I guess we better lock up everyone at risk of Covid because some people cannot handle even the most minor of inconveniences.
I mean, hey, the politicians rescinding restrictions have given them a choice back haven’t they? Stay at home or risk their life going about their daily business, like earning money or buying groceries or seeing a doctor.
It never ceases to surprise the levels of selfishness the human race can descend to, that the loss of a dollar is somehow more important than the loss of a life.
Some days I wish I was a psychopath.
That's the rub:
The social machinery is predicated on putting human-grease into the cogs, or it grinds to a halt. Doing that during a pandemic with a deadly disease quickly renders the population unfit for later work, but slowing or halting the rate of greasing the wheels makes the "Runs at "Maximum Efficiency!" (aka, no margin for change!) machinery of society break down, and shit gets real in different ways.
This is a realworld critique of running at Just-In-Time timetables, "Maximally Efficient Markets", and other fantasies concocted by economists to extract maximum value with minimum investment, and then public policy predicated on the continuance of that practice.
Some degree of inefficiency is good. Situations like this global pandemic are illustrative of that.
Poo is correct, this is about lack of governmental will to govern during a time of crisis, and actually make hard decisions, and instead "Just allowing it to come apart, because governance is hard(tm)"
Proper governance would have kept failsafe margins for governmental and economic shutdowns, would have not tried to derail attempts to keep the economy on life support, would be open to, and ready for, changes in societal dynamics that change the status quo (like the great resignation is causing)-- etc.
It does that through retaining inefficiency of this type-- Regulation that prevents that kind of "Just in time" bullshit, and which prioritizes long term survival and fitness of the nation and public health, over short term quarterlies and anxious investors that dont give a fuck about tomorrow, excepting for when they get paid.
China is about the only fucking country with that mindset right now, and YES-- They fucking DID barricade people into their houses to MAKE them quarantine, because YES, people were NOT voluntarily isolating when they needed to.
I concur that Covid is now endemic--- It is that way, because world govts were too anxious to pull the hard shutdowns needed to halt its global spread early on, because "Economic consequences!!" (because no fault tolerance in the "Efficient!!" system)
There isn't a good solution for covid now. Just one where more than 2/3 of the population suffers systemic illnesses related to post-covid syndrome. (and yes, that *IS* a thing.)
Hope those quarterly reports were fucking worth it.
Hope those parties were worth it.
Hope the gaslighting was worth it.