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Author Topic: Commander Arms Race: Askian R&D (Preliminary Turn 5 - Final Phase)  (Read 10326 times)

Man of Paper

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Re: Commander Arms Race: Askian R&D (Preliminary Turn 1 - Design Phase)
« Reply #45 on: January 01, 2020, 09:45:15 pm »

Since I think other people will have actual applicable normal ideas, here's a few more abstract jawns

Encirclement and Enlightenment

Local lords throughout the Kingdom were able to raise militia as well as maintain a small standing elite guard identified by their territory's emblem somewhere on their shields, uniforms, and banners. The King, whose forces alone were often not much larger than any singular vassal king's, could be supplemented at any time by the other lord's at his command.

Forces were gathered to repel the raiding and invading Iconan armies. The Army of Many Banners proved quite flexible, as each vassal king's forces provided their own unique attributes to the whole based on their territory. The Army was able to split up to converge on barbarians multiple times in order to repel them, coming from multiple directions and often engaging on very favorable terms. A number of barbarian hordes were encircled and eliminated over the years, and repeated failed attempted border raids and invasions wore on the Iconans.

The Iconans went through periods of recuperation by invading their other neighbors to prepare for another inevitable attempt to get some of Askia's fabled riches. While no attack was a crippling success for the Iconan's, they still managed to take objects and relics of Askian origin back home. This resulted in an underground interest in Askia, it's culture, and the Chiite faith, that eventually laid it's influence onto even the ruling chieftains.

The final raid into Askia went well at first, but eventually the Iconan's were outmaneuvered and cut off. A number of tribal chieftains opted to negotiate with their enemies. During the meeting a few of the Iconan chieftains revealed their Chiite beliefs and offered their lives and lands to Askia, so long as they were allowed to continue overseeing their present lands. This went over well with the Askians present, however the less open Iconan's were furious at the betrayal and the first blows of a long, bloody civil war were struck. The surrounded army collapsed in on itself as news of the surrender spread, and the Askians only had to watch as the barbarians tore into one another. Icona was split between Loyalist and Chiite tribes, and the war would drastically change Askia's neighbor and their future views on the Kingdom.

Askia's loosely structured but well organized armies allowed them the ability to turn away the Iconans at every opportunity, but it was their ability to draw in other tribes - and willingness to do so - that led to Icona's collapse.


Gold and Gems

The Iconan barbarians (:l) proved to be a strong, militaristic confederacy of tribes capable of staging massive raids across the Askian border. While the assembles Askian armies were capable of holding their own, the mountains proved to be a difficult obstacle, and so conflict between the Iconans and Askians drew out into a stalemate.

The Askians saw an opportunity in the Iconans, and soon negotiations were underway as the Askians attempted diplomacy.

The Iconans raided for riches, and while they also loved a good fight, the continued engagements between forces on both sides was proving itself not worth the blood spilt. To this end, Askia would ensure the Iconan's could maintain themselves by providing some funding for their military endeavors. In return, the Iconans became an attack dog of sorts for the Askians. If Askia was in conflict with another nation, raiding parties of Iconans would be attached to and under the command of Askian forces.

Within the savanna and desert were vast veins of gold, silver, and clusters of gems that made the military funding an easy effort - the Iconan's couldn't be faulted for having attempted to take some of Askia's vast wealth. Over time this meant a larger portion of Iconans spent time in the Askian military in some manner, and relations eventually turned positive.


Walled Cities

The barbarians of Icona were hardy, large, and bestial. The would fall upon caravans and villages and vanish. War between the kingdom and the barbarians was bloody, but the Iconan's were not a people equipped for tackling Askia's greatest feat of the Classical Era: massive stone walls. Cities were ringed in at least one layer of imposing walls set up with murderholes, towers, heavy iron gates, thick wooden doors, and a garrison of defenders. Larger cities with access to siege weaponry would also use them on the walls to break up larger formations, prevent setup of opposing siege equipment, or sheer intimidation. The Iconans had a difficult time getting over, under, or around the many walls Askia constructed around it's vital operations, and as time went on the Iconan raids became weaker, smaller, and less aggressive. After a particularly light Raiding Season Askia realized it's repeated invader was finally weak enough to strike at in their own homes without much worry.


Light forger

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Re: Commander Arms Race: Askian R&D (Preliminary Turn 1 - Design Phase)
« Reply #46 on: January 01, 2020, 10:31:55 pm »

 Faced with the threat of the Icona the Askian turned to the lessons of his forefathers. Work together with a great number of craftsmen, scholars and groits he combined the greatest skills of each into a new type of weapon. Karu’jefars are early iron crossbows taking the fledgling art of ironworking and mixing it with some examples of early crossbows from a distant empire Askia had traded for. These weapons were simple to use, durable, and thanks to best Askian craftsmen able to be produced in vast numbers. With these new weapons the early Askina towns and cities were able to raise adequately trained but, well disciplined militias. Thanks to their vast numbers and discipline the Askian were able to pepper incoming attacks with bolts, before holding the last salvo until the last minute. Even the caravans that dotted Askia lands could be armed making them thorny targets.
 Besides defeating the invaders this had three major effects on classical Askia. For a lengthy period only the cities directly under the control of the Askian kings had the skill and knowledge needed to produce karu’jefars. This secured the power of the central government as anyone who turned against them would quickly run out Askia's mainstay weapon.  It also cemented the use of well disciplined militias as the main military force of Askia. Finally due to their vast production karu’jefars all but supplanted bows for most uses with worn down karu’jefars being the main hunting tools of Askia peasants.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2020, 08:57:15 pm by Light forger »

Powder Miner

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Re: Commander Arms Race: Askian R&D (Preliminary Turn 1 - Design Phase)
« Reply #47 on: January 01, 2020, 10:33:03 pm »

Sorcerers of Iron
With glassmaking beginning in Askia, smithing would begin to follow as the Askian peoples began to develop concepts of using furnaces of incredibly high heat and bellows in order to refine materials. During the days of King Konaté and the beginning of the vassal chief system, for example, the Askians had some access to bronze, though this was limited thanks to the simple fact that Ofal was pretty much the only source of copper and tin that the Askians really had. However, iron ore was a bit of a different story; the Desert Tu contained iron deposits, and though mining in a deathly desert wasn't inherently easy, the Askians were the people who were up to the job. Under King Djata III (though he was rather less involved than his namesake), ironworking began in Askian society.

Smiths took on something of a mystical role within Askian society -- it was a very specialized skill that tended to lead to societies of smiths sharing their knowledge, and that fit extremely neatly into the preexisting societies of those known as sorcerers present within Askian society. What only fueled the association of smiths as sorcerers were the strange interactions that Askians began to discover occurring between works of iron and their glass compasses. At first, this was nothing more than an inconvenience; iron would be attracted to the compasses, and would shift around a little with the ripples of the magnetofluid, but it was usually a weak association and mild annoyance at worst. And then it was a severe annoyance every so often, as it was discovered that iron left in the close presence of magnetofluid for several days uninterrupted would become much more strongly affected by the magnetofluid, and if you were careless enough to let that happen, then you were prone to having a piece of metal rocket into and break your compass or punch a hole in your wagon if you screwed around with the compass.

Ultimately, it was smiths who took the most advantage of this -- and it wasn't at the king's order. Sama, a smith of one of the outposts of the Desert Tu, was known for two very paradoxical things: his methodical patience, and his white-hot furious rage. And when those Iconan madmen sacked his oasis town, Sama was very, very angry. But he also had the ingenuity and patience to come up with a solution. That solution ended up being this: Sama would take a large glass compass, leave several crude blades sitting by it for days, and then he would experiment with inducing ripples in the magnetofluid of the compass through dragging an iron rod across its surface. Ultimately what Sama found that he could do was project these blades out some distance in very particular wave shapes, and by using the iron rod to change the direction of the rippling of the glass compass he could change the direction these flechettes moved in -- and thusly could effectively control clouds of knives and strike at the Iconans with it. Ultimately, he found success -- the flechettes didn't have quite the range of an arrow, but they could strike multiple people at once and they were incredibly difficult to defend against. Even for all their ferocity, the Iconans would be torn to shreds on the charge. Sharing his finds at his smiths' society, the manipulation of flechettes, many other smiths picked this up around Askia and they became known as the sorcerers of iron, mutilating the powerful and ferocious swordsmen of the Iconans.

(As a new interaction, iron left to be "charged" to the magnetofluid of glass compasses by being kept near them for days experiences extremely strong magnetic effects from that magnetofluid. Manipulation of the magnetic fields of the magnetofluid using a non-charged iron rod to shift it around allows the direction of that field to be changed, and the Sorcerors of Iron use several charged flechettes and rapid manipulation of the magnetofluid of glass compasses in order to attack with entire clouds of flechettes, potentially widely dispersed enough to become an area of effect attack, albeit not quite with the range of a bow.)

Man of Paper

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Re: Commander Arms Race: Askian R&D (Preliminary Turn 1 - Design Phase)
« Reply #48 on: January 02, 2020, 02:52:29 pm »

Cult of Personalities

The Heirs of Chijindum, Askians who could claim a link to Chijindum's family tree, were the most influential people within the Askian Kingdom. The King was always an Heir, and a growing number of Vassal-Kings also shared that status as families married and the Heirs spread their seed. Being an Heir of Chijindum required either a mother or father being an Heir themselves.

Heirs of Chijindum had a tendency to excel at their jobs, whether they be warriors, diplomats, farmers, or griots. Whether this was due to genetics or access to a wealthy upbringing is hotly debated. Either way, access to the finest garments and accessories certainly helped bolster their appearance among their people. This official yet unofficial ruling class drew many an eye, not to mention ears, hearts, and minds. The Askian people viewed these Heirs as demigods and potential reincarnations of the Unifier, and treated them with as much respect as a second coming would deserve. Heirs wanted for little when in the presence of their people, and nearly any request made would be fulfilled.

During the Period of Strife, defined by Askia's extended conflict with Icona, barbarians from the mountains raided Askian lands and struck deep into the Kingdom. The Heirs of Chijindum called upon their people time and again to take up arms for the Kingdom of Askia, the Chiite faith, and all that they stand for in an effort to repel and crush this barbaric aggressor. The Askians heeded the call every time, and over the years the population had nearly all served at some point during the wars. After a series of massed raids ended in failure, the Iconans fell back to their mountains for good. The Askians pursued, putting every Iconan within reach to the sword or clapping them in shackles. The more zealous Chiites among the Askians erected small shrines, temples, and monuments in occupied territory. Iconan slaves were often used for manual labor, but those with other skills were readily put to use elsewhere. Those willing to convert to the Chiite faith would even be given the opportunity to purchase their freedom and join Askia as a (second-class) citizen.

This period of conflict highlighted the Askian's deep ties between their religion and the state, and the people's extreme faith in both.

Powder Miner

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Re: Commander Arms Race: Askian R&D (Preliminary Turn 1 - Design Phase)
« Reply #49 on: January 02, 2020, 07:37:47 pm »

Quote from: something something votebox haha a very clever votebox name i am very funny ha
Voski Horsemen: (0)
Encirclement and Enlightenment: (0)
Gold and Gems: (0)
Walled Cities: (0)
Karu'jefar: (0)
Sorcerers of Iron: (1) Powder Miner
Cult of Personalities: (0)

Man of Paper

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Re: Commander Arms Race: Askian R&D (Preliminary Turn 1 - Design Phase)
« Reply #50 on: January 03, 2020, 04:05:17 pm »

Quote from: BlokeBox
Voski Horsemen: (0)
Encirclement and Enlightenment: (1) MoP
Walled Cities: (0)
Karu'jefar: (0)
Sorcerers of Iron: (1) Powder Miner
Cult of Personalities: (0)

Spread the faith!


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Re: Commander Arms Race: Askian R&D (Preliminary Turn 1 - Design Phase)
« Reply #51 on: January 04, 2020, 04:19:39 pm »

Quote from: BlokeBox
Voski Horsemen: (0)
Encirclement and Enlightenment: (1) MoP
Walled Cities: (0)
Karu'jefar: (1)Maxim_inc
Sorcerers of Iron: (1) Powder Miner
Cult of Personalities: (0)

Man of Paper

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Re: Commander Arms Race: Askian R&D (Preliminary Turn 2 - Design Phase)
« Reply #52 on: January 04, 2020, 05:07:26 pm »

Fumehide Armor

Magnetofumes had proven their usefulness to the Askians, but for a large portion of human history it had remained mostly a novelty with a small selection of niches it filled. The pressures of the Iconans changed that drastically. This ferocious foe wreaked havoc on Askian lands and the people themselves, and efforts across the Kingdom were directed toward repelling and defeating their foe. A sect of Chiites who used Magnetofume plumes for divination had uncovered an interesting interaction: the liquid form of Magnetofumes, Magnetofluid, could be dumped out of a storage container directly into a vat of boiling water. When the water boiled away all that remained was a dark grey dough-like mass. This mass could be worked while warm, and heat could be applied to extend this window. Once the now-shaped glob cooled it would hold shape while remaining flexible.

Fumehide, as the material became known, did indeed feel very much like a leathered animal skin, and shared it's relative light weight and thinness. This armor proved itself during a raid on a Chiite temple, where the Priest-Magicians were observed deflecting weapons with their bodies, seemingly impervious to the Iconan's crude iron weaponry. Of course many claims were exaggerated, but the Fumehide Armor was critical in the defeat of the Iconans at Kisiwa Kitakatifu [Swahili for Holy Island - a reference to the Viking raid on Lindisfarne], the name of the hill the temple was built on within the sandy plateaus of Iheojoo Plateaus [Bastardization of the Igbo words for Less Bad, as in "less bad than the desert"]. Fumehide armor gained popularity and it quickly became a highly common sight among the Askian armies.

The armor itself isn't actually magical, at least by what we know of it today. The armor is actually protected by an invisible layer of a very thin, very dense magnetic field. The "magical protection" afforded to the Priest-Magicians was in truth simply blades being turned from striking true. While far from invincible, this protection could turn lethal strikes into manageable wounds, and potential wounding strikes into glancing blows.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Commander Arms Race: Askian R&D (Preliminary Turn 1 - Design Phase)
« Reply #53 on: January 04, 2020, 05:09:38 pm »

Quote from: BlokeBox
Voski Horsemen: (0)
Encirclement and Enlightenment: (1) MoP
Walled Cities: (0)
Karu'jefar: (1)Maxim_inc
Sorcerers of Iron: (2) Powder Miner, D7
Cult of Personalities: (0)
Fumehide Armor: (0)



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Commander Arms Race: Askian R&D (Preliminary Turn 1 - Design Phase)
« Reply #54 on: January 04, 2020, 08:02:44 pm »

Quote from: BlokeBox
Voski Horsemen: (0)
Encirclement and Enlightenment: (1) MoP
Walled Cities: (0)
Karu'jefar: (1)Maxim_inc
Sorcerers of Iron: (2) Powder Miner, D7
Cult of Personalities: (0)
Fumehide Armor: (1) Maxim_inc


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Commander Arms Race: Askian R&D (Preliminary Turn 1 - Design Phase)
« Reply #55 on: January 05, 2020, 01:43:13 am »

Quote from: BlokeBox
Voski Horsemen: (0)
Encirclement and Enlightenment: (1) MoP
Walled Cities: (0)
Karu'jefar: (1)Maxim_inc
Sorcerers of Iron: (2) Powder Miner, D7
Cult of Personalities: (0)
Fumehide Armor: (2) Maxim_inc, m1895

Man of Paper

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Re: Commander Arms Race: Askian R&D (Preliminary Turn 1 - Design Phase)
« Reply #56 on: January 05, 2020, 02:57:58 pm »

Quote from: BlokeBox
Voski Horsemen: (0)
Encirclement and Enlightenment: (0)
Walled Cities: (0)
Karu'jefar: (1)Maxim_inc
Sorcerers of Iron: (2) Powder Miner, D7
Cult of Personalities: (0)
Fumehide Armor: (3) Maxim_inc, m1895, MoP


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Commander Arms Race: Askian R&D (Preliminary Turn 1 - Design Phase)
« Reply #57 on: January 05, 2020, 05:30:51 pm »

Quote from: BlokeBox
Voski Horsemen: (0)
Encirclement and Enlightenment: (0)
Walled Cities: (0)
Karu'jefar: (1)Maxim_inc
Sorcerers of Iron: (2) Powder Miner, D7
Cult of Personalities: (0)
Fumehide Armor: (4) Maxim_inc, m1895, MoP, TFF

Light forger

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Re: Commander Arms Race: Askian R&D (Preliminary Turn 1 - Design Phase)
« Reply #58 on: January 05, 2020, 08:59:51 pm »

Quote from: Designs
Voski Horsemen: (0)
Encirclement and Enlightenment: (0)
Walled Cities: (0)
Karu'jefar: (0)
Sorcerers of Iron: (3) Powder Miner, D7, Lightforger
Cult of Personalities: (0)
Fumehide Armor: (4) Maxim_inc, m1895, MoP, TFF

Magnet sticks are better then magnet leather.(although early crossbows are superior to both and are less boring)
« Last Edit: January 05, 2020, 10:31:29 pm by Light forger »


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Re: Commander Arms Race: Askian R&D (Preliminary Turn 2 - Revision Phase)
« Reply #59 on: January 09, 2020, 11:06:11 pm »

Preliminary Turn 2 - Design Phase

Fumehide Armor

Magnetofumes had proven their usefulness to the Askians, but for a large portion of human history it had remained mostly a novelty with a small selection of niches it filled. The pressures of the Iconans changed that drastically. This ferocious foe wreaked havoc on Askian lands and the people themselves, and efforts across the Kingdom were directed toward repelling and defeating their foe. A sect of Chiites who used Magnetofume plumes for divination had uncovered an interesting interaction: the liquid form of Magnetofumes, Magnetofluid, could be dumped out of a storage container directly into a vat of boiling water. When the water boiled away all that remained was a dark grey dough-like mass. This mass could be worked while warm, and heat could be applied to extend this window. Once the now-shaped glob cooled it would hold shape while remaining flexible.

Fumehide, as the material became known, did indeed feel very much like a leathered animal skin, and shared it's relative light weight and thinness. This armor proved itself during a raid on a Chiite temple, where the Priest-Magicians were observed deflecting weapons with their bodies, seemingly impervious to the Iconan's crude iron weaponry. Of course many claims were exaggerated, but the Fumehide Armor was critical in the defeat of the Iconans at Kisiwa Kitakatifu [Swahili for Holy Island - a reference to the Viking raid on Lindisfarne], the name of the hill the temple was built on within the sandy plateaus of Iheojoo Plateaus [Bastardization of the Igbo words for Less Bad, as in "less bad than the desert"]. Fumehide armor gained popularity and it quickly became a highly common sight among the Askian armies.

The armor itself isn't actually magical, at least by what we know of it today. The armor is actually protected by an invisible layer of a very thin, very dense magnetic field. The "magical protection" afforded to the Priest-Magicians was in truth simply blades being turned from striking true. While far from invincible, this protection could turn lethal strikes into manageable wounds, and potential wounding strikes into glancing blows.

Difficulty: Hard
Rolls: 1 + 1 6 + 4 - 1 = 9 (Above Average)

Fumehide had been discovered by accident well before the Iconan invasion, as an acolyte accidentally dropped a container of magnetofluid into a pot of water boiling for use with tea. At the time, the rather hungry monks mostly noted it’s lack of edibility, and a craftsman that inspected it noted it was too difficult to work for clothing. Accounts on how it came to be used for armor vary. The legends say that the monks of Kisiwa Kitakatifu were given three days notice of an impending Iconan raid. With their only armors being robes, and only weapons being cooking supplies and wooden staves, they were desperate; they made armor of the only suitable material they could find on short notice. When the relief force came expecting a burnt temple and corpses, they found instead the monks warding off the Iconans themselves. A more realistic interpretation by modern scholars says that the relief had come at the same time as the raid, rather than the race-against-time interpretation. Either way, the battle of Kisiwa Kitakatifu did show the power of the armor.

As it was hard to create and work in large quantities (and it was difficult to convince many soldiers of the value of something with the strength of hide when they had metallic armor already), the fumehide armor was used primarily by contingents of warrior priests. These units were of devastating effect; they spearheaded many charges, crashing into the fray and killing Iconan troops while being incredibly hard to kill themselves. The fumehide armor was strong enough to resist glancing blows, but it’s magnetic field deflecting the iron weapons of the Iconans was of far more importance to their longevity on the field. Because of the fumehide armor, priest-magicians would focus less on defense and more on offense.

With the use of the fumehide armor and the well trained priest-magicians that wore it, the Iconans were beat back. Askia went from defense to offense, pushing the Iconans out of the Desert Tu and through the plateaus to the southern mountains. As the fighting shifted from raids and counter-raids to pitched battle, something was noticed about the “barbarians”. What had been assumed to be crude metal weapons and armor was instead discovered to be iron equipment of exemplary craftsmanship. There were reports of some of the Iconan leaders having weapons that leave grievous wounds as long as they draw blood - although none could be recovered, as such soldiers would retreat with the cover of their guards rather than allow their equipment to fall to the enemy.

From the northern shrublands came a messenger. The Kingdom of Ofal requested military aid; it had not been able to lend it’s assistance in Askia’s war, not because the messengers asking aid were slain by the Iconans, but because it’s own forces had been tied up in an… expedition, to a backwards country to the West… a backwards country that had somehow turned the battle around and was preparing to march into the trade city’s territory.


With fumehide armor, the threat of the Iconans was diminished, but not gone. A new threat loomed over Askia’s ally. Now was not the time to rest. It is now the Revision Phase. You have 1 revision.

Spoiler: Preliminary Proposals (click to show/hide)
Of course, Twin is neither man nor woman but an unholy eldritch abomination like every other Bay12er. The difference is they hide it better.
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<Caellath>: Twinwolf, your thirst for blood has been noted.
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