I'll second the big things others have already repeatedly said: greatly reduced to negative response to rain/snow (maybe give immunity with hoods and cloaks?); cap out the effect of repeated exposures in the case of cleaning up goblin corpses... maybe even add a positive effect for seeing enemy corpses if the dwarf has the right personality; less micromanagement of emotional needs through more automation of dwarf's seeking their own needs; limiting factors that balance out the downward spiral of PTSD and dwelling on negative memories and developing negative personality traits.
This falls under automation, but it was really bothering me in a recent game, so I'll emphasize it further... in the previous version where dwarfs regularly held parties when given sufficient free time, it was straightforward for the dwarves to form friendships and relationships. In this version, I've seen multiple dwarves that only have "passing acquaintances", no friends, no lovers. I make sure they have wide swathes of time open... and they read books okay and pray/meditate and even "socialize" at taverns, but they never actually form friendships. It seems like something about the new tavern system screwed up the socialization mechanic and/or the meeting hall mechanic so that dwarf don't properly form relationships. I've seen some speculation that the radius at which socialization happens means that too large taverns/temples/libraries cause dwarves to never actually socialize. The wiki recommends burrowing dwarves together to force relationships if the player needs babies (for instance in the case of dead civs). Whatever the mechanism, it needs to be changed to allow more friendships to occur more easily. Also, even if the dwarf has friends/family, they never seem to proactively seek out interaction. I had a dwarf that had a wife and three kids (came with him in the migration wave) and plenty of free time with worsening negative thoughts from never seeing friends and negative thoughts from never seeing family.
So make dwarfs seek out friends (and family) to socialize with during their "No Job" times and make them automatically do so if their need is bad enough. Maybe even bring back the old party system and allow dwarfs to organize parties.