vcruntime140 : download direct from Microsoft is the only safe way
I'm pretty sure copying the x86 version to x64 will fail catastrophically (ABI issues). I've gone ahead and adjusted the initial post accordingly.
Next release: It's really "too close" to the last one for me to cut 0.2.2 just yet; I'd prefer something mid-April, but will start making judgment calls on when to release mid-March. That is, "ideal" release cycle is quarterly. (I prefer to cut releases right before doing something that triggers downgrading trunk to Przybylski's Star status, i.e. potentially as unstable as The Other Fork.)
I used NMake with the host_install target to build the Zaimoni.STL/OS and Zaimoni.STL/Pure.C directories outside of Microsoft Visual Studio. Converting from a Visual Studio solution to CMake is definitely possible, but I'm very unclear on how to launch a CMake-built executable in the debugger. [I migrated Iskandria from GNU Make to CMake last year, so I can read off of that project what's required to build the Zaimoni.STL/OS and Zaimoni.STL/Pure.C files with CMake.]
The language-standards control build (not uploaded to server; no tiles support) is with MingW64 8.1.0, and uses GNU make against Makefile.Windows. The MIngW64 toolset is noticeably broken (there seems to be no way to automatically run ranlib against the GNU Make-built libraries and have the results "stick"; it also shipped with a Dead on Arrival strip utility).
Note that relatively recent unstable and Przybylski's Star Microsoft Visual C++ builds for the "next intended release" (currently 0.2.2) may be found at the same place as the "last release" (currently 0.2.1). Procedure is to git push immediately after uploading a checkpoint ZIP (that is, if you are playing the latest ZIP it should exactly match trunk).