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Author Topic: Street-Level Supers of a Near-Future Kind IC Thread (6/X)  (Read 6589 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Street-Level Supers of a Near-Future Kind IC Thread (6/X)
« on: October 20, 2019, 04:10:51 pm »

In a place known as the year of 2069 the world has escaped an aftermath of an almost apocalyptic event known as WW3 in which NATO and an alliance between mega powers of Russia and China have actually done it, the nukes were dropped. Megacorporations have devoured the USA and other NATO-aligned factions and they have become corporatocracy, they desired revenue of the larger population force known as the Red Pact in which they had billions to gain access to. Not to mention that this Corporatocracy of North Atlantic had forced the world into a horrible global climate change that destroyed economies, billions of lives, and the continent's landmasses and atmosphere. Effectively the government of North Atlantic countries now have a political organization of NAC, Ultra high-net-worth individuals (UHNWI) now are the dominant lobbyists of the political force of NAC, even if some civil liberties exist for those on the bottom of the ladder. Dominant criminal cartels have risen up to this now modern economic world, as a world ridden with crime and inequality has been removed. There now only remains the crime infested urban sprawl of the masses and barren wasteland that still contain nuclear fallout. Technology in this world has unraveled the ability of near-sentient AI, fusion power, and much more but the greatest breakthrough is when humanity made Martian Base and discovered those multiple millennia-aged remnants of an unknown alien civilization and the excavation of those ruins.

Now the year 2142, seventy years in a world after the event known as the Martian Shift, a blinding light of indescribable energy hit world with its glow, and the first of enhanced individuals have emerged. In the confusion of such enhanced power many tried to utilize their power for dramatic change in the political sphere, and humans that have unlocked this power as if it was from a different reality to together and then anarchy reigned for a time. NAC has reformed itself in a state that tries to maintain the control of corporation and federationists, a world-spanning league of the world super powers has established the Parahuman Associate League (PAL), a special law enforcement, and counter-terrorism agency developed by the New UN. The PAL Organization enlists the aid of supers in the quelling the wave of crime and terrorism, ostensibly to prevent another bright war, but in reality, to keep supers under surveillance and control for who knows what questionable purposes.

At the moment, there are three super classifications from leading Government, Villains are supers that use their powers to defy the law for personal profit or philosophy, Heroes are supers that have joined the PAL organization and use their powers to enforce the law and stop rogue Paras with a minimum of collateral damage, and Vigilantes are supers that have taken the law into their own hands, and dole out their own, often brutal version of justice on the streets.

You are a young adult in the NAC owned USA's northeastern mega-metropolitan sprawl's slums, Russia eastern nuclear frozen wasteland and rural outback, or Hong Kong’s seriously oppressed mass conurbation with authoritative martial law enacted to stop riots and only yesterday, you manifested superpowers of your own. Whether you embrace Villainy, Heroism, Vigilantism, or go Rogue is up to you but remember, the world is a dangerous place, and your survival isn't guaranteed.

Ethan Summers (Dustan Hache)
(Assets Roll: 5*) (Starting Circumstances)

Your life has been hectic as the hit-go, the moment you were Triggered during the juridical case, you felt like your words gain power and your voice gained presence as if you your words could actually affect the people around you and you lived in a rut ever since that moment. Everything you've ever known went up in smoke, and in less than a week, everything you'd spent your entire life building came tumbling down. Come to think of it, that's probably why you Triggered in the first place. You then gained a lead on one of your neighbors who gave you those false drug charges, however it led to a halt on an abandoned building in the South Ward. That moment you saw that neighbor was a super, one that had the ability to have finger-tipped flamethrowers, but you never got a look at his face. The entire building went aflames, and you were about to be burned to a crisp, however that when your second Trigger activated. Your hands felt a deathly chill and the heat of a burning piece of sheet metal felt cool to the touch, and with your last ounce of strength, you left the burning place but couldn’t find this incognito supers.

Three months since then you have now gotten a basic single-room apartment at a tenement and finally through the spamming and constant usage of your Mental Subliminal messages you put through the firefighter’s job, and with your friendly attitude with the NAC York firefighter station, you got to learn of some of the fellow smoke jumpers, and learned some of the members and even the Chief Richard Gleins have supers designed to fight against arson and accidental flames, but you never got to see them in action and now they have let you go. You have saved up some cash since then, and now live in the Eastside of the city. Your own flame is even calling back, wanting to meet you, however you haven’t had as much free time since of your current schedule and looking for a job or maybe now is the time for work for your power?.

Spoiler: Ethan Summers (click to show/hide)

Zeth ? (Darkwarlock)
(Assets Roll: 1*) (Starting Circumstances)

Your a slum-raised orphan named Zeth and now currently a transient, and never really having a job or friends to speak with. Many that have spoken to you at the soup kitchen and other homeless around the slums, considers you quite ill-groomed and weird to speak too but they will never understand you moving from place to place trying to get the next meal. However, that is the moment when you were Triggered, you saw your powers activate. Sleeping on a long night from the police who got a call from a shoplifter, you slept in an abandoned building that was designated to be demolished and reconstructed for a work office for one of the megacorps, You saw a piece of rebar and a bulldozers about to fall upon you, your miserable life about to end and then a flash, it was as if the world moved, you went out and saw the construction workers preparing to set-up their bulldozer as if ten minutes ago, it didn’t happen, and you left the tenament to find a very much more sleep place to reside in.

Even further you were a transient in a commercial store run by a megacorp, known as a convenience store to the homeless. You just wanted to see if they had that sweet Blood Spice, that you currently had an addiction too. Your body is malnourished and just needs the savory umami taste of those sweet spices however most commercial stores now have a wide ban on it. As you were in however you were mopping, you had a cold feel of a glock against your head against a member from the Skull Gang which you had a bad experience from before. You were pushed and the individual, a super who could duplicate himself, demanded money from the cashier or he would of blown your and the cashiers heads off. Your temporal manipulation activated again, and you grabbed a nearby piece of convenience store hardware and lobbed it against the super. In the following instant you were being choke slammed by the clone of the skull thug, and your body felt before your very eyes until your hand touched the clone’s face, and your temporal powers activated again, a new clone of your’s but it was in 144p and very visually hard to look at. Your clone knee’d the doppelgangers of the skull gang, and you ran out of the store. Your doppelganger wasn’t following you and your temporal manipulation was off but you knew you had the power to absorb a weaker version of someone’s power. At this moment the Skull Gang sent a hit mark against your live, their territory being around the Eastside. The police also hating on vigilantes and wanting to round up homeless people, have sent a criminal mark against you as well. Your Blood Spice addiction is still craving and with no cure or food in sight living in the homeless shelter in the Northside, you need to do something about that.

Spoiler: Zeth ? (click to show/hide)

Jeremiah Nix (NRDL)
(Assets Roll: 6*) (Starting Circumstances)

You were Triggered when you were bound and gagged by an unknown accomplice, you realized in a situation right before you were about to die your mind coordinated with another and with further testing you could actually see the memories of others through touch. You have now left back to your apartment to coordinate and reflect on your thoughts. Your live as a lower-class citizen has been as good as it was going to get if you weren’t a super and joined PAL or worked as a vigilante or something. After months, no, years of being left in the dark, your endless efforts to try and learn everything there is to learn paid dividends and you became Triggered in that life-threatening moment. You didn't set out expecting or even trying to Trigger but the concept always lingered in the back of your mind, and sometimes, late at night, you'd imagine what it'd be like. And now it's happened, and you're a Thinker, one with a sense to learn of one’s empathy and even their memories and desires.

You look around your three-room apartment in the Eastside and the cash you have made as a personal training assistant and freelance author of escapist fiction that you wrote on your HoloLaptop at the CorpLibary and have made a significant exchange of cash in return, your membership at the local SuperGym hasn’t been deactivated yet and you could maybe learn of anyone connections with this mysterious faction that wanted to gagged you. During your work as a personal trainer, you got mentions of a PAL Recruitment Drive at their Agency in the Westside if your looking for work as a Hero, though your training buddy at the SuperGym, Devon Lanes has unravelled and mentioned a vigilante gang fighting against the criminal organizations, and even you know that he is a Super but you never learned what power he had. The local librarian assistant, Kaitie Galvins through your work there has connections as she states with the criminal underdark and you even suspects she is some super yourselves. Now your in your apartment main room, questioning where to go next. Once you do this you got a letter from the person who kidnapped you, they call themselves “The Hand”, and have an appointment 5:00 AM for tomorrow at an Eastside Warehouse.

Spoiler: Jeremiah Nix (click to show/hide)

Seth Vimes (Glass)
(Assets Roll: 7*) (Starting Circumstances)

You're a little exasperated, because recently, your life's been a train-wreck. Last week, a Meta Villain tried to strangle you with a telekinetically-controlled length of wire for your wallet and as you suffocated, you screamed for help and the choking stopped. The wire fell to the concrete with a clatter and after staring at you like you were a ghost in the flesh, they ran away faster than you've ever seen someone move. You felt a bit of pressure in the back of your head, and it was giving you a headache, so you willed it to go away and the wire slid up into the air to follow the fleeing Villain. That was a week ago, and after a metric shitload of deep thought on the matter, you've come to the conclusion that you've Triggered as a Trump, and gained the power to cancel out powers.

It's a bit strange, to have the power to deny supers their powers, and the more you think, the more you realize the only way you're putting it to use is if you fight Paras. But how would you do that? Vigilantism in these streets is near-suicidal, and you don't know if you have what it takes to be a Villain. If you went Rogue, there's no way your power could make money, you'd be indistinguishable from an average citizen, not to mention how much trouble you'd have to keep it all under wraps. If nothing else, the PAL would be ecstatic to have someone with your abilities among them, but do you really want to sell-out to the government? Do you even care that you're a super? Well it’s been three months since that point.

You found it difficult to join with another super-based association, however, you have found that your economic situation has basically become the everything's coming up Milhouse. Your apartment has went to the Northside with a superior shiny-white apartment room with access to plentiful amounts of electricity, advanced robotic vacuums and other fanciful things that it almost feels like a hotel and have a nearby access to the local police force and tech hub which sells exotic technologies if you ever needed one. Your job from that situation has significantly upgraded to using your raw intellect to become a freelance engineer and have set-up gigs working robotics, advanced energy, and even biotech. Currently your working with Megacorps on a space center, that is working on advanced materials to handle the vacuum of space, for another exploratory visit back to Mars at least that’s what’s the megacorp of SpaceExio has referred to the workers. However, during your work as a freelance engineer you have made serious cash and even have credit with the NAC Banks, and can take loans. You have met some supers that like to vibrantly show their intellect as a Tinker and what have you. You still see the PAL Recruitment Ads on your HoloLaptop Gen 2, and their is still speak of the oppression of criminals and the government have from vigilante groups you have sporadic contact with. Seth Vimes has a work appointment tomorrow for SpaceExio, but does he have other plans?

Spoiler: Seth Vimes (click to show/hide)

Elea Maize (Naturegirl1999)
(Assets Roll: 4*) )Starting Circumstances)

You were running from the Crimson Cartel, the ones that always have a red sleeve and often tattooed sleeves as well. You found a place near a bridge where a glorious NAC York river was going through, and you feel as your feet just didn’t make any noise, no you were shocked. No matter how much you tried with kicking and moving your legs they just didn’t make any sound, no sound waves could be made, it is as if it is impossible for them to make sound. You were relieved when the Crimson criminals were gone, you just wanted a place to stay or food to bring back, you had friends back at the Eastside Homeless Shelters, you knew even a few of them were Paras, and the leader Steve Felin was a Super, a Blaster, who could shoot waves of white-light from his hands, they burned those who challenged the Transients, and he had the ability of a Striker, his hands could heal the sick and injured but he only did that for those who supported and brought food back to the Shelter. As you are thinking these moments in your head, a second thought comes as the bridge you were hiding in broke and you crashed into the water before your leg fell on the stone, they didn’t make any sound but you felt the pain jolt to your body they were broken. Terrified, you were drowning in the water until a bubble of water went through your body, a shield of water and oxygen that you can breathe through, it is as if you had water-breathing abilities. Your body was washed back by the stream of the river and the energy of two consecutive Triggering Events was too much, you went unconscious and woke back up in the medical hut in the Homeless Shelter, but haven’t told the other transients about the powers and dramatic events that had transpired. Just that you were almost attacked by the Crimsons.

You reflect as your wounds are being tended by Steve, you live in the Homeless Camp as most of your life you were an orphan before the transients took care of you. Throughout your years you have scrounge up a decent pile of cash and friends, another being Kara who lives in the Green Rose Apartments a super who saved your lives multiple times as she works with the Local Patrol and now have a paper documenting about the PAL Recruitment Drive, needing new members. You have a sophisticated tent in the Camps, and now need a motivation to go, find your old family?, join the Supers in some ways especially with your higher intellect?who knows where you will go from here. But you do know that your old research building where you were an associate, BioStudies Inc., is in the Northside of the metropolis.

Spoiler: Elea Maize (click to show/hide)

What do you all do?
« Last Edit: December 02, 2019, 09:17:04 pm by Shadowclaw777 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Street-Level Supers of a Near-Future Kind (IC Thread (5/X) )
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2019, 07:07:31 pm »

Zeth heads to the homeless shelter in the Northside, he ask around if there anything for him to do?
I need more things to join, Send me a request if you need players for something.
I came for the games and stayed for the lack of sanity.
Grammar is my only weakness


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Street-Level Supers of a Near-Future Kind (IC Thread (5/X) )
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2019, 07:38:47 pm »

Head to Biostudies Inc. in Northside


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Street-Level Supers of a Near-Future Kind (IC Thread (5/X) )
« Reply #3 on: October 20, 2019, 07:57:23 pm »

Nix goes to a local shopping centre, hoping to find some sort of collapsible self-defense baton. Maybe in a sporting goods or army surplus store? Along the way, he practices using his power, trying to glean as much information as quickly as possible about people's intentions, while they're passing him.
NRDL will roll a die and decide how sadistic and insane he's feeling well you do.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Also known as the Chroniqler
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Re: Street-Level Supers of a Near-Future Kind (IC Thread (5/X) )
« Reply #4 on: October 20, 2019, 08:24:11 pm »

Seth will be continuing with his job, as normal. He will, however, look into self-defense classes; after all, with the ability to negate other supers' powers, it should be comparatively easy to defend himself if he's attacked by one, but only if he knows good technique, first.
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.

Dustan Hache

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Street-Level Supers of a Near-Future Kind (IC Thread (5/X) )
« Reply #5 on: October 21, 2019, 05:21:43 am »

Ethan hardly recognized the voice of the woman who wanted to meet with him, having thrown himself into tracking down the “Bad neighbor” as he called them.
 He needed to reconnect to the rest of the world before they tried to strike at him again, or else there would be nothing left to rebuild from.
He knew it was a risk all it’s own, since the Bad Neighbor knew who he was and he had no alternate identity, but he didn’t want to think about that given his current situation.

Ethan would reach out to his old flame and arrange a meeting, curious to find what he had missed out on while trying to locate his would-be nemesis.
I figure at some point, you're just gonna run outta fucks to give and just off yourself whenever you get hurt at all. It's not like there's any downsides to it. Hangover? Suicide will fix that. Stubbed your toe? Suicide. Headache? Suicide. Papercut? Suicide.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Resident Wisenheimer
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Re: Street-Level Supers of a Near-Future Kind (IC Thread (5/X) )
« Reply #6 on: October 21, 2019, 10:56:58 pm »

October 21, 12: AM, 2142
Zeth ? (Darkwarlock)
(Presence Roll: 4*)

After being exhausted, you realize your temporal manipulation and trump-based powers have left your DNA being a very beneficial result as many supers that have three abilities are a rare and highly values resource from heroic and villainous organizations. Your trip to the Homeless Camp was a quick one, and even with your ill-groomed personality you still were able to talk to Steve Felin, requesting anything that could be done. He sees you with a fellow-known super among the transient community, Anne. Well, at least you know the rumours that she has a power based on the detection of supers, however you never wondered why she has never left the transient community, but she always act eerily when you ever talked to her.

After an hour-long discussion with Stevie, he says that there is something he and the camp needs help left, a criminal organizations antagonize and abuse the weakless, one such is the Crimson Cartel a superless criminal group that based themselves around fighting the Super menace as they say, easily spotted by their red tattooed sleeves, and the homeless camp is known to harbor a few.. unique supers and not including the leader of the place who is also a super. Stevie, says he knows a super when he sees one and knows of your “secret” addiction, and is willing to provide more of it and some upfront as well about 50$ if you accept the offer of removing some of the thugs off the streets. He says they have warehouse bases around the Eastside of town. He knows a super in the transient community that can also help you with making this thug group disappear if you are interested.

Spoiler: Zeth ? (click to show/hide)

Elea Maize (Naturegirl1999)
(Presence Roll: 1*)

You decide to take the Automated HoverBus to the Northside since it's much faster compared to walking there, thankfully for this month the social services have enacted a month-free usage of them, sadly all bus trips are very compact. After a long-trip and trying to hide the fact that your steps make no noise at all though you get a few stares from passersby, you head to the Biotech Inc. This is when your brain processes and remember why you became an itinerant in the first place, the charges you were sent with the experimentations of illegal parasitic organisms on human test subjects, you were fired and the PR of this corp had a field day with that.

Anyways you head the laboratory plastic-white building where some white collars are communicating with each other in the parking lot, and you come into the building and directly talk to the receptionist, a new hire from your associate experience here. You ask to be let in, and the receptionists checks you up and down, “Wait a second are you Maize?, they said to make sure the restraining injunction that you would never come back here.” She is reaching for the HoloPhone currently.

Spoiler: Elea Maize (click to show/hide)

Jeremiah Nix NRDL
(Presence Roll: 6*)

You take the Automated HoloBus and thankfully for commuters they have a current month trial where any individual with a registered citizenship can take it. You jump in and find the perfect moment to use your empathy sense, bus drivers are a thing of the past and only the social elite currently have cars that don’t have an AI module that you can drive. However, there were still enough commuters on the trip that you were able to test your powers, but concentrating on so many minds at once was a bit stressful. You got a myriad of normal problems of people thinking if they have enough rent money, if they will get to work on time, and other physiological needs like hunger and whatnot. People didn’t even seem to notice that you were testing your powers and even more you saw an individual questioning if they should come out as a super and join the PAL Recruitment Drive, he was fairly hidden in the back and only wearing his street clothes. Furthermore, wanting to see if you get deeper thoughts by touching him, you patted him on the shoulder and pretty much convinced him that you just accidentally bumped into him. Your mind stresses out, you see a memory of him carrying a nondescript bleeding-out woman and than another moment in which the individual is building some device, some Tinker you wonder but your not sure what it is. However this felt weird and damn well felt like a out-of-body experience as your seeing his memories as if you were him through his own eyes. Your brain stresses back and you turn back to reality. You feel as though you tested your powers effectively and feel… enhanced somehow (+1 XP). You wonder if you could contact that person again.

As you leave back to trip and head to the commercial hub, you get many surface thoughts, many about political and evocative topics about the corporations, people being concerned about the security of themselves and family as super-crime is being on the rise, and other little concerns. In the commercial hub, you know of the many corp-owned shop and sophisticated buildings and that nearly everything is automated. You request from an information kiosk for self-defense equipment and map yourselves to a Warehouse Thrift store that sells all sorts of protective equipment such as pepper sprays, stun guns, and tasers. The gun-trade is currently banned and illegalized in NAC York so sadly there is none you can find on the shops. However you see a collapsible baton for 20$, after tax is automatically calculated by the ShopAI the vendor says. Anything else, or is that all?

Spoiler: Jeremiah Nix (click to show/hide)

Seth Vimes (Glass)
(Presence Roll: 6*)

You go to the commercial hub in the Northside and thankfully don’t have reliance on public transportation as you make your way to your Electric SmartCar even if its compact, modern technology is surely nice since it progressed to a point of universally available self-driving cars and the ability to calculate mapping lanes nearly-flawlessly, and with environmental mandates the reliance on gas-powered cars a decade-long past date, maybe society truly benefited from WW3 to get the access of the innovative technologies Tinkers bring?

The trip to the commercial hub is fast and quick, and you head to the SmartKiosk about some self-defense classes, with the advent of super-based crime there was a mix of them. ParaArts teaches way of modern-developed techniques of utilizing your own body to fight against others with supers specializing in class that have supers and the powerless based around the modern special forces that have developed countermeasures with capturing and subduing other supers, however they are moderately expensive. Another is called the Dragon Turtle Martial Center, an organization based around utilizing mixed martials techniques and ones founded throughout the last two millennia even in an evolved world the most traditional of them, and finally one based solely on self-defense referred to them as hybrid fighting systems and eclectic martial arts, that utilizing everything at your disposal including knifes and baton for self-defense based on Systema, however it seems to be one most out there and the least amount of attraction, calling themselves CQC Adepts. As you are pondering this question, you get both a current call from Natalie from SpaceExio, and see a young woman who heads hurts and almost collapses the second they entered within 10m~ of you and looks at you disturbingly.

Spoiler: Seth Vimes (click to show/hide)

Ethan Summers (Dustan Hache)
(Presence Roll: 2*)

You take your FuturePhone and begin a cellphone call with “Cass” as you remember her and thankfully she answers within half a minute, and tells you of the abusive relationship she had with her previous significant others, and now that she gained an apartment of the better part of the metropolis. She says she has no one else to go and that her SO has been stalking her for a couple of days in the past, and you request a meeting and she confirms an appointment at a Northside Tech Park about 2:00 PM. You aggressive think that maybe this “bad neighbor” and her “ex-SO” must be related somehow and thinking you put 2 and 2 together, and start barking/chastising her about leaving you and that is crazy-ex must be the person who tried to kill you, this led to the end of the phone call. Sadly this is a phone call and you need to actually be in speaking range for your power to work. Now you are in your apartment blank-stared and wondering what to do next, and maybe not making instant assumptions as your first-thought.

Spoiler: Ethan Summers (click to show/hide)

What do you yall want to do next?

« Last Edit: October 21, 2019, 11:31:45 pm by Shadowclaw777 »


  • Bay Watcher
  • Also known as the Chroniqler
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Re: Street-Level Supers of a Near-Future Kind (IC Thread (5/X) )
« Reply #7 on: October 21, 2019, 11:04:15 pm »

File the Dragon Turtle Martial Center away in my mind for later, turn off my field, shoot off a quick message to Natalie that I'll call her back shortly but something just happened and I need to make sure everything's okay, and rush over to the woman.
"Are you okay? What happened?"
« Last Edit: October 22, 2019, 12:40:55 am by Glass »
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.


  • Bay Watcher
  • I Actually Like Elves
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Re: Street-Level Supers of a Near-Future Kind (IC Thread (5/X) )
« Reply #8 on: October 21, 2019, 11:04:46 pm »

Nix: Take the collapsible baton. Buy some nondescript black cloth as well, that I can tie around my mouth. Then buy a hoodie. This will be my disguise, at least for the time being.
NRDL will roll a die and decide how sadistic and insane he's feeling well you do.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Street-Level Supers of a Near-Future Kind (IC Thread (5/X) )
« Reply #9 on: October 22, 2019, 02:05:19 am »

"well Stevie i can defiantly help with that, and any help i can get with the task is welcome so who should i go meet to start cracking down on the thugs threatening the community"
I need more things to join, Send me a request if you need players for something.
I came for the games and stayed for the lack of sanity.
Grammar is my only weakness


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Street-Level Supers of a Near-Future Kind (IC Thread (5/X) )
« Reply #10 on: October 22, 2019, 08:13:27 am »

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

“If I can’t be let in, can someone bring them out? I think I’m the only willing host. They will die if they are outside of a body for too long”

Dustan Hache

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Street-Level Supers of a Near-Future Kind (IC Thread (5/X) )
« Reply #11 on: October 22, 2019, 09:09:29 am »

Ethan facepalms after realizing the chance of such a connection is so low that it’s irrational.
He promptly calls Cassie back to apologize to them, and tries to explain that he’s been a bit paranoid after the somewhat recent event where he was almost killed in an arson by a super who looked like a former neighbor of his. Ask if she’s still up for the meeting, go if she is, and try to keep my paranoia at bay.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2019, 03:56:09 pm by Dustan Hache »
I figure at some point, you're just gonna run outta fucks to give and just off yourself whenever you get hurt at all. It's not like there's any downsides to it. Hangover? Suicide will fix that. Stubbed your toe? Suicide. Headache? Suicide. Papercut? Suicide.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Resident Wisenheimer
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Re: Street-Level Supers of a Near-Future Kind (IC Thread (5/X) )
« Reply #12 on: October 22, 2019, 04:50:53 pm »

October 21, 12:05 AM, 2142
Seth Vimes (Glass)
(Presence Roll: 3*)

You file the DTMC away into your mind later when your ready for some actual classes and concentrate the field off, and the lady notices doing it but she gets back on her feet and looks at you questionably. You have your FuturePhone send off a quick message of being unavailable currently and leave it too voicemail which you get, you ask the short-cropped blond young woman wearing some exotic-coloured street clothing a comforting redirecting question. Asking “Are you okay, what happened?” and the response of her “”Hey watch your super, maybe the normies can’t feel it, but I certainly did and it almost killed me!, you Trumps always antagonizing the supers and putting us down.” she mutters.

Spoiler: Seth Vimes (click to show/hide)

Jeremiah Nix NRDL
(Presence Roll: 5*)

You exchange cash for the self-defense baton and ask for a hoodie and a nondescript piece of black cloth, that comes up to about 35$ out of your pocket, and see no reason to store the baton and wear the grey hoodie you just got and store the black cloth into your pocket. Your FuturePhone just got a text by Devon and he states that something big come up and that you should call him as soon as possible. You wonder if you should get a quick call or start with super-searching business?

Spoiler: Jeremiah Nix (click to show/hide)

Zeth ? (Darkwarlock)
(Presence Roll: 3*)

Stevie accepts your proposal and gives you about 2.5mg of Blood Spice in a Ziploc bag, "well Stevie i can definitely help with that, and any help I can get with the task is welcome so who should i go meet to start cracking down on the thugs threatening the community"’, and Stevie looks at you weirdly and starts speaking ”Well your grammar isn’t as good as usual but there will be more of that and some green paper if you understand my drift, you can start looking for the Criminal Cartels in the Eastside town but watch out most of the red thugs are mostly armed with illegal guns, and for every confirmed kill I can try to give you something even if we don’t have much at the shelter. The previous super I was talking about, name’s Hilda, she lives in Green Rose Apartments in the Eastside as well, a Bruiser I think they're called, room 112 I think, just go to the room and knock that Stevie sent ya.”. As you ponder those questions, you have now been given a bag of the sweet nectar of the gods as you would say. You are currently in the largest tent in the homeless camp.

Spoiler: Zeth ? (click to show/hide)

Elea Maize (Naturegirl1999)
(Presence Roll: 5*]

Your superior charisma skills have convinced the receptionist to bring out the two “subjects”, that you remembered through parasitic organisms, a dead husk surrounding by radioactive energy as you recall. Several armed guards with rifles come out with the Director Jaime a well-established researcher and leader of the white collars here, and he looks you up and down. “So the experimental researcher comes back to this corporation-owned facility, tell me Maize what wonderful exchange are we on for now?, you say you can remove the parasites off these… two fallen cadavers, well I can believe we can forgot about your illegal trepassing and let you go, or if you say you are correct in removing the… microbes than I believe we at Biotech Inc. can forgot about the PR stunt you caused us previously.” As you consider our offer, Jaime looks at you “That’s strange I haven’t heard your legs make any noise, and the receptionist can vouch for me. What is exactly going on Ms Maize?”. Two workers at BioTech are bringing out the radioactive cadavers, in black bags on movable hospital beds at the current moment.
Spoiler: Elea Maize (click to show/hide)

Ethan Summers (Dustan Hache)
(Presence Roll: 5*]

You get back your phone to call back Cassie and say that you have just been a bit off the edge after having two near death experiences back to back and thankfully she said you were a little crazy from the previous call but at least she is happy that your not losing your marbles as she had thought, and the appointment at 1:00 PM is still on at the Tech Park. You get off your desk in your room and you direct yourself out of the apartment questioning what Cassie would call you back and want to meet you again for and as your thoughts end your near the Auto HoloBus stop near your apartments with two individuals laying on the bus kiosks and as you are waiting around for the next transport to take you to the Tech Park, during this moment you get a call from an anonymous call on your FuturePhone, you question what it could be?

Spoiler: Ethan Summers (click to show/hide)

What do you yall want to do next?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Street-Level Supers of a Near-Future Kind (IC Thread (5/X) )
« Reply #13 on: October 22, 2019, 05:09:57 pm »

Nix: Ring Devon back. While waiting, test out the distance range of my powers. I want to see if I can use it to detect people's presence, especially if I can't see them.

I'd like to see if basic person detection works without needing to focus on their desires or worrying if they can feel my power working on them.
NRDL will roll a die and decide how sadistic and insane he's feeling well you do.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Street-Level Supers of a Near-Future Kind (IC Thread (5/X) )
« Reply #14 on: October 22, 2019, 05:36:41 pm »

“I underwent a Trigger Event”
Use the water vapor to make a water shield to shield against the radiation and take the bags. “Thank you. I won’t come back here again”
« Last Edit: October 22, 2019, 06:00:02 pm by Naturegirl1999 »
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