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Author Topic: The Republic - Rule a space nation! (9/?) - TURN 1  (Read 8524 times)


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Re: The Republic - Rule a space nation! (7/?) - TURN 1
« Reply #60 on: January 08, 2020, 01:07:10 pm »

Angleia immediatley raises.

"Senator Adjran, I must say you amuse me. You talk about vast inefficiencies, and the Federalist approach being barbaric, yet, your party clearly supports a militaristic position. Many of the states of Concordia havie enjoyed autonomy, YET your party proposes the erasure of said autonomy, by taking all their power away and granting it to someone else.

Senator Adjran, explain to me how you would deal with a centralization of the planet, without a crisis ensuing? And how would you deal without involving any military force?

Ironicaly, Adjran says that the old american federalist system is inefficient, but in reality it's the most effective system, since it allows the states to mantain their autonomy, but at the same time, a govermental system takes charge of the situation, ensuring it works efficiently.

I must say, Senator Adjran, if your system were as good as you describe it, I would be supporting it. Sadly enough, it isn't."

Angelia sits down once again, awaiting for anyone else to speak their mind.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2020, 01:10:48 pm by Kakaluncha »
Roll to Hunger Games teached me one thing, to have initiative.
Roll to Planet teached me that writing and developing original ideas is really fun.
Roll to Heist is a game that has teached me one single thing:

Time Travel. Is. Pain.


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Re: The Republic - Rule a space nation! (7/?) - TURN 1
« Reply #61 on: January 08, 2020, 01:25:08 pm »

During the entire discussion of the representatives at the first meeting,'s business districts are changing gears to reevaluate what must be acquired in order to continue with a functioning planet economy. Many meetings with other businesses to lay plans to maintain the current state of affairs and to begin construction of galactic prospectors to fill the void of resources that Earth was providing before everything went dark.

Research funding is on a brief halt, Agricultural business is proceeding as normal, and industry sectors are producing lists upon lists of materials missing to maintain the colony that cannot be found on Concordia.

Zarok is seeking acquisition of energy production and rights to construct a orbital works. Research funding requests have been submitted for exoskeletons for industry and agriculture sectors to boost production and safer product movement.


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Re: The Republic - Rule a space nation! (7/?) - TURN 1
« Reply #62 on: January 08, 2020, 01:42:29 pm »

Alexander stands immediately afterwards, sighing. "Not only do I concur with Angleia, as doing such a radical thing is foolish and would cause a crisis, I would also like to point out your obvious twisting of the truth. You disregard the confederate option for being inefficient and weak for the power it gives to states, assuming nothing would be done to make it efficient. You also make the idea of an Emergency Dictator seem like that of a permanent one, which it would not be. Then you say that the federal option is also weak and inefficient, insult the legacy of the USA, and call its states useless - thereby indirectly also calling our own state system useless, as it is based off of that of the USA. Then you claim that one stubborn state would have control over the entire law, and that such a state is foolish. I must admit that I do agree with you on that - any nation that allowed such a thing to happen would be foolish. Fortunately, we are not such a nation.

Then you go on to talk about a single centralised state governing the entirety of Concordia, claiming that it would make decision-making quick. Might I remind you that we are governing a world? Not only that, you propose to give the powers of a potential Emergency Dictator to our Chancellor, despite previously denouncing such a form of government as a 'dictatorship parading as a democracy'. As if that wasn't bad enough, you then propose a single, uniting civil law that will allow investigation and truth to triumph over force of personality and rhetoric. Now that goal is admirable - but you don't need to completely overhaul the government to reform the law into something better!

Your ideas would shatter the unity of this planet, leading to any number of pointless deaths, all so that our people could live in a military dictatorship wearing the mask of a democratic government. At best, you are misguided. At worst, you are a liar. I am willing to accept that you are simply the former, but I ask that you please put more thought into your ideas before voicing them next time."

Alexander then sits down.
“I would stop you from doing unholy experiments with my people, but I don’t actually care about their well-being and I kinda want to see what happens”

Spoken like a true god TankKit.


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Re: The Republic - Rule a space nation! (7/?) - TURN 1
« Reply #63 on: January 08, 2020, 02:21:41 pm »

PTW unless there’s still room for another player in which case I’d love to join


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Re: The Republic - Rule a space nation! (7/?) - TURN 1
« Reply #64 on: January 08, 2020, 02:39:33 pm »

Zhangs hand shot up.

"'Excuse me...but since when do we have a Federal State System akin to the USA? Last i checked we were a colonial government and not a sovereign state up till now. So speaking of a tradition for our "state"" he made airquotes there "is not only patently false but pushing an american agenda when most of our populace is most assuredly not, IS insulsting. The Fact is that thanks to the national, religious and dogmatic divides of our Homeworld and the weakness of the UN in preventing them from becoming a problem here should be incentive enough for us to avoid the squabbles of Earth. That is besides the fact that you seem to favour a rather decentralized federal system which would only further the divides between the various colonial states. Something that i believe we were trying to prevent with this here assembly. While the Speaker of the Centralists certainly is overly dramatic, we should put power into a central government rathern than a federal system, if only to prevent old national, ethnic and religious interests to encourage rivalry between potential "federal" states. Mind you i am not saying we should completely throw the baby out with the bathwater and ignore a federal solution but if we have one then with a strong central government, preventing any "independent" adventures. In sight of the ongoing crisis we can hardly afford seperation along federal, national, ethnic or other lines.

But that is just me, i'm going to have a nap, wake me up when we actually get to the interesting parts. Those that deal with important things like the economy."

And with that Zhang demonstratively leaned back in his chair, beginning to snore softly after a while, to the consternation of some of the other independent senators.


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Re: The Republic - Rule a space nation! (7/?) - TURN 1
« Reply #65 on: January 08, 2020, 02:58:32 pm »

Alexander once more stands. "I would like to make my opinion clearer. I am not necessarily against a more centralised system of governance. I am specifically against the Centralist's idea of a centralised government. Also, could you explain..." Alexander trails off as Zhang falls asleep, but quickly recovered and continued speaking, this time in a statement instead of a question. "I did not intend to seem as if I was pushing an american agenda. I was simply stating that disregarding it's system of governance was insulting, as it would be if he disregarded any other reasonable government's system of governance. Also, I never said that our state system is similar to the USA. Our states have far more autonomy. That's part of what this whole discussion is about."

Seemingly unphased by the fact that Zhangs likely didn't hear any of that, Alexander sits down once more.
“I would stop you from doing unholy experiments with my people, but I don’t actually care about their well-being and I kinda want to see what happens”

Spoken like a true god TankKit.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Republic - Rule a space nation! (7/?) - TURN 1
« Reply #66 on: January 08, 2020, 03:10:56 pm »

((as a starter, I should probably tell y'all I'm in the process of buying a house, so will be a bit less active than I'd like, most assuredly around early-mid February assuming things go as planned. I'll still be posting though.))

Arthur takes the incredulous pause at Zhang's behaviour to stand up himself, leaning slightly toward some of his nearby colleague's as he gestures toward the corporate head. The microphone may have picked up the words "typical businessman", but nobody can be quite sure.

"While I acknowledge my esteemed colleague's view, I think the differences we have as peoples should be embraced and celebrated rather than be a cause for concern. I am also bothered," he gestures toward Alexander with his real hand, "that some of us are more concerned with what we do in an emergency before we've even hashed out the terms of how we should govern ourselves!

However, he makes a point: we have been self-sufficient for a very long time now, and we have done very well for ourselves during that time, so I don't believe we should change our system of government too much. If it ain't broke, don't fix it, amirite? We do need some form of centralised government, though, that keeps the broad changes in our society in mind, to represent us as we move forward, to support and maybe even one day replace the UN Charter that we have followed all these years.

Of course, it would be madness to think that a banker in downtown Landing Point would be able to make the decisions about the needs and wants of a farmer in our more rural counties, and vice versa! The various provinces that make up our great world should retain the autonomy they currently have to make their own laws and regulations that affect the people that live and work in them. This means we don't have to be bogged down here by the trivialities of how many more sheep Cletus can buy from Boris, or why Reginald's grand deciduous tree is casting too much shade onto Jarvis' property, and we can focus on how to keep things working for everyone."
Look, we need to raise a psychopath who will murder God, we have no time to be spending on cooking.

the way your fingertips plant meaningless soliloquies makes me think you are the true evil among us.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Republic - Rule a space nation! (7/?) - TURN 1
« Reply #67 on: January 08, 2020, 03:18:32 pm »

Quite consterned by Zhang's, Angelia rose.

"Those are completley valid points, Mr. Zhang, but it seems I was misunderstood. At no point was I proposing of reusing the same federalist system that existed in the old United States. It wouldn't be effective if it were to be applied on a planet. What I was trying to state was inspiring a system on the old federalists, while allowing the system to be adapted to the new times.

Since we have lost all contact to Earth, we need to act now, and for that we need to become our own system, with a government capable of regulating the planet. For that, the Corporatist Union would like to further improve their Federalist proposal. First of all, I agree with Mr. Zhang, we need a government that exists somewhere. In fact, I believe Landing Point could be the location of said government, since it's a place that holds great symbolism to Concordia.

Now, regarding the states. The control of autonomous regions is a sensible topic. At no point was I even implying, to push an american takeover. What I was actually stating is following a similar federalist method the old american government used. That is, the states of Concordia would not lose their nationality, ethincs, culture, or religion... The regional governors would still govern these states.

The regional governors would be under the regulation of this Senate, and it's subsequent bodies. The Senate would regulate the taxes, regulate the laws, have it's own army composed of humans from the multiple states, regulate the trade, regulate regional disputes. The Senate would also stop any expansions of states trhough diplomacy, trade treaties... The Sentae would regulate the banks, the currency, the debts,...

The Corporatist Union is open to any improvement to their proposal."
Angleia sits down once again.
Roll to Hunger Games teached me one thing, to have initiative.
Roll to Planet teached me that writing and developing original ideas is really fun.
Roll to Heist is a game that has teached me one single thing:

Time Travel. Is. Pain.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Republic - Rule a space nation! (7/?) - TURN 1
« Reply #68 on: January 08, 2020, 03:57:27 pm »

For the first time since the assembly began, Alexander smiled. He understood why some members of the senate might be less worried about what to do in case of an emergency, and was willing to deal with governance first. Especially now that more reasonable people were talking

Standing up, Alexander once more continued talking. "This," he said, sweeping his arm in the general direction of Angelia and Arthur, "Is reasonable. My fellow Senators, our situation is very unique. This is the first time in Human history that a single government has complete control over a planet. The fact is, beyond brief emergency scenarios, it is impossible for a government that is too centralised to run a world for long without a ridiculous situation like one of those suggested by Arthur developing. On the other hand, a government that is too decentralised will not be able to retain enough control over its states, and could eventually lead to conflict and a lack of unity among them.

Being in such a unique position, I must say that I mostly agree with both of my colleagues. The relative autonomy of the states shall be maintained, and most local issues shall be given to the states to deal with according to the law. However, in case of more important issues that concern the government at large, there will no doubt be many such small issues that will appear over the years. Instead of having all of these ideas brought to our attention, as I'm sure we can all agree that we will often have more important things to deal with, I propose the creation of a larger second assembly of sorts, as well as an easier and more comprehensive method of classifying these issues. Lesser issues would be dealt with on the state level, Moderate issues would be deal on this second assembly's level and the High issues, of such importance that we have to know of them, would be brought to our attention. Details on these issues would, of course, not be restricted from higher levels, and any one of us could investigate a smaller issue personally if we considered it to be of enough importance for one of us to take part in the proceedings without being important enough for the Assembly as a whole to vote on. Though, obviously, said person would have to inform the Assembly of their decision to stop any... " Alexander gives the sleeping Zhangs a pointed stare before continuing, "Unscrupulous actions.

We will obviously also have an important role in regulating the states and keeping them in line. Should any state governor step out of line, we should of course take measures to prevent such actions for the good of everyone involved. Otherwise, there is currently little reason to change much else about our government. My proposed actions would further spread control over the world to ensure better efficiency without stepping on too many honest toes."

Alexander begins sitting back, down, but suddenly stops and straightens back up. "Also, after further consideration, I have chosen to also support the idea that our government be named the Concordian Union. Eventually we shall spread to other worlds, and the meaning many people attribute to words based around Unity will help tie far away worlds together in a way that a Commonwealth or a name that emphasises this planet specifically simply won't be able to." With that last statement out of the way, Alexander sits down once more, a faint smile present on his face.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2020, 04:19:21 pm by TankKit »
“I would stop you from doing unholy experiments with my people, but I don’t actually care about their well-being and I kinda want to see what happens”

Spoken like a true god TankKit.


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Re: The Republic - Rule a space nation! (7/?) - TURN 1
« Reply #69 on: January 08, 2020, 04:58:14 pm »

Hendrick stood, though not without a pang of pain in his aging legs.
"I must ask; how would members of this second assembly be selected? In fact how will future members of our assembly be selected? These are the questions that'll answer who actually has power in our little government. I would urge fellow members not to leave such things to the popular vote. History has shown us that that is not always reliable. Voter disinterest and bad actor manipulation often can result in less practical governments focused only on the interval between the present and their next election. To ensure sound forward planing we must structure the selection process of these assemblies accordingly,"


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Re: The Republic - Rule a space nation! (7/?) - TURN 1
« Reply #70 on: January 08, 2020, 07:03:55 pm »

After listening intently enough to the back and forth conversations going on between Senators in the room, Chloe gently closed over her notepad laying in front of her which she was jotting down parts of discussion to give her idea of where others stand. She then takes a quick glance around the room noting each Senators present as well as her fellow Rivals in Industry, she then reaches out for snip of her water and takes a quick swig of it. Not to long Chloe straightens herself into her seat and slowly raises her voice.

"If I could convene my views on matter after noting the discussion up to this point, I may not have experience running anything political until now but I do have my share grasp on history and trends of sociological changes that been documented well over time both here and Earth before we lost contact with them." taking a breath she then continues "Earth as we know has had long time to run various forms of government but most fall apart or change rather enough given time, in our situation were given difficult choice but one not quiet like those on Earth. We have at moment a government of whatever shape we determine in future but one that makes laws over entire Planet, one other thing is most of have well embraced Concordian culture that developed here, given that is majority culture we live in. Although theirs still old holds out of Earth cultures from last few waves of Immigration we are position to try where Earth failed."

Chloe took note around room again given slight smile before resuming her speech "I make not habit to admit that were all here because of various benefactors or desires and one I'll confess to that we well aware that with current techonology and who knows we could have on our hands more planets under us but topic for another time. What Im getting at is were given opportunity to invent newer form of governance and one that determine how we manage. Given that I propose we must take future any such situtation into account when deciding how to move on, while I note some ideas have be sprung upon us we still have much to discuss."

Chloe takes breath after letting that out, it reminder her of time she would have to provide lectures on various topics during her time in Collage, she then slouched back into her sit opening her notepad and waiting for discussion to resume.


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Re: The Republic - Rule a space nation! (7/?) - TURN 1
« Reply #71 on: January 08, 2020, 07:45:48 pm »

((Posting to show interest for when Representatives come into play))
You win Nakeen
Marduk is my waifu
Inanna is my husbando


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Re: The Republic - Rule a space nation! (7/?) - TURN 1
« Reply #72 on: January 08, 2020, 09:39:23 pm »

Adjran Tra rolled his eyes at some of the arguments being put forward by the decentralists, before standing once more.

"My friends and fellow senators, The Federalists would have you believe their system is the best option. These words they speak are lies and delusions, unfounded in reality and by the technology and infrastructure available to us. Whilst historically nations tried to unite the earth under their banner, it was not some magical will that they could not do it, but by the administrative and communications technology available to them. This, my friends, it what makes a centralised Concordian government not only far more applicable, but eminently more viable than any federal regime of other waffling they present!

They say that a crisis would ensue? There would not be a crisis, even the old provincials know that this system of government is better than any federal system proposed here. The decentralists claim that their federal system would be more efficient; To the average person on the street however, it is a cancerous growth, a sure sign of government inefficiency! It is fact, that we need a strong central government for this world, without the ability to be disjointed by any recalcitrants of a provincial government! Need I point out the example of the disaster of global warming on earth before chinese hegemony rose over that of the US? Only the centralisation of power actually averted the crisis as it provided the means to those able and willing to actually deal with the problem!

I would like to ask the honourable senator Johnson if he has actually read a history book in his life, given that this world is almost certainly not the only one that has a singular government with control over the entire planet, nor would it be the first time this has happened."

Adjran Tra would the return to his seat, watching over the others in a solemn way.

Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


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Re: The Republic - Rule a space nation! (7/?) - TURN 1
« Reply #73 on: January 09, 2020, 03:41:25 am »

((Hey Ardas, can we get some information on how Earth became united enough to begin sending out space colony ships? Because it seems like literally everyone here has a different idea of how it happened and that isn't exactly good for history-based decision making.))
“I would stop you from doing unholy experiments with my people, but I don’t actually care about their well-being and I kinda want to see what happens”

Spoken like a true god TankKit.


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Re: The Republic - Rule a space nation! (7/?) - TURN 1
« Reply #74 on: January 09, 2020, 03:57:39 am »

((Initial push for colonization was a UN effort, based mostly on the idea that no one nation should be able to claim extra-solar territory and thus dominate the world over other nations. Semi-private initiatives and individual immigration followed, under the assumption that all colonists will treat the new planet as territory for universal occupation, with no borders or divisions. Individual enclaves and autonomous territories formed still, based on either political or cultural grounds, but Concordia never saw any war, nor large civil strife, as people were wary enough of that and new planet posed more than enough challenges without any overt violence being needed.

Earth itself remained divided into nations and various blocks as before, with their own politics and squabbles still, but colonized space was ran as a UN domain, to ensure that no one endangered people off-planet and that politics did not disrupt colonization efforts. This is the last that Concordia heard of Earth situation in general.))
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