I am curious to know what policies or behaviors you are referring to as "Americanized." Since I have a predominantly US perspective on things, I don't know what this means in your context. I'd like to learn!
It's a hard question to answer as I'm talking about a lot of different things, and I'm talking from an old person's (technically middle aged, creeping on 50) who was born into a different country to the 1 I see now.
So I could talk about American dominance of movies/TV industry. Obviously when everyone around the world watches American films/ listens to American music part of your countries culture seeps in. We actually have regulations requiring a minimum amount of local TV but this was weakened by the switch to streaming services.
I could talk about the end of protectionism/economic liberalism. The more our business climate has been dominated by international megacorps, the more business culture has become international (and American by account of America's business dominance) and that's not just business culture, but industry lobbying, think tanks, economic societies. The US can bitch all it likes about Russian/Chinese electoral interference, but the amount of legal US dollars disrupting other countries political systems is higher.
On the subject we are arguing about on whether housing/health care is better handled.by government or the "free market", the worse our public healthcare system has got, the worse (my view, you can do your own research), the worse I've seen the offer from private insurance. When our public healthcare system was strong insurance companies had to offer a deal worth buying. Why are you buying private insurance if you don't need it? The weaker public healthcare has become, the worse the "free market" offer has become.
I saved the biggest point for last. Australia has always been Conservative (like the US), but it's not US conservatism, just like UK conservatism is not US conservatism. I used to be able to laugh at "crazy Americans" and their conspiracy theories and now I can't, because normal, seemingly sane, seemingly intelligent people are pushing that BS at me in private conversations. With the internet and social media, right wing crazies (and also left wing crazies) hang out together. You can compare the population numbers for the USA and a smaller country like Australia. This is one way traffic. I'm chatting to Australian conservatives pushing very American retric and this was not happening around 5 years ago.