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Author Topic: Angel Team - Chiaroscuro Arms Race: Strategy Phase 10  (Read 31732 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Angel Team - Chiaroscuro Arms Race: Strategy Phase 8
« Reply #405 on: October 09, 2020, 02:49:22 am »

Watson is the nickname given to various valets, aides-de-camp, butlers, porters, and even some low-ranking gentlemen such as armigers and hidalgos, who have been trained in the same self-defense arts as our investigators, and with enough additional training to perceive an ambush or otherwise suspicious activity. Their main purpose of course is to act as bodyguards for our Investigators, high society cultists, and well-to-do allies, though of course said allies will present their own servants for training; thus, saving us the manpower for other purposes, and minimizing suspicion since said ally maintains the same servants they always had, rather than randomly replacing them.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Angel Team - Chiaroscuro Arms Race: Strategy Phase 8
« Reply #406 on: December 14, 2020, 03:22:08 pm »

Angel Team: Battle Phase T8
Link to Battle Report

Lesimor Infiltration Report
Our allies in the Fortified Frontier were glad to have our cooperation in this time of strife, requesting extra shipments of Sunbows and more medics. They were not especially interested in our Investigators, though they did send a few squads to follow up on a lead they uncovered, capturing a shipment of Frag being smuggled into the province. Our Investigators are certain that Dove officers were involved in the shipment, but the Hawk soldiers either didn't find or didn't notice any evidence to that effect. Perhaps had they been less distracted by the ongoing rebellion, the Hawks would care more about the demonic threat.
And it is a threat, as all our sources- Bright Shadows, Shadow Walkers, Directors, and Investigators- agree that the Doves are working together more closely with Magoc's followers than before. The chaos in the province probably helped the demonic cause as well, and investing in Frag was no doubt tempting to the greedy Doves. How it happened aside, their partnership gives the Demon access to the Dove's expertise- while they are less concerned with battles, they do know a thing or two about keeping soldiers fed and armed (and how to take a cut for yourself, of course).

The Lawless Capital is a harsh mistress, the Investigator thought to himself as he tracked his target through a sullen slum. I know how to handle a fiery gal though, he mused as he threw a thug into a brick wall.
The dramatic death of the ex-king could've been real bad news. The Monarchists were thrown into disarray by the development, as allegiances shifted even within the faction, and they were all too busy playing politics to mess around with angels. Fortunately, Heliel was there to take the case. With literally supernatural sleuthing skills, much charisma, and finally a very exciting chase sequence ((that I won't describe)), she tracked down the true culprit: a minor noblewoman, not affiliated with any major faction, who was having an affair with the king. A passionate encounter got a little wild with the involvement of a few bottles of Bootlegger's, and the drunken monarch stumbled over a discarded item of clothing- right out the window. So in a way, it was Magoc's fault.
Regardless, the Monarchist faction was thrilled to be presented with this evidence. Internal squabbles were set aside to offer Heliel gratitude, and a number of important Monarchists subsequently pledged their support to the angelic cause.
   We now control a portion of Monarchist leadership. As in the Fortified Frontier, this gives us partial control over the policies and administration of the province. The benefits previously enjoyed (improved political skills) are enhanced, and we can perform infiltration efforts designed to enact policies that favour our cause.
   Of course, to expand our control further will not be easy. We need to ensure the dominance of the Monarchist faction- which in this case requires stabilising Lesimorian politics and rooting out Populist supporters-, and complete our takeover of their leadership.
   But the main issue we face in furthering our control is that to truly control the province, we need to control the eventual monarch. Problem is, anyone who has what it takes to be the king/queen of Lesimor will also have what it takes to resist an awful lot of angelic persuasion. The Monarchists will not accept us placing a puppet on the throne, unless their own desires are fully sublimated by their loyalty to Heliel. So our paths to dominance include either truly convincing a powerful monarch that siding with us is the best thing for Lesimor, or replacing/indoctrinating the majority of the Monarchist faction.
   On the bright side, power in the capital allows us to influence national policy to some degree, not just policy in the capital itself.
   We must also be aware that our control is increasingly tenuous, and could slip if we do not maintain our efforts. It is possible that converts could be lost- exposed, killed, or swayed away-, robbing us of our progress.   

Meanwhile, our regular Investigators dealt with the Demon's more direct efforts. While they were unsurprisingly unable to keep their criminal allies completely suppressed, they were at least able to deal with the most direct threats to our operations, ensuring our safehouses stayed safe this month. Trying to keep track of the Frag trade, however, proved a sisyphean task- for every Frag Den located, a dozen more sprung up, although perhaps sprung up is the wrong phrasing, since they didn't exactly make themselves obvious. They also had to juggle these efforts with their investigation of what the Populists were up to: it seems they are trying to incite widespread protests, and are likely seeking demonic assistance in doing so. Though Heliel's work reduced the people's ire somewhat, there is still an undercurrent of discontent that can be exploited.   

The Green University scholars in the Scholarly Towers were very impressed by Morceau in Major Key, admiring the efficiency and elegance. The efforts of Investigators in helping to root out the criminal elements sabotaging their assets was likewise appreciated, as was the uncovering of corrupt officials who were making the province's situation worse. Now that our influence in the capital is greater, it seems likely that another good month (that is to say, another bad month for the GU) could a number of senior wizards signing on.
Unfortunately, even our Investigators don't know much about what the Obsessive Scholar was up to. His ability to disguise himself is almost flawless, and the Demon's followers are now often negotiating behind closed- magically sealed- doors.

Dolgoth Infiltration Report
It is sometimes hard to identify crime in the Trade City. Deregulators will tell you taxation is theft. The Guilds will tell you that trading without a license is forbidden. Nevertheless, Investigators did their best to track down the true criminals working together with the demon's followers. The chaotic situation made this difficult, but on the other hand it also brought us more Interventionists looking for allies. However, they'd really like to see us turn a profit before signing on.

Our Investigators... did not have much to do in the Ostentatious Capital. Not a lot of crime to be found, and besides, the local watch is suspicious of freelance detectives- it might not be explicitly against the King's wishes, but sometimes it's better to be safe than sorry. Fortunately, we believe that the Demon's followers also had a hard time getting things done under the King's paranoid gaze.

Our Investigators actually found themselves travelling south of the Wartorn Wastes this month, seeking out information that will help our Directors improve their analysis of politics in the Southern Realm. The Peace faction is eagerly awaiting said analysis, which should be complete in the next month or two. Of course, they didn't neglect their demon-hunting duties, although the criminal elements in the province- bandits- are not their forte. While they were able to track down a few bandit groups, and direct friendly soldiers to wipe them out, the vast expanse of ravaged countryside is a lot harder for an individual to comb through than a city.
It is unclear what Magoc's minions are doing in the region, although it is believed that an Uruk Warlord visited for a meeting with several officers from the Victory faction- though it is unclear how close they are to securing full control.

It is now the Design Phase. You have two designs.

Spoiler: Equipment (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Map (click to show/hide)
Long Live United Forenia!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Angel Team - Chiaroscuro Arms Race: Design Phase 8
« Reply #407 on: December 16, 2020, 07:00:38 pm »

Re-proposing this while I work on my idea for an influence hero.

Golem Cavalry, Take 2

Once more, with feeling - the basic principals of the golem cavalry were workable enough, the problem came from the execution. This time, with the notes from the artificers who last attempted, and with a more unified design team, it should hopefully work out.


While mounted and mobile elements are usually considered an essential part of warfare, the terrain of our war against the Demon is broadly speaking not all that suitable for cavalry - the mountain passes and river deltas provide few flanking routes and are unwieldy terrain for traditional horse-mounted knights and the like. Moreover, against the demonic hordes, traditional mounts would be incredibly vulnerable to both fear-inducing magics and mutagenic alchemy, potentially turning against rider and the army as a whole. These concerns are as much a worry for the Demon army as our own - and thus, if one side were able to gain the use of cavalry while the other did not, the results could be devastating. But what living being would be able to resist those concerns? Well, who said it had to be a living being?

The artificers of the Bright Forge have been hard at work in conjunction with the military workshops to create our new mobile forces. The new units will be golems, artificial beings sculpted of clay or stone into shape, and then animated by the magic of enchantment, with Heliel summoning a spirit into the vessel to control it. The constructs are crafted to the best quality we can manage in numbers, with careful attention to joints and weight distribution for stability and range of motion. While constructs can be any shape - and indeed, some are already laying plans for different golems for different environments - as the baseline unit until we can devote more resources to this avenue, the artificers decided to model them after certain kinds of insects, featuring six legs and the ability to go on four and use the front two to fight once battle is joined.

The role of the golems is essentially to play hammer to the main force's anvil; due to the enchantments on the construct, the golems are deceptively fast for their material and shape, and their unusual shape allows them to work well in rough terrain. They are tough and strong, and a charge into an enemy's flank can be a devastating blow - although they don't work quite as well in a head on charge, admittedly.

The Venerated Veteran

Lesimor is a divided, chaotic nation. The complex network of alliances and familial relations and financial ties makes it’s politics a mess. The upper crust is wrapped in a web of deceit and rivalry, and far too busy looking to their backs to see the suffering of those beneath them. It’s a harsh way to live.

The military is largely detached from the politics and hate of the capital, and that has it’s appeal. While not commonly seen by the common man and woman of Lesimor, the military is one of the few things that can be relied on, one of the few things you know is working for the betterment of the nation and the one thing you know will be standing guard against invaders at all times. And of course, every military has its heroes.

During a regular patrol of the Blessed Desert, one of our scouting parties came across a small hut, blasted by sand and well away from any nearby villages. Hermits and monks weren’t uncommon in the desert, but the patrol still wished to investigate. They were welcomed by an elderly man, who offered to let them stay for a time, as the sun was reaching it’s zenith and with it the hottest part of the day. After accepting and exchanging introductions, one of the men - a former Lesimorian soldier - was shocked to realize with whom they were speaking.

The Venerated Veteran was once a leader in Lesimor’s army. In some regards, it was a better time, one where Lesimor wasn’t so divided as it is now. But it was also the time that gave the Fortified Frontier a reason to exist - a time when the nomads were uniting under a single warlord, and eyeing the prosperous and fertile lands of Lesimor with envy. At the time, the military didn’t have so much independence, and the nobility saw no threat from the “savages” to their East until they were burning towns and marching on the Capital.

Enter the Venerated Veteran and his fellows. Inspiring a contingent of volunteers, civilians armed with what little they could find to fight for their homeland led by the tattered remains of the regular army, they led a surgical strike into the center of the enemy lines, where they cut down the great warlord and in doing so cut the head from the snake - as word reached various commanders, each of the warlord’s lieutenants claimed command at the same time. In a single stroke, the unity that made them so dangerous was gone, and the forces of Lesimor began to drive the nomads back to their homeland.

The Venerated Veteran led a successful career after that, ensuring that the military would remain an independent force from the squabbles of the capital, and laying the foundations for what would become the fortified frontier and it’s standing military presence. After that, he quietly retired to the Blessed Desert, living a life of seclusion and privacy.

The patrol spoke with the elderly veteran, telling him of how times had changed in Lesimor and elsewhere, and most importantly of the Demon to the West. He accepted an invitation to visit the Angel’s Village, to speak with Heliel about the world.

The Angel and the Veteran spoke privately, and none of the men know what was discussed. But they do know that the Venerated Veteran offered what services his tired, old body could muster.


The Venerated Veteran may have been known for military accomplishments, but the reason he accomplished them wasn’t something so simple as tactical genius or personal skill with the blade, though he was above average in both in his heyday and he still knows how to defend himself. His greatest strength was his ability to inspire, to present a heroic figure in which the common people and nobility alike could believe in. He may still take to the field, true, and may have some effect - but Heliel’s congregation is not lacking for inspiration. But he may still be put to work elsewhere…

Even so long into his retirement, he remains a charismatic figure, his physical strength traded for the quiet wisdom of age. While his time is a distant memory, he is still something of a folk hero to the citizens of Lesimor. Many men in power had fathers or grandfathers who fought in the Venerated Veteran’s band, to say nothing of the common folk. He is a symbol of the military that protects them, a symbol of order and structure who is known to care for the average man and woman. To the nobility, and in particular the monarchist faction, he would be no less important - he is known not to seek the throne himself, but whoever he throws his support behind will gain a level of legitimacy difficult to match. He is a steady ally, and a bad enemy to make even though he doesn’t engage in the backstabbing duplicity of the court, or perhaps because of it - you know that if he tells you something, he’s being honest, and for good or ill having someone who would rather stab you in the front than the back is a rather large change.

His legend isn’t totally unknown abroad, either - after all, had the nomads not been stopped where they had, who knows how far they’d have gone? He remains charismatic and inspiring even outside of his home nation, and military men have something of a connection no matter whose flag they fight under.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2020, 12:18:59 pm by Twinwolf »
Of course, Twin is neither man nor woman but an unholy eldritch abomination like every other Bay12er. The difference is they hide it better.
Quote from: Caellath on IRC
<Caellath>: Twinwolf, your thirst for blood has been noted.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Angel Team - Chiaroscuro Arms Race: Design Phase 8
« Reply #408 on: December 21, 2020, 09:29:10 pm »

Bringing this back

Mana Crash
Mana Crash is the newest spell in our repertoire for combating the demonic menace. Some may say it is Heliels most brilliant idea yet. We have been assured that the sound she emitted shortly before offering the idea was probably not laughter, and even if it was, it was certainly not maniacal.

Mana Crash is, on the surface, a 'chain lightning' spell. Firing off dangerous bolts of electricity that jump between multiple targets.

The difference is in the more subtle aspects. First of all, Evil is effectively considered a 'conductor' to Mana Crash while Good is a nonconductor, thus meaning the electricity fired seeks out Evil over the ground or metal, and attempts to avoid our own soldiers. While it's still not a good idea to fire it in a group of allies without any enemy for it to target, it's safer to fire into the middle of an ongoing battle.

Secondly, Mana Crash has an interesting property, in that a moment after being fired, it will begin to sap pure Mana from its targets to make more electricity, thus limiting the drop in effectiveness per chain, and allowing it to potentially jump a few extra times.

We expect this spell will be extra deadly against the enemy Casters, but well, all of their forces are now casters to some degree are they not?
« Last Edit: December 21, 2020, 09:48:19 pm by Failbird105 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Angel Team - Chiaroscuro Arms Race: Design Phase 9
« Reply #409 on: December 23, 2020, 07:50:06 pm »

Quote from: Votebox
Venerated Veteran: Xantalos
Mana Clash: Xantalos

On NUKE's suggestion...
Sig! Onol
Quote from: BFEL
Quote from: Toaster
((The Xantalos Die: [1, 1, 1, 6, 6, 6]))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Angel Team - Chiaroscuro Arms Race: Design Phase 9
« Reply #410 on: December 23, 2020, 08:30:59 pm »

Quote from: Votebox
Venerated Veteran: (2) Xantalos, Failbird
Mana Crash: (1) Xantalos,
Golem Cavalry, Take 2: ()
Only putting a vote into the Veteran for now because I'm gonna be honest, I don't know whether I'd like to go with Golems or Mana Crash at this point. Mana Crash would be very effective(and be the first fully original offensive spell, not counting Morceau since it began as practically a magic missile spellsong), but there's something I really want to make that Golems would provide a vital foundation to.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Angel Team - Chiaroscuro Arms Race: Design Phase 9
« Reply #411 on: December 23, 2020, 08:59:05 pm »

Quote from: Votebox
Venerated Veteran: (3) Xantalos, Failbird, Twinwolf
Mana Crash: (1) Xantalos,
Golem Cavalry, Take 2: (1) Twinwolf

Of course, Twin is neither man nor woman but an unholy eldritch abomination like every other Bay12er. The difference is they hide it better.
Quote from: Caellath on IRC
<Caellath>: Twinwolf, your thirst for blood has been noted.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Angel Team - Chiaroscuro Arms Race: Design Phase 9
« Reply #412 on: December 23, 2020, 09:02:56 pm »

Quote from: Votebox
Venerated Veteran: (3) Xantalos, Failbird, Twinwolf
Mana Crash: (1) Xantalos,
Golem Cavalry, Take 2: (2) Twinwolf, Failbird

Powder Miner

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Re: Angel Team - Chiaroscuro Arms Race: Design Phase 9
« Reply #413 on: December 24, 2020, 03:16:00 am »

Quote from: Votebox
Venerated Veteran: (4) Xantalos, Failbird, Twinwolf, Powder Miner
Mana Crash: (1) Xantalos,
Golem Cavalry, Take 2: (3) Twinwolf, Failbird, Powder Miner


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Angel Team - Chiaroscuro Arms Race: Design Phase 9
« Reply #414 on: December 24, 2020, 06:21:54 pm »

Quote from: Votebox
Venerated Veteran: (5) Xantalos, Failbird, Twinwolf, Powder Miner, C2M
Mana Crash: (1) Xantalos,
Golem Cavalry, Take 2: (4) Twinwolf, Failbird, Powder Miner, C2M
Sindari Immortals Play as an immortal being trying to subvert an evil empire of (for now) stronger immortals. On *very* long term hiatus.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Angel Team - Chiaroscuro Arms Race: Design Phase 9
« Reply #415 on: December 31, 2020, 06:04:50 pm »

Angel Team: Design Phase T9
Golem Cavalry, Take 2

Once more, with feeling - the basic principals of the golem cavalry were workable enough, the problem came from the execution. This time, with the notes from the artificers who last attempted, and with a more unified design team, it should hopefully work out.


While mounted and mobile elements are usually considered an essential part of warfare, the terrain of our war against the Demon is broadly speaking not all that suitable for cavalry - the mountain passes and river deltas provide few flanking routes and are unwieldy terrain for traditional horse-mounted knights and the like. Moreover, against the demonic hordes, traditional mounts would be incredibly vulnerable to both fear-inducing magics and mutagenic alchemy, potentially turning against rider and the army as a whole. These concerns are as much a worry for the Demon army as our own - and thus, if one side were able to gain the use of cavalry while the other did not, the results could be devastating. But what living being would be able to resist those concerns? Well, who said it had to be a living being?

The artificers of the Bright Forge have been hard at work in conjunction with the military workshops to create our new mobile forces. The new units will be golems, artificial beings sculpted of clay or stone into shape, and then animated by the magic of enchantment, with Heliel summoning a spirit into the vessel to control it. The constructs are crafted to the best quality we can manage in numbers, with careful attention to joints and weight distribution for stability and range of motion. While constructs can be any shape - and indeed, some are already laying plans for different golems for different environments - as the baseline unit until we can devote more resources to this avenue, the artificers decided to model them after certain kinds of insects, featuring six legs and the ability to go on four and use the front two to fight once battle is joined.

The role of the golems is essentially to play hammer to the main force's anvil; due to the enchantments on the construct, the golems are deceptively fast for their material and shape, and their unusual shape allows them to work well in rough terrain. They are tough and strong, and a charge into an enemy's flank can be a devastating blow - although they don't work quite as well in a head on charge, admittedly.
Golem Cavalry, Take 2: Normal: (3+4)=7: Superior Craftsmanship
Persistence pays off. Only short-sighted demons would abandon a project after a single failure. You've always said this, yet for some reason your cultists still dissuaded you from imparting your ideas for golem-creation to your artificers directly. Well, it all worked out regardless.

With the experience of the prior attempt under their belt, and renewed discipline, your artificers proved their worth. The first fully-operational Golem Cavalry stride forth from the Bright Forge, visually distinctive thanks to the ceramic glaze used, which produces a glossy brown finish. Very art-deco. Each golem consists of several segments (two for each limb, and three for the 'torso'), joined together by magical means- this is both easier to produce than making an entire golem in one go (the kiln needed to fire it would be quite large indeed), and allows for damaged segments to be replaced more easily. Glyphs are etched into the clay before the glaze is applied, which reinforce the enchantments used to animate them, and anchor the controlling spirit.
Said enchantments (and the controlling spirit) are powered with crystals (quartz) embedded into the ceramic, which are- for ease of recharging- exposed, but deeply set and carefully positioned such as to make damaging them a challenging task whilst the golem is operational. Each segment has one crystal in it (of varying size) though power is shared amongst segments, ensuring that one or two crystals breaking will not be crippling. There is another way to disable the golem (without literally smashing it to pieces, which would be challenging even for a very strong opponent)- sufficient damage to the glyphs etched into the clay will disrupt the enchantments. Again, redundancy means it would take considerable effort to do so, but it does mean that even spearmen could eventually chip away at the outer shell enough to bring the golem down.
Perforce, the golems are not as agile as a living being. Their range of motion is limited, and their actions have a certain degree of mechanical predictability. However, clever design of the joints gives them enough flexibility to deal with most situations, and their six limbs give them a high degree of stability. The controlling spirit, though relatively simple, has enough intelligence to be able to switch between several modes of behaviour as the situation demands.
In terms of speed, the Golem Cavarly are significantly faster than infantry, but are unlikely to win a race versus the average horse. A horse with full scale barding and a rider in heavy plate, maybe. Which would be apt, as the golems are also quite heavy, giving them considerable momentum even at low speed. This, combined with their considerable durability, gives them a potent charge that should be able to smash through enemy formations with ease. After making contact, they can either raise their front torso section to batter the enemy with their forelimbs (finesse being mostly unnecessary due to their sheer strength), or retreat- taking advantage of their relatively symmetrical construction to simply move backwards, rather than having to deal with turning around-, ready to charge again.

Golem Cavalry are effective as heavy cavalry, and will provide your forces with a crucial tactical option in future battles. Though weaker versus highly skilled and agile foes, they should excel at smashing unprepared infantry. They will be deployed in small units. Their construction and enchantment involves a non-trivial investment of time and energy, rendering them Uncommon.

The Venerated Veteran

Lesimor is a divided, chaotic nation. The complex network of alliances and familial relations and financial ties makes it’s politics a mess. The upper crust is wrapped in a web of deceit and rivalry, and far too busy looking to their backs to see the suffering of those beneath them. It’s a harsh way to live.

The military is largely detached from the politics and hate of the capital, and that has it’s appeal. While not commonly seen by the common man and woman of Lesimor, the military is one of the few things that can be relied on, one of the few things you know is working for the betterment of the nation and the one thing you know will be standing guard against invaders at all times. And of course, every military has its heroes.

During a regular patrol of the Blessed Desert, one of our scouting parties came across a small hut, blasted by sand and well away from any nearby villages. Hermits and monks weren’t uncommon in the desert, but the patrol still wished to investigate. They were welcomed by an elderly man, who offered to let them stay for a time, as the sun was reaching it’s zenith and with it the hottest part of the day. After accepting and exchanging introductions, one of the men - a former Lesimorian soldier - was shocked to realize with whom they were speaking.

The Venerated Veteran was once a leader in Lesimor’s army. In some regards, it was a better time, one where Lesimor wasn’t so divided as it is now. But it was also the time that gave the Fortified Frontier a reason to exist - a time when the nomads were uniting under a single warlord, and eyeing the prosperous and fertile lands of Lesimor with envy. At the time, the military didn’t have so much independence, and the nobility saw no threat from the “savages” to their East until they were burning towns and marching on the Capital.

Enter the Venerated Veteran and his fellows. Inspiring a contingent of volunteers, civilians armed with what little they could find to fight for their homeland led by the tattered remains of the regular army, they led a surgical strike into the center of the enemy lines, where they cut down the great warlord and in doing so cut the head from the snake - as word reached various commanders, each of the warlord’s lieutenants claimed command at the same time. In a single stroke, the unity that made them so dangerous was gone, and the forces of Lesimor began to drive the nomads back to their homeland.

The Venerated Veteran led a successful career after that, ensuring that the military would remain an independent force from the squabbles of the capital, and laying the foundations for what would become the fortified frontier and it’s standing military presence. After that, he quietly retired to the Blessed Desert, living a life of seclusion and privacy.

The patrol spoke with the elderly veteran, telling him of how times had changed in Lesimor and elsewhere, and most importantly of the Demon to the West. He accepted an invitation to visit the Angel’s Village, to speak with Heliel about the world.

The Angel and the Veteran spoke privately, and none of the men know what was discussed. But they do know that the Venerated Veteran offered what services his tired, old body could muster.


The Venerated Veteran may have been known for military accomplishments, but the reason he accomplished them wasn’t something so simple as tactical genius or personal skill with the blade, though he was above average in both in his heyday and he still knows how to defend himself. His greatest strength was his ability to inspire, to present a heroic figure in which the common people and nobility alike could believe in. He may still take to the field, true, and may have some effect - but Heliel’s congregation is not lacking for inspiration. But he may still be put to work elsewhere…

Even so long into his retirement, he remains a charismatic figure, his physical strength traded for the quiet wisdom of age. While his time is a distant memory, he is still something of a folk hero to the citizens of Lesimor. Many men in power had fathers or grandfathers who fought in the Venerated Veteran’s band, to say nothing of the common folk. He is a symbol of the military that protects them, a symbol of order and structure who is known to care for the average man and woman. To the nobility, and in particular the monarchist faction, he would be no less important - he is known not to seek the throne himself, but whoever he throws his support behind will gain a level of legitimacy difficult to match. He is a steady ally, and a bad enemy to make even though he doesn’t engage in the backstabbing duplicity of the court, or perhaps because of it - you know that if he tells you something, he’s being honest, and for good or ill having someone who would rather stab you in the front than the back is a rather large change.

His legend isn’t totally unknown abroad, either - after all, had the nomads not been stopped where they had, who knows how far they’d have gone? He remains charismatic and inspiring even outside of his home nation, and military men have something of a connection no matter whose flag they fight under.
The Venerated Veteran: Easy: (4+1)+1=6: Above Average
Humans are generally insignificant; weak, petty, oblivious. That's why they need you: without your benevolent assistance, they would fall victim not only to the dastardly demon's dark designs, but also their own fractious natures. However, once in a while, a human shows up who is a cut above. Just as human as all the rest, yet somehow capable of great feats the likes of which could almost rival your own (if you were feeling off that day). The Venerated Veteran may not be quite at the peak of mortal ability, but he is certainly an impressive character with great strength of will, and charisma to match. It's a good thing he is a Good person, actually- a few folks like him on the side of Evil could really throw a spanner in the works.
Oh well. It's fine. It's probably fine!

To say that the Venerated Veteran was getting on in years would be an understatement. Had you met him a year or two later, he may have been known as the Expired Expert. Fortunate, then, that you recently developed magic capable of reversing aging. With your personal touch, you are able to return several decades worth of youth to the Centennial Centurion- with the result that he still looks very old, but is actually relatively fit, and certainly capable of travelling the world in your service. And if he should meet anyone capable of simple arithmetic who questions his apparent age, he can spin a tale of the blessings of the Blessed Desert granting him additional years- a tale that may not be entirely untrue.
Anyway, the Veteran is ready and willing to spread the Good word in your name. It is worth noting that other than his unnaturally restored youth, he remains essentially human. This has both its advantages and disadvantages. His abilities are not augmented with supernatural powers, meaning his charisma and inspirational presence are not as powerful as they could be. On the other hand, this also means he is not branded as one of your servants, eliminating the risk of being detected as an eldritch agent. His celebrity status likewise comes with ups and downs. To be effective, he usually needs to make his presence known, meaning he will almost always be exposed to the potential for reprisal. However, mortal authorities will be very hesitant to openly act against such a well-loved figure (even the King of Dolgoth would not want to cause a diplomatic incident by killing a Lesimorian hero), and his fame will allow him to travel accompanied by a bodyguard at all times, protecting him from demonic assassins.

When deployed in an infiltration role, the Venerated Veteran will both muster popular support, and seek audience with influential figures. His sway with the masses can be used to subtly steer the population towards Good, and can also be used offensively by condemning the enemy's actions, turning the populace against them. He can persuade the rich and powerful to support angelic causes or drop their support for demonic ones, and also bolster the career of figures already under your control by publicly endorsing them.
In combat, he will augment your officer corps as a capable commander, specialising in bold strokes- he is better at breaking through enemy lines than holding his ground, though his inspirational presence will help with both.

The Venerated Veteran is obviously Unique.

It is now the Revision Phase. You have two revisions.

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Long Live United Forenia!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Angel Team - Chiaroscuro Arms Race: Revision Phase 9
« Reply #416 on: January 01, 2021, 08:22:48 am »

Antiphon of Apathy

A modified version of the refrain of regret, the Antiphon of Apathy has split the original spellsong in two opposing refrains, performed by 2 seperate groups. Whereas the refrain of Regret would compell everyone who heard it to sign it, and then destroy itself through it's draining effect, the Antiphon of Apathy has a more nuanced effect.

Refrain A (the initiators) sing a refrain strongly remniscent of the Song of Soothing, and a very strong compulsion for everyone who hears it to sign refrain B.
Refrain B (the response) sing a refrain with a far stronger draining effect, and a fairly weak compulsion for everyone who hear it to sign refrain A.

When exposed to a group of unprepared demonic evildoers, Refrain A will compel all of them to sing their own response, draining them. This massive group B will then compel a few of those who resisted or failed to heard the original refrain to start singing refrain A, which will in turn further extend and propagate the song.
Due to Refrain A's similarity to the SOng of Soothing (which our forces should be singing anyway), our own forces should be minimally affected as they would naturally slot into Group A.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Angel Team - Chiaroscuro Arms Race: Revision Phase 9
« Reply #417 on: January 05, 2021, 04:09:09 am »

Oh well, to get things going, let me make a votebox.

Golem Dragoon

The Golem horse is a tireless, patient mover. With the addition of some removable handholds and attachment points in it's structure, an army on the move can load a significant part of it's supplies and personnel onto the golem. This allows parts of the force to rest while the force is on the march, letting the entire army maintain a significantly higher pace than would ordinarily be possible. By switching out the part of the force  that is carried intermittently, we ensure that our forces remain fresh and aware while outmaneuvering our enemies.

In the event of battle, mounted force dismount, allowing the Golems full freedom to charge, and letting our normal armies use their conventional tactics.

Quote from: Votebox
Antiphon of Apathy : 10ebbor10(1)
Golem Dragoons :10ebbor10(1)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Angel Team - Chiaroscuro Arms Race: Revision Phase 9
« Reply #418 on: January 07, 2021, 03:17:22 am »

Spoiler: no peeking! (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: January 07, 2021, 03:19:15 am by m1895 »

Atomic Chicken

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Angel Team - Chiaroscuro Arms Race: Revision Phase 9
« Reply #419 on: January 08, 2021, 10:26:19 am »

A palm-sized earthenware disc inlaid with flowing glyphs along its periphery, similar in composition to the artifice adorning a Sunbow. When the enchantment is active, it imbues the power of light into objects in contact with the dorsal surface of the disc, causing them to heat up. Unlike the Sunbow, the enchantment incorporates some means by which the user can limit the output to a rate of their choosing.

These devices are produced for the purpose of commercialisation, being marketed as cooking implements to our contacts in the Trade City.

Heliel's False Gift II
The major flaw of Heliel's False Gift, that of its overly abrupt disintegration, is clearly the result of an oversight by the spell composer. A review by our Green University colleagues confirms that some additional power and a rework of the spell's terminal phase is all that is needed to extend the duration over which the Gift unravels from minutes to one additional week, resulting in a gradual and significantly less torturous reversal of its effects, as well as more time for the spell to be reapplied before deteriorating completely.
As mentioned in the previous turn, the most exciting field of battle this year will be in the Arstotzkan capitol, with plenty of close-quarter fighting and siege warfare.  Arstotzka, accordingly, spent their design phase developing a high-altitude tactical bomber. 
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