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Author Topic: Vive la France: Let's Play Rule the Waves 2  (Read 37415 times)


  • Bay Watcher
  • Lord of Norderland - Lv 20 SKOOKUM ROC
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Re: Vive la France: Let's Play Rule the Waves 2
« Reply #45 on: January 26, 2020, 07:28:19 pm »

Well, French politics has never been boring...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Vive la France: Let's Play Rule the Waves 2
« Reply #46 on: January 30, 2020, 09:31:00 am »

June 1908

We have the chance to establish a protectorate in Iceland, but it doesn't go well, and a local warlord takes over.

(That's the fun thing about random events, the randomness.)

The two Mediterranean Gueydons go into the reserve fleet, along with the older Tages and Fauconneaus. Our starting ships are beginning to get the (O) next to their name which indicates that they are obsolete and, more to the point, old—I don't recall, but that may have reliability-in-battle implications.

July 1908

Tourville and Dunkerque, the other two Duquesne-class battlecruisers, finish their working up and make their way to the Mediterranean.

September 1908

Expanding private shipbuilding and industry yields efficiencies for the Navy, which means another Pascal laid down to replace another Gueydon.

October 1908

Spies get a hold of the blueprints for Italy's dreadnought.

It's at least on par with our Devastation class. Similar broadside—the Devastation can bring all eight guns to bear on one target, while the Andrea Doria can't, and has slightly heavier armor, but the Andrea Doria is a little faster.

November 1908

Tensions are rising steadily with Germany. (It isn't even my doing—tensions can go up without events.)

On the plus side, our next class of battleship will look almost conventional.

I lay down another two submarines. We're falling behind somewhat in that realm, but because our interests are mainly close to home, the cheap coastal boats will suffice for as long as we care to invest in submarines.

March 1909

Germany is clearly pushing for a war with us, which doesn't bode well. It's apt to be a strongly commerce-raid-y war on our part. Big fleet actions won't go well.

Per a reader suggestion, I put the finishing touches on a battlecruiser to mount those new 15" guns.

Trying something new as far as drawing ship designs goes.

Later note: I just realized I forgot conning tower armor on the Lyon. I guess that'll be a one-off. Costly mistake.

July 1909

The keel of the first Lyon is laid. Devastation is looking like a one-off, especially since we just developed improved 12" guns. Perhaps a 10-gun ship will follow.

September 1909

Don't look now, but tensions with Austria-Hungary are rising. Fingers altogether crossed.

January 1910

Catching flak for not deploying enough in Northern Europe to counter German aggression (tensions ahve been rising again), I begrudgingly move the battlecruisers up that way.

April 1910

We're on the brink of war with Germany, but a new dreadnought design is on the way:

Note the 10-guns-in-4-turrets arrangement. These are quality-0 12" guns, with a range of about 17,000 yards—better than the 15" -1 guns on the Lyon/Lille-class, if also less punchy.

I redid the Lyon class with conning tower armor; future ships will be part of the Lille class.

Two-Year Reports

Not much has changed since last time, with the exception of budget (we can just about afford a Redoubtable, a Lille, and the Lyon currently under construction, along with a light ship or two), and high tensions with Germany.

We are still allied with Great Britain, on the one hand; on the other hand, Britain was worth a whopping 100 victory points in the last war. Maybe they'll be more useful against Germany.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Lord of Norderland - Lv 20 SKOOKUM ROC
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Re: Vive la France: Let's Play Rule the Waves 2
« Reply #47 on: January 30, 2020, 06:43:38 pm »

I never put armor on conning towers.  Historically, it was an idea that was implemented pre-ww2, yet they were usually not used by the command staff, and most were scrapped for AA guns and such.  Waste of weight, if you ask me.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Vive la France: Let's Play Rule the Waves 2
« Reply #48 on: February 06, 2020, 09:53:32 pm »

July 1910

Tensions still run about as high as they can possibly run with Germany without a war, when an unwelcome event pops up.

We can ignore the Navy Minister, but that'll ding our prestige and budget badly. We can commit to building half as many destroyers, but that commits us to a potentially-silly course of action without any funding to make up for it.

So, I take the deal. I'll build a few destroyers as a tip of the hat to the naval minister, and will take the ding in prestige when he gets mad about my lack of 15 destroyers at once—unless we go to war with Germany first, which resets the clock altogether.

August 1910

A discount Lyon? How can I say no, even if the conning tower armor is missing? The Lille-class will be there if I want one later.

The naval minister changes his mind.

The yards are humming, but not with eight cruisers.

At least we're putting the money to better use.

September 1910

I don't recall if this event raises tensions with other nations, but we're about to find out. The chance to beat up on Austria-Hungary is too sweet to ignore.

It doesn't raise tensions with Germany, but also doesn't get us near a war with Austria-Hungary, either. Since Germany is looking like our most likely dance partner, let's take a look at their Jane's Fighting Ships page.

... interesting. Unless I miss my guess...

... Germany's 'dreadnoughts' aren't, or at least, they aren't on the grounds of armament. That's an absurd amount of belt armor, though.

Their other heavy units are pretty ordinary. Their 23-knot armored cruisers are a little faster than the Mediterranean average, but they would still be easy prey for our original Duquesne-class battlecruisers (24-knot speed, 11" guns, armor against same). The size of their pre-dreadnought battle line is a bit concerning, though.

December 1910

No, we can't guarantee a victory. It hurts our prestige, but increases the budget. With the extra cash, I lay down another Redoubtable-class dreadnought, this one to be called Marengo.

French engineers have developed a 16" naval gun, which we won't really be able to mount in anything for a little while yet.

January 1911

I've never been at such a high-tension fever pitch for so long without a war starting. The money is nice. The brinksmanship is tense.

Italy has a 27,000-ton battlecruiser under construction, which is worryingly large. Our heaviest ship to date is 23,600 tons.

One of the nice things about playing Rule the Waves 2 in AAR fashion is that there's less of a tendency to rush. Because I have to write things down, I have more of an incentive to take my time.

February 1911

I take the expected prestige hit from failing to build eight cruisers at once, leaving me... exactly where I was before the request, except with a bigger budget.

March 1911

We develop oil-fired boilers, which is all well and good, except we don't have access to oil.

April 1911

Our steadfast allies the British want to buy some shell technology off of us. I happily sign off on it; it'll buy us another month or two at our fever pitch of shipbuilding. There are currently two battleships and two battlecruisers in the yard, two each of the Redoubtables and Lyons, along with a light cruiser and three destroyers.

May 1911

Wonder of wonders, tensions with Germany are slightly reduced.

French naval architects have hit upon the idea of superfiring forward turrets as well, which is apt to yield a very traditional-looking 10- or 12-gun dreadnought (two turrets forward, one superfiring; two turrets aft, one superfiring) when the money is there, in ten or twelve months.

June 1911

Italy's new light cruiser is now the Mediterranean's fastest. I believe our ships are a match for it, though, given that our fleet-service cruisers have quality-1 6" guns—more or less equivalent to standard 7" guns.

Word of German experiments with airships has reached France, and not to be outdone, we begin to look into the idea.

July 1911

Continued problems in the shipyards have delayed a number of our vessels—in particular, the two Lyons have not been trouble-free ships, each delayed by a month. (Since costs in Rule the Waves are per month rather than overall, delayed ships end up costing us more.)

October 1911

Rising tensions between Germany and Great Britain rattle an otherwise calm autumn. War has not yet been declared, but it's very close.

February 1912

Well, it was a good run of peace, but now it's time to turn the dogs of war loose once again.

The first month's battle is an inconclusive destroyer action just north of the English Channel. Outnumbered, the French force manages to stay at the edge of the German ships' range until dark, at which point it retreats into port at Dunkerque. Two old Fauconneau-class destroyers take damage, but neither sinks.

War Planning

What with it being Trademarked Football Game Sunday this week and a beer-brewing day Saturday, I don't expect to have the time to get too deep into this war before I would have to write the update, so I think the thing to do here is to cut this entry short and sound out the naval staff (i.e., you, the readers) on how this war should be prosecuted.

20,000 Yards: Forces and Shipyard Plans

At present, we have five units of note building:

  • Redoubtable and Marengo, 23-knot, 23,600-ton battleships with 12.5" belts, 10 12" guns, and 10 6" secondary guns, arriving in 12 and 17 months, respectively.
  • Lyon and Marseilles, 25-knot, 22,000-ton battlecruisers with 12" belts, 6 15" guns, and 12 4" secondaries, arriving in 2 and 10 months, respectively.
  • Cassard, a Pascal-class light cruiser, also due in 2 months.

In addition to those, there are eight trawlers in the yards being armed, to run down submarines and serve as cheap trade protection.

Compared to the Germans, we have more full-on dreadnoughts (one), but they have three of what I'd call super-pre-dreadnoughts, with 16" belt armor and 4 13" guns, and one presumably more modern dreadnought under construction, due 1914. Our battlecruiser force is superior to theirs. We'll have five battlecruisers, two of them armed with 15" guns, before they have a single one (theirs are due 1914 and 1915).

In sum, our dreadnought force is superior (one battleship plus two building, three battlecruisers plus two building), even though we only have second-line ships in service at present. Our first-line ships (by the standard of 1912) will be ready before theirs.

In predreadnoughts, the Germans have a massive edge in numbers (19 to our 8), but even our old La Républiques are superior to all but their latest ships.

The German armored cruiser force is quite large (13 ships to our 5), and their two most recent ones (built 1908 and 1909) feature 10" guns and 24-knot speed (but very light armor). Otherwise, nothing to write home about. Our Gueydons, though old, can outrun everything but the two recent ships.

In light cruisers, we have the edge in numbers (18 to 12) and in modernity. The best German light cruisers are likely better than our best ships, however, and many of our light cruisers are overseas fulfilling colonial requirements. Further, the Germans are engaged in building a number of light cruisers at present.

In destroyers, the Germans have an edge in numbers (42 to 30). Quality is a toss-up. In submarines, the Germans have an edge.

In general, we're a bit behind on quantity, and even or ahead on quality. The question here is, what should we focus on? Large ships, and try to nibble away at the Germans where possible? Fast ships, and destroy their commerce and their raiders while avoiding risky fleet actions? Submarines and destroyers, and try to torpedo them into submission?

10,000 Yards: Deployments and Roles

At present, even with the larger part of our fleet stationed in the Northern Europe zone, the German fleet has us blockaded, which will sap our victory points over time. Given how little Great Britain contributed to the last war, I don't think we can count on them all that much to pitch in.

I've taken the liberty of engaging in a a relatively robust raiding campaign out of the gate. Two of the reactivated Gueydons, one Tage, and all four Chateaurenaults have been dispatched to the far corners of the German colonial empire, where they will snatch up merchants left unprotected by the German fleet. Raiders and submarines will earn us easy victory points, which may help make up for the fleet battles we may be avoiding.

Should we focus further on raiding, or keep the fleet closer to home and hope for some even battles?

Should we turn the battlecruisers loose as raiders and raider-hunters, or keep the battlecruisers with the fleet?

Broadside-to-Broadside: Battles and Tactics

As was the case with Italy, our ships are generally faster than their German equivalents. Technology has come far enough now, though, that our older light cruisers and predreadnoughts are slower than some of the ships they might run across in battle.

Given that conditional superiority, the clear choice is to fight this war much like the last ones, engaging only when success is reasonably assured and running from the other fights (or avoiding them altogether). If you have any other ideas, however, I'm all ears.


The above more or less suffices, but for a quick budget report:

The monthly wartime budget is 24,908, of which 11,569 goes to maintenance and 12,828 goes to construction.

Research and intelligence bring us to a monthly deficit of 1,732, with 4,022 in the bank. Two ships coming out of the yards in the next few months will put us back in the black before we run out of money.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Vive la France: Let's Play Rule the Waves 2
« Reply #49 on: February 06, 2020, 10:17:40 pm »

We need to break the German blockade, I think the British Navy will help with that eventually; it will take the AI a few months to concentrate their fleets properly. In the meantime, empty out the Mediterranean.

Are there any German possessions that are within invasion range?
This sentence contains exactly threee erors.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Cthuwu
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Re: Vive la France: Let's Play Rule the Waves 2
« Reply #50 on: February 07, 2020, 01:12:35 am »

I'm not extra happy with emptying the Mediterranean, if you ask me.

Keep a small squadron down there, just for emergencies?
Quote from: Draignean@Spamkingdom+
Truly, we have the most uniquely talented spy network in all existence.
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Please tell me the Royal Physician didn't go to the same college as the Spymaster.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Lord of Norderland - Lv 20 SKOOKUM ROC
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Re: Vive la France: Let's Play Rule the Waves 2
« Reply #51 on: February 07, 2020, 05:45:55 pm »

Assuming intelligence is correct regarding the 16 1/2" belt armor, even your 15 in guns won't penetrate that armor.  However, we don't know if deck armor is sufficient.

I would suggest, between the battleships and the battlecruisers, to favor the higher volume of fire of the battleships.  Most of the German line will be going at 18 knots, so the speed won't matter much.

Could we see a current list of the French ships in action?

Fight off the blockade with anything that floats, put whatever is left in the Mediterranean, raid with light cruisers, put one heavy cruiser on trade protection.  Well, that is my suggestion anyways.  Unlike our last war, the English, French, and Germans all share the same home area, so English help should be decent.  They're being blockaded too, you know.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Vive la France: Let's Play Rule the Waves 2
« Reply #52 on: February 08, 2020, 10:40:07 am »

Currently in service:

Along with 15 obsolete destroyers of the Fauconneau class, six of the Francisque class, six Pistolets, and three of the most modern Hallebardes.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Vive la France: Let's Play Rule the Waves 2
« Reply #53 on: February 08, 2020, 02:38:25 pm »

Seeing as I have limited knowledge of naval warfare and no knowledge on how it all works in this game, is it a fair bet to consider screening ships rather important to the speedy navy that we're using here? As the germans outnumber us in the DD department it'd seem that they'd have the upper hand when it comes to actually finding the fleet when it's out and about, thus having more time to try and pull off nasty stuff (if the AI is capable of such).

Also how useful would the BC's be in the raider role exactly. They seem like a bit of an overkill if you'll just be hunting down merchants, unless using them in that role would force the germans to pull some of their heavier stuff over to the shipping protection role and away from the blockade (if it works like that, do they need to have ships actively committed to the blockade and thus unable to be used elsewhere or is it just a general numbers in the region comparison?).

So I guess my suggestion would be to focus on lighter ship production and use them to possibly spread the german fleet a bit thin trough heavy commerce raiding, while using the heavier ships to try and snipe some of their bigger ships if possible. Spread them out and use defeat in detail essentially.

Tho once again, not at all sure how viable of a strategy that is when it comes to this game in particular.
"my batteries are low and it's getting dark"


  • Bay Watcher
  • Lord of Norderland - Lv 20 SKOOKUM ROC
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Re: Vive la France: Let's Play Rule the Waves 2
« Reply #54 on: February 08, 2020, 04:18:30 pm »

I tend to agree that the BCs are overkill in the raider role.  One CA would be enough to wreck any lighter ship the Germans would put on trade protection, necessitating them pulling one or more larger ship off the line to counter.  Since our CAs are from the 1899 legacy fleet, its a good tradeoff.

Light cruisers and armed merchant ships can commerce raid.  Its a good strategy to swarm the enemy with them, and rely upon the destroyers to escort the fleet.

If nothing else, we need to build a ton of tiny corvettes so that our destroyers can escort the fleet rather than pulling trade protection duty.  Right now, we probably need to keep a couple light cruisers as fleet escorts, as there probably are not enough destroyers for trade protection and fleet escorts.  While torpedo ranges are short, and the likelihood of destroyers getting off their torpedoes is low, they're deadly.

I will say however that scouting via ship...isn't really a thing in this game.  Both forces tend to clump up and stay clumped up the entire battle.  There are no independent scouting forces under player control.  Best that can be done is to have a ton of corvettes on trade protection duty, as they at least will sometimes appear and say "I'm getting shelled by the enemy!"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Vive la France: Let's Play Rule the Waves 2
« Reply #55 on: February 13, 2020, 10:23:20 am »

March 1912

A good start to our campaign of trade warfare: our raiders sank six German merchants and one submarine.

A British light cruiser, the Phaeton, an obsolete 21-knot light cruiser, joins Lavoisier and Isly for a cruiser battle off of Bergen. It's 11:37 a.m., and the weather is good but windy.

Unfortunately, the German cruisers show up and the French battlecruisers do not, so the French admiral bravely turns his ship to starboard and runs for the safety of Scapa Flow. Phaeton gives it her best, but the two 24-knot German cruisers are on hand, and she isn't fast enough to escape.

April 1912

Here it is. The big one.

The Battle of Texel

Today's forces include the full French fleet: three battlecruisers, one battleship, our entire predreadnought force, and a smattering of light cruisers and destroyers. Joining us are one British dreadnought, the Mars, and Anson, an 18-knot predreadnought, along with their escorting destroyers.

This is the first battle in which our scouting force (the battlecruisers and the three Isly-class light cruisers) are operating separately.

The weather is good, and it's just after dawn. Let's see what comes of the day.

5:37 a.m.

Linois, the sole light cruiser scouting for the main fleet today, spots a light cruiser to the north. It immediately turns northwest, which puts it on a collision course with the battlecruiser force.

6:03 a.m.

The enemy light cruiser turns due east.

6:21 a.m.

Linois spots another ship, as the battlecruisers race east.

6:53 a.m.

The enemy's battle line comes into slight.

7:08 a.m.

As the lines converge, our Courbet is the first to take a hit—a harmless one to the superstructure.

The lead divisions are now engaged—Devastation firing eight-gun broadsides at the German Ostfriesland, the super-pre-dreadnought from last time, leading the way.

7:23 a.m.

The battlecruisers slot into the battle line just ahead of the lead battle division. The Ostfrieslands leading the German line turn away, although it may just be to open the range. (Their guns reach further than ours do.)

7:44 a.m.

For once, the gunnery duel in the early going is favoring the good guys—four hits to one.

8:00 a.m.

The front of the German line has turned north-northeast, so in the hopes of catching the back of the German line unawares, I order a near-180-degree turn, so that while the Germans are heading north, we'll be heading south.

8:20 a.m.

I am content to call that a smart move. The German super-pre-dreadnoughts have disappeared off to the northeast, and the Allied line is in good order while the German battleships are entirely out of sorts.

8:59 a.m.

The Germans are attempting to retire from the field. Several of their predreadnoughts are heavily damaged. I expect we'll be able to finish them off. After all, we still have... nine hours and fifty minutes before dusk.

9:26 a.m.

Duquesne takes a torpedo hit and falls out of line.

10:01 a.m.

Duquesne's torpedo hit proves fatal, but we get revenge for her with a torpedo to one of the Elsass-class pre-dreadnoughts still engaged.

11:00 a.m.

A glorious victory is in progress. While the German fleet ran, we managed to peel off six predreadnoughts, which we are currently hammering with a superior force.


Seven predreadnoughts down, for the price of one battlecruiser (to be replaced next month; Lyon was delayed again) and two destroyers (cheap and easy to rebuild, although the question of when is a harder one).

Torpedoes proved critical on both sides, sinking Duquesne and contributing heavily to the sinkings of a number of German battleships.

In the after-action map, you can see the critical elements of the battle: the turn to the north to parallel the German battle line, the reversal south which permitted the German super-pre-dreadnoughts to escape but allowed us to finish off a large number of the pre-dreadnoughts, and the long mop-up to the east-northeast.

The game calls it a minor French victory, on the basis that we lost a battlecruiser. I say it's better than a mere minor victory.

May 1912

Lyon, designed as a 25-knot battlecruiser, has difficulty making her design speed in trials. She'll go into the books as a 24-knot battlecruiser instead. I should have liked her to be a bit faster.

To replace her on the ways, the new Requin class goes into development. On the (admittedly German) theory that the first duty of a warship is to stay afloat, she retains a 12" armament (our quality-0 12" guns served us in good stead in the last fleet battle, and twelve of them helps with the smaller shell). Her 22-knot speed suffices for our current battle line (lacking oil, high speed is hard for us right now), and her 14" belt is more than enough to stop shells from the guns we're likely to face.

French raiders have a successful month, sinking eleven German merchants.

June 1912

On the 23rd, coastwatchers detect a German raid approaching Calais. Nine battleships and two battlecruisers put to sea in response: Devastation (our sole dreadnought, currently); Courbet (one of our two Trident semi-dreadnoughts); Ocean, Solferino, La République, Magenta (four predreadnoughts); Tourville and Dunkerque (the surviving Duquesne-class ships); and a surprise appearance from Mars, Jupiter, and Majestic, three British dreadnoughts.

The weather is breezy and overcast, but patrol boats and coastal lookouts indicate that a) the German force is quite small, and b) it's headed directly for the narrowest part of the Channel.

The dot in the northeast portion of the map is an old sighting report. The line is the freshest report, along with an indication of where the enemy is, provided the sighting report's course and speed were correct.

It's relatively early in the morning, and being so close to the solstice means we'll have ample time to defeat the Germans if we can trap them.

At 10:44 a.m., leading elemnents of the Scouting Force sight German ships.

By 11, it's clear that a decent porton of the German fleet is out to play, but crucially, not all of it. I don't think we're going to catch the modern German ships (Ostfriesland and Rhineland, two of the super-pre-dreadnoughts), but we might end the careers of a few more German predreadnoughts if we're lucky.

In the final reckoning, the French Navy bags all three of the predreadnoughts on the field.

A glorious victory. As an added bonus, it breaks the German blockade.

July 1912

In technological news, we've unlocked destroyers of up to 1100 tons. Perhaps a new design to replace some of those we've lost?

The battle this month is another fleet battle, a few dozen miles west-southwest of Brest.

Devastation is in the yards, undergoing repairs from so facing the German forces in the area are our two Duquesne-class battlecruisers (regrettably, Lyon has not finished her working up), our eight pre-dreadnought battleships, and two British dreadnoughts (Jupiter, an obsolete 6-gun/18-knot model, and Mars, a 10-gun/22-knot model which has played a starring role in multiple battles so far.)

Facing us are (probably) the two German super-pre-dreadnoughts, the remaining nine standard pre-dreadnoughts, and some light units. I'd say we have slightly better than even strength, and we're notably well-positioned this time. We have the shorter path back to the Channel, where the German fleet would probably prefer to run, we're downwind of them (so our smoke will blow away and theirs will get in their way), and our battlecruisers are to the north of the Germans.

With the scouting force in advance of the main fleet and light cruisers spread out in a search line, La Royale occupies quite a lot of ocean.

12:45 p.m.

That's the only downside—we're into the afternoon. Seven hours until dusk isn't a ton, but hopefully it'll be enough.

12:55 p.m.

The scouting force catches sight of the enemy battle line. We should be able to cut them off with time to spare.

14:04 p.m.

A near-textbook approach completed, the fleet closes to range and prepares to turn in line with the enemy.

15:45 p.m.

The German heavy units make it away, but it's entirely possible we'll sink most of the German Navy's remaining pre-dreadnought fleet today.


Night falls on another dramatic French victory. At the cost of one pre-dreadnought and a few destroyers, we sank seven German pre-dreadnoughts.

Tourville and Dunkerque, gunnery champions in the preceding battle by a country mile, are joined by Lyon in the aftermath, whose 15" guns will give the battlecruiser squadron unprecedented reach and striking power.

July 1912, cont'd.

On the basis that the German fleet is now, in large part, at the bottom of the Atlantic, I'm planning on sending the battlecruisers to the Mediterranean once they've been patched up, where they can begin to whittle down the German cruiser force, which is largely deployed there. Britain's contributions to the war effort have been most satisfactory in Northern Europe, so between our battleships and theirs I suspect we can keep the Germans bottled up.

In terms of war goals, I don't have designs on many of the German colonies, which are all outside of our invasion range anyway. My primary objective is to impose debilitating reparations (which has never backfired for France re: Germany), with which I can continue to modernize the fleet even on a low-tension, peacetime budget.

August 1912

I feel justified in picking this option.

Of course, just after delivering that ultimatum, we lose the Lavoisier (second of her name) to a magazine explosion in a light cruiser action off of St. Nazaire. This calls for a new class.

September 1912

A cruiser action in the Bay of Biscay sees Dunkerque, left behind in Northern Europe to finish repairs while her sisters sailed for Marseilles, send two German light cruisers to the bottom, a fitting revenge for Lavoisier.

December 1912

A few boring months end with an extraordinary victory.

I feel a little bad about not taking screenshots during the battle, but really, it wasn't very exciting. The British indicated that a German convoy was on its way from Norway to Germany proper, carrying iron ore. The French fleet sortied, joined by a pair of British dreadnoughts, and, crucially, a flotilla of British destroyers. Rather than flee and let the convoy be destroyed utterly without a fight, the three German super-pre-dreadnoughts turned to close the range and bring their large secondary batteries to bear, at which point accurate torpedo work by the British destroyers slowed them to the point where we could overwhelm them with volume of fire.

There were some interesting bits of cruiser action off to the north of the main battle, where French ships darted in toward the convoy while Germans shuffled east and west to fend them off.

The game keeps track of your glorious victories, and proposes names. In terms of strategic decisiveness, I feel like this fits, even if it was a) a little smaller than the historical one, and b) much more tactically decisive.

January 1913

Intel has some juicy news. The German ships must be very fast indeed, because our battlecruisers are just about even with theirs, and substantially lighter.


After one year of war, the combined might of the Allied navies has utterly swept the Germans from command of the sea. They have no dreadnoughts, battlecruisers, or battleships of any kind afloat. The German heavy cruiser force has been a non-factor in the war so far; much of it is currently in the Mediterranean, cut off from its bases.

French naval superiority is about to get even bigger—in two months, Redoubtable will be in service, followed five months later by Marengo. Four new destroyers will join the fleet around the same time to fill in for losses; two new light cruisers are under construction and due in about a year and a half.

The victory point totals are extremely favorable to us: 40,340 to 14,843. We have, understandably, gained somewhat in prestige as well: up to 29, our peak so far. When the war ends, I'm not much inclined to push for colonies. Germany doesn't have very many good ones, having started the race when the leaders were already halfway through, and reparations will help us keep building ships when the postwar budget crunch comes.

To replace the two new dreadnoughts coming soon, I have it in mind to start another next-generation Requin-class dreadnought, and to design a cost-controlled battlecruiser—something with 9 12" guns, 12" armor, and 27-knot speed is well within reason.

I'm going to cut this update short here—covering two years of war in great detail, especially if it's this eventful, is tricky.

Your thoughts on strategy, planning, and shipbuilding welcome.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Vive la France: Let's Play Rule the Waves 2
« Reply #56 on: February 13, 2020, 01:45:56 pm »

It feels me with happy feelings seeing this much German scrap on the bottom of the seas.

Quote from: Draignean@Spamkingdom+
Truly, we have the most uniquely talented spy network in all existence.
Quote from: mightymushroom@Spamkingdom#
Please tell me the Royal Physician didn't go to the same college as the Spymaster.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Vive la France: Let's Play Rule the Waves 2
« Reply #57 on: February 26, 2020, 09:25:14 am »

Did you finish dunking on the Germans? I need my weekly RoW2 fix or I might end up starting a new campaign myself which I definitely don't have the time for  ;D


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Vive la France: Let's Play Rule the Waves 2
« Reply #58 on: February 26, 2020, 08:26:55 pm »

Missed a week, yeah, but the update's coming tomorrow! It's a good one.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Vive la France: Let's Play Rule the Waves 2
« Reply #59 on: February 27, 2020, 08:50:23 am »

Sorry for the unannounced skip last week—I had a lot to do and a small amount of time to do it.

January 1913

With no serious objections to the idea, I come up with the (slightly) budget-minded Rouen-class battlecruiser.

27-knot speed will make her one of the fastest heavy ships afloat, and 9 12" guns mean she won't lack for punch.

February 1913

The battle of the month is a coastal raid in the North Sea. Combined French and British forces scour the seas for German merchants, sinking one along with an escorting corvette, but come across no other foes.

March 1913

In unfortunate news, our Redoubtable-class battleships have trouble hitting their design speed. Happily, that design speed was 23 knots instead of 22, so they're still as fast as the rest of our battle line.

The battle of the month is an enemy raid on our shipping.

The English Channel is a dangerous place to be if you aren't English or French—heavy minefields protect the narrows. (The little red dots indicate mined areas. This is what the large blue circles around German ports, if I've taken a picture of them, would have looked like to a hypothetical German player.)

It turns into a knife-fight just after dusk, which is a bad situation for us. Our superiority is assured; there's no reason to waste our big ships on fights where torpedoes can sink them too readily. (The big advantage of the upcoming R-class battleships and battlecruisers is that they ship torpedo protection, armor against the devilishly-powerful underwater weapons.)

Reluctantly, like Jellicoe at Jutland, we turn away. Perhaps we'll be able to catch up to that damaged armored cruiser in the bottom left of the screenshot later.

Or not! That neatly solves that problem.

Suffren eats a torpedo despite our evasion, but doesn't seem critically damaged.

The French fleet pursues the fleeing Germans north through the night, but doesn't find them in the morning, and so turns back to Dunkerque.

April 1913

Our brothers in arms do a thing!

Picture two French naval engineers at a Paris cafe, a bottle of wine between them, cigarettes propped on the ashtray, smoke twisting lazily toward the darkening sky: "I wonder if zis will ever catch on."

The battle of the month is a convoy defense in the Bay of Biscay. Three Allied light cruisers face two Germans, sinking one of them.

May 1913

The Germans win a cruiser action, sinking the old Tage-class light cruiser Surcouf with a torpedo.

June 1913

The Germans win another light cruiser action, though this time without sinking anything.

July 1913

Another inconclusive North Sea battle, this one tipped very slightly in the direction of the French.

The vast German cruiser force is slowly shrinking as its ships, far from decent bases, succumb to lack of coal and mechanical issues and find themselves interned in neutral ports.

August 1913

The Germans attempt to raid the coast near Dunkerque. Today, we have Redoubtable with us, the first of our second-generation battleships.

The German forces amount to a trio of light cruisers, which escape, and six destroyers, three of which sink. Redoubtable's gunnery was... not great, but at least she's been blooded now.

September 1913

A raid into the Heligoland Bight nets a pair of merchants and one of three fleeing German light cruisers, struck by a shell from Redoubtable at almost 18,000 yards, which slowed her enough to bring her under the squadron's guns.

Germany and Italy both seem to be investing heavily in submarines: Germany has 9 and is building 30, while Italy has 20 and is building another 29.

October 1913

The Germans agree to a crushing peace deal. Good for us in the long run. Not so great in the short run—our budget is cut very nearly in half.

We get six points to spend on territory and/or reparations. I opt for two worthless (0-point) Pacific colonies, and leave the rest for more reparations.

November 1913

Frantically scrapping the most obsolete of our pre-dreadnoughts (the 22-knot Tridents will make either good aircraft carrier prototypes or good battle line filler, given that a line faster than 22 knots is still some time into the future, but all of the La Républiques get the axe), mothballing other ships, and halting construction of one of our new dreadnoughts, I manage to get the budget vaguely under control. I'll still have to toggle the other dreadnought on and off.

December 1913

Sure thing (especially since the result is 'more budget').

French engineers have developed quality-0 14" guns, so it may be in the cards to scrap our second Requin altogether and prepare a new class with 14-inchers as our standard going forward. Our 12" guns are very good, but bigger, in this case, is always better.

March 1914

The budget is finally balanced enough for my liking, so I start a third ship in the new class of Lavoisier light cruisers and scrap the in-progress Colbert (the second Requin). When Requin herself is done, I'll likely start on a new battleship—although you'll have a chance to weigh in before then.

June 1914

The Naval Minister comes to me with the suggestion to build 15 new submarines. This time, I'm actually on board, and even better, the budget bump is enough to pay for 15 submarines and a quartet of new destroyers.

August 1914

Our alliance with Great Britain comes to an end. It was good while it lasted.

In other news, while scrolling through the technology list, I discovered that quadruple turrets are on the table now—a classic French design feature.

September 1914-January 1915, Update Wrap-Up

I appear to have lost my notes for these few months, so I'll take care of everything all at once.

The only really interesting development in technology is improved quadruple turrets, which eliminate the reliability penalty and open the door to all sorts of interesting forward-main-armament ships.

Italy has developed flying boats, the first of the major powers to deploy military heavier-than-air aircraft.


Tensions are low all around. We're spying on the Austrians, the Italians, and the Americans (the latter only to see what the higher-tier powers are up to in terms of technology and design).


Here's where things stand. According to the almanac, we're in the middle: Germany, Britain, and the United States are 'very advanced'; France is 'average', and Japan, Italy, and Austria-Hungary are 'backward'. Our dock size, at 31,500, is a bit behind. When the submarines finish building in seven months, I think it's time to invest in a few dock expansions in succession.

The Fleet

We have seven dreadnought-type ships: two of the early Duquesne-class battlecruisers, two Lyons (which ship the fleet's heaviest guns), Devastation (our first dreadnought battleship), and two Redoubtables (our most recent dreadnought battleships).

We've retained two Tridents and three Gueydons, all of which will make fine aircraft carrier conversions when the time comes for that.

In addition to the pictured units, we have 27 destroyers of various types. The large majority are the obsolete Fauconneau class, which I'm tempted to retain as coastal protection ships—immediately putting them all into Trade Protection status when a war breaks out. They're in mothballs currently.

As far as other destroyers go, we have three Francisques (also in mothballs, also something of a liability in wartime owing to their 28-knot speed), two Pistolets (31 knots), three Hallebards, and four Balistes. Some replacement destroyers are relatively high on the list. Our light cruiser force is also in the 'large but obsolete' category. (This was not unknown in the real world. Dreadnought construction sucks the air out of a great many other kinds of shipbuilding.)

Under construction, we have the Requin, a battleship with 12 12" guns and a 14" belt, the Rouen, a battlecruiser with 9 12" guns, 12" armor, and 27-knot speed, a pair of the new Lavoisier type of 27-knot, 6" gun light cruisers, four new 1,000-ton, 33-knot Harpon-class destroyers, and 15 submarines.

Prestige and Finance

We are currently in the very good graces of the French government, with 35 prestige. Our monthly budget is 16,883 funds, of which a mere 4,878 goes to maintenance, while 10,593 goes to new construction. Research (12%, 2,026), naval aircraft maintenance (256 for 16 airships), and spying round out the budget.


The Requin-type battleship on the ways is already a little dated. Since we have quality-0 14" guns now, my intention is to design a new 14" gun ship to take its place.

I'm inclined to try to keep two dreadnought ships under construction at all times, one battleship and one battlecruiser, but that may make it difficult to update our light forces. Should I sacrifice our big-ship construction program to bring the little ships up to date, or should I forge ahead in creating the best battle line millions of francs can buy?

Too, aircraft are appearing on the horizon, an ominous development for any navy which, across its entire roster, deploys zero anti-aircraft guns. Should we invest in carrier warfare as soon as we can, or stick out the dreadnought era as long as possible? Note that the balance of power between battleships and aircraft carriers shifts gradually over time—in the 1920s and early 1930s, it may be that the battleship remains king of the seas.

Anyway, that's that for this week. Hopefully next week will be at the regularly scheduled time.
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