Chris Whitty (UK scientific 'front end face' for the government) indeed worries that if the UK has to reactivate various social probibitions then people might rail against them. If it's the PM announcing it (he that "only didn't wear a mask for a moment" whilst visiting a hospital recently, but then also didn't wear one on a train recently, etc) then it'll probably go down badly.
Apart from the "we don't trust experts" lot (who are probably a lost cause), the politicians maybe ought to stay out of it, except as far as needed to get the proper meritocracy onto the appropriate podium to say their bit.
(Just the other day I accepted the other-than-last-year Annual Christmas Invitation from the large extended clan I sit well on the outskirts of. I did say "all else allowing", even before the inkling of this latest developments.)
Oh, and a cinema in Wales that refused to check Covid Passports/take other precautions, is being forced to close. Wales has strong precautions still in place (similar to Scotland, NI... England is currently very lapse, in comparison) but it seems like the owner/manager in this case thought she could ignore them, and also refused to turn up for the initial court hearing she was summonsed to, so the proverbial tonne of bricks is now being dropped upon the establishment concerned. Might be worth seeing where the support/push-back for that comes from, and how much of each.
Mc: We've had maybe twelve other namable variants (Nu would have been the 13th, but if they skipped to the 15th letter I cannot rule out that they skipped some of the first dosen, without checking) and while back when they christened the Alpha one (presumed UK-native) there were lower bars to jump to be "of concern" as it drifts away from the baseline version(s), by now they're probably better at finding small differences but more picky about lumping-and-splitting. Omicron seems to have a load of mutations that have made it out-compete Delta (the one otherwise stull of greatest concern in this part of the world) and seems to suggest it is more of concern.
Not sure about it regarding rate of fatality/debilitatory, but it's good at spreading. Which could be a blessing (displace more harmful strains, and yet still prime people's systems against them) but that's a long-shot. It also acts as a good metric about how careless people still are. Right now, catching Alpha or even Delta could be from any old non-biosecure contact you have in the UK, as the epidemic/endemic borderline is approached. As soon as Omicron is spotted, it shows that some of the comparatively few people who do so are galavanting around overseas and returning/visting here without all the due care they should be taking.