I blame Hymore for my deciding to look into watching Five Deadly Venoms today...but hey, it could be weirder. Imagine if someone (hint: I've been recently overthinking the way a lot of the martial art mechanics work) were to ponder how to represent Fist of The North Star in CDDA...
I actually did this as a joke martial art. It was incredibly overpowered against single enemies, but only allowed a single dodge at +5.
The first strike against an enemy would always stun it for two turns, but did 10% of regular damage. Dodging an enemy would also immediately stun it as a counter-attack. Against a human enemy, these attacks would also down the opponent. This wasn't one attack mind you, but a series of differently named attacks that did the same thing under different criteria.
Any attack against a stunned enemy would choose from a set of 4 attacks named things like "ATA", "AATA", "TATA", and so on. These attacks did 20% damage for 20% move cost. At every even unarmed level, there would be 2 additional options that would deal 24%/28%/32%/36%/40% at unarmed level 2/4/6/8/10 for the same move cost and also named similarly.
Finally, any attack against a stunned, downed, human opponent would choose between 4 options. One would deal 50x normal damage and usually instantly gib the target; while the other three would just fail. These were something like "omae wa mo, shander -wait", "omae whammo -gah!", "omae wa mo shenda- damnit!". You'd unlock up to 9 properly working pronunciations as you level unarmed. So you'd fail 75% of the time at unarmed level 1 and 20% of the time at level 10. Because as we all know, learning Asian language teaches you martial arts.
Needless to say, the technique list was tl;dr, so you'd have no idea what you were getting into unless you code-dived. And battles resulted in the message buffer being filled with "ATA! 8 damage!", "ATTA! 12 damage!", "WATA! 24 damage!".