McTraveller: In order to know how many recovered we would need to have known how many had it in the first place, and literally only started rolling out tests like a week ago.
Frumple: Is crow plague a weird translation from somewhere else that I'm missing seeing any other references to or a personal preference thing?
COVID-19 isn't vague or difficult to type, and most importantly it's a unique and non-prejudicially loaded identifier for something which I still recall being tied to pangolins which ended up getting eaten because of stupid goddamn folk bullshit providing a stable market for poachers to supply, and fuck every goddamn one of them and all the people who encourage/engage in all that vile nonsense about rhino horn dick magic or pangolin scale longevity cuntery.
Calling it crow plague makes it sound like something spread by contact or consumption of crows to someone here in the US, no clue if there is some loaded trap bullshit like the big orange cuntrag calling it china virus to get a reaction and distract from his incompetence.
An analogy would be if the officials in Florida screwed something up we wouldn't immediately jump to thinking it was a monolithic failing of the federal American government.
Uh, no, when Florida screwed the pooch in 2000 and the supreme court ended the recount everyone here in the states was far more pissed off at the federal side of things and the failure of the supposedly impartial judicial branch, though that is in large part because nobody expected Florida to be sane, orderly, or responsible back then, nor did we expect them to do so in 2016.
Maybe use a better example, Florida having any say on any decisions which have any impact on any other states is a massive failing of the federal government for not enforcing more control over a state mainly known for one of the highest concentrations of our worst decision makers: old people choose in huge numbers to migrate down there so they can live on a big floppy dong jutting out into the path of too fucking many hurricanes and rub elbows with angeldust/bath salt smoking alligator wrestling cannibals.
While circumcising babies is monstrous, snipping florida off would have been the correct decision at a federal level.
Interestingly enough, all of the efforts which are ongoing and may end up mitigating the worst outcomes from this pandemic here were all initiated at the state, county, or city levels, because the top level response has only just now barely reached the level that would have made a difference two months ago.
So far we're probably going to hit 10k confirmed cases today, and I'm gonna call the current 150 deaths count optimistic to say the least, but a couple more days and we'll get a better look at just how fucked that's gonna end up looking probably.