Looks like we have our first absence.
October 31, 1:30 PMThe weather is clear.The town hall as been burned up with super heated plasma, people would care if the world hadn't ended.Yoink didn't post so random action.I will make it my personal quest to find water to drink. Search for an intergalactic kraken so it can grant me wisdom in my journey!
(Finding the intergalactic kraken = 5) You spend a few minutes looking around and somehow you manage to find the Intergalactic Kraken inside a library that wasn't that far from where you started.
(Getting the wisdom = 3) It says it'll give you the wisdom you seek, only if you bring it some candy.
Drive my new lime green hatchback towards the city with the green power ranger commanding the animals
(1) As you begin to drive out of the town you run over a glass bottle, and blow a tire.
Start climbing out
(4) It takes several minutes but you manage to carefully move everything that blocks your path and crawl out of the ruin.
(3) You open GATES OF HELL HAUNTED HOUSE V.3.0: 2 HELL 4 YOU with lots of spotlights and music, and only one guy shows up and signs your paper, not really what you were expecting but its better than nothing.
Right, now that the hunt is on, it is time for me to start on my quest! go forth and search for the legendary candy that grants me magical powers!
(4) After searching for several minutes you finally manage to find some candy, in a bowl on someone's porch with a little sign Happy Halloween next to it.
Find a back pack to carry stuff, if cannot find backpack. Search for weapons
(Finding a backpack = 1) You search the entire house but find no backpack.
(Finding a weapon = 4) But you do find somethings you can use as weapons like a metal pipe, a knife, and a 9mm handgun with ammo.
"Well, an unauthorized demonic document. Got to maintain our copyright on those."
Seal myself against having my soul taken, then go track down whoever made an unauthorized contract.
(Anti-soul stealing magic = 6) You magic so well that you couldn't lose your soul even if you wanted to.
(Finding unauthorized contract author = 2) Then you look and look but you can't find the guy that made that contract, you know he's out there but your not finding him.
Wave as Angelo/Diablo leave, then keep looking for my toothbrush.
(4) You wave as Angelo/Diablo leaves, then you go about digging through the pile of dead opossums until you finally find the toothbrush, then you shake the bits of dead opossum off so you can use it.
Stomp automobiles and pedestrians as I move to the town hall.
"Breath" some of my 666 degree Celsius plasma at the town hall building.
(Stomping automobiles = 4) You wander around and stomp several cars into the dirt.
(Stomping pedestrians = 5) You even find some random guys doing something in a parking lot, and you stomp on them until nothing remains.
(Melting the town hall = 5) Then you wander over to the town hall and vomit your super heated plasma all over it, which causes it to burst into flames and burn away instantly.
(5) You break into the back room where you find a shotgun, some marijuana, more cigarettes, and a bunch of other stuff.
Health: FINE
Inventory: BIG SEXY MOTORCYCLE with a almost full tank of gas
Health: FINE
Dustan Hache / knight
Health: FINE
Inventory: Plate armour, shield, sword, some candy
Fiefdom: walls damaged, low food, crops in bad shape, low moral, hunting party
Health: FINE
Inventory: road atlas, lime green hatchback with full tank of gas and blown tire
Inventory: Some canned goods, some bottled water
CABL / Is a house
Health: FINE
Some weird, hellish, 666 degree Celsius, plane of existence: three guys
ANGRY_DEMON_NOISES / Is Angry Halloween Kaiju
Health: FINE
Inventory: 4000 page waiver that has to be signed to get into the haunted house if you sign it or read it you lose your soul, one soul
GATES OF HELL HAUNTED HOUSE V.3.0: 2 HELL 4 YOU: Has real monsters and mutants
The Canadian kitten
Health: FINE
Inventory: several cans of food, can opener, some cans of food, some bottles of water
Enemy post
Health: FINE
Inventory: Toothbrush
Smoke Mirrors / Angelo and Diablo / couldn't lose your soul even if you wanted to
Health: FINE