Greetings fellow dorfs. Soon after striking the earth we angered our neighboring elves. We are waging a war against the elves and are in need of a deeper understanding of offensive warfare. General urist was incompetent (rip) and the war outlook is grim, unless our new commander does better. Our knowledge is lacking unfortunately.
Can a superior leader shed some light and help us become less incompetent?
How impactful are these relative to eachother?
- Tactics
- # of dworfs in squad
- # of squads on mission
- quality of armor
- quality of weapons
- strength of wardog relative to elfs/dorfs
Unfortunately getting full adamantine legendary + 5 dworfs is in the distant future and we being generally impoverished must win with some squads wearing whatever pots and pans are around the fort.
Somewhat related to our incompetent brawling is our equally incompetent thieving:
Is a flock of dworfs more sneaky than a lone dworf?
Why does the sneakiest bastard in the fort always chose to man-fight packs of trolls?
In closing we are angry at the neighboring elven civilization but it seems we are generally incompetent as well. Any general tips on mitigating losses and having regular success (with ragtag but budding military/rangers) is appreciated.
-âbirtobul, lawful/evil overseer
P.S. Once I figure out hospitals I hope to make a batallion of legendary crutch walkers. What weapon should they use and does the crutch mean no shield? Also if dwarfs fall down z level chutes do they break legs or break everything equally?