I dont know what the right thing to do is. I don't think medical personnel should work without protection as that makes you part of the problem. Apparently a nurse with experience with ebola wrote an email that goes around US hospitals in that direction: "there are no emergencies in a pandemic." The gist of the matter was thst first you don your PPE and then you act, whatever happens. If you get infected you're part of the problem, not the solution. The problem being of course that there was no PPE.
This is my intuitive feeling about this situation as well. I feel the same about healthcare's abusive circumstances in normal, non-epidemic circumstances to be honest. Doctors and nurses should not have to de-health themselves to tend to the healths of others. A worn out health worker just means less healths being tended in the long run.
But of course, healthcare workers aren't even allowed to strike any more here. Can't have people making noice about untenable situations.
"BAME" ... HCW
LOSABTANSweden also had a lot of problems with immigrant populations early on, specifically east Africans (from the Horn) in Stockholm.
I see three major reasons, two which are more substantiated and one that is completely my-own-unknowledgeable-musings.
1. Beginning with the armchair theoretics: Its well known that tuberculosis is more common abroad than in Sweden. It stand to reason that TBC then is also more common among immigrants to Sweden. Combine with socioeconomic circumstances such as crowded living spaces and you're likely to have more spread than the national average among immigrant communities. TBC takes a toll on the lungs, which could mean being more suspectible to oxygen deprivation.
But enough intellectual navel guessing! On to the real points.
2. Socioeconomic stuff. It's already been broached upon so I'm not going to repeat it, but yeah, crowded living spaces and multigenerational homes means bigger spread to risk groups. Here in Sweden, lots of eastern African woman work as nurses in health and elderly care. Circumstances for eldercare nurses in Stockholm are atrocious (It's a hyper right wing stronghold after all, the worst kind of hive of scum and villainy). An offensive amount of nurses in this field are temp workers that are called in on a daily basis, who has no steady employment but have to take what work they are offered. This means no employment security, which means no healthcare benefits, which means no ability to say "no I have a tiny cold symptom today, I have to stay at home", like the authorities want you to do, because they can't afford not taking a job. Yes, the disgusting neoliberals basically turned eldercare nursing business in to a fucking day labourer system where the nurses who care for their fucking parents and grandparents have to sit around metaphorical street corners and wait for some metaphorical truck to drive by and randomly pick some of them out to work that day. Of course, the vast majority of the nurses abused this way are immigrant workers who are less likely to be in a union or know about the rights they have and
vastly less likely to rock the boat regardless if they do know them. And people scoff at me when I say the open migration policies are right wing politics an inherently racist. There's absolutely nothing racist about creating an immigrant slave class to serve your educated upper class asses at all!
But I'm being side tracked by my own bitterness. Let's go to reason three.
3. Immigrants do not follow Swedish news and media like Swedes do. They have channels in their own languages or other languages closer to their motherlands'. Media here in Sweden have treated this point as if it is somehow racist, but it's how
all people are. Swedes who emigrate do the same. Hell, we had this problem with foreign university students when the schools started closing or going online -- lots of European people studying here only followed their own media and didn't understand that they were allowed to go outside since Sweden hadn't closed down. So yeah, immigrant communities aren't reached by messages from our authorities to the same extent. They listen to the messages from their own media instead. There is a huge gap in effective mass communication here where there's lots of room for shit to go bad. And it went very bad this time.
The big thing is number two though. Even if a nurse (and, by the way, I am this focused on nurses because an overwhelming amount of the deaths in Sweden are from eldercare and similar homes) do get the messages the authorities are sending out they can't stay at home when the system they make a living in has been designed to treat them like things to be spent and thrown away rather than people who deserve the same treatment, benefits and security that we expect for ourselves. It's an outrageous situation. People here are getting very upset over how it could hit the elder homes so badly and there's a lot of blaming the immigrant groups rumbling in the background. I think there's some things that needs to be acknowledged (for clarity: in response to point three,, immigrant interest group spokespeople has basically gone "well it's not our group's fault they didn't get the memo, the government didn't do enough to inform them") like how it's not the authorities job to kick down doors and throw brochures at people, people have to show an interest in taking in information themselves. But this isn't a fucking bed that was made by immigrants. This is just a bed that immigrants tried to make a living in. This bed was made by the politics of the neo-liberal burgeoise and their ever ongoing quest of shitting on poor people.