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Author Topic: [Mod Request] A few simple things i hope?  (Read 1067 times)


  • Bay Watcher
    • View Profile
[Mod Request] A few simple things i hope?
« on: December 17, 2019, 09:39:05 pm »

First off, I have tried to learn how to mod DF. I am a High Functioning Autsitic person and also have a learning disability. I cant just seem to get it. If i had a video series to watch then i could but i cant.

I am asking for someone to please make a few things for me. Most of it for ice theme stuff and the last was an idea from playing Eso. I suck at naming stuff so if u can come up with better name.

Workshop: Ice forge. Has to be above water like a magma forge for lava.
Can make Ice boulders.
Takes metal and turn it into an special version of it. Properties of them are at the temp of ice or colder. Slightly sharper weapons.   
Iron = Cold iron.
Silver = Ice mirthil
Steal = Sub Zero Steal
Can make a specail glass and gem.
Frosted glass
Ice Daimond.

The second thing is Rotmeth a spiced alchool fremnted meat juice.



  • Bay Watcher
    • View Profile
Re: [Mod Request] A few simple things i hope?
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2019, 08:38:51 pm »

First off, I have tried to learn how to mod DF. I am a High Functioning Autsitic person and also have a learning disability. I cant just seem to get it. If i had a video series to watch then i could but i cant.

I am asking for someone to please make a few things for me. Most of it for ice theme stuff and the last was an idea from playing Eso. I suck at naming stuff so if u can come up with better name.

Workshop: Ice forge. Has to be above water like a magma forge for lava.
Can make Ice boulders.
Takes metal and turn it into an special version of it. Properties of them are at the temp of ice or colder. Slightly sharper weapons.   
Iron = Cold iron.
Silver = Ice mirthil
Steal = Sub Zero Steal
Can make a specail glass and gem.
Frosted glass
Ice Daimond.

The second thing is Rotmeth a spiced alchool fremnted meat juice.

Hi, i dont have much time to actually write anything out for you at the minute but i can help you answer some generalised questions on what is feasible in your suggestion on basic RAW modding, versus more advanced applications. I am also a high functioning autistic person, but many such people of all kinds have been the victim of DF's learning curve, graphics or gameplay even today i occasionally learn new things about the game.

Things listed in yellow ill talk a bit about the reasons that they're possible but potentially a teeny bit difficult to handle.
  • Like i will mention below the materials can turn out as cold and frosty as you'd like, but ice is a fickly resource to use in terms of the game, it is likely that you will first (like other modders have done) have to collect water in a bucket, use the container to bring water to a workshop to freeze into a ice boulder, then quickly move the ice before it melts to be worked on with the metal. (this is of course without cheat reactions where the ice is artificially a roleplaying thing associated with the workshop or stored in a alternative way like powdered snow.)
  • Some more information about this 'Rotmeth' would be nice, is it bascially meat alcohol? that can be done as long as there is a process to extract it before it rots, but obviously if you had any different ideas bout it id like to hear more.

Things in green are entirely do-able, for your list it would be material sheets at a certain pre-fixed temperature, which the game can handle and use. These kinds of metals could be entirely made entirely by the civilization you are playing or localised entirely to that workshop and normally inaccessible.

The only thing on that list which is marked in red is the Ice Forge, its not possible to set a custom forge like that without purposefully tricking the game and running advanced scripts, but you can for the purpose of your immersion try compensate another way.

This bit of guidance should hopefully allow yourself if you should feel confident to try RAW modding and other modders coming in to support you in helping you achieve what you wanted to do.


  • Bay Watcher
    • View Profile
Re: [Mod Request] A few simple things i hope?
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2019, 01:22:24 am »

To answer the easy question. Rotmeth as taken from the wiki. Rotmeth is a Bosmeri spiced alcohol made from rancid, fermented meat juices. So it basically meat wine. All the wiki has for the background is this copy and pasted from the wiki.

This steaming brown liquid is drunk from a mug and could be mistaken for tea, if not for the Meat Mandate, which prohibits anything made from leaves in Valenwood. Rotmeth tastes gamy, bitter and sugared, and very salty. The effects of Rotmeth include a tingling sensation throughout the body, sounds becoming oddly disjointed, surges of rage which quickly subside, and bursts of laughter. Several hours after consumption the drinker will feel half-asleep, unable to open their eyes fully, and the events of several hours before seem like obscure childhood memories. Rotmeth may seem disagreeable to the palate at first, although the drinker will soon find themself pouring many more mugs.

To me most of that effects sound like flavor text. pun not intended. Now on to the other things you asked about. Its more of a Role play to make ice boulders. I always thought it would be fun to send Dwarfs clad in ice enchanted armor and weapons against the circus.   

It would just be reactions to use an iron, silver and steel into there icy version and will need bucket of water for glass and gem. I am gonna look around the wiki and try to figure some stuff out.  It not to hard to copy and edit raws. thats not the problem. I made cat blood super high temps and testing that in the object arena. Cats vs gobo no one won, lol. I will be making the weapons out of them a bit worst at cutting but better at piercing and bashing.

Also thank you for the replay