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Author Topic: Angel Team - Chiaroscuro Arms Race: Strategy Phase 10  (Read 31762 times)


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Re: Angel Team - Chiaroscuro Arms Race: Design Phase 8
« Reply #375 on: August 06, 2020, 10:48:09 pm »

Mass Acolyte Training Camps
Acolytes are the basis of almost everything we do, yet they are relatively few in number. We are intelligent enough to know the massive force multiplier that making them common would be what with the proportional increase to everything derived from them, the only question is, how?
That is actually much easier to answer than anticipated, you see we have almost no formal structure for magical schooling, and thanks to our friends in the towers, we have a very good idea of what that looks like. Now, the universities alone are not the best basis for us, given our wartime footing. Fortunately we have a great deal of experience with training soldiers to draw on.
Now that we've dealt with the why and what, it's time to go on to the how. The Cycle begins with either our agents seeking out individuals with magical aptitude or those individuals coming to us. After a basic entry test they get shuffled into a "magic fundamentals" class where the learn the absolute bare necessities while also further testing their aptitude in our various specialties. Currently as a general rule, those with a good grasp on magic theory and decent spellcasting reserves become Artificers, those with a good grasp on magic theory but poor spellcasting reserves become teachers and scholars, those who have a poor grasp on theory but decent spellcasting reserves become Acolytes, and finally those who are poor in both areas become janitors.
Instead of the traditional master-apprentice system currently in use, we've setup "workshops" where one Artificer trains up a large number of artificer-apprentices to the point where they can be sent to work with minimal oversight. This process leaves them with the absolute minimum "normal" spellcasting abilities, likely just Heliel's Love due to its ease of use. The Acolytes are split between combat and influence. Combat Acolytes are drilled by veteran Acolytes who have just returned from the front (and will be rotated back after training a few classes), using our variety of archery targets to teach them how to use missile type spells, giving them training in battlefield triage so they can make the most of Heliel's Love, and teaching them to "read the mood" so they know when to use the song of soothing. This training leaves little room for the theoretical and abstract parts of magic, most of which is taken up by spellings. Influence Acolytes are likewise trained by veterans who teach them how to do Influence things.
While these training methods cover very different things, there are a couple things they share. Firstly, Angel's Voice "training" which is really just throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks in an attempt to maintain the same percentage of our casters who are Angel's voices. The other thing is guest lectures from Scholars of the Green University which should provide us with a nice draw to bring people in, and with all the violence going on in the towers, some may want a more... permanent posting away from all of that.

Bit of a WIP
To Do
Explain how the Green's are helping us
Explain what training each specialty goes through
Some other stuff idk it's late
« Last Edit: August 08, 2020, 01:24:05 pm by m1895 »

Powder Miner

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Re: Angel Team - Chiaroscuro Arms Race: Design Phase 8
« Reply #376 on: August 08, 2020, 02:19:12 pm »

Lessons from the Horse Wars

Our close cooperation with the officers of the Fortified Frontier has exposed us to a military tradition far greater and more experienced that the paltry one we can lay claim to; though that war might have been far away, the grand war that Lesimor had with the horse nomads of the east, skilled in mobile skirmishing and skilled in devastating wheeling charges, has imparted important lessons upon the Lesimor military which still last today. These Lessons from the Horse Wars have now been imparted onto us, and represent a significant change in our command structure.

Lesson One: From the tone in which this was explained, we get the distinct sense that the Hawk officers were genuinely disgusted by the simplicity of our command structure, but they still worded this as a proper Lesson from the Horse War: when faced with pernicious skirmishing or the chaos of a charge, a singular formation led by only a few officers is potentially going to make or break as a whole. Instead, we were instructed to create a proper chain of command -- Lieutenants, Captains, Majors and Colonels with some intermediate ranks -- and apportion our troops into successively smaller formations under each level of command. Lieutenants command troops, captains command companies, etcetera. In this way, formations have closer junior commanders to operate under in the event of wider chaos, giving them the ability to still function under command, but larger formations can be commanded together by senior officers for wider movements and maneuvers.

Lesson Two: When confronted by charges, the proper option is sometimes to hold position, and sometimes it is not -- and in the current circumstances where we're being charged by infantry and don't have polearms, the latter is often the case. Our senior officers are taught to be able to rotate in formations on the flanks or draw back the center to guard against or envelop charges coming at them, in order to rob the charges of some of their momentum and to punish them from their sides -- the tactical response from the Angel side should become not "either hold or break", but "actively maneuver to fight back".

Lesson Three: Mobile and powerful skirmishers can be a pernicious problem which either whittles away at your troops if you ignore them or causes them to break forward to respond if you do not. The response to this has to exist, but it cannot be piecemeal -- there should be coordinated and clear options to deal with them. In this case, this means integrating our archers and Sunbow Skirmishers with our larger formations led by our senior officers, though keeping them in their own smaller formations with their own junior officers. Our response to skirmishing should be cutting them down with arrows or with our own counter-skirmishers, leaving our heavier infantry free to focus on the rest of the battle.

As a whole, these lessons completely overhaul the way that our army is commanded, giving it the latitude to maintain cohesion within smaller units if the larger formation breaks, but giving it the tactical maneuverability to respond to the powerful charges and vicious skirmishing of the Demonic forces with active counter-maneuver and coordinated responses, not with just standing there and dying or breaking and dying.

Optional to doing it as a design rather than a revision:
In addition to this formation training, some of the Hawks visited our workshops and provided some advice on what we should be producing. In addition to providing us with some examples of the general gear that they use for their soldiers (giving our general armor a modest upgrade in quality and coverage, bringing them back on par with the demonic armor), we were shown the bewildering array of polearms that the Hawks have come to use after their time in the Horse Wars, and our soldiers were given training on how to use them and how to use them in formation. These Pikemen (not entirely an accurate term, as they use a variety of polearms) provide an option for when our formation settles and the charge is imminent, instructed to stab out from between our Shield Minotaurs to wound incoming CHADs or other chargers, and to set their polearms to cover gaps in the barrier when Shield Minotaurs fall.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2020, 03:13:45 pm by Powder Miner »


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Re: Angel Team - Chiaroscuro Arms Race: Design Phase 8
« Reply #377 on: August 08, 2020, 06:01:30 pm »

Spoiler: wip flavor text thing (click to show/hide)
Investigators are in some ways the equal opposites to Shadow Walkers. Gifted with enhanced analytical abilities and information retention(using a spellsong for efficiency), trained by the best investigators we can get our hands on, and given more direct insight to the criminal by the Shadow Walkers themselves; The Investigators legitimately very good detectives, but their main strength is their ability to legitimize info secured by our intel network and piece it together into a greater whole. We technically have 2 different "styles" of Investigators based upon their positions. Embedded Investigators already have jobs as lawmen and have been gifted these enhancements. They simply go about their day not drawing attention to themselves and being very good at their jobs, especially when it benefits us. Unembedded Investigators cannot fully take advantage of the main law enforcement structure wherever they are stationed, but this also means they aren't bound to the daily grind and can focus their efforts where we need them most. Typically they affect an eccentric "Master Detective" behavior to cover any leaps of logic and to get their name as a private Investigator out there. Others act as retainers for friendly nobles, merchants and the like, using their analytical abilities and training to see through lies and treachery. Another side effect of being outside the law is that they can't be nearly as heavily armed or armored as true law enforcement, so most unembedded Investigators use cane swords, or truncheons and shillelagh if they prefer something with more heft, though some have mixed together the Monks martial art with more pragmatic fighting techniques like boxing and wrestling; Their analytical abilities make them surprisingly formidable. Other safety measures include having other Cultists acting as valets and bodyguards (nicknamed "Watsons"). The most valuable service they provide however, is tying all the different ends of our enemy's infiltration together. The local law can't find a connection between The Orange University and the thugs ? Well let's see what our Investigators can find. That Republican Noble is consorting with someone connected to the gangs? They'll all be sent to the gallows. This all wouldn't nearly be as easy if the demons hadn't so entwined their operations with criminals, so we have to thank them for sinking deeper into the shadows, as it makes it so much easier to drag them kicking and screaming into the light.

Still WIP
« Last Edit: August 10, 2020, 12:52:12 pm by m1895 »


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Re: Angel Team - Chiaroscuro Arms Race: Design Phase 8
« Reply #378 on: August 08, 2020, 06:36:43 pm »

Golem Cavalry

While mounted and mobile elements are usually considered an essential part of warfare, the terrain of our war against the Demon is broadly speaking not all that suitable for cavalry - the mountain passes and river deltas provide few flanking routes and are unwieldy terrain for traditional horse-mounted knights and the like. Moreover, against the demonic hordes, traditional mounts would be incredibly vulnerable to both fear-inducing magics and mutagenic alchemy, potentially turning against rider and the army as a whole. These concerns are as much a worry for the Demon army as our own - and thus, if one side were able to gain the use of cavalry while the other did not, the results could be devastating. But what living being would be able to resist those concerns? Well, who said it had to be a living being?

The artificers of the Bright Forge have been hard at work in conjunction with the military workshops to create our new mobile forces. The new units will be golems, artificial beings sculpted of clay or stone into shape, and then animated by the magic of enchantment, with Heliel summoning a spirit into the vessel to control it. The constructs are crafted to the best quality we can manage in numbers, with careful attention to joints and weight distribution for stability and range of motion. While constructs can be any shape - and indeed, some are already laying plans for different golems for different environments - as the baseline unit until we can devote more resources to this avenue, the artificers decided to model them after certain kinds of insects, featuring six legs and the ability to go on four and use the front two to fight once battle is joined.

The role of the golems is essentially to play hammer to the main force's anvil; due to the enchantments on the construct, the golems are deceptively fast for their material and shape, and their unusual shape allows them to work well in rough terrain. They are tough and strong, and a charge into an enemy's flank can be a devastating blow - although they don't work quite as well in a head on charge, admittedly.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2020, 04:21:37 pm by Twinwolf »
Of course, Twin is neither man nor woman but an unholy eldritch abomination like every other Bay12er. The difference is they hide it better.
Quote from: Caellath on IRC
<Caellath>: Twinwolf, your thirst for blood has been noted.


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Re: Angel Team - Chiaroscuro Arms Race: Design Phase 8
« Reply #379 on: August 08, 2020, 09:34:57 pm »

Three ideas I put forward in the discord earlier today. Not gonna fluff any of them super dramatically, but I think we need something to address the widespread qualitative advantage the demonic infantry has over us, and we also need to step up our game as far as intrigue to prevent the demons from gaining too much more headway in places like the Scholarly Towers. Anyway...

Heavenly Martial Arts/Angelic Fist/Way of the Purifying Hand/etc

Inspired by the ability of the Monks of Minos to channel pure Good into their blows, Heliel has devised a system of martial arts to exploit this ability that will be useable by people who actually want to kill evil things. The techniques and principles in this martial art are manyfold, but boil down to the following:
- The acolytes learning the art must cultivate Good within themselves by a variety of means - keeping one's mind aligned with heavenly attributes, acting in ways that create Good, meditation and concentration on the Good within themselves, and other means. The more successful the practitioner is at this stage, the more potent their strikes will become. At higher stages of cultivation, an experienced practitioner should even be able to use Good to enhance their body to supernatural extremes.
- Combat training. One has to know how to fight in order to fight, after all, and channeling elemental Good through one's limbs most effectively requires techniques that may sometimes seem flashy or unorthodox.
- Learning to channel the cultivated Good through their bodies, both to enhance the damage of their strikes against Evil opponents, but also to enhance their bodies to be stronger, faster, tougher, and more resistant to evil magics at a rate proportional to the amount of Good they are able to cultivate.

The end result is a way of combat that will allow the majority of our soldiers to deal more damage in combat and generally perform better - even Acolytes could derive some benefit due to the accumulation of Good within themselves - as well as in the future allowing the creation of devastating clades of monks who have cultivated their inner Good to extreme levels.

Oaths of the Righteous

The advent of the Uruk has forced Heliel's hand - widespread magical augmentation of her forces is now a strong need to counter the magical bombardments of the enemy. To that end, the Angel sang a note of purest Good for eight days and nights, and extracted from it the Oaths. These hallowed promises are a binding geas - to swear one is to cut the freedom of choice away from yourself, for the Oath will prevent you from taking actions against its purview. In recompense, it grants those who swear it great power. In general, there are two variants of each Oath - a lesser version that does not grant as much power, but allows more latitude of action, and a more rigid Greater Oath, which stringently binds its adherents to its tenets in exchange for great strength.

Example Oaths (however many we have access to being a matter of balance):

The Oath of War is the promise of the vigilant soldier who may never rest easy while Evil is still abroad in the land. Those who swear this Oath are bound to either fight Evil or train and prepare to fight Evil with every waking moment. They must slay any Evil creature they see the moment they see it, and are reluctant to retreat save for if they have slain a sufficient number of evildoers. In exchange, the Oath grants increased strength, speed, toughness, and combat capability in the area of their specialty - an archer would become an excellent shot, a swordsman would become vastly more skilled, etc.

The Oath of the Sage compels its adherents to save and preserve knowledge of all kinds - from mundane information to magical secrets, all must be kept from the touch of evil's corruption. They cannot abide untruths or falsehoods, and are urged by the Oath to disprove or remove them from existence. For this service, the Oath grants its followers reams of magical knowledge they would not otherwise possess, and the ability to use these secrets in battle.

The Oath of Compassion forbids its adherents from harming any living thing, for all life is precious for its ability to create Good and must be preserved from Evil. In accordance with that principle, they are compelled to heal any who are injured in their presence, save for those who have sworn themselves to the service of Evil, as that would go against the principles of the Oath. In exchange, those who swear this Oath are granted powers to prevent harm and to heal it - magical shields, increased power of Heliel's Love, etc.

Other Oaths could easily be written in  - the idea is that they're something a large portion of our forces will be able to apply to themselves, to greater or lesser degrees depending on how specialized they need to be. Someone who's not gonna do anything but fight can swear the Greater Oath of War and become a badass on the battlefield, but unable to do anything resembling a civilian life.

Ran out of time, but my third idea was an intrigue hero who was basically Angelic Batman. I'll be able to do a post on them probably tomorrow. For now, these two will undoubtedly require some tweaks.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2020, 09:40:33 pm by Xantalos »
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Re: Angel Team - Chiaroscuro Arms Race: Design Phase 8
« Reply #380 on: August 09, 2020, 03:38:30 pm »

Stone Riders

With all the talk about designing golems for cavalry purposes, a few designers have noted that, whilst the designs put forward would be useful, they'd more fill a role filled similar to that of the demons CHUDS rather than being actual cavalry. Of course, the points about agility due to the rough terrain our forces face are equally valid.

Yet there was always the problem of speed versus agility. Until one designer effectively broke and said 'Fuck Legs!' and proposed a golem that needed no legs to move at all, thereby solving the whole speed issue without suffering too badly from terrain. And with the potential mass and speed of such a golem, the golem itself would make for a potent weapon.

Thus was the 'Stone Riders' idea was conceived. A golem that is magically levitated off the surface of the ground when activated by a trained riders, and build around effectively plowing head-first into an enemy formation using it's momentum and mass to literally smash them to pieces. With the mind of the golem pre-occupied with keeping itself upright and it's movement stable (As well as pre-disposing it to crash headlong into demonic forces), all the rider has to do is effectively guide the golem's movements and ensure it dives in at the right moment.
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Re: Angel Team - Chiaroscuro Arms Race: Design Phase 8
« Reply #381 on: August 10, 2020, 09:13:52 pm »

Sunbow Snipers
The Sunbow is perhaps our greatest invention, packaging the incredible power of a longbow into a relatively low draw shortbow. This has caused some of our Artificers (well one really) to wonder what a longbow so enchanted would be like.
Naturally, the madman actually made one and took it off to the range for testing. After annihilating the target and accidentally setting a meditation Grove on fire he declared it's capabilities "satisfactory", and after getting a minder to keep him on a tight leash, we had him describe the bow for us to replicate.
Coming in at a 210 lbs. Draw weight this new Sunbow (called a Novabow by some learned individuals) is an absolute beast to wield, and with the strengthening of the "force multiplier" enchantment by the increased area to enchant it has a monstrous effect on target. This all without even toggling on the flaming arrows enchantment which has been likewise strengthened to the point where he had to make special fully iron arrows so the shaft wouldn't burn up in flight. The arrows also seem to deform somewhat after penetrating their target, as an example, say a CHAD was hit with one of these arrows. The entry wound would be relatively small and neat and the exit wound would be several times the size (the three URUKS behind him would have large and larger entry and exit wounds, respectively.)
Now after all that you may have gotten the impression that It'd take a special kind of soldier to use such a weapon, and you'd be right. The strength, technique, and endurance needed to use it is far in excess of what even a "normal" Sunbow Skirmisher can bring to bear, but there are still a good few who can wield such a weapon. Naturally the Sunbow Snipers are quite rare, not as rare as say, minotaur, but definitely rarer than the enemy's CHADS and commanders (each Sniper has multiple arrows, so it's not like that matters). Aside from their bow and a quiver of arrows, each Sniper is equipped with our basic infantry armor and a Messer, a cheap and surprisingly effective "sword-sized knife", and a Squire to carry more arrows as well as his own messer giving them a decent edge over stupid fucking crows. Their less physical "equipment" is a minor version of the Investigators Analytics, giving them an edge when picking out commanders and CHADS from the rest of the chuds.
The tactics of Sunbow Snipers are very different from Skirmishers, much more standing around moving seamlessly from acquiring a target to loosing an arrow to acquiring a target to loosing an arrow, almost like the Silver Markswoman in miniature. Now up until the point where they can loose arrows they stay close to the main force (or vanguard) to avoid the wrath of asshole crows. The exceptions to all that are called "Problem Solvers", a smaller detachment of a small detachment, they are placed under the direct command of our mid-high ranked officers, and when the officers have a problem such as "those CHADS are carving through our left flank" or "that URUK is rallying his men" they solve it.

WIP maybe?


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Re: Angel Team - Chiaroscuro Arms Race: Design Phase 8
« Reply #382 on: August 11, 2020, 11:37:10 am »

Shard of the First Song
            A fragment of the birthing cry of the world. An echo of creation’s power.

One night, under a moonlight sky, Heliel sang. A deep memory, older than her and older than the angels themselves. The first song that accompanied the creation of the world. Heliel could only manage a few notes before becoming overwhelmed. The desert sands, bathed silver, trembled at the sound. Sprouting from the sand, a solitary flower blossomed. Life birthed when there was only emptiness. The sand however, continued to rumble, and out came Faalilajnerinllianil, an ancient fragment of the song that created the world.
            Shaped like a shard of amber, it stood 10 meters tall, and around 5 meters at it widest. 7, 3, and 1 were the mouths surrounding it, and within shone a glorious light. It was a Shard of the First Song, responding to the call for aid.
1. LOVE           Its gifts are those of creation and healing, and so it’s song is a vastly stronger version of Heliel’ s Love, healing even the direst of wounds and granting strength where there was once only exhaustion. It floats gracefully over the battle lines, singing its small part of the First Song and strengthen those with good in their hearts.
            It is quite durable, able to withstand numerous blows and heal itself for its own song. It would take a blow of truly immense power or a constant barrage to bring down the Shard for a time but being immortal it will always rise again.
            In shorten, Floating Shard that sings a vastly stronger version of Heliel’s Love.

2. DESTRUCTION         Its gifts are those of destruction, wielding the raw power of nature against those with evil in their hearts. Lightining, wind and rain are all at its command, coming with torrential energy to crush and dismay those who would stand against it. A constant storm cloud surronds and follows it. On the battlefield it has fine enough control to send a downpour on enemy lines, and direct the winds to blow in the foes face. While it doesn’t have enough fine control to direct lightening strikes at enemy commanders, it is able to send bolts in the general direction of large enemies.
            It is quite durable, able to withstand numerous blows, but lacks the incredible regeneration of the LOVE shard. It is still immortal, and is still able to regenerate but it is a more long term process.

Had this idea for a more monsterous creature, just to give the First Warden some competition :P I couldn’t decide between a more offensive or support “build” so I decided to include ideas for both.
Sindari Immortals Play as an immortal being trying to subvert an evil empire of (for now) stronger immortals. On *very* long term hiatus.


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Re: Angel Team - Chiaroscuro Arms Race: Design Phase 8
« Reply #383 on: August 11, 2020, 03:03:28 pm »

Magic Missile in Major Key rework 2: Electric Boogaloo
MMiMK has proven quite problematic to get working, our best Magic Users have been banging their heads against a wall trying to figure out how to change it from "pure" magic to something more efficient and effective at range, so of course a certain... "prodigy" came forward babbling about "shock waves" and "collimated beams" and some other nonsense; However, Heliel seemed to understand what he was saying, meaning it's actually viable it seems(we'd ask Heliel what he was talking about but uh, yeah).
The new and improved MMiMK fires off a sound wave to smash apart the enemy lines, this sound wave also happens to be a "collimated beam" which apparently allows it to maintain coherence over greater distances than before.

Preliminary, need feedback


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Re: Angel Team - Chiaroscuro Arms Race: Design Phase 8
« Reply #384 on: August 12, 2020, 01:54:35 pm »

Created many Wars ago, the Horntaker was a great Angelic champion. An elite warrior with bright red skin and piercing yellow eyes, as strong and tough as 10 men and thrice as fast as any one. He made a name for himself killing great Demonic beasts singlehandedly. Indeed, great amounts of practice has made him significantly more effective against opponents of greater size, and his skills, honed over many Wars, are not to be underestimated.

Over time, the Horntaker fell from the path of the righteous. Not into the clutches of evil, but rather the allure of the fight. Indeed, the Horntaker will not answer the call unless he deems the Angel a worthy leader, and the Demon a worthy foe.

His namesake comes from his weapon of choice. A pair of large horns, taken from a great demonic beast. They were sharpened and enchanted into a pair of vicious blades that seek out weaknesses in the targets body and defenses.

And if any leader is worthy, it is surely Heliel.


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Re: Angel Team - Chiaroscuro Arms Race: Design Phase 8
« Reply #385 on: August 12, 2020, 02:54:06 pm »

Sculpted Warwell
A very different undertaking for the angelic Bright Forge. Where the original project was the enchanting of many relatively large shields, this is the enchanting of a singular massive object.

The Warwell is a massive piece of pottery, 12 meters in diameter and 6 tall with a large lid, and a spout on the front. Every inch of the inside and outside of the Warwell is packed densely with runes and enchantments. Much of this is merely redundant copies of one set of enchantments, and this set of enchantments, and the spirit bound to the clay within, provide the Warwell with its abilities.

The clay fills the Warwell roughly a third of the way. This clay can extend out of the Warwell through carefully designed spouts on the side, allowing it to form six legs which can move quickly and stretch great distances, allowing it to cross gaps, scale walls, and sweep enemy lines.

Then comes the enchantments. The first maintains the spirit of the clay, even should all of its clay be removed. The second produces an endless font of flammable tar that perpetually keeps the Warwell filled to its brim.
The third allows the font itself to resist and insulate from great heat.
And the last lines the inside of the spout, igniting tar at the spirits will as it is comes from the spout.

The Sculpted Warwell is an immense construct made for war, firing balls or spouts of flaming tar at our foes from great or short distances respectively. Its body is well protected from simple arrows, spears, and blades fielded by humans or, most likely, the enemy URUK.
However, Chads with their great strength and hammers will be able to smash holes in the Warwells casing, hence the redundant enchantments. The clay can plug the holes, but leaves less of it for the legs.
Additionally, the legs, being soft clay, can easily be sliced through even though the clay can be easily replaced.

Should this great construct be successful, it could easily lead to further clay forces in the future to bolster our army.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2020, 10:55:54 pm by Failbird105 »


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Re: Angel Team - Chiaroscuro Arms Race: Design Phase 8
« Reply #386 on: August 15, 2020, 12:01:56 am »

Mass Mutation and Extensive Training: Observe, Decide, Act
The Hawks, while not as dissatisfied with our soldier training as our officers, were still pretty disappointed. Given the state of our soldiers compared to URUKS, the officers decided to hammer home the concept of the "Observe, Decide, Act" loop.
While the basic concepts of it have existed since forever as far as anyone can tell, the first to put it on paper was a Swordmaster trying to explain how during a sparring match. He managed to strike a rookie 12 times before they could do anything. The first step is to Observe the enemy, how well equipped are they? How strong is their stance? What attack are they positioning themselves for? Next the soldier Decides what to do, their training, cultural heritage, and natural talent all filter what actions are acceptable. The final step of the loop, is to act and then observe again, have they been wounded? Did they block or parry? Have you separated their foul head from their wretched body? The Swordmaster theorized that different people have different sized loops, and that if one's loop is "smaller" than their opponent's, they'd be able to act first. Thus the sparring was an extreme example of this, with the rookie never able to move past the deciding phase as whatever decisions he could make were swiftly rendered irrelevant. Now obviously, we won't be able to turn every soldier into a miniature copy of that Swordmaster, but with better training and minor blessings to reaction time we can still get inside the enemy's loop.


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Re: Angel Team - Chiaroscuro Arms Race: Design Phase 8
« Reply #387 on: August 15, 2020, 12:19:09 pm »

I'm providing a bit of feedback on proposed Unique designs:

As you know, unique designs are generally easier than mass-producible designs.

The First Warden would be a Normal design. You already have ghosts, making one that can carry equipment is not a huge leap. The specified increased resilience ups the difficulty a little, but Champions are almost impossible to kill anyway.

The Shard of the First Song (Love version) would be an Easy design. Though manifesting a song as a physical entity is a bit strange, it is by no means beyond Heliel's abilities. Given that you already have a lot of experience with Heliel's Love, making a Unique Monster dedicated to its usage is no major challenge.

The Shard of the First Song (Destruction version) would be Normal. The powers involved are more new, but as part of a Unique design would not strain your developmental resources.

I'm not actually clear on what the Horntaker is. Is it a Lesser Angel, or a former human, or what? Does it have any special powers? If it's just a really strong dude with some nifty blades, it'd be Easy.

The Sculpted Warwell is a greater departure from existing techniques, and as such would be Hard.
Long Live United Forenia!

Powder Miner

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Re: Angel Team - Chiaroscuro Arms Race: Design Phase 8
« Reply #388 on: August 15, 2020, 06:14:56 pm »

Quote from: Votivebox
Champion/Unique Monster Designs:
The First Warden: (1) Powder Miner
The Horntaker: (0)
The Sculpted Warwell: (0)
The Shard of the First Song: Love: (0)
The Shard of the First Song: Destruction: (0)

Mass Acolyte Training Camps: (0)
Lessons from the Horse Wars: (0)
Investigators: (1) Powder Miner
Golem Cavalry: (1) Powder Miner
Heavenly Martial Arts: (0)
Oaths of the Righteous: (0)
Stone Riders: (0)
Sunbow Snipers: (0)


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Re: Angel Team - Chiaroscuro Arms Race: Design Phase 8
« Reply #389 on: August 15, 2020, 08:31:15 pm »

Quote from: Votivebox
Champion/Unique Monster Designs:
The First Warden: (2) Powder Miner, Failbird
The Horntaker: (0)
The Sculpted Warwell: (0)
The Shard of the First Song: Love: (0)
The Shard of the First Song: Destruction: (0)

Mass Acolyte Training Camps: (0)
Lessons from the Horse Wars: (0)
Investigators: (2) Powder Miner, Failbird
Golem Cavalry: (2) Powder Miner, Failbird
Heavenly Martial Arts: (0)
Oaths of the Righteous: (0)
Stone Riders: (0)
Sunbow Snipers: (0)
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