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Author Topic: Smallhands - nearly 40 years and still tiny!  (Read 422734 times)


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Re: Smallhands - a small fort for small computers (small overseers welcome)
« Reply #645 on: October 02, 2020, 03:38:00 am »

I'm telling you ! There's some necromancy shenanigans happening !


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Re: Smallhands - a small fort for small computers (small overseers welcome)
« Reply #646 on: October 02, 2020, 03:40:20 am »

Also if you can't tell, I'm getting sick of the bees in a coat bit and am starting to abandon it. I have no staying power.
Ditch the coat and see how the citizens react to pure bees being their overseer?
Meanwhile in the background, some migrant brought a cat! The first cat in Whisperwhip for a few years now, actually. The local population accidentally died of exploding over the years.

After 3 days, the new cat explodes.

Darkening Kaos

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Re: Smallhands - a small fort for small computers (small overseers welcome)
« Reply #647 on: October 02, 2020, 04:48:08 am »

Also if you can't tell, I'm getting sick of the bees in a coat bit and am starting to abandon it. I have no staying power.
Ditch the coat and see how the citizens react to pure bees being their overseer?
     I doubt that they will bee-lieve it .....
So! Failed to make peace, war looms, kill the infidels... what are our plans for the weekend?
The Giant Moles in the caverns of my current fort breed like crazy, even while regularly being decimated by other beasts entering them...


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Re: Smallhands - a small fort for small computers (small overseers welcome)
« Reply #648 on: October 02, 2020, 05:20:46 am »

Also if you can't tell, I'm getting sick of the bees in a coat bit and am starting to abandon it. I have no staying power.
Ditch the coat and see how the citizens react to pure bees being their overseer?
     I doubt that they will bee-lieve it .....

Would they value my honeysty?

At least Reg behives like an overseer most of the time: namely, being emotionally distant and methodical.


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Re: Smallhands - a small fort for small computers (small overseers welcome)
« Reply #649 on: October 02, 2020, 06:12:38 am »

I had a chuckle at the bees getting stuck in the towering tankard.
curses, I wanted to be mayor again
I reckon the bees will get replaced as overseer as soon as they try to drink some booze on the new year's party and collapse in a heap

curiously, I have not once noted an increase in honey production or usage of the hives on the roof
Urist McRecon cancels make exploding booze: Interrupted by bad idea
Urist McRecon cancels bad idea: missing raw files
Urist McRecon cancels add raw files: Interrupted by fortress mode
Urist McRecon cancels play fortress mode: Needs exploding booze
Urist McRecon cancels acquire exploding booze: No materials


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Re: Smallhands - a small fort for small computers (small overseers welcome)
« Reply #650 on: October 02, 2020, 06:36:13 am »

I had a chuckle at the bees getting stuck in the towering tankard.
curses, I wanted to be mayor again
I reckon the bees will get replaced as overseer as soon as they try to drink some booze on the new year's party and collapse in a heap

curiously, I have not once noted an increase in honey production or usage of the hives on the roof

I'm taking that in case Reg dies somehow.

Yeah, I haven't actually done any of the bee-keeping. I have been a bit listless in my play this turn - but I'm also doing a few tasks that require a lot of micromanagement - dumping particular items, making particular undead.

King Zultan

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Re: Smallhands - a small fort for small computers (small overseers welcome)
« Reply #651 on: October 02, 2020, 12:18:54 pm »

But if our beenevolent bee overseers die who will guide us?
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?

Darkening Kaos

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Re: Smallhands - a small fort for small computers (small overseers welcome)
« Reply #652 on: October 02, 2020, 08:37:34 pm »

But if our beenevolent bee overbee-ers die who will guide us?
So! Failed to make peace, war looms, kill the infidels... what are our plans for the weekend?
The Giant Moles in the caverns of my current fort breed like crazy, even while regularly being decimated by other beasts entering them...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Smallhands - a small fort for small computers (small overseers welcome)
« Reply #653 on: October 03, 2020, 12:14:40 am »

Smallhands: Year 164


=Journal of Reg Pickcrab=
(definitely not 12000 bees in a trench coat)

We learned a new word this week: delegate. It means someone else does your job for you but you still get the credit. Dwarven society never ceases to amaze.

Nogood came rushing out of the garbage disposal saying "Uh oh. Very bad! Very bad!" Then started pulling levers in a panic. I assumed this was normal, so I joined him. When we all calmed down, Nogood explained...

The experiment was a failure. Phonso was risen without a soul, and would mindlessly attack any members of the hive. Concerned by this, I ordered him to be caged and put in the zoo.

Nogood didn't seem to like that. I guess he was also upset that the experiment failed. Don't worry, Nogood - we'll try again. This time with...that one.


After-action report of Ast Gildduty, Captain of the Swamp Hunters
Delegated to me by Military Commander Nogood
Delegated to Nogood by Overseer Reg

The goblins arrived early this month. Overseer Reg turned into a cloud of bees the instant the siege warning went up, leaving behind his coat. We have placed it in his bedroom for when he returns.

Early reports of the siege were optimistic. A small contingent of mounted goblins approached from the Northwest.

However as more came over the hillside, we realized the peril we were in. More and more goblins on beakdogs arrived in waves, filling the Northwestern region of the map.

Swamp Hunter Tholtig was the first to notice the true threat: trolls.

And then they just kept coming.

The enormous goblin force stood for a moment near the mug, giving the dwarves time to seal off the fortress proper. Swamp Hunters made moves to the barricades to fire down on the goblins.

However, it wasn't long before the trolls ripped the doors and windows off of the Towering Tankard. The enemy forces rushed into the first level of the fort - Furniture Storage and Animal Pasture. We weren't fast enough to save the animals...

The goblin forces amassed near the stockpile and planned their next move. We, foolishly, relaxed.

It is not clear what drove them to do it, but Kib swears she saw the Human Guild Representative Gal run down the fortress and then up the pump-stack trying to escape during the siege. The goblins understood immediately that this meant there was a way into the fort there. The trolls dismantled the pump stack on the way down.

Kib attempted to keep the Guild Representative safe and distracted the goblin forces, pulling them all the way down the pump stack to the bottom. Although the pump stack was destroyed, this gave us time to build walls to prevent any point of entry we missed before.

The final wall would block off Kib and guarantee their death. Kib got the message and moved out well before the wall was started. Gal, on the other hand, kept going back and forth between the fortress and the goblins - even encouraging them to follow him toward the fort proper.

The tactical decision to wall him and his maceman outside the fortress to be killed by the goblins fell to Nogood. No objections were made. With the wall made, a majority of the goblin force left. Their trolls stayed behind to continue destruction. Some had approached the fortress from the North in the hallway of cage traps. The Gravewardens rushed out to meet them.

Special commendations go to Ducim the Gravewarden who was unstoppable on the battlefield.

The siege was lifted. The end results were 2 known deaths and the loss of an alpaca. Two cats were punched to death by goblins and a blackbear was ripped apart by beakdogs. The aftermath of clean up is underway currently. Thus ends my report.


It feels great to be out of that coat, just letting it all hang out, as they say. Out here in the open air - on the surface after so long. Why are all the dwarves vomiting? They must be very excited.

Very excited indeed! Recon ran off to a clothier's shop while the other dwarves ran around picking up dead goblins and trolls. Several cages need reloading as well. I let Logum out of the trash compactor and instead offered the fallen from the battle as experiments. Lo and behold!

It's basically like I didn't get anyone killed.

Recon made a nice glove. Unfortunately, I don't have hands, otherwise I would try it on. The second dead body was placed in front of the necromancer and nothing is happening. I believe the only thing to do is to wait. More importantly, it is almost the end of winter, meaning a new overseer will be in charge.

Vabok very quickly wanted to get back into the citizen lifestyle, so I allowed him to.

Things are looking great here! I did a great job.
Things are terrible. I did a bad job.

King Zultan is very very upset. She got pulled out into the sun during the conflict, watched someone die, then got attacked by a honey badger a few times. She could use some rest and relaxation.

There is a dead body next to the Necromancer-Cyclops combo. The shutters are currently open (you'll see whenever the miasma puffs out.) That body was taken to the corpse stockpile before being dumped in front of the necromancer. If they are never rezzed - this might give us more information about how this whole mechanic works. The door near the cage-trap is locked, if it comes back as a corpse, just unlock that door and it'll path into the cage and be a new addition to the zoo.

There are a lot of dead things around, everyone has been exposed to the sun again. Also a quarter of our military was captured in the necromancer's tower. The pumpstack was ruined, the Towering Tankard is wide open, and the fort is filled with walls from my panicking. I am truly and genuinely sorry for dumping this on you, but the siege started a month into winter.

Good luck, StrikaAmaru, and sorry applet for your loss.
The save is here!

Little does Strika know that this is my 4D chess strategy to slow him down for the Numbercurse competition.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2020, 12:22:13 am by delphonso »


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Re: Smallhands - a small fort for small computers (small overseers welcome)
« Reply #654 on: October 03, 2020, 05:08:51 am »

Journal of the Tavern Keeper Obsidian 164

Why those trolls gave me such a great idea, I'm amazed nobody thought of it before- a punching glove! It'll be useful for when I'm out of the military! I'll put the mace etching on for good luck.

Such were my thoughts after the siege of the last month. Quite impressive really, the goblins circled us then moved to our flank. They took a moment to even admire my tankard! On the other hand, how dare they break my tankard! This was why I ordered it finished but our overseer was a bunch of bees, BEES!. Did nobody take notice of the ballista battery I installed either?

I can only presume they had a spy in the fort, having seen so many brave souls of our military captured... and it appears we did! That filty human led them into our fortress! Fortunately the goblins gave him his compuppance when some dwarves walled up the hole and they had no more ways inside. Didn't expect them to come down the pumpstack honestly. Can't say I'm pleased with Kib either.
This is why I was ejected from the mountainhomes, I objected to the humans as I didn't trust them and I objected to the elves because they engage in all things undwarven. I was right! On both counts! In Armok's name I hoped I was wrong about the humans.

Honestly, I should have seen this overseership coming, multiple beestings from the milita in training during my reign might have been a sign. More importantly how did those bees get in charge in the first place? I confess at the time I was busy serving drinks for the new years party and so I didnt notice.
I'm gonna have to pay attention at tonights new year party and quietly strike anyone suspicious from the overseer candidates register... nobody will notice it amongst my bar keeping duties.


great turn delphy! looking forward to strike's
I will have another turn at this if that's ok, would prefer to be after whoever succeeds strikeamaru

good luck strike!
Urist McRecon cancels make exploding booze: Interrupted by bad idea
Urist McRecon cancels bad idea: missing raw files
Urist McRecon cancels add raw files: Interrupted by fortress mode
Urist McRecon cancels play fortress mode: Needs exploding booze
Urist McRecon cancels acquire exploding booze: No materials


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Re: Smallhands - a small fort for small computers (small overseers welcome)
« Reply #655 on: October 03, 2020, 05:29:56 am »

Hastily engraved message
applet, Ex-overpaca

Meanwhile in the background, some migrant brought a cat! The first cat in Whisperwhip for a few years now, actually. The local population accidentally died of exploding over the years.

After 3 days, the new cat explodes.


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Re: Smallhands - a small fort for small computers (small overseers welcome)
« Reply #656 on: October 03, 2020, 10:03:32 am »

Not the overpaca!  :'(

Count me in for another turn as well!

Oh, and I don't think that dwarf is coming back from this:
« Last Edit: October 03, 2020, 10:10:43 am by nogoodnames »
Life is, in a word, volcanoes.
                        - Random human lord


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Re: Smallhands - a small fort for small computers (small overseers welcome)
« Reply #657 on: October 03, 2020, 10:15:58 am »

That makes sense. I didn't pay attention to the method of death as I tried not to panic... Sorry Dumed - rest in peace friend.

King Zultan

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Re: Smallhands - a small fort for small computers (small overseers welcome)
« Reply #658 on: October 03, 2020, 01:11:27 pm »

At least one was able to be saved.
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


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Re: Smallhands - a small fort for small computers (small overseers welcome)
« Reply #659 on: October 04, 2020, 02:08:34 am »

Got the save, and will try to look over it today.

Little do you know, Del, but the primary delay in NumberCurse will come from familial obligations, not from SmallHands!

Plus, y'know, we now have 2 weeks for the challenge too, and I still have to hit the wiki, because I don't usually do decorations.
« Last Edit: October 04, 2020, 06:46:03 am by StrikaAmaru »
Needs caffeine to get through the working day.
[Sigtext. Contains links to mods, LPs and an index of all the things I wrote on this forum. Does not contain a viable sig.]
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