To those who may read this, this is the last will and testament of Laterigrade Monomduthal, formerly of the name Zan, for those who come after us.
Laterigrade seems a better name than Zan; with the death of Nish, Udil and then Cog and me taking the position of expedition leader, it seems fitting to separate the old Zan, who did not know this horror, from the new Laterigrade.
The undead have taken over the upper halls, and I have heard the dying screams of our brothers-in-arms, and their shudderings as they rose back to life.
I wish to go up and store their corpses in our refuse pile, but they're inaccessible. I eventually realised that they were forbidden.
Salmeuk is going for a drink, but I'm going to pile up some stones near the stairwell. I can hear the undead killing the roosters and chickens still upstairs.
I don't know what to do. I'm going to bed.
An elven caravan has arrived. Armok save them; we can't. The killer echidnas and camels are slaughtering them. Speaking of which, I think Sibrek took a camel kick to the head while in hospital too.
Dear Armok. We unforbade the stair-well door and the undead rushed it! We're going to die!
...Oh. Whew. I mistook Goden for a skeletal echidna; I just saw his bones and freaked out; I forgot that the friendly undead's bones are a slightly lighter blue than those who are opposed to us.
He is a ghoul, but a dwarf still; one of our brethren.
He's come over and cried on my shoulder; I'm so sad for him. He has lost so many friends.
Salmeuk was going to go get the pick from the stockpile, but I realised just in time that the undead were about to *actually* bum-rush the stairway, and closed the doors.
Funny how they can't open doors we've closed.
Speaking of which, the elves are dead and the harpy ghoul is killing off our dwarf-ghouls still outside the gates.
Mmkay. Figured out what I'm going to do. Going to build a labyrinth *in* the fortress and let 'em in to give us time to run across the stairway and grab the pick.
Plans have been laid out. They're pretty crummy because I don't have much space to work in, but they'll do.
I'm taking up carpentry to build some doors. Huh, never mind, the logs are behind a closed bridge. Not sure which lever would activate it because none of them are labelled, so I'm not risking any of them.
I'll make my own and link them. Actually, a ghost, once our farmer Bim, has appeared so before I do that I'm making a slab and I'll engrave it.
A miasma has arisen from the bodies in the hospital; I can smell it through the doors downstairs.
The echidna and the diplomat's ghoul are still punching each other.
I've mostly finished the measly labyrinth; I don't have enough space to make it good.
Ye gods. Goden the ghoul got back through. I must have accidentally opened one of the doors. Gee. I can't understand how that happened, because there are a dozen undead in the stairwell; if it was opened they should have burst through.
Anyway, right now he's just running around in a panic.
Oh, wait, no; I found the lever one of the previous overseers named Front Gate, and I'll assume the other two are connected to the bridges closest to them. I'm pulling the one next to the bridge to the underground.
--Accidental lapse back into OOC, realised only after the event--
Wait, no, it closed the bridge up. Repulling it now. Why are we getting a no-wood when trying to build doors, then?
...And what are the dwarves cancelling placing in a stockpile because it's inacessible? I have everything on the surface forbidden, and they should be able to access pretty much everything below the surface, right?
I forbade everything in the caverns, just in case... but now they're just telling stories although I have walls set to be made.
And Wall/Floor Construction is on for them! Ugh.
Salmeuk just cancelled collecting silver nuggets, even though all of them that are inacessible should be forbidden. AAAGH!
Sometimes this game is painfully frustrating.
Hopefully the images work now? I added an i. at the start of the links and deleted the a/... hopefully that works?