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Author Topic: Too Many Gods: Age of the Earth, Turn 2 [14/12] Waitlist Open  (Read 23262 times)


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Too Many Gods: Age of the Earth, Turn 2 [14/12] Waitlist Open
« on: October 25, 2019, 10:38:54 pm »

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A bad idea that might die half way through in a total train wreck

Gruumsh, chief god of the orcs, is chaotic evil. His titles are One-Eye and He-Who-Never-Sleeps. Gruumsh calls on his followers to be strong, to cull the weak from their numbers, and to take all the territory that Gruumsh thinks is rightfully theirs (which is almost everything). The domains he is associated with are Chaos, Evil, Strength, and War. Gruumsh’s favored weapon is the spear. He harbors a special hatred for Corellon Larethian, Moradin, and their followers. In ages past, Corellon Larethian put out Gruumsh’s left eye in a fight.
    -Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Player's Handbook
The god of dwarves, Moradin, is lawful good. His titles include the Soul Forger, Dwarffather, the All-Father, and the Creator. Moradin forged the first dwarves out of metal and gems and breathed life into them. He governs the arts and sciences of the dwarves: smithing, metalworking, engineering, and war. The domains he is associated with are Earth, Good, Law, and Protection. His favored weapon is the warhammer.
    -Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Player's Handbook
Now when Aule laboured in the making of the Dwarves he kept this work hidden from the other Valar; but at last he opened his mind to Yavanna and told her of all that had come to pass. Then Yavanna said to him: 'Eru is merciful. Now I see that thy heart rejoiceth, as indeed it may; for thou hast received not only forgiveness but bounty.

Yet because thou hiddest this thought from me until its achievement, thy children will have little love for the things of my love. They will love first the things made by their own hands, as doth their father. They will delve in the earth, and the things that grow and live upon the earth they will not heed. Many a tree shall feel the bite of their iron without pity.'
    -The Silmarillion
The stars are the bridges to Aetherius, the magic plane. They are perceived as holes on the inside surface of space. Because they are on the inside of a sphere, all stars are equidistant from Nirn. Larger stars, therefore, are not closer to the mortal plane, they are just larger tears in Oblivion. The largest tear in Oblivion is Magnus, the sun.
    -The Elder Scrolls Wiki

Gods! They seem to have such fascinating histories. We read the little blurb, and get a only a hint at their great deeds, glimpses at a long interwoven story which leaves the world as we see it. Most of the time, in role playing games, we jot down their name on our character sheet, make a note of their domains because they give us special spells if we're playing a cleric, and don't think about them very often afterwards. They might intervene in an adventure or two, but their personality and history isn't especially fleshed out- sure, maybe there's some full-length novels somewhere, but this is how it is in most games. I want something different, and I want the whole history to draw upon. I want there to be a real reason for everything... Why does the sun go around in the sky? Why do elves hate dwarves (assuming they do)? Where does magic come from? Why do vampires stalk the night, thirsting for blood? When the players ask these questions, I want to have answers for them, and I want you to help me.

What is this?

This is a game where you, the players, will play as gods. The game will play out, over 20 or so turns, as a sort of "world generation": In the beginning, the world has been created by The One God (think of it as the hand of the GM, me, if you like) but it is only a blank slate. You yourselves begin with no personal backgrounds or details, no physical appearance, only your name. By the end of the game your actions will have created the shape of the world, and determined your own "portfolio", the domains which you govern over as a god, giving you and your worshipers power to control them.

My goal is to create a game setting with unique gods (your characters), which I could actually use to play a game like Dungeons and Dragons or Pathfinder. The biggest caveat of this is that the world the players inhabit has to be basically understandable from the base game book: For example, players have the choice of being elves, and elves always get +2 to dexterity. The world can't have a methane atmosphere and all intelligent races can't be descended from squids and have six limbs, or the world can't be solely inhabited by bacteria. I'll be making nudges in the direction of the world being "playable". Beyond that, the lore can be changed around (maybe Elves and Dwarves are best buddies, or orcs reproduce by spreading spores). It just has to be playable and make basic sense with the rules in the book. Along the way, The One God will fill in necessary details, like the sun and clouds and monsters, if nobody else does. There's plenty of stuff in the book which simply is, and doesn't need a divine origin. However, if you are the god responsible for creating something, you will probably have domain over it.

How exactly does it work?

Each turn, you will make one action. The game is split into phases: In the early phases, you will be able to create massive changes to the world and universe, like changing the shape of the world the mortals (and future players) inhabit, or creating your own personal plane of existence. In the later phases your power will diminish, but you will see the world in greater detail and interact with mortals. This will be detailed more below. Whenever you take actions, you will gain power in a relevant domain: For example, if you create the Plane of Fire, you will gain the Fire Domain. Domains can also be abstract concepts, like Good or Evil as perceived by mortals. When you take difficult actions, or take an action opposed to another god, I will make a die roll to determine your success. If your action pertains to one of your domains, you will get a bonus depending on how powerful you are. The more actions you make in your domain, the stronger you will get with that domain. As your power diminishes in the late game, you will be best at taking actions based on the domains you acquired early on.

You will try to make the world that mortals will later inhabit, and make it in a form that pleases you, but other gods will be doing the same. You might cooperate with other gods to do great deeds, or you might fight other gods to stop them from completing their action. You can unmake what other gods have made, but it is more difficult to destroy than create, so that which is unmade usually leaves evidence of its passing- darkening the sun might instead create a moon which dimly lights the night, for example.

The Phases

The Phase of the game determines what is possible, and what is not. You will go from creating the world, the sun, and the stars, to creating the mountains, forests and seas, to creating the mortal races, to influencing mortal society and religion. You cannot do things too early, or to late: you cannot begin to create and influence the mortals before the cosmos has been fully formed. You also cannot change the shape of the world and cosmos after they are settled... unless, perhaps, you are powerful enough in your domain to do so.

There are four phases (plus a fifth, the post-game) which should each last about 4-6 turns. When I feel like most of what needs to happen in a phase to progress is done, I will warn you that the next turn is the last in that phase. Before the next phase starts, The One God will fill in any important details that are still missing.

The Age of the Cosmos
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

The Age of the Earth

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

The Age of Myth

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

The Age of Miracles

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

The Age of Mortals

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

The Rules

You only need to post the name you will have in-game, and your first action. Actions will be collected using my post grabber program to make things easier. This means actions must be posted like this: [X] Join the game as Potato, God of Potatoes. My first action will be to create the Plane of Infinite Potatoes. You need to put the capital X in square brackets, and your entire action needs to be bolded, with no closing bold tags in the middle. If you post multiple actions per turn, only your last one will be counted. Make sure it includes a full description of what you intend to do.

There are 12 Starting Player Slots
That's right: It's called Too Many Gods because I'm allowing twelve players, which is a lot for a forum game. It seems like a reasonable compromise to the 18 gods given in the Player's Handbook. But wait, there's more...

You Can Create More Gods
You can use your action to join with another player, and bring a new god into the world. Your godly son/daughter/holy-ball-of-light will be played by a random (not the next in order) player in the waitlist, provided there is a waitlist. Then, they will be the child of your gods. Naturally they will be weaker because they are starting later in the game. You need the other player's consent to do this; no going Full Zeus.

I will roll a six-sided die if your action is difficult, and determine your success based upon total arbitrariness, but higher numbers are better. A number that's too low might fail do anything, only complete part of your action, or have unintended consequences. This is not to be rules-heavy or strategic game, so whatever I think sounds like a good story is a big factor in the outcome. If you are opposed by another god, then you will each get a die, and the one with the higher result will succeed. Depending on the circumstances (particularly fighting), success might be more dramatic if there is a big difference between your results. When you roll a die, your highest bonus from a domain that is relevant will be added. For example, if you have a +1 bonus in the Water domain, this might apply to creating a river or extinguishing a volcano, but not creating a volcano. If you have a +2 bonus in the Fire domain and a +1 in the War domain, and you fight another god, you could say that you use fire magic to get a +2, but you cannot add them for a +3.

The more you take actions that pertain to a certain domain, the higher your bonus will be. Actions must be successful to count. Common examples of domains are elements (Fire, Water, Earth, Air), moral concepts (Good, Evil, Law, Chaos), abilities or skills (Strength, Magic, War, Trickery), emotions (Love, Fear, Bravery) or more specific concepts (Nature, Life, Death, Work). Really it could be all sorts of things. Each action you take can only improve one domain. Below is a list of how many actions it takes to gain power in a domain:

+1: 2 Actions, But when you gain progress in your first domain, it counts as 2 actions and becomes +1 immediately.
+2: 4 Actions
+3: 7 Actions
+4: 10 Actions

The game will update when I feel like it. I'm too lazy to keep a serious schedule, but I plan to update at least once a week, and at most once per day. You may have only 24 hours from when a turn is posted to post your action! I will make a post declaring that action submissions are closed before I begin writing the turn. This means you might miss some turns- don't worry, it's not the end of the world. With a large number of players, I cannot wait to be certain everyone has posted. In extreme cases, like if you've missed three turns over more than a week, I might offer your place in the game to someone else.

It is the Age of the Cosmos. You have no body, but you have a mind. The world is empty and still, but you know there is space around you. The minds of others shine like beacons of light. For a moment the void is filled brilliantly and a voice other than your own can be heard in your thoughts: "Go now and create the world that you will. When I return I hope to see something beautiful." Then, you are left alone.

The universe is now your sandbox. Declare your name, and your first action. If your action fits the guidelines of "normal" for The Age of the Cosmos, and it does not conflict with the action of another player, it will succeed without rolling.
« Last Edit: November 25, 2019, 12:49:01 am by Sensei »
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Re: Too Many Gods: Age of the Cosmos, Turn 1 [0/12]
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2019, 10:44:20 pm »

[X] Join the game as X’arilyg, God of Shadows. The first action of this god is to create the elemental plane of the Realm of Shadows, an abstraction of light, it is the reflection of all things especially of the Material Realm. A landless cascade of darkened shadows and a sprawl of pure blackness. It is often considered a plane of dread and fear, but it’s just that a Shadowfel plane it just a realm where when mortals get edgy their minds wander too, it’s just a desolate souls go to, any soul that would be faithless would reside here the ones who have no patron god otherwise they become incorporeal husks of themselves in which the negative energy of the plane would sap the souls for itself to continuously grow, souls were like its battery of this plane.
« Last Edit: October 26, 2019, 10:25:19 pm by Shadowclaw777 »


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Re: Too Many Gods: Age of the Cosmos, Turn 1 [0/12]
« Reply #2 on: October 25, 2019, 11:10:24 pm »

[X] Join the game as Yilr-Gax, God of Light. The first action of this god is to create the Sun - my personification in the physical realm, as it will be known to the inhabitants of this world.  A beautiful, golden-white orb of Purity and Holiness.  No Evil Thing may thrive under my watchful eye, for the rays will burn and sear away at the Wicked.  For those who are Righteous and Pure, the sun will provide Warmth and Peace.

Yilr-Gax is directly opposed to X'arilyg.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Too Many Gods: Age of the Cosmos, Turn 1 [0/12]
« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2019, 11:17:52 pm »

[X] Join as Acter Nobody, God of Improvement. My first action is to create the Eternal Engine, an elemental ("elemental") plane of metal and electricity, steam and crystal. While the surface primarily resembles a desert made of metal with occasional lakes and seas of oil and floating clouds of crystal sparking with electricity, there are areas where great chasms tear through the ground, revealing that below, there is a seemingly-endless system of gears, driven by steam engines. Throughout the plane, their is an omnipresent and perfectly consistent ticking sound.
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.


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Re: Too Many Gods: Age of the Cosmos, Turn 1 [0/12]
« Reply #4 on: October 26, 2019, 12:03:27 am »

[X] Join as Acter Nobody, God of Improvement

You misspelled "Tim 'The Toolman' Taylor, God of Home Improvement"
« Last Edit: October 26, 2019, 12:05:20 am by evictedSaint »

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Re: Too Many Gods: Age of the Cosmos, Turn 1 [0/12]
« Reply #5 on: October 26, 2019, 12:05:20 am »

[X] Join as Mahar, God of Stone. Mahar's first act is to create a great disc of stone orbiting Yilr-Gax's Sun. The disc is far from perfectly smooth or of a well-defined composition; parts of its surface are rough and covered in peaks and valleys, while others are smooth and nearly flat, and some parts are made up of basalts while others are granites. Mahar watches and waits for what improvements the other gods may effect on this disc, the Black Slate.

b28b 84f2 b6e5 6f86 b10b c99b 8d9a 8530 54dc 2c8c d3b2 0e8e 36d4 9949 d87e d12b


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Too Many Gods: Age of the Cosmos, Turn 1 [0/12]
« Reply #6 on: October 26, 2019, 12:07:28 am »

[X] Join as Acter Nobody, God of Improvement

You misspelled "Tim 'The Toolman' Taylor, God of Home Improvement"
If anything, I misspelled "The same god I always play as, who you should already know and I shouldn't need to tell you".
If you've played godgames here recently, you've probably seen Acter at least once. If you haven't, feel free to go look up Gods of Creation III; that'll tell you pretty much what you need to know about them.
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.


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Re: Too Many Gods: Age of the Cosmos, Turn 1 [0/12]
« Reply #7 on: October 26, 2019, 12:08:50 am »

I haven't played any other god games, ever! And you really play the same guy over and over again? Doesn't that get boring?


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Re: Too Many Gods: Age of the Cosmos, Turn 1 [0/12]
« Reply #8 on: October 26, 2019, 12:11:09 am »

Essentially, and no, because have you ever been the Only Sane ManTM of a group? The point isn't who you're playing as; the point is balancing what everyone else is doing. Maybe you get some time to yourself to accomplish what you want - and given different settings and rulesets, that's very capable of being different in different games, even with the same baseline character.
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.

Powder Miner

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Re: Too Many Gods: Age of the Cosmos, Turn 1 [0/12]
« Reply #9 on: October 26, 2019, 12:19:47 am »

[X] Join as La Chaleur, the god of the Hearth. La Chaleur creates the Wind of the Hearth, which is a massive space cloud and in turn the core of the La Chaleur's divine form (or at least that’s the intent). It wanders the material plane in a fixed pattern, and thusly only affects the Black Slate part of the time, for periods that are sections of the year — but it travels to every object in the Material Plane that wil not destroy it. The Wind of the Hearth is inherently something of healing and warmth and comfort, affecting all that it covers with these things, even those the Sun spites.
« Last Edit: October 26, 2019, 12:26:49 am by Powder Miner »


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Re: Too Many Gods: Age of the Cosmos, Turn 1 [4/12]
« Reply #10 on: October 26, 2019, 01:13:55 am »

[X] Join as Neheb, God of the Seas. My first action is to create Iavodell, the great sea that connects the material realm to the other planes of existence. At the moment it does little more than connect the planes together, but as it's waters approach each of the planes they begin to take on a similar form. For example, the closer the waters are to the Realm of Shadows the darker and more opaque they become, but as they approach the Eternal Engine they begin to crackle with electricity and energy.
Does that make scientific sense? No? Well it's Earth IV and he's a giant crocodile-man. Use your imagination.
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Re: Too Many Gods: Age of the Cosmos, Turn 1 [4/12]
« Reply #11 on: October 26, 2019, 01:29:35 am »

[X] Join as Neheb, God of the Seas. My first action is to create Iavodell, the great sea that connects the material realm to the other planes of existence. At the moment it does little more than connect the planes together, but as it's waters approach each of the planes they begin to take on a similar form. For example, the closer the waters are to the Realm of Shadows the darker and more opaque they become, but as they approach the Eternal Engine they begin to crackle with electricity and energy.
You may want to consider the fact that the Engine has seas of oil. Ferrofluid might work, though, fading into the metal land. You can have crystals floating like icebergs, too; those can provide the electricity you want.
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.

Powder Miner

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Re: Too Many Gods: Age of the Cosmos, Turn 1 [4/12]
« Reply #12 on: October 26, 2019, 01:31:27 am »

goddamn bp contaminating the worldsea


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Re: Too Many Gods: Age of the Cosmos, Turn 1 [4/12]
« Reply #13 on: October 26, 2019, 06:22:28 am »

[X] Join as Attaein, God of Truth. His first action is to create the Erdanous, the Worldmind, which exists as an endless plane woven from his very essence. Through it, the weblink of minds and thoughts that will doubtless fill the material world all pass through, forming the substance of this realm and, as such, himself. It is here that the truths of existence, in all their possible forms, shall erupt from the luminous strings of his very being. This weblink permeates beyond his body through the Iavodell and, in turn, all the realms - each bearing their own branching string of That Which Is within the Worldmind. For now the web is sparse - the only strings reaching across its empty expanse bearing the light of divine presence and their realms.
« Last Edit: October 26, 2019, 06:30:04 am by Thanik »
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Re: Too Many Gods: Age of the Cosmos, Turn 1 [4/12]
« Reply #14 on: October 26, 2019, 07:45:24 am »

[X] Join as Dleifrag, God of Curiosity. Create the Plane of Chaos, constantly shifting and changing plane where elements float in space randomly colliding with each other, and where anything is possible, provided one has strong enough will to bend the Chaos to his will. It's only truly static part is known as the Moon. It's a circular area (possibly made out of cheese), filled with craters and ravines, which links to material world with a round portal, that's orbiting roughly at L2 point of Sun-Blank Slate system. The size and location of the portal makes it look like an actual moon. The chaotic nature of the plane itself will provide adequate chance of discovering new things, and the Moon will pose questions such as "what's on the other side?" or "is it really made out of cheese?" to anyone who finds the spark of curiosity within themselves, hopefully being a driving force for them.
« Last Edit: October 26, 2019, 07:48:31 am by Kot »
Kot finishes his morning routine in the same way he always does, by burning a scale replica of Saint Basil's Cathedral on the windowsill.
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