavern Keeper Overseer, 24th of Galena 165

Yassss, collaboration! :D

Mind you, I only promised to stop deliberately killing people in the name of !!SCIENCE!!. Anybody who dies is still going in the resurrection chamber - and I am genuinely concerned about migrants. Spoiler: we didn't get any in the autumn either. I don't have the time right now to go through legends, but is it possible that we're not going to ever get replacements.

What's the status of our military? living/trained members, kills, gear etc?
The gear in general is the squad-assigned one; we have plenty of high-quality weapons, and somewhat less armor.

I have a save from the 10th of Hematite, right after the siege broke. The kill lists are a bit disappointing; of the notable ones, NoGood is the most prolific, followed closely by Tosid:

For everyone else, the majority of kills are animals; there's the occasional dwarf kill, which I can't tell if it was murder or an invader. I'll put a new list after my turn ends.

It would probably be a good idea to rescue the Rainbow Raptors as soon as possible.

>.> <.< >.>
I'll have to leave that to someone else.

> 22nd Galena. At long last, the melancholic murderer has perished.
That is an accurate term for several citizens/corpses in the fortress
Not really; Vabok was the only insane dwarf in the fort, and thus doomed to die anyway. KingZultan is in danger of breaking too, but I'm not giving up yet.

The sacrificial subjects are chosen from the dwarves with outstanding health issues
I'm not sure what the fact that 'a quick death very slow death by starvation followed by a dubiously reliable resurrection through black magic is considered a viable alternative to therapy' says about this fortress.

Oh, if only therapy existed! Or if hospitals worked properly! Or if dwarves with infections and other health issues would actually bother to go to the hospital, instead of getting hauled there while unconscious and bailing out as soon as they wake up!

Really, under these circumstances, can you blame me if I seek alternate means of therapy?

Jokes aside, I've spent lives this casually because all dwarves I've targeted were already doomed. This year, next year, or some other year, they wee going to die, and nobody can do anything about it; either in-game, or me outside the game.

Nogood died a violent death and came back a forlorn ghoul.  Phonso died to dehydration and came back as a regular zombie.

I don't think method of death matters, but there might be something to the "type of rez per dwarf" thing. I save scummed with phonso and after 4 attempts he was always a regular zombie. It could be that the necromancer has a specific attack readied (like an action order) but I don't know.

The cyclops necromancer combo just uses DF's sight stuff. They don't need to be 100% next to each other but it helps. If you ever played with marksdwarves and small know how impossible it is to get them to notice things sometimes.

Also, beware dumping multiple corpses - if one is a ghoul and the rest are zombies, the zombies will attack the ghoul - could cost them limbs if not potentially mangling them beyond resurrection.

This is great, Strika. Loving it even though many are dying.

When I have enough time, I'll go check what gods everybody worships. If I still can't find a correlation, I'll have to conclude rezzing is done on the 'hidden variable set per dwarf' basis.
Needs caffeine to get through the working day.
[Sigtext. Contains links to mods, LPs and an index of all the things I wrote on this forum. Does not contain a viable sig.]


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Smallhands - a small fort for small computers (small overseers welcome)
« Reply #681 on: October 08, 2020, 07:23:23 am »

The reasons our armour is rubbish, is because we had a single armoursmith and an iron poor environment. We have plentiful silver for bludgeoning weapons at least, but in terms of sharp stuff or protective gear we're out of luck.

I attempted to rectify the former in my turn and got several armourers training but as far as I'm aware all of them are now fevered, dead or both. Unfortunately, the latter will need to be solved through good old fashion smelt/forge/smelt of axes for extra iron.

edit: I think all named dwarves should be military trained (except zultan being police) even though they aren't going in the army. That way in case of errant zombie attacks or tantrums they can survive
« Last Edit: October 08, 2020, 07:25:40 am by recon1o6 »
Urist McRecon cancels make exploding booze: Interrupted by bad idea
Urist McRecon cancels bad idea: missing raw files
Urist McRecon cancels add raw files: Interrupted by fortress mode
Urist McRecon cancels play fortress mode: Needs exploding booze
Urist McRecon cancels acquire exploding booze: No materials


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Smallhands - a small fort for small computers (small overseers welcome)
« Reply #682 on: October 08, 2020, 10:28:36 pm »

When I have enough time, I'll go check what gods everybody worships. If I still can't find a correlation, I'll have to conclude rezzing is done on the 'hidden variable set per dwarf' basis.

I might do some messing-about in Arena to see if I can nail down an affiliation.

The reasons our armour is rubbish, is because we had a single armoursmith and an iron poor environment. We have plentiful silver for bludgeoning weapons at least, but in terms of sharp stuff or protective gear we're out of luck.

I think right when the magma forges were made I suggested that melt-exploit (metal spikes/warhammers) to generate infinite steel. Then I think the fortress was decimated once again, so it never took off. I should have done it on my turn, honestly.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Smallhands - a small fort for small computers (small overseers welcome)
« Reply #683 on: October 09, 2020, 04:58:01 am »

Autumn & Winter

1st Limestone

He has dropped dead in the hospital’s doorway, so I presume the infection did him in. You can guess what will happen to him.

While waiting for the autumn caravan, I decide to engrave and build some slabs; one for the casualty of the previous year, and one more for the four military members that I killed and zombified; their bodies were no longer recognized as dwarven, therefore never interred; it’s only a matter of time until they’ll rise to haunt the living. I then find we have a rather large number of already-engraved slabs, and build those as well.

As a side note, NoGood may join the ranks of the undead again:

He’s been drinking in the alcohol stockpile since he got out of the hospital, some time in spring; I like to think his ‘severe blood loss’ is actually ‘severe alcohol loss’.

One more change to the resurrection chamber: I’m replacing a fortification with a wall, because that one tile allows dwarves to see the necromancer. Let’s just say I’m glad we have friendly ghouls who can pull levers.

6th Timber. Starvation has claimed Amost a few days ago, and the corpse was dumped quickly; she was then risen as a forlorn ghoul:

Since I’m here (and Kubuk has yet to die) I’ll also raise the overpaca as a more standard undead; it will be caged and placed in the existing zoo.

16th Timber. Kubuk has joined the ranks of the differently living.

At about the same time, the rehabilitation of KingZultan is being kicked into a different, higher gear: she has not taken the recent deaths well:

So she’s been removed as captain of the guard (not like she was doing any of her duties) and was left to make only cloth, and then clothes. Her replacement as captain is a random dwarf named Logem; he’s the second physically weakest dwarf in the fort, after KingZultan herself.


The plan for winter is to finish from what I started, and then see what else I can do from the bucket list.

I can already cross off the surface defenses, the cyclops’ new room, revising the food situation, raising the overpaca, and slab construction.

The new bee-keeping area needs only to have its hives built. They're joined by a stockpile for honeycombs (tools only, no material besides wax), a press, and a craftsdwarf's shop to make wax crafts; 'cause what else are you going to do with wax?

The surface defenses had one unexpected detail: I ended up deconstructing the ballistas.

They were rebuilt in spring, and even set to fire during the summer invasion; they weren’t manned in time, and then something a bit embarrassing happened: I forgot to switch them off. The two ballistas have fired the 7 available arrows when the rest of the fort was collecting corpses from the surface… and have missed everybody and everything. The only arrow that had a visible effect was when the ballista in the back hit the front-side ballista; the latter was deconstructed as a result. I think we should just shut down the whole assembly.

Military reshuffling was done with mixed success, the squads were set but we’ve all seen how raising dwarves can have mixed results.

The Tall Bar is something I haven’t touched at all, until now; I’ll rebuild the front door and the windows, but it can use a courtyard of sorts, that can be closed off with a bridge; given how the space is arranged so far, that courtyard has no choice but to be shared with the fortress entrance. That’s something requiring design, and not something for which I can spare either in-game dwarf power, or out-game brainpower.

… I suppose I’ll need a goal for my third term too, won’t I?

From the list of goals I haven’t touched, I settled on two: working on the third cavern, and decommissioning the old cage-and-doors labyrinth to extend the tree farm.

By ‘old cage-and-doors labyrinth’, I mean this:

There were some bridges built in there too, but nobody remembers where they’ve been connected - if at all. And the dark spaces with stairs in them are the tree farm; it’s been cut down recently, because there are only two tower caps, both two levels tall. The fort needs a source of wood if we’re ever going to produce steel, and even if I go through the third cavern, we can use any chunk of wood we get.

Everything gets deconstructed; for a very short while, the whole fort received masonry and mechanics. Miners will start channeling as soon as they’re available.

While that’s done on the surface, I’m focusing my attention on the third cavern. It’s currently occupied by two molemarians, creatures that have no problems attacking and killing dwarves. Given my newly-reacquired appreciation for dwarven lives, I’ll wait for them to leave, and instead prepare to handle the corpses: the upstairs corpse and refuse stockpiles are disabled, and the door to the two butcher’s shops is locked. Instead, five new butcheries are built in the cavern’s antechamber. The dwarves can work through the plethora of old skeletons inside, salvage the skulls, bones, and any other craftable bits, then the rest can be tossed down in the magma sea.

The two molemarians are replaced… by two different molemarians. Screw it, I’m opening the cave and unlocking the hatch. Maybe those two will wander out of the way... yeah right. They immediately corner one of the Swamp Hunters and hill him before anyone else can interfere. Both molemarians are marked for death, and the dwarven corpse is hauled upstairs.

We then get a lucky break, and receive three cave blobs, passive creatures that shouldn’t pose any problems. The bridge then deconstructs itself - at some point in the past six years, some blocks earmarked for it were moved. It’s been set in the same place, in the same conditions, and then linked to the lever off to the side of the stairs. Success!

I mark the cavern trees for cutting, we have two woodcutters, both unafflicted by the fever.

Back up top, the tree farm has only a bit of channeling left on the last level; a brand new spore tree has already popped in it:

The bee-keeping area is only marred by my inattention: I built one hive where I shouldn’t, and one grate where I should have built the hive; both have been set to deconstruct, but Reg is busy. The screw press is only delayed by the temporary lack of jugs - the ones we have are all full, and the 10 new ones I queued haven’t been made.

NoGood is still being weird, and getting worse: by this time, DfHack is ringing alarms about him:

His wounds:

And there’s no scheduled treatment.

And in closing, KingZultan has run out of thread to weave, moved on to clothing, and managed to shake off some 13,000 points of stress - sufficient to knock her from miserable to ‘merely’ very unhappy.


As promised, the status of notable kills. These are all dwarves with any kills whatsoever (not including NoGood, who still isn’t visible in Dwarf Therapist). Plus, more details about who’s got notable kills:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

The save. Have fun with year 166.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2020, 05:11:38 am by StrikaAmaru »
Needs caffeine to get through the working day.
[Sigtext. Contains links to mods, LPs and an index of all the things I wrote on this forum. Does not contain a viable sig.]


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Smallhands - a small fort for small computers (small overseers welcome)
« Reply #684 on: October 09, 2020, 06:49:41 am »

Awesome Strika! Lots of ghouls in Smallhands these days - makes me wonder if we lost the original mission in one of those times when almost everyone died.


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Re: Smallhands - a small fort for small computers (small overseers welcome)
« Reply #685 on: October 09, 2020, 07:35:53 am »

NoGood is still being weird, and getting worse: by this time, DfHack is ringing alarms about him:

The inner thoughts of an Undying Former Overseer


I was wondering if this would come up. It's something I noticed while experimenting with the loyalty cascade. Yep, Nogood is still kind of immortal in his half-ghoul form, but it's a cursed form of immortality. He seemingly can't die from anything that wouldn't kill a ghoul, but he still suffers from the effects of his injuries. His spine is infected mush right now, so he's stuck like that unless someone mods nervous tissue to heal itself or finds a way to re-ghoulify him.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2020, 08:17:56 am by nogoodnames »
Life is, in a word, volcanoes.
                        - Random human lord


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Smallhands - a small fort for small computers (small overseers welcome)
« Reply #686 on: October 09, 2020, 08:10:13 am »

what a turn, so much death, and at least half of it overseer inflicted to boot! An interesting read and definately seems to have contributed to !!science!!
I don't think this overseer would have been very popular

Shame about still not having a tavern, lets hope there isn't a year 3 without one! It might get our ghoulies to actually get drunk.

I think its the undead overpaca's turn now?
Urist McRecon cancels make exploding booze: Interrupted by bad idea
Urist McRecon cancels bad idea: missing raw files
Urist McRecon cancels add raw files: Interrupted by fortress mode
Urist McRecon cancels play fortress mode: Needs exploding booze
Urist McRecon cancels acquire exploding booze: No materials


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Re: Smallhands - a small fort for small computers (small overseers welcome)
« Reply #687 on: October 09, 2020, 11:20:54 am »

I got the save, it loads up OK.

Can I use dfhack to clean up the caverns from corpses and body parts? or am I (not) doing this the long way?
Meanwhile in the background, some migrant brought a cat! The first cat in Whisperwhip for a few years now, actually. The local population accidentally died of exploding over the years.

After 3 days, the new cat explodes.


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Re: Smallhands - a small fort for small computers (small overseers welcome)
« Reply #688 on: October 09, 2020, 11:34:12 am »

Or if dwarves with infections and other health issues would actually bother to go to the hospital, instead of getting hauled there while unconscious and bailing out as soon as they wake up!

Really, under these circumstances, can you blame me if I seek alternate means of therapy?

Jokes aside, I've spent lives this casually because all dwarves I've targeted were already doomed. This year, next year, or some other year, they wee going to die, and nobody can do anything about it; either in-game, or me outside the game.
A little research shows that this may be yet another old bug that was rare enough nobody ever really bothered to pay attention to it. Not sure if that is the case, but the report's description matches up well enough with your own...
On a fun note, all of the beds just starting disintegrating
By the way, it (my name) is pronounced "ah-zee".


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Smallhands - a small fort for small computers (small overseers welcome)
« Reply #689 on: October 09, 2020, 02:21:34 pm »

Might he have had internal bleeding?
Urist McRecon cancels make exploding booze: Interrupted by bad idea
Urist McRecon cancels bad idea: missing raw files
Urist McRecon cancels add raw files: Interrupted by fortress mode
Urist McRecon cancels play fortress mode: Needs exploding booze
Urist McRecon cancels acquire exploding booze: No materials
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