I got a fireball-with-trigger wand as well as the infinite spells perk.
Snowy depths becomes a lot easier when you can lob what are essentially mortar shells from behind cover. It also helps that they one-shot most enemies.
In the next holy mountain, I bought a wand with a bunch of glowing lances (think spark bolt, but deals 30 damage and can shoot through walls and enemies). I attached a faster projectile speed modifier, plus 10 damage, and a double cast and I was just dominating the Hisi base. It was my first time not getting completely destroyed there.
I would just shoot through the metal walls (thank you glowing lance) and the Hisi couldn't fire back at me. When the enemy actually did have sightlines, they were usually lined up in one of the cramped hallways so I would just annihilate them all with a single penetrating shot.
I didn't make it to the jungle though.
Anyone else feel like the optimal way to play the game after getting a good wand is to blow up every explosive from a distance and wait a full minute as all the toxins, fire, and freezing gas dissipates? Then move a screen over and do it again?
Without explosion immunity it feels like I'm a dice roll away from losing everything, and all the DOT waiting to leech my health is a slow killer that's best avoided.
Follow this advice my friend! A Hisi shot one of the explosive frost canisters littered around the base while I was next to it and by the time I escaped the cloud I had only 2 health left. I killed that bastard and his friends, but the run was over at that point. Eventually a stray bullet got me.
What I learned from this experience was how useful indirect fire is. It's not too important in the first 2 levels since enemies are either melee or slow to react, but turrets, snipers, and revolver dudes are enemies that are bound to give you chip damage if you end up face to face with them.