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Author Topic: Roll to Heist (Players Welcome)  (Read 21884 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Heist (Players Welcome)
« Reply #195 on: February 10, 2020, 03:01:17 pm »

Here's the actual last turn:

And in bbcode, that's the following: (warning: fucking long)
Code: [Select]
[[b]6[/b]] Urist words shake the air, the ground, reality itself. The words are hear across the entire world, and then proceed to spread to the rest of the galaxy and nearby planes of reality.

The effects are imminent. Moons blow up, entire cities are engulfed in flames, cattle dies, the ground becomes sand... Famine strikes everywhere, and new uknown ilnesses appear on multiple towns.

While chaos erupts across multiple mortal worlds, demigods and legendary warriors grab their weapons, ready for a worthy opponent. Meanwhile, many gods of war scream in joy and they proceed to observe Earth, as it's about to become the largest bloodshed of all times. Armok is pleased by Urist actions.
[[b]5[/b]] With Lushkana on side, Urist proceeds to dig deeper than any other dwarf has ever gone before. He breaks through the adamantium vein, and after a matter of minutes, Urist reaches it. The Underworld. The dim ligh of the surface creates some visibility, as the etherial light the vortexs generate is not enough for Ursit. Suddenly, he realises that he is being watched. The Chosen of Armok slowly descends until he reaches the ground.

Immediatley, he hears snarls all around him, as demons crawl on the edge of his vision. Even on this form, Urist can but feel a chill crawl on his back, but the demons seem apparentley unwilling to confont him. Suddenly, multiple howls are heard, as demons realise that there is a tunnel all the way to the surface. More howls are heard, and suddenly, Urist has towards the surface, as a swarm of demons start to crawl on top of each other to reach the tunnel. Once they do, they start ascending, with victorious screeches.

[[b]4[/b]] Lily raises and starts deflecting the oncoming debris, through punches and kicks, knocking away the smaller debris. Thanks to that, the golden dragon avoids getting crushed and manages to run several more meters.

[[b]2[/b]] Suddenly, the dragons legs give up, and he falls to the ground, also knocking Lily over. Both of them roll several meters before stopping. Lily looks up, sconfused by the impact, and sees the wave of collapse is practically upon them.

[[b]5[/b]] Lily raises her hand, while rushing towards the dragon. Immediatley, all metals on the nearby areas start swirling, creating some sort of dome around both of them. Lily screams, as she suddenly has to hold several meters of debris. The weight knocks her wind off and almost makes her fall, but she manages to withstand it. AFter a few minutes, the rubble stops hitting, but both of them are still underground. Lily's muscles scream in pain from having them hold all this weight, but her regeneraitive abilities help turn the situation into a stalemate.

Meanwhile, the wealth dragon doesnt seem to be going anywhere soon. It's too tired, and it simply rests on the ground. Upon being asked if Draggie it's a good name, it simply makes a feeble roar, which seems to say "yeah, sure, whatever."

[[b]4[/b]] Noname stays very still, and shows no sign of agression. The robots have too many contradictory values, so they simply put pincecuffs on Noname to ensure that the doesn't move around too much, and take the mantis inside the Level 2, clearly taking Noname to a cell. Looking around, Noname realises that the guards here are far better armed than the ones on the Level 1, and they seem less terrified than a normal human is when it sees a giant mantis. Noname can only wonder what Level 3 is like.

Suddenly, something is heard, like ancient words talking, giving everyone but the robots a headache. Suddenly, something breaches through the ceiling and descends upon the floor, creating a smooth tunnel. The godly creature keeps descending, while the robots approach the hole, inspecting it, while leaving Noname alone. Meanwhile, the guards haven't recovered, and they are still blinking in shock.

Suddenly, half of the robots in the room start running through the hidden tunnels in the floor and walls. It seems something else has picked their attention.

[[b]5[/b]] The truth is, Durg realises, all creatures are not born equal. Well, tecnically they are, because at the grand scheme of things, they are nothing. But how can they be nothing, if they are soo diverse. Like a dwarf and a gnom are not the same thing, existance and lack of ergo are not the same thing, by far. It sounds like a joke, or nonsense, but in truth, no joke has to makes sense. In fact, Durg ponders, while watching the endless road go by, nothing truly makes sense. No one is born on purpose, everyones choices are influenced by forces outside their own, and everyones death isn't something they desire.

Unless, Durg hinks absently, while drinking another beer, they actually desire it. But at the same time, it goes back to the second aspect of nonsensical life, they are influenced by outside forces of their own, which push them in one direction or another. But what about prophecies? Heroes of legend of chosen swords, and predestined fates seem to prevail at all odds, killing thosuands of Kobolds. Were those Kobolds also forced under strings beyond their understanding to be killed uner the enchanted sword of a hero?

Truly a wonderful thought, but quite depresing, it means there is absolute no free will on this world, not even their thoughts own thoughts can be trusted. Everyone is dictated by the words of beings beyond the powers of Eldritch Abominations. But what do this forces truly do? Are there forces more powerful than others? It's all just a single force, like a rope, composed of smaller ropes? Or more like a tapestry? Are the thoughts Durg is writing on this book his own, or someone else's madness.

Durg suddenly stops, realising he has finished the book. It's about five hundred pages of interesing philosophy, wondering about life and the meaning of it.

He sets the book aside while looking at the night sky from his campfire, while observing his lighting staff.

[[b]6[/b]] Suddenly a vortex appears out of nowhere, and some sort of old man with lots of magical objects emerges from it. He looks around, dazed. "[color=white][shadow=black,left][shadow=black,right]So this is the plane of existence where the CHosen of Armok stated his challenge! That's cool![/shadow][/shadow][/color]"

Suddenly, he notices Durg. the old man watches the Kobold with fascination, before putting a rather odd gas mask on his face. "[color=white][shadow=black,left][shadow=black,right]Hello Durg! I'm [/shadow][/shadow][shadow=white,left][shadow=white,right]Dukarenan[/shadow][/shadow][shadow=black,left][shadow=black,right]! Wow, what a funny looking toy you have there! Let me fix it![/shadow][/shadow][/color]"

[color=white][shadow=white,left][shadow=white,right]Dukarenan[/shadow][/shadow][/color] grabs the lighting staf, and inserts inside a black mirror and then breaks it, before Durg can't even comprehend what's going on. Suddenly, the crystals reform into a a cane, longer than Durg, with a purple crystal on top. The crystal even seems to contain a storm inside.

"[shadow=black,left][shadow=black,right][color=white]Okay, now it should have limitless charges, and you should be able to manipulate far better the energy, as well as controling the power of the sky. Now, in exchange, you could tell me where I can find that Dwarf, which has been chosen by Armok.[/color][/shadow][/shadow]

[[b]2[/b]] Tamatoa tries to expand the hole, but suddenly, one robot emerges and starts punching him in the face, forcing him away from the hole, while another robot begans to emerge from the hole, and a third ones hand grabs the border.

[[b]4[/b]] Tamatoa doesn't heasitate. He dodges the first robot and slams it's head on the wall, deactivating it instantly. The crab immediatley realises that their weak point is their heads. There's not much time to react because the second robots lunges at him. Tamatoa kicks it with one of it's rear legs, and penetrates it's head with the foot. Quickly, he pushes the third robot downwards, along with all the other robots that were climbing. Looking down, he realises it has momentaraly obstructed the passage.

[[b]5[/b]] Joe immediatley organises the people and search for engineers. Clearly, there must be someone who studied in engineering. And after several tests, he finds the perfect man Elbart Shiild. He is a citizen of German upbringing, for some reason, and is joyous when he is chosen as the head for architecture. He immediatley starts designing efficient factories, and in a matter of hours, the Great State of Joe is producing all types of weaponry, guns, snipers, bazookas, grenades... Elbert has also began setting a factory for tanks, and tells Joe about his plans of the future for planes.

[[b]2[/b]] Sadly, the creation of soldiers isn't going so well. The five fanatical guards have tried to train people, but the memories of Regular City's civil war are far too recent. No one answers to the draft, and the five fanatical guards return to Joe, as they didn't want to coerce the population through killing before asking him first.

Suddenly, powerful and ancient words are heard across the sky, as it turns red as blood. These words proclaim promises of vengenace, carnage and blood. The Naxi Joeists began screaming believing that the Ancient Gods are here to punsih them.

[[b]2[/b]] Once hearing the answer, Tarkin only chuckles darkly. He proceeds with the next speech.

[quote=Tarkin's Speech][color=navy]Now I've seen everything. A world which hasn't achieved light speed capabilities, orders me, one of the most efficient members of the Empire, who do you think you are, the Empereor? No, we won't destroy that security complex you talk about. We will take all that is of value, and once we return to Coruscant, we will send several Star Destroyers to subjugate this backwater planet.[/color]

The last thing that's heard before cutting off the transmission is this:

[color=navy]Warn Lord Vader! We will send him along severad squadrons of Stormtroopers to secure the base before the rest of us arrive![/color]

[AT347:[b]2[/b]] Meanwhile, the robot is shot on the remaining arm, fully immobilizing. Then, with a powerful beam, they blow up it's head. Leaving the body on the floor while they close [b][/b].

[botnet:[b]6[/b]] New notification! Well, this can't be worst than last time...


Oh, shit.

This new notification seems to come from the other end of the solar system, but fastly approaching.

[b][u]Automatic Action[/u][/b]

[quote=Alpha Theta 347][Defending the base:[b]3[/b]][/quote]

There aren't enough robots to spare, so Alpha-Theta 347 is forced to send several of the ones that were send to capture the heisters against the Heisters.

[quote=Bob][Avoiding the Cradians:[b]1[/b]][/quote]

The Cradians quickly notice Bob, and once they realise he is from the Syindicate, they proceed to shoot him, nonstop. Bob screams as he feels the heats burning his cells away. It will take a few seconds.

[quote=JFAG][Avoiding the Cradians:[b]4[/b]][/quote]

The four Geckos quickly enter the tunnel and start descending downstairs. Once they arrive to the bottom, they realise the keypad that controls this door is gone. At the same time, they hear Cradians scream, and fall through the stairs, as they have never seen somethign like this before. The majority ends up unconscious, but the ones that remain awoken look at the JFAG angrily and began raising their blasters at them, but concussion makes it difficult to aim.


Health: FINE, several fresh scars all over his body.

Inventory: Cane of the Sky, 2 x Empty Guns (0/24 bullets), The Fifth Ring, dozens of boxes of large value, one light-speed capable truck, one book about Kobold philosophy (more than finished)

Current Value: 1,009,529 $

Current Money: 0 $


[spoiler=Joesus Christ]

Health: FINE, several grave scars all over his body,

Inventory: 5 x armed fanatical cultists, 340 x armed civilian followers, 15 x Heralds of Joe, 3 x Molten Metal Golems, an Anti-Bible, a revisionist Anti-Bible, The Great City State of Joeville, fascist leader, several factories war related.

Current Value: 230 $

Current Money: 0 $



Health: FINE, [color=yellow]soulbounded[/color], under the strain of holding several tones of rubble.

Inventory: Dart Gun (8/16 Ammo), Draggie

Current Value: 24 $

Current Money: 0 $



Health: SERIOUSLY INJURED, small cuts and wounds, severed right arm, under the effect of narcotics [[b]1[/b]/[b]5[/b] turns left

Inventory: 1 x functional keypad, 1 x Master keycard, The Phone Without Prices, the body of a robot as a gas mask.

Current Value: 10,700 $

Current Money: 0 $


[spoiler=Alpha-Theta 347]


Inventory: Simulator of Safest Outcomes, tecnically Hizukania

Current Value: 80,000,000,000 $

Current Money: 0 $



Health: SLIGHTLY COMPROMISED, some of the users in the original thread have been captured by the FBI.

Inventory: an imperfect botnet, a soviet spy satellite from the 80's (deactivated), Alpha-Theta 347 (+ Self-Repairing body) (+ Simulator of Safest Outcomes) / [i]subjugated[/i], slight control over the [i]Crystal Shadow[/i] (Cradian Warship), slight control over the [i]Death Star[/i] (Imperial Battle Station), Slight Control over the Borg (jk, the Borg aren't under anyone's control.)

Current Value: 2,000,000,000,019,186 $

Current Money: 654 $  (Fundraising is an option)



Health: FINE, pincecuffed

Inventory: EMPTY

Current Value: 0 $

Current Money: 0 $


[spoiler=Juvenile Freak Assasin Geckos]

Health: SEVERLY HARMED, Jasper has a broken rib.

Inventory: Several weapons which you wouldn't expected in the hands of mutant reptiles.

Current Value: 15 $

Current Money: 0 $


[spoiler=Urist McSickleHammer]

Health: [b][s]:::::::::[/s][/b], uncounscious, martial trance [[b]-[/b]/[b]9999999999999[/b]], Chosen of [size=18pt][b][shadow=yellow,left][color=black][glow=red,2,300]Armok[/glow][/color][/shadow][/b][/size],

Inventory: Several Dwarf-made Tools, Title of Challanger of Realms.

Current Value: None understandable to materialistic non-dwarfs

Current Currency: /"/·&") $



Health: SERIOUSLY INJURED, disappointed, being shot by lasers.

Inventory: surpressed pistol ([b]16[/b]/[b]16[/b] bullets), one long metal bar

Current Value: 25 $

Current Money 0$



[spoiler=Known Locations]

-Hizukania / [i]multiple robotss establishing order[/i] / [i]unsupplied[/i] / [i]slightly under the control of Alpha-Theta 347[/i] / [i]4chan controls cybersecurity[/i] / [i]severly breached[/i] / [i]under the attack of Urist, the Chosen of Armok[/i] / [i]under attack of Cradian forces[/i] - Level 1 / [i]has been pentrated by sniper rail gun shots[/i] - Level 7 to 9 / [i]Cut off from the security complex[/i]

-Dystopian City: Rich Sector / [i]moslty destroyed[/i] | Wall / [i]Breached by lightspeed.[/i] | Poor Sector / [i]insurrections and strikes against armed forced[/i] / [i]occupied by armed forces[/i]

-Regular City / [i]rebuilding[/i]

- Northern Train Station / [i]destroyed[/i]

-Southern Train Station / [i]half of it reduced to ashes[/i]

-The Great City State of Joeville / [i]Nazi State[/i]

-[i]Crystal Shadow[/i], Cradian Warship ([i]space, orbiting around earth[/i])

-Death Star, Imperial battle station, approaching Earth.

-Borg Cube, Borg spaceship, approaching Pluto.



[b]IKEArminator Charge Progress:[/b] [[b]4[/b]] = [i]65%[/i]
it's over


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Heist (Players Welcome)
« Reply #196 on: February 10, 2020, 03:13:38 pm »

That's the easy part, I need quoted actions.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Heist (Players Welcome)
« Reply #197 on: February 10, 2020, 03:20:23 pm »

And here are the actions

while the guards are still shocked about the hole, follow the robots through the hidden tunnels


Continue smashing these robot’s heads and begin collecting the one’s I break, attaching them to myself as a makeshift extra layer of armor. Also, continue trying to make the hole big enough for me to fit

Get as many people out of JoeVille, while Joe try to ascend and stop the destruction of Joeville

Hack ship of lizardmen and do various malicious stuff like : turning off life support, electrifying doors, burst opening all  airlocks to space without safety measures, electrify doors, overload power reactor, etc


"It might be at Hizkuania its like a big pyramid thing filled with valuable stuff, and while your here would you be interested in any of the potentially magical things in the back of my truck, maybe something back there could aid you on your quest."
Tell Dukarenan about Hizkuania, and offer to let him have something from the boxes I have in the back of the truck.

Stealth, like the amazing assassins we are.  Also, try to treat that foot.

Look for cover while trying to fight back.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Heist (Players Welcome)
« Reply #198 on: February 12, 2020, 10:26:15 am »

Annnd I thought when I returned there would be an update. Sigh...
"Mutagen"! Such a lovely word! I simply MUST have more mutagen!

*sigh* I can't believe I play this game...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Heist (Players Welcome)
« Reply #199 on: February 14, 2020, 04:50:13 am »

I changed my mind about this, I can't do one turn. If someone else or... the original GM... wants to try, don't feel like I'm standing in your way.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Heist (Players Welcome)
« Reply #200 on: February 14, 2020, 10:23:14 am » who scored second in the voting thing again? Is he going to take the job?
"Mutagen"! Such a lovely word! I simply MUST have more mutagen!

*sigh* I can't believe I play this game...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Heist (Players Welcome)
« Reply #201 on: February 14, 2020, 10:35:01 am »

Code: [Select]
Votebox for future GM when weekend waiting fails
Sprinkled chariot (1) SuperDino85
Egan_BW (4) Egan_BW, CABL, TCK, King Zultan
Looks like Sprinkled chariot, with 1 vote. Good luck SC


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Heist (Players Welcome)
« Reply #202 on: February 14, 2020, 11:35:27 am »

Nevermind, I'm actually surprised that you guys are still waiting for an update. Sorry for suddenly stopping, I had some harsh stuff happening in IRL, and I basically shut down.

Since I'm better, I have decided to keep GM'ing this game. Sorry for the wait.

Also, I'm touched by the fact that you guys were willing to keep the game going. Also also, you should all thank IonMatrix, since without his PM, I wouldn't have remembered about the game.

So yeah, you guys are awesome.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2020, 11:39:53 am by Kakaluncha »
Roll to Hunger Games teached me one thing, to have initiative.
Roll to Planet teached me that writing and developing original ideas is really fun.
Roll to Heist is a game that has teached me one single thing:

Time Travel. Is. Pain.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Heist (Players Welcome)
« Reply #203 on: February 14, 2020, 11:49:53 am »

Nevermind, I'm actually surprised that you guys are still waiting for an update. Sorry for suddenly stopping, I had some harsh stuff happening in IRL, and I basically shut down.

Since I'm better, I have decided to keep GM'ing this game. Sorry for the wait.

Also, I'm touched by the fact that you guys were willing to keep the game going. Also also, you should all thank IonMatrix, since without his PM, I wouldn't have remembered about the game.

So yeah, you guys are awesome.

Glad you've dealt with the harsh stuff IRL.

And thank you, but we all know that it is you who's awesome!
Pounded in the Butt by my own Government... oh wait, that's real life.

Much less active than I used to be on these forums, but I still visit them on occasion. Will probably resume my activity in full once Dwarf Fortress will be released on Steam.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Heist (Players Welcome)
« Reply #204 on: February 14, 2020, 02:21:30 pm »


I just hope the actual players hadnt forgot...
"Mutagen"! Such a lovely word! I simply MUST have more mutagen!

*sigh* I can't believe I play this game...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Heist (Players Welcome)
« Reply #205 on: February 14, 2020, 06:15:23 pm »

Nevermind, I'm actually surprised that you guys are still waiting for an update. Sorry for suddenly stopping, I had some harsh stuff happening in IRL, and I basically shut down.

Since I'm better, I have decided to keep GM'ing this game. Sorry for the wait.

Also, I'm touched by the fact that you guys were willing to keep the game going. Also also, you should all thank IonMatrix, since without his PM, I wouldn't have remembered about the game.

So yeah, you guys are awesome.
Good job on dealing with the IRL stuff
Glad you’re back

@IonMatrix:Thank you for PMing kakaluncha

King Zultan

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Heist (Players Welcome)
« Reply #206 on: February 15, 2020, 04:54:47 am »

Glad to see you back.
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Heist (Players Welcome)
« Reply #207 on: February 15, 2020, 08:56:21 am »

[2] Noname rushes towards the tunnels, but the holes, close, causing the mantis to impact against the cold ground. The insect whimpers, but raises once more. Where did the robots go?

Suddenly, a demonic creature emerges from the hole, roaring, before being destroyed by bullets from the robots. But then a second monster appears, and a third, and slowly but surely, a swarm of demons pours from the hole in the ground.

[Noname's defensive wings: 4] Seeing as the robots are getting overwhelmed, and the guards aren't fully recovered yet, Noname opens their coloref wings, the demons screech, distracted, and the robots and guards get their chance to reinforce the hole. It seems that these creatures, whatever they are, haven't seen so many bright colors together.

As Noname keeps distracting the creatures, the guards take of it's pincecuff, so the Mantis can help better. Also, the guards from Level 0 and 1 are coming to reinforce. Not much else is known about the rest of the levels.

[Ordering the demons:4] For a split second, the entirety of visible demons observe Urist with a predatorial face. They are, by no means, under Urist control, and the first sign of weakness they will devour him, and feast on his essence, and Urist can but feel a chill going down his spine.

But the demons if anything, respect Urist's power and rush towards the surface.

[Demonic Rampage:4] While the four first floors fall easily, the demons are currently stuck at the second level, and while they have destroyed a large majority of the defenses and robots, the guards of each floor aren't entirely wiped out, and as such, they reorganize, fighting the demons in a guerrilla warfare in their respective levels.

[5] Urist isn't specially worried, as these are the smaller demons, and the weak need to be cleansed. The herald of Armok teleports to the surface and starts chanting ancient language. In a matter of seconds, a volcano raises over the city, ready to blow up.

[2] Urist then proceeds to grab large chunks of the terrain and throws them on the Death Star, but since it has its shields fully operational, the impacts barely do a scratch on the planet destroyer.

Suddenly, Urist has to dodge several lasers, forcing him to land on top of the Pyramid. The Cradians seem to be ready to fight this new threat. At the same time, thousands of heroes and warriors from the entire universe, and all of it's planes emerge, ready to face Urist's challenge.

[4] Tamatoa proceeds to spend the next quarter of an hour crushing and decapitating robots, until eventually, they stop emerging. The crab is exhausted, but he knows there is no time to lose. He begins to build his armour.

[6] After a few minutes, the armour is complete. It's so advanced, that Tamatoa may have skipped a few millennia of physics, so it's impossible to rebuild. Upon entering it, the inside light up, while a voice talks.

"Hello, I'm S.H.I.N.Y., and I'm personal assistant in your superpowered armour. Would you like to play the tutorial?"

[6] Tamatoa punches the wall, but the armour has more strength than he expected, and the pince gets stuck. In the efforts of breaking free, Tamatoa activates the laser beams on his pince. Since his legs didn't have the gravitational stabilizers activated, the beam pushes the crab through the door, into the hallway.

Looking around, the crab realizes that the guards are long dead, and it seems the poison gas can't affect Tamatoa, thanks to the armour. There's still the matter of the narcotics, though.

[1] Joe tries, threatens and orders the citizens to leave the city, but none of them are willing to obey. Either they are so fanatical that leaving the city is considered heresy, or they believe that the Ancient Gods will save them, or simply, they are scared.

[6] Seeing the volcano about to explode, Joe prays to the gods to help him. And that's when he realizes that hundreds of war gods are observing the chaos on Earth. And all of them are interested in this desperate cult leader.

Joe suddenly receives the blessing of the Eternal Warrior, making him practically the living embodiment of Carnage. He can also summon any weapon, which will be enchanted and stronger than any other metal in existence.

[2] But before he can even move, the volcano explodes. Joe manages to set up a barrier around him. Joe can only look in despair as Joeville is covered in magma and ashes.

Once the smoke clears, Joe looks around. Nothing is left standing. The only remains of Joeism are Joe's three metal golems who await Joe's commands.

Alpha-Theta 347
[3] The AI hasn't the resources necessary to take control of the massive spaceship, but manages to implant a slight slice of it's code on the Cradian spaceship supercomputer.

The only thing Alpha-Theta 347 can do right now is... turn on and off the lights of the ship. Still, the AI is amused with messing around with the Cradian crew.

Upon checking on the base, it becomes clear that the situation is bad. The dwarf/god-entity/whatever-that-is has breached a hole to a literal hell, which is not scientifically possible, but whatever, logic doesn't seem to exist anymore.

The crab seems to have created an Iron Man like armour, the mantis is currently working alongside the humans, and at least half of the base is full of demons. Meanwhile, the Cradian army has began attacking the dwarf, alongside thousands of individuals.

[6] Lily rushes towards the dragon, and hugs him, while the barrier collapses all around them. Both Draggie and Lily close their eyes, ready to face their end together.

Nothing happens.

Carefully, Lily opens her eyes, realizing that there's a rainbow bubble around the pair. Confused but glad to be alive, Draggie and Lily start laughing in relief, and as they laugh, the bubble expands picking up the debris.

Slowly but surely, buildings began to rebuild, while people wake up, crying in joy. Everytime the bubble guts one of citizens, their bad traits are removed, replaced with happiness.

Then, the rainbow bubble hits the walls, and disintegrates them, and proceeds to improve the Poor Districts. Eventually, it hits the train station, rebuilding it, before exploding into a beautiful beam towards the sky.

All around Lily, people laugh and dance, and as guards and poor people join the celebrations, they are welcomed without prejudice. People start chanting Lily's name.

[4] Durg gives very precise instructions to Dukarenan, and even though their concepts of space are astronomically different, Durg's philosophical approach gives the inventor of artifacts a broad sense of direction.

[5] "Buying something? Well, sure, why not?"

After several minutes, Dukarenan picks a Rubik Cube which randomizes it's colors every five minutes. It seems the man has never seen something like that before, so he buys it.

Dukarenan gives a small bag to Durg, but upon opening it, Durg realizes it contains a pocket dimension. It seems to be a large cave, with a third of the cave covered in gold and silver.

The Kobold raises his head to thank the stranger, but he is, once again gone, with the only trace of him being his footracks.

[3] "Smoke Bomb!" Shouts Keith, and throws the object to the ground. The gas immediately blinds everyone in the room, but before the smoke clears, Jasper realizes that the Cradians haven't invented stairs, and as such, they won't look under them.

It works. It shouldn't but it works. Even though they can't open their eyes, because the smoke hit all of the brothers on their vision, they remain still. The Cradians blow up the door and enter Level 1.

[2] Since they are currently blind, they are unable to treat Keith's foot, but he assures that his foot is okay. Not the same can be said for Jasper's broken rib, though.

[6] As BOB merely avoids the beams, some sort of giant dwarf appears on the air. After invoking a volcano, he starts to throw pieces of ground to the sky, and the ensuing debris gives BOB a lot of cover. The shapeshifter hides behind a giant rock.

[1 He points the gun at the Cradians, but upon shooting, the gun backfires, blowing up on his face. Those damned merchants lied to him.

Thankfully, the Cradians seem to have forgotten about him and now they are attacking the dwarf, joined by thousands of strange individuals. Well, at least BOB isn't dying. Things could be much worse!

Then the volcano blows up, sending ashes and !MAGMA! all the way to the stratosphere.

[1] The thread decides to finish all the chaos once and for all. They will destroy Earth for the lolz. Just imagine the amount of memes that will come out of this master move!

That's until the botnet sends a notification! It seems it is sending the Borg and the Death Star towards the opposite direction, and it will erase from the memory of both spaceships how to return to Earth!

In a matter of seconds both objects disapper into the darkness of space.

4chan becomes the ridicule of Internet. Reddit's normies mock them, Tumblr's SJW laugh at the ineptitude of the patriarchy, and the boomers from Facebook shake their heads. 4chan's reputation comes crashing down in a matter of minutes

Meanwhile, the botnet is stating that the free trial has ended, and now, 4chan must pay for the premium version for faster processing and enhanced programming.

Spoiler: Durg (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Joesus Christ (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Lilypool (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Tamotoa (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Alpha-Theta 347 (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: 4chan (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Noname (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Urist McSickleHammer (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: BOB (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Known Locations (click to show/hide)

IKEArminator Charge Progress: [5] = 90%

Back on track! I just need to warn you, it might take a while to get used to writing once again, but over time, things should get back to normal.

By the way,
We tell him we heisted his RTD
You son of a bitch, I'm in.
This made me wheeze uncontrollably. Hope you two are proud.
Roll to Hunger Games teached me one thing, to have initiative.
Roll to Planet teached me that writing and developing original ideas is really fun.
Roll to Heist is a game that has teached me one single thing:

Time Travel. Is. Pain.


  • Bay Watcher
  • I want to be your blahaj.
    • View Profile
Re: Roll to Heist (Players Welcome)
« Reply #208 on: February 15, 2020, 09:49:45 am »

Victory! Uh. I'm hungry, let's go see if someone will give me a taco. Or trade for my tranq gun?


  • Bay Watcher
    • View Profile
Re: Roll to Heist (Players Welcome)
« Reply #209 on: February 15, 2020, 10:47:24 am »

Fuuuck. Looks like I need a replacement gun after all.

Find a actual working hospital and heal. Attempt to find/make a gun or flamethrower
"Mutagen"! Such a lovely word! I simply MUST have more mutagen!

*sigh* I can't believe I play this game...
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