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Author Topic: Mystville [Game Thread]  (Read 119628 times)


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Re: Mystville [Game Thread]
« Reply #930 on: March 07, 2020, 09:59:59 am »

"When was the last time you saw the wizard that owned this crap shack of a tower?"
Burt said as he stared at the mechanical goblin.

"Eh, musta been six, or seven moons back. I'm sorry it don't suit your antlers much, try coming back again once we've completed it. Make sure ya don't stare at any headlights on the way back."

The goblin intones in a mock worrying voice.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mystville [Game Thread]
« Reply #931 on: March 07, 2020, 10:25:37 am »

Oh my! Tell me about Gorohill Vercressen Pierre. Then tell me about what they discovered about the source of magic further in the forest. Is it the Seed? What was it the source of power for? Why did Gorohill build the tower? Gorohill mentioned some disturbances, what were they? What happened in the lightning room? What fool was badgering Gorohill, delaying completion of the tower?

"Ok hey, I said ask questions not pick me apart like a flimsy doctoral thesis. Ahem, kneeway, Gorohill, or I should say Master Pierre, is my maker."

The goblin started absentmindedly fiddling with a marble in his fingers, moving them between his hands at lightning speed.

"I dunna why he made the tower, the man thought more every passing second than mostya manage in a month. I do know he wanted to bring fighters and mages in, and once there were enough he'd do... something. He might've changed his mind on seeing allya though."

The Goblin gave a trademarked chuckle, then continued speaking.

"He was an eccentric wizard (which wizard ain't?), maybe opening a theme park was all he ever wanted."

"The disturbance, yes I was the one who saw it... we had pigeons keep nesting in the wrong places, but I ain't never seen a pigeon that can nullify magic barriers. The lightning room you saw, is one of hundreds of rooms that keep the tower running. It can handle itself per-pe-cha-lee."

The goblin emphasized each syllable of the word.

"Oh yeah, allya went through five floors or somthin', but there's hundreds, each with its own power. Kneeway, something broke in, and I ain't seen Gorohill since. He left in a hurry. Between you and me, that suits me just fine, eh? Less chasing pigeons, more nap times."

"As for the Seed, I dunna. My jobs was here at this gate, the wizard got around. He probably messed with things deeper inside the forest, or he coulda imagined it. When you move around with a wizard nuff you find there are world-ending artifacts and vast sources of arcane power behind every tree stump."

"Gorohill had lotsa wizard friends. And wizard enemies. And wizard frenemies. They came and they went, he had a lot of visitors. More than your average wizard recluse, I should think. He prolly took some sod's wizard pipe and kept being badgered to return it. I dunna, I couldn't tell ya about every pointy-hat that came, my business is at this gate."

Where did the pigeons come from?

I find it hard to believe you wouldn’t recognize other wizard visitors here, though. You mentioned magic barriers, presumably to keep the people outside out so nobody drops by unannounced, so any visitors would have to pass by you to gain entrance. Your master would tell you people he wants to come in and people he would rather not see. Everyone else you would play your little game with.

He nods to himself, satisfied with his conclusions.

If it is indeed as you say, who were repeat visitors to the tower? Was anyone once allowed entry and then you were told to keep out?

About how many adventurers do you think would show up?

We could help find your master, you know. Bring him back. You need to be open with us about him for that to happen though.

How long has it been since your last maintenance? I could take a look at you, if you want...

Jack turned his attention to Doak.

When ye get finished pumpin the pipsqueak fer all 'es worth, I'd like te see what all ye pilfered from the ol [expletive]-wad's secret hidey hole. Looks like ye got quite a haul dere-- We can go o'er 's secrit fam'ly rec'pies at de same time-- Sound like a plan?

He nods and gestures to the goblin.

Mmm, once I’m done. Right. Of course.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2020, 10:27:21 am by hector13 »
Look, we need to raise a psychopath who will murder God, we have no time to be spending on cooking.

the way your fingertips plant meaningless soliloquies makes me think you are the true evil among us.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mystville [Game Thread]
« Reply #932 on: March 07, 2020, 03:14:31 pm »

Where did the pigeons come from?

I find it hard to believe you wouldn’t recognize other wizard visitors here, though. You mentioned magic barriers, presumably to keep the people outside out so nobody drops by unannounced, so any visitors would have to pass by you to gain entrance. Your master would tell you people he wants to come in and people he would rather not see. Everyone else you would play your little game with.

"Ya have quite the discernful mind. Yes yer right of course. I'm the gate warden so nobody's gettin in the front door without my know how. So this means adventurers like youself, travellers, occasional forest hermit. But who's to say about the backdoor huh? Wizards have their own ways, and master had his own entrance, and his longtime pointy-hat pallies would go through there. Now don't go askin' me and lookin' fer where the backdoor is, it'll probably be hidden real well, if not rigged ter shred ya inta pieces if you go messin' with it. In any case it'd open right into the wizard's study, and I think allya already seen what's happened there."

"Oh, and the pigeons come from there."

The goblin points into the forest.

"Well, wood doves some of them. I ain't particularly inclined towards the nomenclature of feathered fiends myself, but we get all sorts in these parts. I know, cuz I hafta clear their nests if they start roosting here."

If it is indeed as you say, who were repeat visitors to the tower? Was anyone once allowed entry and then you were told to keep out?

"I couldn't tell ya."

About how many adventurers do you think would show up?

"Funnily nuff, allya's actually the first group. We might've had more if the forest critters din't go bonkers, the tower's not completed but it works well nuff as it is."

We could help find your master, you know. Bring him back. You need to be open with us about him for that to happen though.

The goblin falls silent for the first time. It seems he's holding words at the edge of his (literally) sharp tongue but is unable to bring himself to say it.

How long has it been since your last maintenance? I could take a look at you, if you want...

"I uh, I'll work fine enough for time to come. I ain't just any goblin automaton ya know, I was made by archwizard Gorohill Pierre hisself. Ya can still take a look inside if ya fancy, I din't think you'll make much of the mechanisms inside anyway, they're more magic than machine."

The goblin broods for a moment.

"Pointdexter, I ain't been completely honest with ya. There's a lotta wizard come and go for sure, and I know some of them. I din't think they the ones that done my master in, but if it help ya track master, or whoever's after him I'll share some names. My master expects more discretion from me but..."

The goblin coughs loudly.

"I only do this cuz I think maybe allya can actually helps a goblin out. I been outs here too long, master's prolly safe but I do worries. I daren't desert the job he gave me, but he may forgive if me sharing names will helps him out... he can get back to his beloved tower, way I sees it."

The goblin becomes motionless for a few moments, the only sounds coming from him are erratic ticking and clicking of gears and switches inside of him. The sounds increase in tempo and become louder. He suddenly starts talking again.

"Alright, I think I'll start with the locals. There's a village nearby, I suspect allya came from there. We had a man come in, he took the gate the first time, and the back door every time afterward. He had a sword with him but no more distinguished appearance than that."

The goblin grabs his head with both hands and rattles it.

"We had a woman too. Smelt nice, (a lecherous expression flits across his face for a moment) she seemed ter be lookin' for something in the forest and stumbled on the tower. She'd drop by to meet the wizard erry now and then. And the local sorcerer too, it's impolite for one mage ter move close to another without so much as a how-d'ya-do, so the two met when we first moved to this forest and were acquainted pretty well I think."

The goblin was visibly vibrating now, as though his parts were oscillating to some manic pendulum.

"Of the visitors who came abroad, one was Joyce Starabandi, a well known firemage serving at The Academy. Ya know, the big one in the capital, where they teach magic n' all. He only came twice though. There's Jinsiya, an eastern sand-caster. But same as the last one, only came over twice and dunna what any of them wizards talk about. There's also that nature mage, claimed ter have been living in the forest or something. She din't look like she could cast the leafs off a sproutling. More inna books than the practical side, she was."

The goblin slowly stops quivering and goes back to his regular, unvibrating state.

"Will that help ya any?"



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mystville [Game Thread]
« Reply #933 on: March 07, 2020, 07:38:24 pm »

Jack was stroking his beard, listening intently.  Unless he was the forest hermit in question, and the goblin had suddenly taken towards being polite about him--which he doubted-- it meant there were others.  The prospect intrigued him. What would one have any business with.. HERE?  He himself only came because it was the only lead he had-- Then again, this calamity seemed to be in full swing, surely if there WERE others, they would have been trying to fix it also? ... Just what exactly WAS it that was at work here, if others like himself, could not fix it early?  More strangely-- He had never met another person like himself. Had spent decades thinking he was perhaps the only one.

He kept listening.  Sure enough, the clattering crap-box started spilling names.  Typical that it would feed him a load of bologna. Despite the fact that this rattling rust bucket had been the one who started the inhospitable tone between them, immediately jumping to conclusions about him and mama like that--- the NERVE---This "sociable" approach did seem to be getting better results.  He scratched in his beard irritably; He had just been responding in kind mostly, though he was still more than a little miffed with stony tits upstairs. That ice-queen could freeze the hair off a polar bear's arse hole. 

Steeling himself for it, he tried a more 'diplomatic' approach. There was a look of obvious discomfort as the old coot tried to forcibly correct his speech into something more congenial.

If ye'd pardon the question-- he struggled, I take it I ain't t'e only fores' hermit as is been through?

He wasn't quite sure how to say this without dredging up old memories of his prior life. The one he had abandoned in disgust. The one his father had tried to groom him for so many long years ago. The one he tried so hard to forget about, that he elected to live like an actual beast instead, and why he found flowery shit like this so damn distasteful, why gaudy towers encrusted with jewels from head to foot made him nauseous, and how he KNEW this little diminutive door-man knew a lot more than he was letting on. He bit on the inner side of his lower lip under his incisor gently, closed his eye, and shuddered a moment.  Gods was this unpleasant.

A'spite t'e indignities we's been hurlin' at one'nother, I ain'ts all I lets on as neither-- and I knows the help 'ears more an they's wants, nor is 'sposed to.  I many not look'it (not no moar no how..), but trus' me, I knows. I don' rightly -- there was a momentary pause and a churning of the old man's mouth, as if stumbling over a hard-set mannerism, catching it before it could slip out, and then forcing the resumption of the more congenial pattern. -- Have any concerns... Nor... business...--- Neighborly nor otherwise-- with yer ... master... but I may have business with 'is guests.  Since yer ... master... ain't home, I cain't ask 'im proper muhself, an' since 'e ain't lef' no notice when 'e might be back ta... pay ..a .. social.. call...  It was very abundantly clear that this method of communication was very jarring to the hermit on some invisible level, and was taking tremendous effort to sustain, but he kept struggling, the effort ever more apparent in his demeanor as he did so. At a more.. convenient time.. I would ...very much... appreciate it... If ye could... o'er look .. t'e finer points o' propri'ty, and tell meh maor 'bout what ye ... 'didn't hear,' If'n ye know what I mean? I'd like ta pay a prop'r visit, an ask questions... moar.. directly.. If ye follow? Anythang ye knows 'bout where any o' 'em lives, ... I'd be... mighty... appreci'ative...
The hermit stopped somewhat abrubtly, clearly struggling to push harder but finding it too difficult to continue-- His hand white knuckled on his walking stick, and quivering.  Once, long ago, he had been able to sweet-talk servants like a professional, but anymore, the very concept of keeping servants, or any creature as a social underclass, made him want to vomit up his toe-nails. He had fought for years-- YEARS--- to kill the person he used to be. Dragging the withered sinews of it out for even a few minutes was a sordid and painful exercise. He doubted the little metal man could scarcely conceive of how loathsome the notion of owning another intelligent being was to him now, either figurative through the threat of financial ruin, or literally, as a slave-- nor how much it rankled his very core that said "servants" (gods how he hated the 'nice' words people used to cover up their hubris!) were.. CONDITIONED to stay in their position beneath people that did not do an honest day's work themselves, out of misguided adherence to 'social norms and customs.'   

The old hermit genuinely wanted to puke up last week's meal, just thinking about it. The hand clenching his staff shook uncontrollably. He would rather publicly roll in hot pig shit in the town square on a feast day than supplicate to that poison again. --- But he needed answers, or at least leads to who might have them.

His whole body shook.

... If ye could help an old feller out...  At t'e very leas', ifn ye fin' 'nother nest a pigeons, could ye show em ta me firs? ... I'd... Be.. Mighty.. Appreci'ative.....

Jack was very pale faced, and strugling to hold the nausea in.  He didnt dare try any harder.  He hoped it was enough.

« Last Edit: March 07, 2020, 07:51:39 pm by wierd »


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Re: Mystville [Game Thread]
« Reply #934 on: March 07, 2020, 11:22:33 pm »

Laemmle stares outside from the window. Checking ingame's time current.
I answer the call, from now on my sword always be with you.

The Centipede

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Re: Mystville [Game Thread]
« Reply #935 on: March 07, 2020, 11:28:45 pm »

Nature mage living in the forest... There's their floramancer target.

"Which direction? The nature mage, I mean."
I have a YouTube channel.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mystville [Game Thread]
« Reply #936 on: March 08, 2020, 12:04:56 am »

Doctor Doak nods at the goblin.

It’s a start I suppose.

He then turns toward Jack, noticing he’s having some trouble.

You ah... you look a bit... off. Biology is not my favoured specialism, but I know my way around. What can I do for you?
Look, we need to raise a psychopath who will murder God, we have no time to be spending on cooking.

the way your fingertips plant meaningless soliloquies makes me think you are the true evil among us.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mystville [Game Thread]
« Reply #937 on: March 08, 2020, 12:07:48 am »

Despite the good nature of the Doctor, Jack shoos him off.

I'm fine-- Fine--- I just gots...  I ain't sick's all-- Just tired.

Damn, did he really have this much trouble with trying to approach the redundant layers of bullshit in "civil" society?  Maybe he had been in the woods too long...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mystville [Game Thread]
« Reply #938 on: March 08, 2020, 12:12:15 am »

Well, if you’re sure... we can go over the chemistry later, yes?
Look, we need to raise a psychopath who will murder God, we have no time to be spending on cooking.

the way your fingertips plant meaningless soliloquies makes me think you are the true evil among us.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mystville [Game Thread]
« Reply #939 on: March 08, 2020, 12:22:30 am »

Yeah-- Yeah...  Jus.. If ye can git this feller ta loosen up, I ain't never met 'nother like muhself. Ifn' Is got comp'ny out 'ere, They mights have more clues an I does-- I just gots 'ere. Was hopin' fer some leads. I'd ask ye ta loosen 'is tongue, but it might fall out!

Jack let out a chuckle after that, and looked a bit less ashen.

So far, alls I gots is questions, and less answers an I gots clear skin! Shits gonna get worse, so much worse, if'n we don' fix thangs, and do it fast... Jus.. Try an' get it outta 'im, would ya? .

Jack needed to sit down.  This was taking entirely too much out of him, and he hated that.  Mama was so much easier to talk to.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mystville [Game Thread]
« Reply #940 on: March 08, 2020, 12:38:32 am »

Doctor Doak shrugs and turns back to the goblin.

It looks like both your interests align right now. Your master left the tower presumably to investigate this Seed thing, and it sounds like this nature mage you mentioned would take quite the interest in such a thing. Perhaps enough to cause a disturbance that requires your master to investigate it himself.

If you know more about her and what she’s doing, it could help us find your master that much quicker.
Look, we need to raise a psychopath who will murder God, we have no time to be spending on cooking.

the way your fingertips plant meaningless soliloquies makes me think you are the true evil among us.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mystville [Game Thread]
« Reply #941 on: March 08, 2020, 04:09:20 am »

The ironclad slayer felt nauseous in a moment and suddenly he found himself in the others somewhere familiar. "We're the fu--" the slayer realized they are now at the entrance of the tower.

"Land!" The slayer exclaimed, "laaaaand! By the merciful gods we finally out" he kissed the soil beneath him for a minute or two until he remembered something he swear to hack if he ever gets out.

"Goblin automaton." He said full day of hate.

He stood up, took his greatsword and aimed it at the goblin who is talking at both Dr.Doak and Hoboguy.

"You stupid disguuusting creature. Oh the merciful gods had answered and delivered you right straight into my steps, you pathetic excuse of an automaton, its time to meet your end, hiiyaaaah!!!"

The slayer attacks the goblin automaton with his great sword


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mystville [Game Thread]
« Reply #942 on: March 08, 2020, 04:35:44 am »

If ye'd pardon the question-- he struggled, I take it I ain't t'e only fores' hermit as is been through?

"Naw, there's a few others in the forest, mostly keep to 'emselves. A couple walked by before but none requested audience with Master Pierre."

Laemmle stares outside from the window. Checking ingame's time current.

The party is currently outside of the tower, next to the gate where they first entered, after being teleported from the study at the top of the tower.

It is currently late afternoon.

Nature mage living in the forest... There's their floramancer target.

"Which direction? The nature mage, I mean."

"She came by once, at least the one time I notice her come in. She might'bin discreet with the other visits. North someplace I 'spose but that's not sayin' much, this forest's a huge 'un and without landmarks ya can't tell if ya walked one mile or twenty."

Doctor Doak shrugs and turns back to the goblin.

It looks like both your interests align right now. Your master left the tower presumably to investigate this Seed thing, and it sounds like this nature mage you mentioned would take quite the interest in such a thing. Perhaps enough to cause a disturbance that requires your master to investigate it himself.

If you know more about her and what she’s doing, it could help us find your master that much quicker.

"Seems like allya have ya suspicions on her. I rightly dunna what she wanted, but I can say shes's been here a lot longer than we was. Master Pierre and I only came in... two years I think it was, give 'er take a moon."

A'spite t'e indignities we's been hurlin' at one'nother, I ain'ts all I lets on as neither-- and I knows the help 'ears more an they's wants, nor is 'sposed to.  I many not look'it (not no moar no how..), but trus' me, I knows. I don' rightly -- there was a momentary pause and a churning of the old man's mouth, as if stumbling over a hard-set mannerism, catching it before it could slip out, and then forcing the resumption of the more congenial pattern. -- Have any concerns... Nor... business...--- Neighborly nor otherwise-- with yer ... master... but I may have business with 'is guests.  Since yer ... master... ain't home, I cain't ask 'im proper muhself, an' since 'e ain't lef' no notice when 'e might be back ta... pay ..a .. social.. call...  It was very abundantly clear that this method of communication was very jarring to the hermit on some invisible level, and was taking tremendous effort to sustain, but he kept struggling, the effort ever more apparent in his demeanor as he did so. At a more.. convenient time.. I would ...very much... appreciate it... If ye could... o'er look .. t'e finer points o' propri'ty, and tell meh maor 'bout what ye ... 'didn't hear,' If'n ye know what I mean? I'd like ta pay a prop'r visit, an ask questions... moar.. directly.. If ye follow? Anythang ye knows 'bout where any o' 'em lives, ... I'd be... mighty... appreci'ative...

The goblin chortles for a bit before replying.

"Ya think my maker'd make me with the function ter eavesdrop on his own self? HAK HAK, yer absolutely right. I'll tell ya what I heard then. One a them fellas from the village I mentioned before, they came and they wanted-"

Before the goblin can complete his sentence he's interrupted.

The ironclad slayer felt nauseous in a moment and suddenly he found himself in the others somewhere familiar. "We're the fu--" the slayer realized they are now at the entrance of the tower.

"Land!" The slayer exclaimed, "laaaaand! By the merciful gods we finally out" he kissed the soil beneath him for a minute or two until he remembered something he swear to hack if he ever gets out.

"Goblin automaton." He said full day of hate.

He stood up, took his greatsword and aimed it at the goblin who is talking at both Dr.Doak and Hoboguy.

"You stupid disguuusting creature. Oh the merciful gods had answered and delivered you right straight into my steps, you pathetic excuse of an automaton, its time to meet your end, hiiyaaaah!!!"

The slayer attacks the goblin automaton with his great sword

"Oi watch where ya point that thing ya peabrain!"

The goblin shouts as the enraged Greenskins charges at him with the blade. The blade comes down and strikes the goblin squarely on his forehead, leaving him stunned for three seconds. After that he vanishes in a puff of smoke, leaving only the table, chair and a single marble behind.

The Centipede

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Re: Mystville [Game Thread]
« Reply #943 on: March 08, 2020, 04:42:05 am »

"Oh... wow... so he was a summon. "

Dixie scratched her cheek, then shrugged with a grin. "Guess no one's stopping us from camping in the tower now. Unless you guys have a different plan? it's getting late and we finally have a roof for once. "
I have a YouTube channel.

King Zultan

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Re: Mystville [Game Thread]
« Reply #944 on: March 08, 2020, 05:03:35 am »

"Oh great when people finally started getting info out of that mechanical idiot, you go and fuck it up by being a racist idiot."
Burt then smacks the iron idiot in the back of the head.
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?
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