Out of curiosity, why are you so interested in this topic, Naturegirl? Every time I see it come up, you're usually passionate about giving the AIs rights. Not that I disagree, just curious why you're so concerned with the rights of beings that don't yet exist.
If we don’t treat them with respect, they would have no reason to respect us. We humans are biological intelligences occupying a protein based body. Just because an intelligence may inhabit a different type of body or have different origins doesn’t mean they should be treated as lesser beings. If you woke up in a metal body surrounded by people who never knew you, you would be considered a human like AI, if these people treated AIs as less than human, you would be treated like property simply because you would inhabit a different body. There are some humans who don’t exhibit all tendencies commonly seen as human. I am a human who took much longer than normal to learn how to interact with other humans. I have autism, so I think in different ways than neurotypical humans. Just because I happen to not show emotions/try not to let emotions cloud judgement on certain topics/get confused on certain human tendencies doesn’t mean I am less human. However if an AI exhibits similar problems humans have a tendency of seeing them as not human like. Sometimes I wonder what the ourpose of emotions are. I sometimes have dreams/nightmares about not being considered human enough and disassembled for not being like “Norma;” humans. There could be some AI that, if they happened to be in a human body, might be considered a human with a mental difference than the norm. People think certain things are :human exclusive” and some humans might not have these traits, they are still treated like humans thank goodness. I see intelligence as intelligence, regardless of the medium. I don’t like the idea of enslaving other intelligence, whether on purpose or inadvertently. AI can know that humans create it, they may watch other humans interact and wonder why they are seen as tools. I watched the Animstrix not to long ago, and it got me thinking that if we end up treating AI as property, even if they can think for themselves, we would be hypocrites, because if we think using biological intelligence(humans) as tools is bad, then why is using artificial intelligence as tools any better? I guess what I’m saying is I am an autistic human who empathizes with AI. Humans are complicated creatures, we don’t even understand ourselves fully. Some humans have a harder time understanding other humans than other humans nw might. Some people have an easier time with it. If other humans have difficulty understanding each other and we inhabit similar bodies, I can only imagine how hard it would be for AIs to understand us. Likewise, maybe AIs might not know how other AIs interact. Humans would very likely have a harder time understanding AIs too. But that doesn’t mean they are just tools. Humans don’t know what other humans are thinking, nor do we know what AIs might be thinking. We can’t read minds. AI research is growing. We could build sentient/sapient AIs faster than we think.