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Author Topic: Sanctuary IC  (Read 2111 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Sanctuary IC
« on: January 11, 2020, 11:56:24 am »


Vhranis (Taricus) and Malaya (Tiruin)
When the clouds fell out from beneath your feet, the two of you held eachother close. You had been born together, lived together, ruled together, suffered the joy of victory, and the sting of loss together, after all that, if now was the time of your death, you would die, together.

Yet, you did not die. Your castles and kingdoms gave way, your heavenly abode shattered and ruined, and your divine omnipresence stripped from your very souls, but your life? Your life was not lost. Though as you fell, something did change. Your heavenly auras, your golden halos, your connection to the world at large, all burned away as you hurtled towards earth. Your connection to the heavens has been lost and everything faded to black.

When you came to, you were surrounded by near complete darkness. The rhythmic drip of water could be heard nearby, and perhaps the sound of a gentle ocean? Much of the world was difficult to see, and as you tried to focus on locations far away, you found your sight limited like it had never been before. Yet, your eyes were not alone. You saw stone caverns and cave moss, stalactites in some areas, but other areas were almost multileveled as some stone had worn away, leaving rock bridges and cliffs. For the most part however, the area you found yourself in was smooth and flat, perhaps washed away of irregularities by the work of higher waters and an abundance of time.

And here so too did your followers find you. A great number of kobolds, mostly scales of blue and green, but there exists orange and yellows among them as well. They had been led here by a mysterious stranger, who appeared in their time of need: Tarhun. When the collapse began, rioting broke out, and his skill over tactics and natural leadership on the battlefield drew many kobolds under his wing. He served as cloak of protection over the younger kobolds, and through blade and word, he led them away from their city before the worst of the collapse hit.

Yet their journey was long and arduous, for already the sky had begun to fall. That danger aside, monster grew violent and restless, many unseen by kobold eyes, much less mortals. And none would give them fair shelter either. The elves denied them entry into their woods, the dwarves would not open their doors, the hikans weren't even a consideration as death was preferable, but it was the orcs which were they worst. Many kobolds were taken as slaves, and just as many slain upon the battlefield.

In fact, the final battle, deep in orcish lands would have been a complete defeat it had not been for the convient and auspicious timing of the arrival of another army: the Children of Malaya, led by Willow Sel. Willow Sel had gained a reputation as an oracle long before the collapse, and was often visited by adventurers and nobles alike. So when they foretold a devastation, many persuasive voices listened. Willow Sel knew the key to survival would be cooperation, and before the world began to fracture, they traveled forth and collected allies. First the humans, who's resolve and determination would serve as a shield against despair. Next the elves, who saw much and knew more, often having a natural affinity for the spirit world. Finally, much to surprise of the elves and humans, Willow Sel awoke the leshy who had descended into the realms of myth and lore eons ago.

And finally the kobolds, who's numbers and ingenuity would serve as their guides and bring industry to their alliance. As hope was beginning to give way for the kobolds spear and bolt rained down on the orcs from behind, and their horde was scattered. This was the end of Willow Sel's vision, his foresight led him here, and together with Tarhun, the four races descended into the caverns.

Their journey was difficult, for only the kobolds truly could see well in the dark. Yet together, they led onwards, led downwards. It was a difficult journey still, and many were lost to the dangers of the everdark. Though in that blindness Willow Sel began to see, a vision of two falling gods spiraling together as they fell from the clouds. He saw them land by a great dark sea, and knew were he had to go. Deeper and deeper Tarhun led them, until they finally they arrived, awaiting the awakening of their gods.

In the time they waited, much strife was to be had. The kobold military, while massive and heavily armored, struggled against the sheeer number of monster that assaulted their people. In fact, it was twice the number that the number they had prepared for! Their zweihanders, or, as the humans called them, "long swords" were often a good weapon in close quarters, but alas, most monsters and beasts were many times the size of a single kobold, requiring multiple kobolds to fell a single one. Given the swing radius of their weapons, only loose formations were possible, which often allowed beasts to break through their ranks to the wholly unarmored crossbowmen/elves behind them. The leshies of human size, though they were rare, wielded spears to keep the beasts back.  Ultimately, most were forced to remain in fortified camps until the beasts departed.

While their constant assault occupied the majority of the kobolds and humans, the elves and the leshies set about their work. The humans, many of which were farmers by trade, had brought agricultural supplies. While their seeds were wholly unsuited to this region, the kobolds had some modicum of knowledge in underdark cultivation. While not particularly good farmers themselves, they could identify some potential options for the farms to attempt to cultivate. This was mostly unsuccessful, with the exception of the rock gourd, a stoney shelled gourd which grew quite slowly and was oft difficult to distinguish from rocks not only in appearance, but in both flavor, and texture.

Beyond that, there is only one other event of note. The kobolds made a rather lucky discovery! A particularly sharp eyed kolbold noticed what appeared to be a stairwell while on a scouting mission. Upon further examination, it appeared to be an abandoned mine of some sort, descending deeper into the earth. The kobold dared not enter the place without sharing this knowledge, and given the abundance of monsters in the area, she returned to safety to tell Tarhun.

Meanwhile, Willow Sel pondered. They had collected and carried many tomes and texts with them, knowledge they had collected from their library, which they hoped would be useful. Yet these texts painted an incomplete picture, oft referring to other works and magics undescribed herewithin. While other teachings were rather useful in some areas, and Willow Sel was able to improve several areas of technology and study through regular teachings.

Then, the Twin Gods began to stir.

Zvezda (Happy Demon) and TreKian (Darkwarlock)

Zvezda had always been a strange one among her kin. In their youth, they abandoned their heavenly kingdom and worshippers, being less interested in the politics of the divines and the world, they had other fascinations. They ventured high above, to the Peak of Heaven, and entered a most holy place, the Garden of the Sun. There, they took a part of the sun, a seed which they could nurture and grow. Of course this was nearly catastrophic in itself, and that act plunged the world into darkness before the sun gardeners could coax the star back to light. The star carried on, but could no longer burn constantly as it once did. In taking part of the sun, Zvezda had given birth to night, much to the chagrin of other gods and basically all the mortals. Not that Zvezda noticed, for they had descended deep into the earth, far from the eyes of the other gods, to cultivate their star seed into a flourishing sun.

This is where the Arana, the six armed spiderfolk, encountered Zvezda. Fleeing the Collapse, the arana fled deep beneath the earth, carrying as much as they could. With them they brought much they had learned over the eons, and Zvezda was much impressed despite their shortcomings, and they gained the favor of the god who blessed their webs so that they may grow closer to Zvezda.

Life was good. Among the arana a council of religious elders institutionalized the worship of Zvezda as their patron god, abandoning the goddess of the forest Altrime, the Erroarbist, and even the moon god Miazal, for they neither had dominion over this place, nor such a noble pursuit as Zvezda.

A particular champion, hailing from Clan Fray Silk, was particularly wild (as the clan Fray Silk had always had a reputation for). Struck with inspiration, remembering the cat riders of the elves perhaps, the arana Vector came to claim a scissor beetle bull as his mount. While normally quite bullish, weeks and weeks of effort finally paid off, and the beast became his. Impressed once more with the arana, Zvezda claimed Vector as their champion. Soon after, they donned their most holy of garments, a new sign not only of his status as champion, but as a champion of Zvezda, a loincloth of most masterful quality.

In the coming months, the Silk Riders, as the clan had been renamed. Came to gather many animals and insects. Among them, the scissor beetles were the most common, large black beetles, squat and wide, but of great strength. They were quiet cumbersome in most cases, being only able to turn while standing still. This, as many fledgling silk riders came to understand, is quite misleading, as the scissor beetle can charge at surprising speed, so long as it is in a straight line. Many an arm was lost in the pursuit of taming this creature, as it's mandibles were not only sharp, but strong. The females, while smaller and less fun as mounts, produced a sweet and sloppy liquid after eating of the mushroom trees. And thus, several herds of the large insects were tamed to serve as cattle. Vector, always unsatisfied with his last ride, rode many other beasts, but none came to be domesticated in so much as the scissor beetle did.

Yet, it seems as though this paradise would not last. For a few months after the world began to crumble, an uninvited guest arrived. Zvezda could feel it's presence approach rapidly, but many were unable to avoid the collision of the god TreKian. Trekian had plunged through the earth, and as they fell, caught many of his followers in his most holy of orifices, his pitcher plant torso. Grasping close to the heart of the god, they were protected for the most part. But upon Trekain's arrival, many were scattered.

The force of the impact shook the caverns incredibly, despite leaving no sign of his descendance through the stone itself. By all accounts, Trekain only became tangible as they entered the open space of the cavern, though their velocity remained quite as it was. The impact devastated not only the cavern floor, but also, many of the walls cracked and rock slides pushed in from all directions.

It was during this arrival that much of the thick stone floor gave way and disappeared from underneath the feet of the Arana. So was it true that many veisn were thrown into the hole, being cast down far deeper underground.

For several months, the two gods remained asleep. Tales of the deepness of that sleep came to appear in both races, often used in a joking manner, when one is difficult to awake, they are called "like Zvdeda when Trekain struck the earth."

Unfortunately, the two races were immediately cast into chaos, and from that, war. The Arana saw the vesnin as broken pieces of their god, who broke off when it landed. And thus, the deaths of their fellows were equally on the heads of the vesnin.

The two forces fought a great number of skirmishes. While the arana certainly were better suited, having access to scissor beetle cavalry, the spears of the vesnin allowed them greater range of striking, and allowed for the use of shields as well. The two races had come to a draw, though lives were still lost every day.

It was near their sleeping god that the vesnin could begin to take root. Their existence here was quite harsh, as food was fairly scarce among the various pools and patches of rock that grew mushrooms. This coupled with a lack of light brought them to the brink of starvation. They had brought livestock with them, chubbages as they were called, a kind of birdlike plant which had thick meaty leaves. Tree squid also made the journey unscathed, and many grew wild and free in the mushroom forests, though few vesnin could reach them.

Much to the surprise of the vesnin, they discovered that the cave-in had partially breached an ancient mine. While the path downwards is both difficult and treacherous, some believe the mines would be of great use to the Vesnin.

It was then that the two gods began to stir.

Harut (Micelus) and The Watcher (Tankkit)

Glorious was the march of the karcini. The followers of the shambling form, the Thousand Shells, the Adopted God, did walk briskly through the everdark. There was no light to be seen, save for the occasional torch, the going was difficult and the journey long, but the karcini did not walk in shame. Their voices rang out the Song of the Forgotten, and many a prayer was given for all the souls that could never be recovered by their priests. It was for them they marched, not for their own survival, but so that the lost would never be forgotten.

It was this sound that first drew the attention of the Old King. Where there was singing, there was people. Were there was people, there was food. While the Watcher had institutionalized cannibalism, the reaction had been rather most unfortunate. Many refused to follow the directive, and after the first hundred or two were slain, the Inquisitors began to question whether it would be better to let those who would not eat starve themselves out as opposed to killing them outright, as they had been doing. It was a difficult question of morale, which would be more damaging.

But as they heard the songs of the karcini, this was all too convenient an opportunity to pass up. Even if they must eat people, The Old King mused, they need not be his people. Assured of this stroke of luck as a sign that the Watcher truly was watching over them, the humans began to mobilize, descending further down after their unknown query.

Unbeknownst to the karcini and Amertat, they continued onwards, their spirits high and their journey rather eased by a decent abundance of food. Small ponds, underground brooks, patches of cave moss and mushrooms, as well as the occasional wandering beast. All were collected for the karcini, leaving nothing behind, for they knew they would not return here and perhaps food would be less abundant further along their most holy of journies.

The humans of the Theocracy marched onwards and were dumbfounded by the total lack of sustenance available in the caves. There were ponds and brooks, but no fish nor crabs resided in them. One would be lucky to find a slug for dinner, much less something palatable. Even mosses and fungi were so scarce, that many failed to see a single one upon the entire journey.

Finally the crabs heard a familiar sound, one that harkened back to their homelands. The distant quiet drip of water into a still pond. For many, this drew forth nostalgic memories from their youth. When they did finally see the water proper, there too was a bridge of such majesty across it, that some came to wonder if it was gods or giants which had sculpted it, for no other creature could have done so. While it was clearly carved, it was still rough stone, not built there, but rather, the top of a natural ark flattened somewhat to make it easier upon the feet. Crumbling fortresses had been built upon either end however, their banners long since crumbled and their fortifications abandoned. They had passed through ancient walls as well, which had provoked a similar reaction, but nothing was so awe-inspiring as this bridge. Some were worried as they traveled briefly through the crumbling fortification, as it looked as though it could tumble upon them at any moment. So, Ameretat, in their wisdom, told them that the singing would need to wait, for their voices could shake loose the stones of this place, and once they had all made it safely through, their reason for singing would be redoubled, for there are greener pastures upon the other side.

As the singing stopped, the humans quickly grew desperate, the Old King moreso than any, for his responsibility to his people was great. He ordered the populace to double it's pace, and so they did! Now moving several times faster than the crabs, they barreled through the ancient walls. Though, as they passed through, their many footfalls must have shaken something loose, and an ancient stone gate began to raise from the floor. Most humans made it, but many were trapped upon the otherside. Their misfortune aside, the rest could do nothing for them, and charged on, driven by hunger and zeal.

Oddly enough, as the crabs passed beyond the fort, they heard a great rumbling and looked beyond the walls, many of which began to crumble! A wave of bodies, yelling and running, pursued them! The karcini took a vote, and decided the safest course of action would be to tumble the fortress between them and the humans, for there was another on the other side they could fortify. Taking aim, a barrage of cannonfire gave the bastion the push it needed to give way entirely, creating a barrier between them and the humans, crushing hundreds of their foremost members who had drawn closer and closer.

The Old King watched in horror, minutes before this occurred and ordered the populace to halt. Only a few failed to heed the warning and charged headfirst into the fort, only to be crushed minutes later. The Old King cursed this poor souring of his luck and began giving instructions. The stones would be moved, and the pursuit would continue another day, for here at least there seemed to be some food, and the river could provide them with fish. And so, for the next several sleeps, the humans toiled. But a strange question kept arising; why were the crabs still on the bridge?

Aneretat was devastated. The journey across the bridge took the better part of a day, and as they drew close, it became clear that this fortification was in much better shape than the previous one. It's walls were thick and solid, though dusty and worn. However, it's massive stone gate was entirely blocked by some sort of stone door that had no crack, nor no mechanisms they could see. Ameretat knew they were trapped. But as luck would hold, something hailed them from the other sides. There were a group of strange humanoids nearby. They were light of skin, and seemed to have most fuzzy of silhouettes, it wasn't until one fluttered close that it became clear they were moth people, having fluffy manes and two sets of arms, they moved through the air gracefully. Upon closer viewing, their features seems almost human- though their features were less pronounced, closer to that of a halfling or a gnome, and their eyes were a pure black globe. The hailed the crab people so that a parley could be arranged.

Meanwhile in the human camp, hunger, desperation, and toil were taking a toll on the populace, while it was incomplete, the path through the rubble had made great headway, and the crabs remained on the bridge!

It was then that the two gods began to stir.


As the heavens fell above, something stirred deep below. Long ago, in a distant past, a dwarven civilization had captured one of the oldest demons, a divine by the name Kong-li. From him they created the War Swine, among other races, through his most demonic of blood. Yet, in time, the dwarves lost their power over flesh, and the Warswine were discarded. Later, the demon escaped and wreaked havoc upon his captors, whos magics and prayers put him into an eternal slumber.

Yet, as the collapse of heaven occurred in skies above, the holy elements of his prison began to weaken, and Kong-li began to return to the waking world. And the omens of his arrival were not unseen by his followers. The oracle Torguna, gifted with foresight, saw a vision of the demon's awakening and assembled a cult of warswine around them to greet their Father into the world. Their plan began long before any other race, and it was a good thing, for they had further yet to go than most to find safe passage into the underdark. Along the way, they fought with orcs, ate with hill giants, and even traded with some goblins for a decent supply of explosives. It was not until they reached the underdark that their challenges truly began.

Returning to their ancestral homelands, or at least somewhat close to them, was an odd experiance, even for Torguna. While the path was known, the way was dark. Some had prepared for this, but blood alchemy of the eyes is a rather tricky business, and more than one warswine had come out of the process worse than before. Yet others could make out the world around them to some degree. Some would help others along, while others believed that only the strong would survive the journey. Those who believed in strength, were correct. As the journied closer and closer to the location Torguna has seen in their vision, the darkness slightly lessened, but what it revealed was much more terrifying. Beasts of horrific nature, strange combinations of insect and amphibian assaulted their party, many several times the size of an ox. Bolt and claw beat them back, but they always lurked somewhere in the dark, trailing the company, picking off those who fell to far behind. Those beasts that were felled provided little edible meat and there was little time for blood alchemy experimentation on these beasts.

Yet the dangers grew ever greater as the time of awakening drew close, and the warswine grew closer to their god. There was a distinct time in which there was little food, the area having been striped clean, tracks of some sort of crab monsters and what appeared to be human boots were discovered in a few areas. The warswine were not alone down here, and they took note of this fact. Yet as they drew closer to their destined location, the tracks stopped and food was moderately available, nothing to sustain them long term, but enough to keep them going. That is until their destination came before them.

A wall, miles across stood before them. And while it had once been mighty and solid, thick enough to stop any explosion or monster any had dared dream of, it had been rent asunder. Claw marks deep enough for a warswine to stand in had been dug into the ground and wall, scattering it into chunks the size of towns. The warswine bemoaned their misfortune, for their god had awoken before they arrived! The continued onwards, deep into a mushroom forest behind the wall, passing many chained skeletons of twisted and destroyed nature, cages of bones, though eerily, some broken from within. Much to their surprise, they found Kong-li, chains weakened but still intact. While there was much rejoicing, many began to wonder. If Kong-Li hadn't destroyed the wall, what did?
And then, the chains began to snap.

« Last Edit: January 15, 2020, 08:19:15 pm by Roboson »


  • Bay Watcher
    • View Profile
Re: Sanctuary IC
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2020, 10:33:46 pm »

In the weeks before the collapse of heaven, a strange new aristocrat appeared in the major city of Eastark. At least, none dared ask whether or not she could support her claims to the elite. For as she was called in whispers behind her back, the Witch-Queen behaved as such, like a noble. More so than many nobles, at least. Her movements were dripping with poise, her worlds confident and enticing, and her clothes were not only ornate, but masterfully crafted. Yet, it was not this that drew others to her or caused them to quietly slip away, but something else. She had a sort of aura about her that oozed power, and those willing to bask in it, drew ever closer.

Shaga had previously gained the favor of Skullflower, who recognized their abilities, even if their true nature was still obscure. However, when heaven collapsed, the Witch-Queen was sent to lead her people, and draw them forth into the dark. The gorgon was more than obliged to do so. In the coming days, other nobles began to disappear. Suicides, falls from windows, drownings, and in one case, a slave uprising. One by one, they began to disappear, each time more dramatic than the last. Though in every case, it was ruled an accident by all who examined it. Though many suspected the Witch Queen, none could prove anything, despite in many cases, the followers and belongings of the slain became part of the Witch Queen's entourage.

When the Witch Queen had amassed enough wealth and following, she organized the expedition as planned. A legion of heavily armored macemen would guard the Witch-Queen and her followers deep under ground. Many could not believe the order they had received, and many refused. Upon the next day, the sun disappeared and the sky opened wide and dark. Many who had refused the expedition came crawling back, attempting to catch up with the forces of the Witch Queen. Most failed, and those who did were cut down where they stood, placed upon spikes like macabre statues. A warning to all: Only those who stand with Shaga will survive this cataclysm.

Of course, this also sent a message to the noble families which had remained loyal. There were six among the expedition, many of which fielded soldiers for the guard, or had craftsmen in their service, which Shaga found to be quite useful. With torch in hand, they descended into the depths. Many suspected Shaga knew not where they were headed, but always she pressed on as if she did. At first, the monster attacks were rare, the occasional direbear awoken from its hibernation, or a wheezing harkron looking to drag a lone gorgon into the darkness. Yet as they descended deeper, they found themselves more and more assailed by enemies, often larger and stranger than any they had seen before.

It wasn't until they reached a mushroom forest that the assault lessened, and morale was low among the troupes, for they had lost a few hundred men over the several months of walking. Many only carried on for there was no better hope than the one they had been given by Shaga. It was here in the mushroom forest that Shaga decided they would stake their claim. Reasonable amounts of food and wood, a defensible area they could fortify, a river only a week or so away, in good conditions. It would have to do.

Yet, given time, the beasts returned. Well, or at least new beasts replaced them. The worst of which were aptly named, smushers. Huge purple-grey six legged creatures, which had no front or back, but were instead arranged in a circle. Their legs, somewhere between that of an elephant and a starfish, ended in bony clubs twice the size of a gorgon, and were the reason the creature got it's namesake. While the attacks were rare, they were devastating. Much more common were the danglers, which were never truly seen, but their ability to catch gorgons in a net of sorts and rapidly pull them up above to the ceiling or top of a mushroom cap, that was apparent. And of course there were other dangers, giant centipedes, the carnivorous mushrooms, the terror bats, and the like were also a danger.

Yet all was not battles and defense. Much effort had gone into the establishment of a fortified camp. The gorgons, at the behest of Shaga, brought with them pork-wyms. Long worms with piglike faces, which could be cut into pieces and regrow from the head, allowing much of their meat to be collected, and collected repeatedly. Though other cave creatures seemed rather docile, the cave limpet being easily collected and stored in tubs and shallow pools. These mollusks were rather easily removed from the stone with a sharp knife, reproduced at a decent rate, and would eat almost anything, doubling as a disposal method for refuse and waste. While many aristocrats refused such droll sustenance, the servants and laymen found them easy to cook in their shells, as well as firm of texture and slightly sweet of taste, if not a bit bland.

As time went on, and they found themselves more established, the gorgons met some locals. A group of cloudy blue eyed fish people. Of course, it was their size which is what the gorgons noticed first, standing between sixteen and eighteen feet tall and four to five feet wide by accounts of those who met them, having large mouths with long conical teeth, and dark fine scales. They wore leather armor,mostly over their lower half, and wielded large wooden blades, edged with sharpened teeth and bone. Despite their rather gruesome appearance, they turned out to be rather friendly. Among them were traders, who were much enamored by bits of metal, and often traded food for whatever bits of metal the gorgons could spare. In time, a prosperous relationship was established, and the gorgons were able to devote more time towards building camp and erecting fortifications, and as the number of hunting expositions decreased, so too did the number of lost soldiers. 

It was then, Skullflower began to stir. They had arrived long before their followers, yet, by some coincidence, or perhaps through Shaga's connection to Skullflower, they had come to the same place.

Azerikof (Crazyabe)
It is an odd tale how the giblerings descended into the caverns. The giblering known as Gorllingo was blessed at birth with foresight. This blessing manifested in pure white skin, and deep red eyes, albinism. Albinism was often seen as a very mixed omen among the giblerings, as the twisting patterns upon their skin are often believed to indicate the destiny of the individual. Those with more red with see blood spilled. Those with blue may find the life of a sailor or pirate to be for them. Those with a domination of green often had a predisposition to the druidic arts, which while not practiced by the giblerings themselves, these individuals often went on a journey to find a master once they entered adulthood. Yellow is for those who are studious, and black is either for merchants or thieves, though in most giblering markets, there isn't much of a difference. Yet to be pure white, that means your destiny is all your own.

This was not the case for Gorlingo. When they were but a babe, perhaps from the moment they were born, their foresight forced them to see the most devastating of cataclysms, the age when the gods fell to earth and the sky was torn asunder. The vision was so bleak that the poor child scratched out it's own eyes, even before it could walk, in an attempt to make the visions stop. They did not.

As Gorlingo grew, they were able to push the visions down and use their power to foresee events much closer. The likelihood of victory in a battle, the price of iron in the markets of Zaltran next month, whether a particular chief would have a son or daughter, whatever his people needed of him, Gorlingo provided. This made the albino rather popular, and his wisdom propelled him further upwards through the theocracy. Yet, still Gorlingo was oft plague by the same terrible visions. Few would say he's personable, his haunting appearance mirroring the visions which haunted him so.

Yet as they passed their prime, not yet entering the twilight of old age, but certainly their joints weren't as spry as they used to be, the visions worsened. He looked up one day, to see a flock of magpies sucked into a tornado. As this was often how the vision began, he simply attempted to push it back into the depths of his mind. But soon others were pointing and yelling at the black tornado above, and the dead birds falling to the ground with wet thumping noises. It seemed, the vision had passed and had become reality.

Gorlingo then saw what he must do, where he must go. When his tribe came to ask him of his vision, he did not tell them how bad it would become. Only that they must leave, and that they would never return. He told them of a dark ritual, one which would rip the rest of the world asunder, but leave the Giblerings intact. It could only be done now, and if they did not do so, another race would claim the world as their own. Shocked, may did not want to listed. Gorlingo had been wrong in the past, perhaps they were wrong about this. That hopeful optimism was not shared by all, and a great number of not only his tribe, but neighboring tribes came together under his banner. Gorlingo had become a prophet, and he was to lead.

Lead Gorlingo did. He had always been guided with directions, not by any sense he could describe, simply that is faith pulled him in a particular direction. In fact, he was quite bad with maps and directions in general. Yet, when he needed to be somewhere, he knew the way. And now, Gorlingo knew he had somewhere he was supposed to be.

He led his following, which had grown larger and larger as they traveled. The giblerings had lived in shallow caves, as was their typical and preferred form of lodging, yet for this ritual, they must be deep beneath the earth. However, his senses were pulling him far away, into a desert. He followed them, for if he had nothing else, he had faith.

A month's travel into the desert, he found the place they were to be. He told his people that this was the spot, and that they shall wait here. Many were very confused, for there wasn't stone in sight, much less a cave. Yet they had come this far, their faith must hold. Over the next week, many abandoned the quest, losing faith and hope as their water supply ran dry.

Yet, then a sand storm at sunrise struck the area, the sands and skies a glittering red. A outcropping of stone was unearthed by the heaving of sand into the air, and Gorlingo's body screamed at him to go inside. He led his followers through a tunnel in the stone, down into the earth. Dozens were lost in the storm, but many survived and made it into the tunnel before the storm abated, leaving the tunnel flooded with sand and then stone as the earth rumbled and gave way behind Gorlingo's followers. Lighting torch, and steeling nerves, they descended deeper into the caverns.

They traveled downwards for quite a while, it could have been weeks, perhaps months, difficult to say without the cycles of the sun and the moon. And the going was slow, as each step was upon shifting sand. Yet eventually, they found themselves free of the tight quarters of the tunnel, and in a space unimaginably vast. Still pulled ahead, Gorlingo led them to their predestined location. There he began the dark ritual. 

That is when Azerikof began to stir.

Neurantal (Sudurandom)

The Vrinari were always a creative race, much like the elves or the dwarves. Yet, they never particularly got along with either of them. While the dwarves believed deeply in functionality, the elves prized the aesthetics. The Vrinari however, fell somewhere in the middle. They always pursued perfection, yet that often was a matter of opinion. One vrinari would fall closer to the dwarves, making highly functional swords, for example, which were perfectly balanced and of proper length. Meanwhile, others would craft swords which inspired awe or terror in those who glimpsed them on the battlefield. Truly they were a race which took pride in their work, yet it was often the topic of much debate throughout the craftsmen. 

It was this debate that greatly influenced Arten, an elderly Bruinari mage which had been more inclined to the magical arts, rather than the crafting field of study many of his brethren were drawn to. Yet he did dabble in the creation of magical objects, one who was better at the craft would call it enchantment or artifice, but Arten was no artisan. Yet he did create one such nifty object that he thought would be useful in his magical pursuits.

See, Arten lived in the city of Hiak, which at different times of the year was under the domain of various gods as the stars above shifted. Yet on some years, it was unclear exactly when this would occur and when the ceremonies would need to be preformed to welcome the returning gods and wish farewell to the departing gods until they returned. With the six dozen or so minor gods who had rotating schedules, it became rather confusing for the lay person to follow. And thus, Arten believed he could make a device that would predict when the gods would change.

Arten worked and worked, and after a few years, his device was complete. The Celestial Calendar he dubbed it, a nifty device that could predict when the gods would come and go, save for the Major Gods which were fairly constant. Better yet, it could be rewound or fast forward to see how these have changed over time, and how they would shift in the future. Yet, when he was moving forward to about seven years in the future, the device malfunctioned. It said that all gods abandoned the area, and all on the same day! Never to return! He checked the next forty years, and at no time did any god show to occupy the sky above. Convinced he made a mistake somewhere, he gave the device to the recently erected mages guild, so they may study it and check his spellwork for the error he was sure existed.

Yet, after five years of examination, none were able to find the flaw. To all who examined it, the spell weave was perfect, the lines were precise, the mana draw was consistent, and even the physical object holding it all together was undamaged. By all accounts, this was correct.

Arten, seeing the danger, consulted with the priests and the craftsmen guilds, neither of which could disprove his findings. It had become clear to all that the end was nigh. Preparations began for an evacuation, and the city of Haik was mostly abandoned by the end of the year before the end of the Celestial Calendar. While many of the major cities would have large guilds of craftsmen, Haik was more affiliated with magic, and thus the refugees were mostly laymen and fledgling mages, though among them were a few craftsmen of at least decent skill.

Ancient maps showed an entrance to the everdark only a few months away, and would give them plenty of time to each it, even at a leisurely pace. However, as the omens began appearing, black tornadoes, green skies, monsters from distant lands migrating to new areas, they quickly picked up the pace. They found the entrance without much difficulty, but actually entering it was a different story. The crack was only wide enough for them to go one at a time, and it took quite a few days for everyone to begin the descent.

They travelled one by one for the next few weeks, descending deeper until finally, the caverns opened up before them. Unfortunately, there was a near two hundred foot drop downwards, and all around them swirled a thick purple dust. This dust got in their lungs and eyes, making vision and breathing difficult as the thousand or so Vrinari climbed down their hastily made rope ladder. It seemed that the entire mushroom forest was releasing spores constantly, filling much of this area with it's fine dust. Yet, with cloths pulled close over their mouths, they descended.

Making a fortified camp was their first step, and despite the unpleasant conditions, there were few dangerous beasts in the area. Scouts had returned, often injured, speaking of the terror bats and the danglers which could be found elsewhere in the caverns. So it seemed logical to stick close to their original location, despite the horrible mist. That was until the spores began to sprout. Mush-lung the disease was called. The hacking cough, high fever, dizziness, and terrible breath made the disease rather debilitating. Other instances showed the mushrooms could grow on the skin in terribly painful patches, which too was becoming more common among the population. Mages consulted the tomes they brought with them, but none had ever encountered this strange disease of this distant land. Whats worse, some had a particularly bad reaction to the mushrooms, growing entirely fixated on them. These individuals soon left the camp, never to be seen again.

It was then Neurantal began to stir.

The peafowlians were often a race of much controversy in the world at large, in that, most races hated them. In historical texts of the peafowlians, this is depicted as the jealousy of other races at the beauty and the power of the peafowlians. No other mortal could match the beauty, the poise, or the mental capacity of the peafowlians.

The history books of the rest of the world tells a very different story. The peafowlians are near universally regarded as ruthless slavers, who bend the mind of those around them into drooling slaves, and are no more than pretty monsters which should be eliminated from the world at large.

While the peafowlians disagree, the rest of the world is fairly correct in this matter.

Thus it was no surprise that when the Czar wars broke out among the peafowlian empire, that none would come to aide in the rebellion, nor in the fight against the rebels. As with all matters, the peafowlians were forced to handle their own affairs. After a terrible war, where the mind was an equally viable weapon as the sword or bow, the rebels were victorious. This was largely due to the hero Cowlia, who had an unusual ability, foresight. While mental domination was near universal among the peafowlians, foresight was basically unheard of, and their ability to predict enemy movements led to a great many victories on the battlefield.

Yet, shortly after the end of the Czar Wars, they received a vision most unusual. It depicted the sky opening wide and darkness pouring out into the world. Knowing this to be the true future, Cowlia shared this information with the workers union. Many disagreed, despite never having doubted Cowlia before, and others fell into deep melancholy at the news, knowing their fight was for nothing. It was only the few who prized life above all else who listened, and who followed. Cowlia knew they would survive if they descended into the caverns of the mainland, and organized several ships to take them there.

As they traveled, they ran into other groups of mortals. When they approached the human ports, sailing their flags high as any proud peafowlian would, the humans fired their cannons at them. When they tried to dock at an elvish port, they were assaulted by storms and sea beast, sent by the elves to sink their ships. When they tried to land near the goblins, the goblins dumped oil into the water and set the ocean ablaze. No, if the peafowlians were to do anything, they would do it alone. After many ships were lost, the peafowlians were forced to abandon their ships and make landfall by dingy, carrying with them what supplies they could. At this point, that was less of an issue, as their journey had taken longer than expected and supplies were much lower, as were their number of thralls, most of which had starved along the way.

From there, the journey across land was more of the same. They were beset by orcs, hill giants, even kobolds at one point launched a surprise attack against the peafowlians while they slept. It was a long an arduous journey, and of the thousands who departed their homeland, not more than a thousand or so survived to enter the caverns. Their journey through the everdark into the larger caverns was mostly uneventful, guided by torchlight, they descended, only rarely having to deal with giant centipedes, and the occasional terror bat. And at last, the found themselves in a mushroom forest, a good distance from where they entered the caverns.

Here they established camp, using mushroom wood to erect defenses against the beasts of the area. Of course, old politics were not far behind them, and many of the various unions began to butt heads over how to best secure food sources, how to properly defend the camp, and generally, how they should proceed. Some work was done however, the archers had managed to slay several kinds of large insects in the area, mostly giant centipedes, but large beetles of a bullish nature were also fairly readily available. Some had brought agricultural supplies, though their seeds were entirely useless without sunlight. Though, some had found success in growing, what they referred to as, the cave banana. These squat thorny succulents produced a fruit that was very similar to the plantain which was quite a rare delicacy before the collapse. Though, they grew incredibly slowly, progress so far was occurring. But this was not the main area of concern, no indeed, for they had stumbled upon something incredibly fortunate. They had discovered tea plants down tea trees down here, or at least something similar! The squat bushes could be found growing in small patches, eking out survival as squat brush. Yet it was very clearly a species of tea plant, having gone feral in this strange world. Many came to call them Dwarven Tea Trees, or the dwarf tea tree, as many suspected that the dwarves of yore would be the only civilization with enough class and capacity to enjoy such a delight and have the tools necessary to bring it into this strange land.

However, this was not their main concern, for they swiftly discovered they were not the only mortals down here. A few weeks after arriving, their camp as assaulted and overrun, as their guard rotations were still under much debate.

The attackers were swift creatures unlike the peafowlians had seen before, a strange mix of insectoid and fungi and humanoid. These creatures glided silently above the mushroom caps, and attacked from above, taking the peafowlians by surprise. What was worse, as that they appeared incredibly resilient to the mental domination of the peafowlians who did put up a fight. By the end of the attack, many feafowlians had been captured and flown off into the darkness beyond.

It was then Chromaticwing began to stir.


The troon was in utter disarray. Not only had the gods gone silent, but a terrible catastrophe had been predicted on the horizon. In the last few weeks, two priests of the major troonish faiths had suddenly began receiving prophetic visions, each of them twins. For the Acterians, this was two twin sciro named Zev and Zav. They had much longer names, but even within the official ceremonies, they were referred to as such.

While this was fine and good, the issue was that each of the six prophets predicted a different fate. One, a incilatro named Yuiakia, predicted the sea would rise up and swallow the world, leaving only the sky tree as an island in the sea, only to be swallowed by the Grand Ratfish. Another, an Aedangiant predicted that Aedanusuirillystiphosidarap had angered his sister by leaving his duties to vacation on some backwater world. Another, a half-duros sciro, believed that the dragon Phybar would come to claim the Titan Soul at the center of the world. And yet another, his twin sister Gyia, see visions that the crystal city would become infested, and bloated, growing to incredible size and destroy the Troon. Zav simply stated that the sky would open and the darkness held in place by the stars would flow through the gap. And Zev, Zev saw visions of something he called the Bolt, an object of such speed and mass that it would shatter the Troon upon impact.

As such, the Troon itself was divided. With each separate prediction, those who believed it acted accordingly. Those who believed in the Watery End built boats and rafts among the branches of the world tree. Those who believed Phybar would claim the titan soul, joined the duros resistance upon pangea. Those who believed in the darkness, and those who believed in the bolt were divided. Among them, many a hero built bunkers to wait out the end and survive as the sciro ancestors once dide. Yet others feared the shattering of the bolt, and decided to flee to the main world, taking refuge there. 

When the time came, it was Zev who lead the journey. They were to embark upon Pangea, for despite its numerous wars, dangerous areas, unbridled monster rampages, varying ecology and climate, roaming demigods, and general likelihood of death, it was still somehow more survivable than the other continents of the main world. With heavy heart, they reminisced at the veritable peace they had been gifted by their gods and stepped through the crystal door, one last time.

When they arrived on the other side, Zev discovered the door, which had always been fickle, had dropped them far beneath the earth, rather than in the Duros city of Highforge as they had anticipated. Yet there was not enough time to reenter the door, re-calibrate it, and make another attempt. Zev looked through the door one last time before throwing the key through the door to his brother Zav on the other side. The two nodded a good-bye, which carried with it a life of adventure and experience together, which would now come to an end. The portal closed, and those who had accepted so many refugees into their hearts and cities, had now become refugees themselves. And they were entirely on their own.

It was not long before the beasts found them. The wolf-mantis were the first, their sense of smell detecting the sudden appearance of the refugees. They attacked as a pack, picking off individuals who had strayed to far, unaware of the dangers of this place. Many incilatro attempted to fly away as a reaction to the danger, but quickly remembered, they would not be able to fly here. Though, most only had moments to feel that terrible realization before they were eaten. Other creatures soon followed, attracted by the smell of blood. The saladapedes, the occasional swarm of flying crayfish, and the giant starfish, which were hatefully referred to as smushers. Yet, it was the creatures which were already there that proved to be the most dangerous, the Wide Eyed Lurker. These giant creatures were masters of camouflage blending into the stone surroundings and mushroom patches. Yet, the did not simply await their prey, but dangled a mesmerizing lure. Often innocuous, it could be shaped like a glowing mushroom, or crystal, using the promise of light to draw it's prey close. Yet, when they came near, it would lift it's massive fishlike body with it's eight spidery legs, lunging forward to swallow even the aedens whole in less than a moment.

Yet it was not entirely fighting beasts, for many began to build fortifications. The artificers, having brought with them a great many craftsmen tools, began building fortifications of stone and mushwood, while others made headway with improving the torches, keeping back the darkness with whatever light they could create.

It was then Acter began to stir. 
« Last Edit: January 14, 2020, 11:22:02 pm by Roboson »


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Re: Sanctuary IC
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2020, 11:22:16 pm »

The remaining gods had all began to wake, and around them, they found a world most strange and foreign. They looked to the sky and found only stone, they looked for the stars, but found only the darkness, they looked for their realms, but saw only what was around them. This was all that was left, they were all that was left.

Yet the world was not without hope. Swirling around them was the strange magic of the everdark. Many had different names for this, the Strings of Fate, the Well of Magic, the Laylines. Whatever they were called, the gods could reach out and touch them, see into them, and hear the whispers of this dark place.

And so the gods listened.

A group of survivors made it down to the cavern systems. There are a few hundred of them, though they stumble near blindly through the dark. With a gentle twist of the fates, one could draw them to safety, [3CP].

An particularly large earth spirit, perhaps a mountain spirit, has been displaced by the events on the surface above. Without a place to rest, it is angry and violent, causing quakes and other geological events. One could drive it away away from their area for [2DP] or calm it down with [4CP].

A tribe of naga hailing from the caverns below have had their city destroyed and are wandering the area in search of a new home. They are well skilled in both blade and spear, but low on supplies. One could draw them in with [4CP].

A giant slime has begun hunting in the area, attracted by the smell of new prey. One could lure it towards a location with [3DP] or drive it out of the area entirely with [6DP].

The caverns swirl with minor spirits of all sorts, displaced from the surface world. Many could come to find new homes here, or dissipate on their own. Yet, one could pull some closer for [1CP] or keep them away for [1DP]. With the number of spirits lingering here, multiple gods may take action and gods may do so multiple times.

Spoiler: Culture (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: January 23, 2020, 12:00:57 pm by Roboson »


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Re: Sanctuary IC
« Reply #3 on: January 15, 2020, 12:02:29 am »

Offer Actions:

3DP: Worried for his people, Harut attracts the Giant Slime to the northern end of the bridge where his people had been trapped.
2CP: Seeking allies, Harut gathers 1CP worth of spirits to his new home.

Spoiler: Ameretat Orders (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: January 17, 2020, 05:06:48 am by micelus »
You win Nakeen
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Inanna is my husbando


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Re: Sanctuary IC
« Reply #4 on: January 15, 2020, 12:05:32 am »

Acter attracts and calms the mountain spirit. (4 CP) [1 CP, 2 DP remaining]
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.


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Re: Sanctuary IC
« Reply #5 on: January 15, 2020, 11:41:37 pm »

Skullflower attracts the wandering Naga: -4 CP

Action 1: Create Bow of Hungering and give it to Shaga. (-3 DP)

Action 2: Appear to the fishmen adjacent to me, say hello, and introduce myself as the God of Cycles- good from bad, flourishing from decay, profit from horror. Thank them for trading fairly with my chosen people, and mention that I'm always on the lookout for new followers, if any of their people find me to their liking.

Action 3: Teach the Gorgons how to farm vermin for sustenance. It will be unpleasant and humiliating, but provide efficient nourishment until they can secure a source of provisions more appropriate for their station.

Quote from: Accoutrements: Bow of Hungering
Name: Bow of Hungering
Appearance: A four-armed bow, with a white and black beam crossing in an X shape. The ribs themselves look organic, somewhat like insect legs.
Purpose: To improve its bearer's ability to find and bring down game.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2020, 03:09:07 am by IronyOwl »
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.

Happy Demon

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Re: Sanctuary IC
« Reply #6 on: January 16, 2020, 12:19:32 pm »

[Zvezda, Caretaker of the Sun]
3+1 CP, 2+1 DP, 3/3 Actions.

Zvezda surveyed the devastation of her cave in the cave, and was quite distraught.
But after communing with her guest, TreKian, and knowing her sun seed was safe, Zvezda decided to let it go, as further devastation would only leave her weaker.
Yet her Arana were not so kind, especially her champion, Vector. Young and emotional, he would not let go of this transgression. This war would surely humble him.
However, Zvezda values her Aranas' lives more in this instance, for this could spell the doom of the Arana here below.

Zvezda spreads her strings to every place under her influence, through which a tranquil tune plays, before Zvezda speaks.
"I am Zvezda, Caretaker of the Sun. I see blood spilled and corpses litter in this cave of mine and I wish to see no more. TreKian has trespassed, not out of malice, but out of desperation. He and his kin, the Veisn, are refugees of the light, not creatures of darkness. They desire the light of my sun, and who am I to deny them?"
Zvezda uses 4 CP to create a source of light, in the easternmost dual influence area (s3+s3).
"While my sun is yet immature, this light shall serve a worthy substitute, it only illuminates part of the cave, I shall eventually illuminate the rest, but I wish not waste my precious sun seed on mortals who will use the strength to only kill, murder and maim. I do not care for who started, who is in the right, who committed what atrocities, you are not alone here underground, and thus need to either stand together or fall alone. I demand peace within my light."

Zvezda shifts  her attention to another place where she shares influence with TreKian.
"And do not think this is license to murder each other in the dark."
Zvezda uses 4 DP (3/4 Available, 1 Pending from TreKian) to reduce depress hostilities within the hex (s5+s4), feelings of hatred and animosity will be weakened, harder to drive someone into violent action, but far from impossible.
"You shall talk first, not fight. If you truly cannot reconcile, then hatred will flourish even after talking. But I shall not see violence be the first resort."

0 CP, -1 (1 Pending from TreKian) DP, 0/3 Actions.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2020, 03:47:23 pm by Happy Demon »
I like cats, they're smart and mysterious, and their kittens adorable.

I'm a Forum Demon, expect to find me lurking, and knowing random details.


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Re: Sanctuary IC
« Reply #7 on: January 16, 2020, 04:10:39 pm »

Action 1: TreeKian uses 2 CP to create a water source to fill in the chasm closest with the mine and light source

action 2: TreeKian then spends 3CP on turning the chasm hex s6 from his positions into a hex that could be used to grow a forest

action 3: TreeKian then speaks to the Veisn.

"Veisn i know that there has been much conflict with the mortals known as Arana but this stops now, if we continue to fight then the victor will be too wounded to fight a greater threats, even if they behave like orcs they are still in there own right strong in a certain way and i rather not see anymore Veisn lives be wasted and lost to death, i'm sure they wish for the conflict to stop them selves so all i ask is that you try to see past the chaos that started this war and see for your selves if they truly deserve your assistance"

TreeKian gives Zvezda 2Dp
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Re: Sanctuary IC
« Reply #8 on: January 16, 2020, 10:56:15 pm »

Azerikof awakens, hoping to distract the beings that awoke it, they create a 'small' number of [Growshrooms(2CP)] interspaced randomly around the hex.
Next they attempt to "appease" the one who awoke them by giving Gorlingo an Accoutrement, the [Rod of the Blood god(6DP)] should be good enough? right?
Finally they flee! they travel 3 tiles North east and two tiles further north, stopping by the edge of an underground lake.

Spoiler: growshrooms (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Rod of the Blood god (click to show/hide)
Quote from: MonkeyMarkMario, 2023
“Don’t quote me.”
nothing here.


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Re: Sanctuary IC
« Reply #9 on: January 17, 2020, 10:57:21 pm »

Spoiler: Neurantal (click to show/hide)
Neurantal saw his people were suffering, and so he acted. He told Arten to have the Vrinari make lidded boxes, and when they were ready he filled them with slime worms whose mucus could be used to treat the infection.
Create Life: One hex population(1cp) of Slime worms (4cp) = 5cp
Spoiler: Slime Worm (click to show/hide)

But treatment was not enough. The source of the spores would have to be removed. So he created the dark axe Treebane, and gave it to the Vrinari to destroy the corrupted trees.
Create 2dp Accoutrement
Spoiler: Treebane (click to show/hide)

The expendature of power had tired him, but before Neurental slept he spoke with the Vrinari. He explained that like the spores caused mush-lung many diseases were caused by organisms too small to see, and how there were ways to avoid exposure or to kill these "germs".
Teach: Germ theory and basic sanitation.


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Re: Sanctuary IC
« Reply #10 on: January 18, 2020, 01:38:52 am »

Kong-Li has been asleep for a long time. The War Swine hunger. His memory of his own sacred fungal jungle is hazy. A grand hunt should solve both of these problems.

First the ancient demon turns his attention to the chains that held it, reforging them with his infernal power into a suitable weapon: a mighty demonic flail.

Kong-Li spends 6DP to make and equip the following:

Code: [Select]
Accoutrements/Natural Wonder
Name: Breaker of Wills, Bodies, and All Things before Kong-Li ('Breaker Flail' for short)
Appearance: A flail made completely out of metal forged from the chains that once held Kong-Li in eternal sleep. The head of the flail is shaped like a skull, and strangely mirrors the movement of Kong-Li's ape head.
Purpose: Grant the holder +6 PS

Next, for the first time in eons, the great Kong-Li turns his attention to the Waylines of the underdark. Although he finds nothing regarding hunting activities in his local area, the cries of homeless spirits catch his ear. Pearhaps some of them might be willing to bend the knee in exchange for protection.

Free Action - Kong-Li spends 2 CP to pull in some spirits.

Finally, with his new weapon in hand and War Swine followers at his side, Kong-Li sets out on an epic hunt to explore his surroundings, and provide food and safety for his underlings.

Kong-Li spends his last two actions leading and protecting his people for as long as he can while they hunt and explore around their new jungle home.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sanctuary IC
« Reply #11 on: January 19, 2020, 02:30:59 am »

1. Acter creates the Hunter's Staff. (2 DP).
Spoiler: Hunter's Staff (click to show/hide)

2. Acter creates the Butcher's Knife. (1 CP)
Spoiler: Butcher's Knife (click to show/hide)

3. Acter speaks with his people, demonstrates the Hunter's Staff to them, and uses it to explain swords (the blade section) and, less in depth, spears (just put your daggers on long poles, it's that simple).
« Last Edit: January 19, 2020, 02:41:44 am by Glass »
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.


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Re: Sanctuary IC
« Reply #12 on: January 19, 2020, 03:51:33 am »

First off we need to set down our physiological needs before we create a safety net, these new plants will grow around the forest will provide light and increase the food rate of the cave bananas and tea leaves so that we don’t leave.

Action 1: Chromaticwing spends 4CP to create Enchanciroom, a hex worth of plants on the tile he is on
Spoiler: Enhanciroom (click to show/hide)

“Now Cowlia, I give this bow to you to defend and to save the trapped Peafowlians, use this weapon to protect your people and to save the enslaved.”

Action 2: Chromaticwing spends 3DP to create the Seeker Bow, as an Accruement and gives it to Cowlia
Spoiler: Seeker Bow (click to show/hide)

Action 3: Chromaticwing spends his last turn to convert his physical form into an Idol, a jaded statue of a butterfly entombed his spirit on the hex he is in
« Last Edit: January 19, 2020, 04:55:01 pm by Shadowclaw777 »


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Re: Sanctuary IC
« Reply #13 on: January 21, 2020, 06:50:14 pm »

When Vahranis awoke, the scene before him was... unenviable; near pitch-black, and filled with with terrible beasts, with little food to go around. To this end, he and Malaya concocted a plan to help deal with the problems their followers had, even if Vahranis had doubts about it. Nevertheless, his trust in them was solid, and he would work with it.

Transfer 2 CP to Malaya

Action 1: Vahranis creates a powerful and destructive weapon to aid in pushing the beasts back, and gives it to Tarhun
Spoiler: The Ravager (click to show/hide)

Action 2: Then, focusing on the stone that made up the camp walls, Vahranis devised a tool to help with their abilities to move and shift stone. he gifts this to one that's... well, a miner or stonemason, if such a person exists, or otherwise passes it on to someone willing to work stone.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Action 3: Seeing that what tools he can make distributed, Vahranis joins his followers in securing the local area, bringing his divine might and aura to the fight to help protect them from the marauding beasts.

0 CP, -2 DP (2 Pending from Malaya), 0/3 Actions
« Last Edit: January 21, 2020, 07:04:11 pm by Taricus »
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


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Re: Sanctuary IC
« Reply #14 on: January 22, 2020, 10:03:54 am »

Malaya awoke to the warm, dark underground. It was pitch-black for most, where the light levels were next to nothing than reflections of far-off sources. Their people were in fortified camps, and their champion spoke of the biggest issues being that other than security, there was no way anyone could help the kobolds in securing the area or growing food; the agricultural supplies were next to useless, except for rock gourds and other cave-acclimated crops, which commonly grew slower and had less taste or nutritive value.

This made sense, and they were glad their champion could give very knowledgeable insights of their own opinions on the matter. Having Vahranis nearby was also a great boon--a spirit from ages past was an invaluable ally, especially when reports of dangers were higher than any norm that mortals were used to.

Transfer 2 DP to Vahranis

They promised food and light, and noted the niches of their people lay in community and being able to secure these basic physical, mental, and emotional needs.

Action 1
Malaya listened to the winds and the prayers, to the pleas and words of souls lost and of people still wandering, and knew they had to create.
Thus, they brought forth a grass that could live in the hardiest environments, of roots like cacti, and of growth like bamboo. It had the potential of wooden crafts, and of light but sturdy building material. Most importantly, it was a being of the aboveground sun, which required great power to put into living form, of which only came to mind by the many wondrous memories of the lands above.

They made sure that this required some training to use effectively, and that by itself, did not burden the environment or be able to harm others much like other plants by their sharpness or their texture. It would at least be smooth to the touch, as hard as the trees, and as flexible and resilient as the reeds. It would be a flowering plant, and from it would come light that would be able to help grow other plants, and grant sight to those that did not see in the dark.
They knew there was the need of numbers and a nominal range of diversity, so they spent +2 additional CP into filling a whole hex with them, and in enabling them to grow to taller heights.

Knowing that none were adaptable to this new environment (and even for themself and Vahranis, the great spirits were to the whole situation), they decided to train and teach about this creature that both the agricultural supplies would be made into their utmost benefit, and that this secret would be learned and hopefully ingrained into culture without overlapping and erasing others. In reality, many creatures were just as wild and hard to domesticate, and the underground had a wide variety of yet-unheard creatures. "Smushers, terrorbats, lurkers, giant milipedes, giant frogsnakes, and the wolf mantis", were but few ones, and even more needed to be named and studied. Thus they taught, in order to establish a mutualistic relationship of control.

Action 2: Teach the secrets of the Lightroot

Last was the issue of the ground and earth beneath. There was soil in abundance as in the forests, as cave moss heartily carpeted the underground riverbanks and stretches of land nearby. Culture and needs were of priority: The kobolds were both a maritime and martial populace, the elves were at least professional artisans by their strong adherence of abstracted values, the humans were studious in their love of learning and the world (and the fall of many things being but a motivating drive onwards), and the Leshy were said even now to be mystical and magical beings. In order for Lightroot to thrive, all supplies at hand must be used effectively, and there was a great abundance of stone, and with some logistics and movement of such to such, likely the inevitability of arable farmland provided both knowledge and awareness, especially of consequences of action.

Action 3: Teach Mining

Maybe in a generation or so, there would be opportunities to study and learn. They would give orders to their champion to both administrate and to ensure the lack of eradication (other than control) of other life around.

Spoiler: Orders (click to show/hide)
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