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Author Topic: Between the Mountains IC  (Read 4266 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Between the Mountains IC
« on: September 30, 2019, 09:52:09 am »

A sweet scent slithers through the air as, for the first time, the gods awaken. Before them lays a world, unknown and perhaps wonderous, perhaps mundane. Even as they break their daze and solidify into this plane, something feels deeply wrong. The world is not as solid as it should be, and getting a foothold is truly impossible. You know instinctively your time here will be short, and then, you will drift back into your inner dream realms. At least until you can struggle back to the surface of your consciousness to take in the breath of fresh air that this world provides.

Aurum and The Librarian

From the sand two beings arise together, a swirl of sand and earth shaking the trees around them as they pull themselves from the earth. One pulls in driftwood from the nearby beach as they coalesce into a corporeal form, the other melts the sand around themselves until they are a glyph covered crystal. In only a few moments, the twin gods Aurum and Librarian are born into the world.

In only a few moments after their birth, the world made itself known to them. Two suns aloft in the sky made for a rather bright day, one larger and white, while the other a dim purple color, which failed to so much as tinge the clarity of the first. Though, little of this light managed to fall directly on the deities, as they found themselves beneath a dense canopy. Only shards of greenish light penetrated into the twilight of the forest floor. Smells of earth and moisture swirled into their newly formed nostals, the first smells of many the gods will discover. And then, then came the sounds. Birds, unseen, but nearby sing songs of their arrival, a chorus of chirps and long deep notes interspaced by other creatures. The beating of beetles upon the tree trunks, the buzz of flying insects big and small, and the skurrying of mammals add to the sycophancy of the jungle. Then, another sound joined the singing, it was not rhythmatic, nor was it pleasant. It was some kind of horrible screaming.

A strange creature, bipedal and skin as green as the leaves themselves, was being devoured by a plant of such unorthodox design that perhaps to call it a plant is a disservice to the entire taxa. A stench of wrongness permeates the area as the newborn gods look upon the tangle of leaves and branches. The poor greenskin melts slightly and is torn into bloody chunks where the melting is most prevalent, having weakened whatever internal biology held the poor thing together withers. In only a few moments, the deed is done and the being is dead. The plant thing turns a head, or perhaps a buttox, in your direction and a hissing noise emanates from a hidden orifice before the creature scurries away.

In time, your senses spread out to the hex you’re upon. There are a vast number of plants and animals in the region, most of them seem mundane from the perspective of a divine, but perhaps fantastical to a mortal soul. Oddly enough, you do not directly sense the creature which you had seen, only a general feeling of wrongness in a few areas. The greenskins are of interest however, living solitary lives among the trees, they seem clever, though not entirely beastial as the jungle cats and the tree boars do, at least, your helpers seem to think so.

Vahranis and Malaya

The ground shakes and the gravel grinds as two beings drag themselves up from beneath the stone and the soil. A hand plunges upwards into the air, followed by another, yet neither brace against the stone as the body of Malaya rises from the earth, hands to forever be extended towards the sky in an embrace of the distant stars above. While Malaya is gilded and bronze, shimmering in the light, her twin is as equally ostentatious. Clad in armor, ornate and flanged, Vahranis pulls himself from the earth, rubble and root sliding off his armor as easily as water through a mountain stream. Together, the twin gods Vahranis and Malaya look out upon the world around them.

They see trees abound, thick of wide leaves and limber of lumber. Some bear small fruits of a pinkish coloration, just turning now from the pale green of an unripe past. Critters of size too small to count, to beasts of sizable constitution roam the woods. Boarbears, symphony birds, gilded snakes, among others can be seen nearby. There is little wildlife nearby. Though the mountains behind them have some life upon them, the smell of rot waifs down the slopes towards the fledgling gods. A cave of sorts seems to be the source of the miasma.

Though nearby, to the north, a small gathering of humanoids can be seen. Long armed and dexterous of finger, they meander along the edge of the forest, picking the fruits from branches with their limber limbs. It appears they live nearby, judging from the leaf thatch hovels that can be spotted in a clearing. A few seem to have sharpened sticks, though it seems they are fewer than one would expect given the amount of dangerous animals in the area.

A slight twang, or perhaps a beep of some kind, can be felt in the air. It seems you are not entirely alone, though nothing close enough for your senses to detect.


A rumbling in the earth wakes you as your form into a metalic sphere and claw your way to the surface, pushing stone and earth aside, bursting into the open air with force enough to propel you upwards. As you linger for a moment at the apex of your jump, you see treetops abound ahead of you, and an outcropping of mountains behind you. Beyond the trees lays plains for as far as your eyes can see.

You land, agily, upon to the slope of the mountain. As you scan your surroundings more thoroughly, wildlife seems abundant. Horned mountain goats, burrow-birds, rubble slimes, and so on. Though, it seems there are significantly less that one would expect. The forest below has a fair abundance of life, but similarly, it seems sparser than you would expect. Most notably, there is an unhealthy smell in the air. You lift up one of your metalic spikes, and there is a deep crack in the ground, of which the smell drifts upwards from. It smells of bone rot and soured fermentation.
Seemingly unaffected, you notice some stout mortals nearby. Hairy to a fault they are, curly orange-brown hair covering their entire bodies, with long locks and on some of them, beards, long and glorious. In shallow caves they dwell, avoiding ones which stretch too deep into the mountain’s bowels. They wear trinkets of bone and meat, often upon the head or woven into the beards.


Cold. Ice. Snow. Wind. Your eyes slowly flicker to life as they spontaneously combust. Black sludge pours out of your mouth as you wake from your slumber. Bones of all kinds are clustered around you. Some are parts of you, others are not. You don’t know how you know which are which, but instinctively, you know. 

You feel as though you've been here before. There is a familiarity to this place, a strange similarity that somehow resonates into your bones as you piece yourself together. It feels old, as if it wasn’t only frozen in ice, but frozen in time as well. But you, you are new, old is something new to the new who is you too.

In time you remember to look up and see your surroundings in full for the first time. Snow, white, ice, also white, sky, white, with a hint of grey. For as far as you can see, you are the only speck of black in an endless flurried expanse of white. Some of the white moves, a bundle of snow. It shakes, and a yak emerges from beneath. Then another bundle shakes and another, until you see several dozen yaks nearby. Or perhaps they’re bison, hard to say. In the distance, caribous wander in a herd across the ice, they’re going somewhere, though where, you cannot be certain. This place is cold, and harsh, but even so, it seems you are not alone.

The One With Many and No Name

The first thing you hear is the cracking of stone, followed by a dull beating drumbeat. After a time it stops and you fall asleep again. When you awake, your crustacean-like face looks out over some hills, facing a lake, or perhaps an ocean, it’s hard to tell, having never seen either. The beating of that strange drum fades from your mind, a dream, distant and fades quickly now that you’re awake. You shake and skitter and brush off your stoney womb, leaving an imprint of your body behind you in the stone. Looking to the sky, you see there are two suns, though one hides behind some fluffy clouds.

Turning your attention to the hills, they are covered in deep grasses. As the wind blows in from across the ocean, you observe an interesting sight as the waves from the ocean crash into the shore, the wind blows the grasses at the same time, and the wave appears to continue across the plains, until it hits the lake, and continues on once more as water.

It is difficult to see much life here. There are of course large animals, a strange yak (or maybe a bison, impossible to tell really) herd together and roam the hills. Foxes hunt mice, and mice hunt the insects. It’s rather a beautiful area.

You hear a horn in the distance, and bisonyaks turn to flee, stampeding past and around you in an exciting display of noise and fury. One goes down, a sharpened stick protruding from it’s side. A gaggle of bipedal monkeys, hairless and weird, gather around it and cheer. They cut into it with jagged rocks, and try to break it apart quickly. It’s not until you see the creature that you understand why. A big thing it is, eyeless with large nostrils and teeth as large as a mans arm, rushes forwards from the grass sea, it’s six legs rushing forward in weird rhythmic motions. The mortals make a run for it, though, three are eaten before the beast scoops up the buffalo. The entire time you had this feeling that something strange was afoot, but it wasn’t until the beast had departed that you realized what it was. It made no sound. No rushing of feet, no crunching of bones between the teeth, no hot breath of murder. It was unnervingly silent.


It is dark when you awake, and the world is quiet. You look around and it is without fail, darker than you could have imagined. You wait for a moment, still quiet, still dark. After a while, you begin to walk. You carry on like this for quite a while, walking, carrying a corpse you woke up in. It keeps you company.

Eventually, you hit a wall. You turn to the right, you hit a wall. You walk back the way you came, you hit a wall. In all directions you find a wall, tired and without a way forward, you rest. For a moment, you sleep.

When you awake, there is a strange light upon you. You are in a cave, but as you look up, the setting sun shines directly upon you. Finally, you are free. Rushing out into the sunlight, you see an empty world before you, stone planes, dotted with straggly bushes lay out before you as you look out from the mountain. Life here is scarce and harsh. Roaming armadillos graze occasionally on the twiggy plants and patches of grass. Birds of a grey color hide amongst the rocks and the craigs. Pebble snakes slither in the ravines. Occasionally an ibex can be seen. The mountain is not much better, hosting goats, mormonts, and rock crabs, but still vegetation is rare. Much more common are the bones, piles of them don't the landscape, and others are behemoth in size. Then there are the tar pits, which are perhaps the source of the many bones.

As night falls, you turn back to the shelter of your cave, but as you look back the way you came, it is a solid rock face, just another wall in your way.


Warm is the blanket you find yourself in. It swathes you in it's embrace, surrounded on all sides. For a long time you doze. The twilight around you dims, and grows, over and over. A deep orange at it's brightest, and the sound is the worst, but eventually it subsides.

Until someday, it becomes far too warm and bright for you to remain in your comfortable sleep. Roused by a flurry of angry stone and roiling water, you leave your place of rest until the earth calms itself. Rising up, you find something new, a barrier of sorts, beyond which another sea, this one of air.

Around you look, the water is full of strange life here. Rich in algea, fish and corals and crustaceans are abundant, some even live bear your resting place you think, hard to tell now where it is. They roam, living off the angry smoke of the earth beneath the waves. Yet there is also an island of black stone and grey sand, it is more barren. Few large creatures live there. Some small porcine creatures, a few charred plants for them to stave off starvation, lizards lounging near the warmth. It is a harsh place indeed. Though when you turn to return to your slumber, you cannot find from whence you came, only the water and island, no matter how hard you look.


The clouds themselves were the womb in which you coalesced, soft and cool, white and whispy, they bathed you in light moisture as your wings unfolded for the first time. You look about and it’s white for as far as your newly formed eyes can see. For a long moment you linger there, but a strange force begins to act on you, and you begin to fall.

It is not until you land among the trees of a tropical jungle that you realize something important, you have no idea how to fly. Though, this is no matter to you, the fall was exhilarating and the landing was smooth enough, at least by divine standards. The demolished trees and crushed animals may disagree, or would if they were still capable of breathing.

Around you thousands of flowers bloom in a kaleidoscope of colors. Their numerous floral scents collecting into a heavy perfume which permeates the area. Tree shrimp chitter and chirp as they go from flower to flower, while sloths gnaw slowly at the leaves and fruit. As you look around yourself, you see felines of a speckled variety, frogs of color and shape which seems to change with each instant, and lastly, a dozen sets of eyes.

Staring at you, hidden within the foliage are some dark green skinned humanoids, yellow and reflective of eye, and strange of hair. About half have bald spots atop their head, giving them a strange black crown above the ears, while the others only grow hair on the very tops of their heads, but it is long and flowing or densely braided. As soon as they realize you’ve noticed them, they scatter. You think to follow them, but before you can move, a cold chill runs down your spine.

You look west towards the mountains, something lingers there, staring back at you. After a moment, it disappears and the feeling of dread abides.


You don’t remember well the dream before you awoke. You vaguely recall winds, and clouds, storms and rain. There’s an odd almost clear memory of a field of bubbles, but the more you try to picture it, the fuzzier it becomes. No, the first thing you truly remember is the smell of rot, and the sound of a toad. It was beside you when you coalesced into your current swirling form; a small storm of light and water, purple and new. The toad croaked, a loud ugly sound before plopping into the water and disappearing from sight. You still wonder whether that was a welcome or a warning.

The endless swamp is a place most unforgiving. The tar pits mix with the poison ponds and release a gas most noxious. While the life here is twisted, trees which cling to life as they rot away from within. Beetles which gnaw upon what little green survives. Fish seemingly made of teeth bite and spit, while eels slither out onto the mud.

Yet in other places it is more pleasant. Willows grow wild and white in the night, and the tree shrimp grow fat and juicy on the gobgob fruits. Crocodiles and birds with long stilts of legs play a deadly game of cat and mouse. Indeed, for being as toxic as it is, this place often has a serenity to it that seems to draw one in.

Long the longsnake did slumber beneath the waves. Among dark and damp the beast did sleep, cradled by a crevice on the sea floor. No light bothered you here, no sounds made themselves known to you, it was quiet, it was pleasant, it was perfect. Who knows how long you resided in that ravine after you coalesced, or when you coalesced, or even when your sleep was disturbed. Yet, in time, you were disturbed so. When it comes to infinity, all things are possible, and you have around you the infinity of time; forever. And perhaps forever there you would have stayed, if one had not drawn the attention of the fates towards your continued slumber.

Indeed, with all possibilities possible across an infinitude of forever, perhaps the idea that you had forever is a flawed prospect, as eventually, with all possible possibilities, you will come across the possibility that you lose out on forever. Whether that has or hasn’t happened as of now, one can never be certain.

Though, something did change. A sweet smell entered your nostrils and rose you from your sleep. It was a tantalizing aroma, metallic, sweet, and sanguine. The scent of blood in the water. Blue and shimmering, you rose from the depths of that crevice and found a world of light and wet violence. The bay itself was larger than one could see, though here in the open water there was still life. Sharks of a hunger most familiar to you create that sweet sweet smell with the help of smaller weaker creatures. Tiny plants and little creatures devour eachother, and sometimes themselves, all in the sake of continued existence. In pursuit of the infinity of time, or perhaps as a rout against the cessation of existence. Curiously, you try the same, taking a shark in your maw and producing the aroma that you had seen them produce in the same manner. It was heavenly, not only the smell, but the sensation of taste. The mechanical action of your body brought you great joy, only to fade into a dim satisfaction when the moment had passed. You had no need for sustenance, yet you had a deep need to devour again. More, you must have more, you must always have more. As you swim off in search of that wondrous taste, you lose sight and some recollection of that quiet perfect place you had once called home.

« Last Edit: October 11, 2019, 10:40:39 pm by Roboson »


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Re: Between the Mountains IC
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2019, 09:52:41 am »

Reserved for map and whatnot.


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Re: Between the Mountains IC
« Reply #2 on: September 30, 2019, 11:08:56 am »

"Such is the dream. There is nothing around here. Isn't this a lake or something? Well, I'll fix that up. Sweet Dreams future worshipers."

Action 1: Natural Wonder Creation, Tower of Winds
Natural Wonder
Cost: 2CP+4DP=6P
Name: Tower of Winds
Appearance: A tall tower that supports itself deep into the earth below for it's foundation. Rising up 100 Feet, at the top is a chamber open to the elements, and a large crystal emitting a purple-white light across the land. There appears to be no way up to the top of it, other than climbing and braving the winds that whip around it's upper half.
Purpose: Cleanses the Water around it to be drinkable and livable in by all. It's light and presence causes all who see it to be warped, imprinting the image of Yume no kaze into them and causing them to worship her. Even in their dreams does this persist, mortal or immortal. The tower itself is effectively unbreakable, and will constantly repair itself if damage is done. Acts as a beacon of Influence for Yume, allowing her to act in the chamber at the top even if she has no other INF in the hex. Though the Chamber is open, the strong winds wrap around the tower's upper half, preventing the interior from being sullied, and knocking away climbers and flyers.

Breakdown of effects,
Cleansing: Removing the ability for water to poison the drinker or those who live in it.(Kills off Diseases) DP. Affects the area the tower touches the water, but will spread to other areas that water touches. Note that drinking salt water still isn't that healthy for fresh water drinkers, and vice versa.
Yume Worship Impression: CP/DP. Implanting knowledge of Yume no kaze, the Dream of the Winds, and removing their ability to not worship Yume. WORSHIP! (Also makes the tower's Light itself an object of worship, representing Yume's Purifying Light, hence making them want to protect it from those who'd destroy it.)
Restoration of Tower: CP. Restores damaged areas.
Winds: P. By nature, a Ward which will knock away anything that tries to pass that isn't Yume.

Damaging the tower will weaken the effects that rely on CP, however when not damaged, that power goes into effects that require CP. Likewise, the winds are only needed when something tries ascending the tower, and protects the upper sections.

"Well, this is pretty awesome. The tower needs a bit.. There, nice and colored. Deep Blues and yellow-gold/white accents look nice with the purple light at the top. I bet the dawn and sunset will look awesome on it. And moonlight too."

Right, up here is a wonderful view of the land too.

Not an action, simply a view of her first domain. We should be able to see all the way to the nearby hexes from up here.

"Well, I suppose I should get moving. My Worship won't spread itself if I stay in one place all the time."

Action 2 & 3.
Movement Northward!

« Last Edit: September 30, 2019, 11:23:54 am by TricMagic »

Happy Demon

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Re: Between the Mountains IC
« Reply #3 on: September 30, 2019, 11:23:02 am »

[Krupp, The Primordial Corpse]

Cold... empty...
Krupp shuffles forward, toward the yaks. But as it does, it's form shifts. The hands become feet, and it starts to run at the yaks with unnatural speed.
Krupp hunts itself some yaks, about a dozen should be enough to sate it's hunger... for now.

Krupp feasts upon the flesh of the yaks, and it disappears into the black sludge that is it's body. It doesn't need a predator's teeth, for just putting it in it's mouth makes it grow tender enough to be torn apart with ease. However, as Krupp sates it's hunger, the sludge starts to bubble. The bubbling body is a sign that it is digesting the meat.
As Krupp is full, it decides to look around, to the Reindeer. Fellow antlered beings. It follows them, looking where they go, and how they are like.
Follow and inspect the Reindeer (Caribou).
I like cats, they're smart and mysterious, and their kittens adorable.

I'm a Forum Demon, expect to find me lurking, and knowing random details.


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Re: Between the Mountains IC
« Reply #4 on: September 30, 2019, 11:37:40 am »

Action 1: Xelathan creates a Accoutrement using 3 cp and attunes it to himself
Spoiler: cp battery (click to show/hide)
Action 2: Xelathan spends time eating animals and unfortunate humanoids on boats that happen to come in his hex

Action 3: using 1 dp to carve out under water caves in a random hexs in his range
« Last Edit: October 10, 2019, 09:50:35 am by darkwarlock3 »
I need more things to join, Send me a request if you need players for something.
I came for the games and stayed for the lack of sanity.
Grammar is my only weakness


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Re: Between the Mountains IC
« Reply #5 on: September 30, 2019, 02:23:43 pm »

« Last Edit: September 30, 2019, 09:45:42 pm by crazyabe »
Quote from: MonkeyMarkMario, 2023
“Don’t quote me.”
nothing here.


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Re: Between the Mountains IC
« Reply #6 on: September 30, 2019, 02:34:54 pm »

Action 1:Bipram grants sapience to a female bisonyak(1CP)
Action 2:Bipram takes sapience away from the group of the weird apes (4DP)
Action 3: Bipram speaks to the bisonyaks in her influence
what are those creatures that attacked you with the sharp objects? I will sleep soon, when I wake again I will deal with those apes
« Last Edit: September 30, 2019, 04:01:11 pm by Naturegirl1999 »


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Re: Between the Mountains IC
« Reply #7 on: September 30, 2019, 09:45:26 pm »

Noxuss looks upon the octopuses in his domain, and decides they will make good followers in the eras to come, first he inflicts Sentiance upon a younger male- then while it is still confused by its new thoughts he makes it his Disciple.
Finally he grants them an artifact before returning to rest, to once more attempt to find the place they seek.

Spoiler: Accoutrement (3dp) (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: September 30, 2019, 09:47:52 pm by crazyabe »
Quote from: MonkeyMarkMario, 2023
“Don’t quote me.”
nothing here.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Between the Mountains IC
« Reply #8 on: October 01, 2019, 06:37:22 am »

Action 1: Malaya speaks onto the humanoids, introducing themself and Vahnaris, and their goals, and inquiring about their people, the surroundings, and the cave. (Further on, it'd go into the note of worship and such, asking about a suitable individual to name as champion--a choice that they unanimously agree on that will not lead to malice, and one that I'd explain what this championing means)

Malaya noticed Vahnaris and was happy for company, they felt the lands, the rocks, the metals, and the layers of soil beneath them, the mountains, the trees, and the area for miles and more, and felt it as natural as one knows their arms and legs moments after. They noticed they were bound while Vahnaris was not. They noticed others, and the smells, the sights, and the senses.

Having a goal in mind, they called out to the creatures, speaking without the meaning of fear, and bidding them near for purposes of meeting, talk, and generally getting acquainted with major spirits of the area--it'd be great if they all did so.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Between the Mountains IC
« Reply #9 on: October 01, 2019, 07:09:11 am »

Action 1:  speak out to the nearby mortals, those mentioned to have manes and two legs in a language they understand. "Hear me creatures of this land, bow and worship I, Kapesh. Thank me, glorify me, praise me. Do so, and you shall be rewarded with immortal life, pleasure and an end to hunger. To make show of my gifts, I grant you a guardian to protect you and and make example of." He then inquires on what exactly the creatures are and what they do.

Action 2:  Create for myself a servant. -2CP

Code: [Select]
Name: Anope
Appearance: An animated skeleton roughly the size of one of the maned bipeds, Anope wears a pristine white tunic and golden jewellery encrusted with jewels. All of  these are part of Anope's body.
Personality: N/A
PHYS: PS: 1  AS:
SPIR: EGO:  SS:  W: 1
Myths: N/A
Initiative: Low
1. Thou shalt bust the cap (i.e. kill) those who harms a sapient who worships Kapesh.

1. Animated by essence.
2. Silent Observer: When there is one to kill, Anope simply stands guard near the largest group of mortals it can find within 6 hexes of Kapesh.
3. Worship Sense: Can sense people who worship Kapesh.

(Action 3 pending on robo answers.)
You win Nakeen
Marduk is my waifu
Inanna is my husbando


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Re: Between the Mountains IC
« Reply #10 on: October 01, 2019, 09:56:05 pm »


"Aurum these greenskins seem interesting. I think we could make a civilization of them. But they must band together, and we'll need to give them some way to defend themselves."

Neurantal reached out to the greenskins with his power, and gave them the desire to be with others of their own kind.
He then found a place he thought would make a good settlement. Pulling up stone from the bedrock he made a barrier to keep out the monsters in the jungle.
After finishing construction Neurantal went to the greenskins and began teaching them to use tools, especially how to use weapons to defend themselves from predators.

1. 2CP to make the greenskins more social, with a desire to form larger groups if the land will support them. (About the same sociability range as humans.)
2. 4DP to create a monument
Code: [Select]
Monument 4DP
Name: The Haven
Appearance:A village sized circle of large stones etched with geometric designs.
Purpose:Prevents monsters (such as the plant creature) from entering.
Maintenance:Any being willing to provide power. Currently Neurantal.
3. Teach the greenskins to use tools, especially how to use weapons to defend themselves from predators.

« Last Edit: October 02, 2019, 10:28:50 pm by Sudurandom »


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Re: Between the Mountains IC
« Reply #11 on: October 02, 2019, 10:08:21 am »

Vorak edges closer to one of the massive housings of these nearby mortals to seek a suitable hiding spot for future endeavors. From there, he shall begin to establish contact with them for their future, and his.

Spoiler: Watcher's orders (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: October 10, 2019, 05:08:27 pm by Rahx »


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Re: Between the Mountains IC
« Reply #12 on: October 02, 2019, 12:15:48 pm »


Grant Malaya 2 CP and 4 DP
« Last Edit: October 11, 2019, 03:06:02 am by Taricus »
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


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Re: Between the Mountains IC
« Reply #13 on: October 02, 2019, 12:36:40 pm »


After uplifting a single yak you pose a question to them. The yak seems startled, and has trouble getting out their first words, having a thick yaccent. "Uuuh, huumans I think one may call them. They are predators of a strange kind, with teeth and claws on the ends of sticks. Deadly like lion, but the lion hunts with instinct, man hunts with their spark of the mind."

After devouring a few yaks, which hardly takes any effort on your part. Few managed to run enough for a good chase, you follow the Caribou. It becomes immediately clear that they're heading south, out of the snow towards the green lands, likely for food. You think for a moment as to whether you wish to follow them or remain out in the ice.

You go to speak to the long armed humanoids. At first, they run from you. They seem terrified by your size and reflective body. But eventually one becomes curious enough to speak with you, or perhaps bold enough to stand against you? It is neither of these. Their name is Raka, an elderly longarm. Apperantly they had tired and couldn't run anymore, so may as well talk. "These are armlands you see, dear big one. We have lived here as long as the red sun burns in the sky. Though, in many years, the hairy ones have tried to take our lands and eat our fruits. They are strong, but hunger makes them weak, and we are many. We hold our lands. That cave? We do not enter caves. Bad things live in caves. Hairy ones live in caves. Big ones live in caves. Raka lives in a tree, as it should be, because Raka is good. And good things live in trees."

You appear before the creatures and they are terrified. Some run, some faint, some throw themselves to the ground and grovel, but all listen to your voice. After hearing your words, a big one comes forward and faces you, head held high. "I be the regent of this skystone, what one may call a mountain. This skystone belongs to our tribe, as each skystone doth have. I cannot say I trust you, as spiders tend to bite, but an end to the hunger of my people, that is an offer I cannot refuse." The Regent them bows, and soon after, others follow. "Great spirit of darkness, it is no surprise you appear in our darkest hour. In the years of my fathers youth, big earth spirit king guarded this skystone. But it fell ill, and with it's death much we did suffer. Lost many, lost most, dangerous the other tribes be, those who have mountain kings look to our mountain as a rock toad eyes the fly."



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Re: Between the Mountains IC
« Reply #14 on: October 02, 2019, 12:52:11 pm »

"If you and your kin worship me I can get the power to protect you from the humans”
« Last Edit: October 02, 2019, 02:39:06 pm by Naturegirl1999 »
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