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Author Topic: Oldlands: Age of Dwarves  (Read 34291 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Oldlands: Age of Strife
« Reply #315 on: November 02, 2020, 10:46:58 am »

I'm pretty sure we'd prefer posts just confirming that you haven't forgotten this to only posting when you have a full update, but I understand.
I hope you get some time soon!
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Oldlands: Age of Strife
« Reply #316 on: February 26, 2021, 12:35:35 am »

The Giants proved surprisingly adept with explosives, ever since they got their grubby hands on the Antling explosive formula, and the Antlings knew like no other that repercussions would soon be felt by everyone. As of 124, the Giant bastions proved too tough a nut to crack. The Antlings would do well to coordinate better with Runataran command, but the humans were unable to muster enough offensive strength. Until now.

During the winter leading up to year 124, merchant princes of Runatar leveraged their wealth to bring off-site mercenaries into the war, and now, as spring in the Oldlands turned into a short summer, they struck back on both fronts. Bitter fighting in the western city saw Goblins draw heavily on reserves to hold on to their hard-won city, and the Giant artillery in the east was captured by a combined strike from Antling skirmishers, Human regulars and a mercenary company led by one Lethril Longbeard.

Sodel, much like the humans, had his resources stretched thin by this point. The winter saw him furiously mobilizing his factories to increase automaton production, but his covert recruiters failed to draw any more supporters to his side. The three Dwarven factions had now been established as enemies most bitter, to the point where they would rather consider negotiating with Goblins than with each other. (Not that any negotiation had taken place so far since the fiasco that started the Age of Strife.)

Summer sorties were moderately successful. The railway was firmly under Sodel's control, and large portions of New Tursong ended up cut off from the heartlands (heartcaves?). But he could only bring so much force to hold this territory, as he needed workers to man the factories and greenhouses. Still, if he could control the mines for long enough, this would double automaton production.

Idodur failed to respond substantially to the threat from the west, and their only success this year was the taking of Ineth Nil. As the ancient forge-city changed ownership, Theliiri refugees trickled back into better-fortified areas, grim and desperate.

The war raged on.


The year 125 afforded no further victories to any side as all belligerents became increasingly entrenched in their territory. When numbers of combatants dwindled and so did supplies, the war became a series of minor skirmishes along with border blockades. Still, this was no true end to hostilities.

Speaking of supplies, the food situation wasn't looking too good as of 126. Ranking by production/trade volume:
  • Imports from Bok-Anlar in the west: surface routes all blockaded by Goblins, trade still possible by rail (under Sodel's control).
  • Sodel's enhanced farms: backed with the power of !!Science!!, high yield, high diversity, but surface farms were lost.
  • Runataran greenhouses: stable, moderate yield despite the bad climate.
  • Human-Antling trade across the mountains: stifled by raids, provides for humans but some falls into Giants' hands.
  • Trade with Eastern Kingdoms: much like the Hive trade, this is threatened by raids.
  • Idodur's rat weed farms: low yield, but thankfully, very large amount stockpiled.
As is plainly obvious, Eco faction was the most disadvantaged here, with no fertile land and a lot of mouths to feed. Their rebellion was going to starve unless they could find a way to end things quickly, or find an ally to provide for them.

Goblins were also disadvantaged in the sense that Azstrog's generals would have to make do with what forces were already in Oldlands. It's true that Goblins don't eat much, but trolls and beak dogs do, and the lack of provisions was what prevented him bringing any additional armies. Logistics in permanent winter and all that. The Goblins went on the defensive, fortifying the captured city and turning it into the fortress Snebgo'gur, "Black Frost".
Spoiler: Map by end of 125 (click to show/hide)
This conflict could possibly drag forever, but given this is Oldlands, there's always something at play that's going to destabilize it and destroy the status quo. It starts with food shortages, but it won't be the food shortages that end it.

My apologies for the long delay.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2021, 12:38:53 am by Murphy »


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Re: Oldlands: Age of Strife
« Reply #317 on: February 26, 2021, 04:34:52 am »

Tenuous firelight from the torch spilled into the wet cave, showing the faces of Gloomf's companions. Ngerxung the goblin witch, and Triton warriors, the finest of her brood. Haol the Sword, Gellis the Hammer, Ryvlac the Axe. The party counted six originally, but Mesmero the Glaive fell when a horde of scorpion-like bugs and flying maggots descended upon them in the ruins, a forgotten beast towering behind them. The beast clearly had some power over arthropods as every gesture of one of its eight arms caused another critter to burst forth from the tunnels.

The adventurers fought valiantly, and the chitinous tide eventually choked and dispersed, its menacing mastermind vanishing into the darkness to lurk again. Their only trophy was a tiny inscribed athame pilfered from an altar, evidently once used in rituals of the sort that pierces veils between worlds, or likewise seals them. To Gloomf, though, it was just a trinket. What she needed was gold.

Now, following the directions deciphered from stone scriptures, they reached a marshy, mist-filled landscape across a series of grottos in the bowels of the earth. The landscape evoked an odd sense of familiarity, yet it would be a mistake to think of it like the friendly swamps she'd gotten accustomed to on the surface. So easy to get lost.

"By the Creator's spanner! This place is enormous!"
Frustrated, Gloomf poked her walking stick at a patch of glowing moss on the wall.

"A demon swamp", her Goblin companion muttered. "I can't sense anything when wading through water like this. Let's find some solid ground, eh?"
"Sadly, no. We already saw a few nuggets. The gold vein must resurface somewhere nearby... What I did not expect is a whole ecosystem."
Ngerxung just snorted.
"Can't wait to find it so we can be done with this prospecting stink."
"Stink sounds more like it."

At last, after what seemed like eternity, they reached a second ruin, rising out of the mist on a solid rock foundation. It was much larger than the first—in fact, it could rival the largest of surface cities. Empty streets winded down, lit by faded crystal lamps and patches of luminescent moss growing in erratic patterns here and there.

"I don't like it, Mistress", Haol's whispering voice came from a few steps ahead as he abruptly stopped. "We will be very exposed there, and look at the ssssize of these doorways—what if these behemoths still live? Or worse, what if they're undead?"
"They just might be." That was Ngerxung; the goblin was tapping her foot on the ground, calling upon her earth sense. "This place is a giant crypt, though most of it is sealed."
"...Any gold within?"
"Yes and no. The furnishings are all stone. But there is a vein of native gold down under the crypts. Seems they never bothered excavating it."
"Then it is decided", Gloomf said. "It may not be easy, but we need that gold. Yantar'Eryovl's survival depends on it. Find us a way that bypasses as much of the necropolis as possible, and let's strike the earth."
« Last Edit: February 26, 2021, 04:49:46 am by Murphy »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Oldlands: Age of Strife
« Reply #318 on: February 26, 2021, 12:28:24 pm »

So excited to see this is back! Such a fascinating chronicle.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Oldlands: Age of Strife
« Reply #319 on: February 26, 2021, 04:44:58 pm »

Thanks for the patience. I've been meaning to return to this for a long time.
Stay tuned for the next choice to make.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Oldlands: Age of Strife
« Reply #320 on: February 26, 2021, 08:01:54 pm »

Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Oldlands: Age of Strife
« Reply #321 on: February 26, 2021, 08:47:29 pm »

As the calendar turned to year 126, after a long siege Sodel Endokineth's forces finished mopping up the resistance in former New Tursong region and broke into the vault, only to find it empty. The eldritch shield Rërithduthnur, "Chaosguard", obtained in 66 during the Draconic Age, was missing along with a large hoard of treasure and a wealth of military supplies. Perhaps the loyalists evacuated the vault prior to the siege?

Still, Sodel's realm was now unquestionably the most powerful of the three splinter states. And even then, he was also working on new weapons that should eventually help him rid the Oldlands of Giants and Goblins and serve as deterrent against Runatar. The Oldlands were his. For science.


The observatory at the top of the mountain served as anchor point and dock for the Blue Urist, a dirigible in Idodur's employ. Secret tunnels connected the building to the lower mines, through which goods were being smuggled into the city as the dirigible made supply runs to Eastern Kingdoms: the only trade link to the outside world.

However, twice now the shipment had been intercepted in the tunnels by rebels of the Eco faction. The dwarven council responded by stationing Captain Aril's squad at the observatory. Aril was a distinguished veteran, a dwarf with more than 40 years of fighting experience, and one of Idodur's finest.

Now he stood by the parapet, gazing into the snowstorm. He wondered about his first battle, back when the Giants attacked the then-united dwarven nation. He had been a warrior since, and a monster hunter, even led the guild for a while. Now with the civil war in full swing, was he supposed to fight his fellow dwarves? When exactly did everything go to bits like this?

Aril's thoughts were interrupted by a distant speck of flame; though the snowstorm had no intention of dying down, he still fished a folding telescope out of his backpack and cast a searching look towards the east, hoping to see beyond the white haze. Another attack by the giants? But no, the fire was in the sky, way above the horizon. Could it be?...

Yes, it was the Blue Urist. The dirigible shone in the sky like a blazing torch, its lifting gas seeping out only to get ignited by the raging inferno. Imagination drew before Aril the tiny figures running about the deck, trying in vain to fight the fire or escape the unforgiving height. "Damn it!" He dashed downstairs, shouting for his lieutenants. "Gather the men! If there are any survivors, they won't stand a chance in the storm without us finding them."


Survivors were few. Aril's militiadwarves managed to only find four of them, all with various burns and also suffering from frostbite. Five more were found dead in the snow and a dozen were still missing; yet a large portion of the cargo had been recovered intact, even if not without a skirmish against a Giant raiding party. Aril wasn't sure whether the Giants were to blame for the fire or just happened nearby and took the opportunity to loot some stuff.

"How to succeed and yet fail." A grim thought. No more reason to man the observatory now. And Idodur was losing the war anyway. Rebel forces were about to retake Ineth Nil. Sodel's automatons controlled everything to the west.
Spoiler: Map by end of 126 (click to show/hide)
A week later Aril went missing; those who knew him saw him packing up like he did in his monster-hunting days, for an expedition to... where? Nobody could say. Desertion of duty... No doubt, if he ever returned, he'd be walking right into a court martial—assuming there would be anyone left to judge him.


So, our dear Dr.Endokineth is working on a weapon of mass destruction, intending to use it to deal with Goblins and Giants once Idodur is defeated.
The weapon works by summoning a cataclysm right on top of the enemy capital.
We've seen two cataclysms so far: the toxic terror of 55, and Summer's End in 71.

What flavor should Sodel's weapon use? Make a choice:
  • Tectonic weapon. Causes earthquakes all over the place, walls crumble, tunnels collapse. A new chasm opens across the landscape, and there is magma. Lots of magma. Lots of collateral damage, too.
  • Dimensional weapon. Rips the fabric of space, creating enormous destructive shockwaves that no physical barrier can withstand. Severe portal storms likely as medium-term aftermath. Might see some new fauna from the worlds beyond.
  • Negative energy weapon. Kills living creatures by disrupting their life force. Automatons and such are unaffected. Residual effects will cause the Oldlands to be forever plagued by undead from now on. Whoops.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2021, 11:00:16 pm by Murphy »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Oldlands: Age of Strife
« Reply #322 on: February 26, 2021, 11:36:18 pm »

Dimensional weapon!
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.

King Zultan

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Oldlands: Age of Strife
« Reply #323 on: February 27, 2021, 05:51:41 am »

Dimensional Weapon
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Oldlands: Age of Strife
« Reply #324 on: February 27, 2021, 08:06:38 am »

Dimensional Weapon


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Re: Oldlands: Age of Strife
« Reply #325 on: February 27, 2021, 09:33:39 am »

Dimensional weapon


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Oldlands: Age of Strife
« Reply #326 on: March 06, 2021, 12:48:10 am »

Dimensional weapon it is. Note that this will take a little while to set in motion.

In the spring of 127, the dwarves abandoned their observatory on the surface, sealing the passage against possible incursion.
War on the surface continued in the meantime. Antling scouts dug a tunnel from near the lake into the Giant fortress, setting stage for a rapid, vengeful strike against their foe. Blood and ichor covered the walls in the eastern underground as heavy fighting ensued, but by the late spring, Antlings took control of the caves between two Giant fortresses, effectively cutting them off from each other. The Giants were now facing defeat in detail.

In the summer of 127, the Goblin army prepared for a new campaign against the humans of Runatar.
Azstrog intended to starve the humans out, outlasting them through the Goblins' ability to survive on very little. However, for that to happen, he needed to remove the humans' source of food, which meant he needed to take Central City. Unable to overpower its defenses directly, he turned to subterfuge. A squad of saboteurs was dispatched to cross the Crater Lake during the night and destroy the local greenhouses. The operation was a success, and most of the subsequent summer was spent with Central City under siege, ultimately resulting in humans' retreat. Still, Runatar was far from defeated.

In the autumn of 127, the Dwarven civil war was starting to die down as all three sides were stretched way too thin for serious warfare.
Sodel turned from pushing farther east to solidifying his power in the caves he already controlled.
Ratling workers moved into the old mushroom farms, claiming them in an attempt to secure a food source.
Once again losing control of Ineth Nil and then some more western caves, Idodur's council, faced with no prospects in its current situation, called for ceasefire and sent envoys to both of its opponents in an attempt to establish terms of peace.

Sodel's terms were none other than control of the whole nation; he would leave each city with a great deal of autonomy as long as he be able to levy workforce and decide on external politics. Moderately sympathetic to the Eco-faction's plight, Sodel claimed ability to deal with the pollution problem. He also pointed out that only united under his rule would Dwarves stand a chance against the growing external threats.

As winter entombed Oldlands, the ceasefire persisted.


"To esteemed Dether Dubmithtetha, Head Patrician of Runataran Republic:
The requested shipment of twelve water tanks is on its way. Expect arrival before the end of winter. Rendesvous point R-14, ensure maximum security due to increased activity of Giant raiders in the mountains nearby. An engineering brigade will be escorting your cargo."

Dether made a note by R-14 on his map and tossed the letter into the fireplace. He couldn't resist a grin. Finally, the project bore fruit! He normally entrusted the details of such matters to his Marshal, but this was too important (and too secret) to handle in any other way but personally.

As mentioned before, Runataran engineers recently built the first combustion engine, more powerful than electric motors and steam machines favored by the Dwarves. The engine powered a new armored vehicle, something akin to a "land battleship" on steel tracks. Every effort was made to keep these a secret, so on paper they came under the guise of "water tanks". Though only suitable for aboveground warfare, with the help of these "tanks" Runatar would be rid of Goblin barbarians once and for all.

His spies had recently informed him that the dwarves were working on some kind of superweapon as well. Troubling.
Spoiler: Map by end of 127 (click to show/hide)

The Tritons were aware of things going on outside Yantar'Eryovl, but stayed uninvolved as per their Queen's standing orders. So far the psychic wards kept the water city free from outside attention, but they wouldn't shield it from collateral damage should the war escalate into a more destructive form. Knowing that, the Regents of the city had been busy fortifying, but also building up for inevitable subsequent conflict, and they also identified their most likely ally: the Hive.

Why the Hive? The Antlings were a collectivist society much like the Tritons, insular but open to the idea of trade, and they had shown themselves the least prejudiced against other species. It was decided that a disguised emissary should be sent to establish contact in secret, with the primary goal of gaining more intel on the surface and acquiring some key commodities that would be useful for Yantar'Eryovl's security.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2021, 02:23:24 am by Murphy »


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Re: Oldlands: Age of Strife
« Reply #327 on: July 26, 2021, 09:47:36 pm »

After a long hiatus with other projects, I am revisiting Oldlands. The story yearns to be told, so let's continue for now.

Year: 129, early spring.
Location: Runatar, central city under siege.

Crack! The broken furniture blocking the way came apart easily with a few swings of Nish's axe. The two dwarves entered the abandoned apartment, taking care to shift the rubble behind themselves to conceal any sign of their entry. Here they would hide out for a few days until the fighting outside died down, then they should escape the district, make their way to the river and find a way to cross it to get to safety. Nish had no doubt that in one more week, this place would be crawling with goblins. He only hoped that whoever was in charge of the Dwarven border would have the sense to seal it off.

Just a month ago, Nish and Kib Zuntîrkulet were traders, an elderly couple carrying warm clothing and fine steel tools from the Dwarven nation to Runatar. But as the fighting so unexpectedly shifted deep into the Central city itself, they not only lost their mules and cargo, but barely escaped with their own lives. Now they were stuck in the besieged streets, among the rubble, barricades, destroyed houses and constant thunder of artillery.

"I'll take the first watch", Kib suggested. "Let's search the place first, though." Nish just nodded; he was so tired he couldn't care less than to sleep on the floor. Here was only slightly warmer than the outside.

"Hm. Shame about the broken chimney, but smoke would attract attention at any rate", Kib said as she surveyed upstairs. A former army quartermaster, she had a practical mindset. "There's another barricaded room, I think it was a bedroom. A couple blankets would go a long way."

As Nish moved to join her in taking apart the barricade, she suddenly froze with a hand raised in caution. "That room is not empty."
Who was it? Perhaps the owners of this apartment were still around? Another refugee? Or... a sniper nest? The upper floor offered view of parts of the city, and the goblins did have sharpshooter rifles, as the dwarves had the displeasure to learn while navigating the old trench network.

"Don't kill me!" came a half-shout from the room. "I'm unarmed."
Kib scowled. They only had Nish's axe, and her own two-shot handgun. Still, best put your best foot forward.
"Come out with your hands where we can see them!"
She thought she had recognized the coarse accent. True enough, a lanky goblin in torn uniform stumbled out of the doorway. Nish cursed under his breath.


The goblin gave his name as Zolak. He was a deserter, one of many that witnessed the fury of the new Runataran weapon. His right leg was set with makeshift splints, and he reluctantly told them he'd been hiding out here for two days. Still a long way to recovery, but he would need both legs to escape.
"New weapon?" Nish didn't move his hand from his axe, which made Zolak all the more nervous.
"Something like the old siege engines, only with guns and armor plating. How they move these things is beyond me, but they are deadly."
"You're making things up. How have I not heard of it?"
"I don't know! It's something they had in store for us. Rolled right over us in the trenches, terrifying as hell!"
So the tables had unexpectedly turned. But even if true, Nish did not expect the fighting was about to end quickly. And this goblin... would be nothing but trouble.
He pulled Kib aside. "Shouldn't we off him? He's an enemy."
"We're not fighting this war here, Nish."
"Have you forgotten our lost goods? We're broke, and all because of these bastards."
"No, it's because we took a risk carrying those into a warzone. And it's just a small setback as long as we make it out alive."
"And if he slits your throat while you sleep?"
"We'll have to keep an eye on him." Kib sighed, not enjoying the idea. But she was not about to murder someone in cold blood. Not even a goblin. Not anymore.


The war underground was over now. Ecos were the first to be swayed to Sodel's side, and then the council had no choice but to submit as well. Despite lingering resentment, weapons were laid down for now, and underground tunnel-based trade with the west had reopened using modernized electric trains. As promised, the dwarven cities, including Idodur, would be allowed to self-govern.

Still cautious of the goblins, the new Sovereign Ruler of All Dwarvenkind (he didn't actually name himself that) ordered to fortify every entrance to his new domain, all the while experimenting with extradimensional energy in his newest lab. Soon he would be able to revolutionize warfare, and then end it forever.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2021, 10:34:46 pm by Murphy »


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Re: Oldlands: Age of Strife
« Reply #328 on: July 26, 2021, 10:33:40 pm »

Portals sound !!fun!! They totally won’t result in people getting stuck in cave walls or something :)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Oldlands: Age of Strife
« Reply #329 on: July 27, 2021, 09:02:32 pm »

At long last, they were here.

Gloomf finished the incantation that would ward the dig site for the time being, and the three warriors bit into stone with their picks and shovels. Ngerxung stepped forward, using her powers to part the vein to the very heart and lay bare the wealth of gold, possibly last unmined gold in Oldlands.

"Correction: we're not in Oldlands anymore." This was a place beyond, not part of Maar's creation but merely connected to it. The Triton queen knew this almost instinctively, one of millions of memories imparted on the day she entered the Cave of Fate.

As Ngerxung's spell completed, some faint rumble rolled through these forgotten tunnels, causing Gloomf to start.
"Hmm. I sense a presence."
"Let me guess, it doesn't want us here?" the Goblin smirked.
"Oh no, it very much does. Keep working, we only have so long."

She was starting to understand why the ancient giants left this vein untouched. And yet, there was no turning back now.


The first guardian-creature attacked an hour later. Without warning, an ordinary-looking rock just sort of fell off a wall, molding into a three-legged shape with jagged spikes. Ryvlac turned instantly, burying his pick in the creature's side and leaving a visible crack; this did not stop the demon and it slammed the Triton against a wall, knocking the breath out of him. Ngerxung stepped up next, her wild gesture bringing a pillar of earth from under the creature to knock it into the ceiling. As the monster crumbled into pieces, another emerged from the shadows, taking form just as it moved.

"It's a spirit!" Gloomf shouted. "It possesses the stone to make a body for itself. It can do so repeatedly!"
"How do we beat it?" Ryvlac was already standing up, pick in hand even as blood trickled down his scales.
"My ward should trap it if destroyed within the circle. Then it can't reanimate."
"That's great, but we'll need to head back eventually. How do we defend ourselves on the move?"
"One thing at a time... Just try not to die, we don't want a real body for them to possess."

As their work continued, they were attacked several more times; Ngerxung's powers made short work of the creatures' stony bodies, and Gloomf was able to heal any wounds sustained by her brethren. Still, she urged them to continue, until all of the group's travel bags became heavy, laden with gold nuggets. Now it was time to return; Gloomf had hoped Yantar'Eryovl was able to fend for itself in her brief absence.
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