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Author Topic: Submarine Lords: Turn 15: Advances (??/??, closed)  (Read 1734 times)

Kilojoule Proton

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Re: Single-Blinded Submarine Lords (playtest) (??/??)
« Reply #15 on: October 01, 2019, 03:24:09 am »

Turn 6: A Quest for an Ancient Sea

A party of peregrine pallbearers noticed that the body of the fallen Champion had gone missing. The King of Night claimed full responsibility and announced a challenge for all who would want to retrieve it, and many beastfolk, still hopeful for the safe return of the Sun's light, traveled to the King's domain to accept the challenge and reclaim the body only to find it a thinly veiled trap. The King of Night's forces managed to confiscate the challengers' arms and armor and imprisoned them as preparation for the true challenge: That the Champions should give the wayfinder to the King of Night in exchange for the freedom of the hostages. Having weighed the two options against each other, the Champions resolved to follow the wayfinder whithersoever it should point and made for an ancient sea said to be full of primordial terrors not entirely unlike Anaxares for some unknown purpose.

A plague of tornadoes has ravaged a forest growing around one of the main passageways into/out of the subterranean world, swallowing up a few beasts and beastfolk and trees. Emboldened by the lack of respone from the Champions of the Sun, many began working to destroy the cover around sinkholes and caverns into the land to the great praise of the forces of the storm. The beastfolk chiefs have sent out couriers to inform the Champions that the living tornadoes broke their agreement, but the couriers are having trouble locating the heroes.

At some point during these confusing events, the body of the crab demon the Champions fought disappeared. Considering its tunnel-collapsing skill and hypnotic gaze his is highly worrying.

Quote from: Known Lords

Quote from: Identified Names
Once upon a Time
(Unidentified flying object?)
(Thieving lanterns?)
(Conical being)
(Whistling scolder?)

Quote from: Noteworthy mortals
The Champions of the Sun
The Alive Dead Champion
The King of Night
Psychotic tornadoes

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Kilojoule Proton

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Re: Single-Blinded Submarine Lords (playtest) (??/??)
« Reply #16 on: October 02, 2019, 03:33:56 am »

Turn 7: Whirlwind Tour

The Champions consulted a wizened old hermit at the apparent behest of their fallen comrade and learned of the swarm of lanterns who flew in and robbed the Sun of its heat and light and the need for some way to reach the lanterns, the easiest of which was being carried up and away by the tornadoes. On their way back to the surface world, a courier informed them of the misdeeds of the tornado people.

Up on the surface, the forces of the storm celebrated their forbidden rampage. A dancing, brightly colored cone accompanied them in their festivities. For a time, the sky howled in joy instead of distress.

The King of Night has installed a magnificent monument to the defeat of Anaxares and implausibly taken credit for the slaying of the demonic crab. Travelers come from far and wide to satisfy their curiosity about the creature that defeated a Champion. Some terrified visitors swore that the sculpture blinked, but the King of Night dismissed any concerns about the life or unlife of the statue.

A village of beastmen, having recognized the massive sacrifices some the Names gave to protect the world, have taken to worshiping Once upon a Time in earnest. In other news, a snake-like creature struck at Once upon a Time and slinked away after a brief melee, leaving the former slightly wounded and the latter with severe wounds.

Quote from: Known Lords

Quote from: Identified Names
Once upon a Time
(Party hat?)
(Thieving lanterns?)
(Conical being)
(Whistling scolder?)

Quote from: Noteworthy mortals
The Champions of the Sun
The Alive Dead Champion
The King of Night
Psychotic tornadoes

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Kilojoule Proton

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Re: Single-Blinded Submarine Lords (playtest) (??/??)
« Reply #17 on: October 03, 2019, 04:15:03 am »

Turn 8: A New Leaf

Once upon a Time, ever a great benefactor to mortals, faded into a strange, new power accessible to those who best understood matters of the heart. Chief among the recipients was a small group of questing heroes who defeated the King of Night and released his captives. A tribe of belligerent deep-dwelling beastfolk have taken him in. They appear to be interested in converting all earth into a suitably cavern-like environment and are currently working to uncover the sky creatures' weaknesses.

Having pressed a number of whirlwinds into service as mounts as compensation for their devastating tantrum, the Champions of the Sun are chasing down the strangely stationary lantern throng. The light and heat emanating from the lanterns is almost unbearable, and the remaining Champions would have long been burned to ash if not for the phenomenal skills of their lorekeeper. Preparing for deadly combat, the Champions call on the Warrior, who is undefeated.

The treasurers in an especially prosperous town have devised a system for recording inventories, transactions, tax obligations, and more. Visitors speak highly of this strange magic for allowing a relatively small number of clerks to manage unbelievable swathes of land.

Many beastfolk are touched by news of Once upon a Time's apparently untimely death. They have constructed a monument dedicated to the sacrifices of the Names who cared the most for the well-being of all.

Quote from: Known Lords

Quote from: Identified Names
Once upon a Time Terminal incorporation
(Party hat?)
(Thieving lanterns?)
(Conical being)
(Whistling scolder?)

Quote from: Noteworthy mortals
The Champions of the Sun
The Alive Dead Champion
The King of Night
Psychotic tornadoes

b28b 84f2 b6e5 6f86 b10b c99b 8d9a 8530 54dc 2c8c d3b2 0e8e 36d4 9949 d87e d12b

Kilojoule Proton

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Re: Single-Blinded Submarine Lords (playtest) (??/??)
« Reply #18 on: October 04, 2019, 03:14:08 am »

Turn 9: Culmination

Deep in the empty void, the Alive Dead Champion distributed shining armor among the Champions of the Sun, who praised the Warrior and charged the mob of lanterns. Their armor held up well, protecting them from the worst of the fierce heat and light given off by the countless lanterns, and they shattered lantern after lantern with mighty blows and bolts of earned power as dramatic music inexplicably played in the background. As the heroes' charge continued, the Alive Dead Champion collected and bottled the blinding light left by the fallen.

A serpentine Name (possibly Snake?) was spotted degrading the psychotic tornadoes, weakening them significantly. Petty as always, they reacted by banding together and ripping up the surface. Among other things, they tore up a flowery meadow.

Following a series of explosions and cave-ins around the monument to Anaxares, the demonic crab's body has disappeared.

A troupe of performers has already begun recounting the deeds of the Champions of the Sun and their quest to restore the light of the sun. Many are hopeful for a quick resolution, but some have grown accustomed to the spacious, stable lodgings deep underground.

The ocean is unhappy with being subservient to the skies and, having noticed the recent degradation of the tornadoes, has rebelled by starving the storms of precious water and heat. The storms, for their part, are unable to escape this bind and have resorted to halting all precipitation. The earth is less than pleased with this disruption in the natural order, but it sits as it always has and will remain protected by the faintest remains of a ward.

Following the significant improvement to weather as a result of interelemental bickering, many beastfolk have left the tunnels to reclaim the surface. As before, their mute kin often vanish at night.

The day of Calibration is fast approaching!

Quote from: Known Lords

Quote from: Identified Names
Once upon a Time Terminal incorporation
(Party hat?)
Lantern Legion
(Conical being)
(Whistling scolder?)

Quote from: Noteworthy mortals
The Champions of the Sun
The Alive Dead Champion
The King of Night
Psychotic tornadoes
The liberators

b28b 84f2 b6e5 6f86 b10b c99b 8d9a 8530 54dc 2c8c d3b2 0e8e 36d4 9949 d87e d12b

Kilojoule Proton

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Re: Single-Blinded Submarine Lords (playtest) (??/??)
« Reply #19 on: October 05, 2019, 12:04:29 pm »

Turn 10: Calibration

Calibration has arrived. What this means is anyone's guess, but little appears to have changed specifically as a result of this...

Dramatic music continued playing in the void as the Champions cut down the lanterns, now known to be pieces of a Name, reclaiming the light of the sun. The lanterns put up an excellent fight, wounding two of the Champions with their full might. Nevertheless, the powerful arms and armor of the Champions, so perfectly tuned against the Light-Thief's nature, made short work of the Lantern Legion's blows. Although the fighting lasted many days and many nights, the thoroughly exhausted Champions triumphed.

Lantern Legion has been struck down!

The Hashmal, the Champion who was once dead but now alive, collected the last of the stolen sunlight and began the long journey back to restore the sun in the name of the Warrior. The Champions parted and began returning instead to their homelands to spread the news about their victory and the impending return of the sun in all its splendor.

The King of Night and his fanatical followers have somehow unleashed Anaxares on a relatively shallow village! The buildings and tunnels are ruined in short order by the crab demon's thrashing, and only a few survive to spread the tale unaffected by its hypnotic gaze. Unexpectedly, no music of note played during this incident. The news does eventually reach the heroes who defeated the King of Night before, and they embark on a quest to defeat this crazed villain more permanently.

A number of deep villages have been subjugated by a strange, previously unseen variety of scaly beastfolk who do not appear to have originated from the surface. What little can be recovered from them mystifies the best of the beastfolk smiths, craftsmen, and artisans, and the general aesthetic of the items matches that of no known tribe. Buoyed by the inspiring songs of the bards, the people hold out hope that the Champions of the Sun will succeed in their mission and finally allow them to return to the surface. Many of the larger towns have set aside some of their grudges and rivalries and cautiously banded together in the interest of defense from the unknown peoples of the deep.

The seas have managed to extract significant concessions from the skies, and a pact to cleanse the world of dry land is sealed with the birth of the Hurricane Anne, who drinks of the oceans to command the winds. With Anne still lingering far out at sea, nearby coastal settlements are completely unaware of the angry cyclone preparing to march on them. The earth hypocritically watches with detached amusement at natural phenomena being given volition and sapience (likely by mischievous Names).

There are sounds of a massive scuffle somewhere.

Quote from: Known Lords

Quote from: Identified Names
Once upon a Time Terminal incorporation
(Party hat?)
Lantern Legion Slain by Champions
(Conical being)
(Whistling scolder?)

Quote from: Noteworthy quasimortals
Hurricane Anne
The Ward(en)
The Hashmal

Quote from: Noteworthy mortals
The Champions of the Sun
The King of Night
Psychotic tornadoes
The liberators

((As a result of the lateness of this update, the next tick has been pushed back 24 hours unless all active players have sent in actions by the usual time.))

b28b 84f2 b6e5 6f86 b10b c99b 8d9a 8530 54dc 2c8c d3b2 0e8e 36d4 9949 d87e d12b

Kilojoule Proton

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Re: Single-Blinded Submarine Lords (playtest) (??/??)
« Reply #20 on: October 07, 2019, 02:34:48 am »

Turn 11: A Second Dawn

The Hashmal finally reached the sun and restored the stolen sunlight to its rightful owner. The sun flared with renewed vigor, riding on the surely figurative wave of hope from the beastmen, and for a few days, all seemed right with the world.

The Champions of the Sun spread out and informed all who would listen of the relighting of the sun, now visible in many of the shallower tunnels. The more nomadic groups were the first to return, and they were soon followed by the smaller villages. The Champions themselves oversaw the founding of the settlement of Warrior's Glory atop a plateau with an entrance to one of the larger tunnels.

In the prosperous city of fire and water, jewelers and mages have harnessed the power of the magical gems to create enchanted items. Cautious organizers warn that the city's stockpile of gems is limited, and that running out would entail negotating probably unfavorable purchases with other cities or dealing with the scaly deep people, now known to call themselves the Slunn.

Snake has smitten the psychotic tornado menace. In a twist no one could have seen coming, the sky mourns them violently and blames those born of dry land. With fickle sea and sour sky rallying behind Hurricane Anna, a full third of all coastal beastfolk settlements are wiped out in a matter of hours. Hurricane Anna and her colossal thunderhead escort have temporarily retreated to build up more strength for another invasion going further inland.

The band of plucky heroes opposing the King of Night's evil deeds have been taken captive by the Slunn for trespassing through their claimed lands. They are being kept in dark, foul-smelling tunnels for an almost certainly rigged trial before a local lawgiver, but even though the authorities are intent on keeping these events a secret, news of their capture has spread everywhere. The coalition opposing the Slunnic incursions are currently debating whether to rescue them or negotiate their release and cannot yet seem to reach a clear consensus. As for the King himself, his mischief continued as he gradually drew closer and closer to the deeper realms with Anaxares happily razing anything standing in the way of his goals. The demonic crab's motivations for aiding the King of Night are as yet unknown, but such a creature is unlikely to have any patience for unfavorable deals. More and more panicked messages reach the coalition by the day.

It is rumored that those who act most heroically are prone to becoming more skilled than mere training would suggest.

Quote from: Known Lords

Quote from: Identified Names
Once upon a Time Terminal incorporation
(Party hat?)
Lantern Legion Slain by Champions
(Conical being)
(Whistling scolder?)
(Winged object)

Quote from: Noteworthy quasimortals
Hurricane Anne
The Ward(en)
The Hashmal

Quote from: Noteworthy mortals
The Champions of the Sun
The King of Night
Psychotic tornadoes
The liberators

b28b 84f2 b6e5 6f86 b10b c99b 8d9a 8530 54dc 2c8c d3b2 0e8e 36d4 9949 d87e d12b

Kilojoule Proton

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Re: Single-Blinded Submarine Lords (playtest) (??/??)
« Reply #21 on: October 08, 2019, 02:50:38 am »

Turn 12: Exposed

Snake engulfed and smote Hurricane Anna to the abject horror of the storm clouds currently advancing over dry land. The oceans and the clouds blamed each other for neglecting to protect their champion from the power of the Names and turned on each other again as was their wont. The surface-dwellers may never know how close they came to being washed away in a merciless storm. Nevertheless, most of those living on coasts are well aware of where they lie easily.

Warrior's Glory has grown quickly, but with limited access to the surrounding plains and no convenient connection to the sea, it will continue to be dwarfed by even tunnel towns for some time. It is widely regarded as a holy city for the many followers of the Warrior despite not housing an unusually high number of fighters and has thus become a destination for pilgrims following the footsteps of the Champions.

Satisfied with their progress on Warrior's Glory, the Heroes of the Sun embarked on another epic quest of some sort. They are currently pursuing something (a rogue tornado, perhaps?) in the skies over an orchard.

The intrepid heroes locked away by the King of Night have managed to break out with the help of some guards who unexpectedly began praising Once upon a Time. They soon caught up to the King of Night, who was watching Anaxares tear down a nearby village, and slew him, taking his head as a gruesome trophy. They are currently traveling back to shallower lands to announce their victory.

One of the leaders of the anti-Slunn coalition has been exposed as a traitor feeding information on plans and movements to the Slunn warlords. The remaining leaders have since spent most of their time arguing about a suitable punishment for breaking a heavy oath. Fortunately for them, the Slunn advance has slowed down slightly thanks to an ongoing epidemic of revolting subjects.

A massive party has been unexpectedly held in a Slunn town. A conical hat was spotted among the guests making merry music.

A cult of the sky seeking to appease the clouds and prevent future fights is spreading among some small villages. Shrines to rain, wind, thunder, and sun are being erected everywhere. Some call on the Names of the sky to defend them from the capricious clouds. Others call on them to eliminate their enemies.

Lacking other outlets for fighting against the Slunn menace, many turn to calling on the so-called Good Names to drive them out of their homelands, never mind that the King of Night lived ther first.

Quote from: Known Lords

Quote from: Identified Names
Once upon a Time Terminal incorporation
(Party hat?)
Lantern Legion Slain by Champions
(Conical being)
(Whistling scolder?)
(Winged object)

Quote from: Noteworthy quasimortals
Hurricane Anne Smote by
The Ward(en)
The Hashmal

Quote from: Noteworthy mortals
The Champions of the Sun
The King of Night
Psychotic tornadoes
The liberators

b28b 84f2 b6e5 6f86 b10b c99b 8d9a 8530 54dc 2c8c d3b2 0e8e 36d4 9949 d87e d12b

Kilojoule Proton

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Re: Single-Blinded Submarine Lords (playtest) (??/??)
« Reply #22 on: October 10, 2019, 04:19:37 am »

Turn 13: Pineapple

The cult of the sky has spread to a number of subterranean settlements despite the general lack of sky. are generally shunned by those who believe that they contributed to the continued problems related to the sky and its clouds, and the practice of worshiping the sky or Names of the sky has been forbidden under pain of death in many states in the tunnels.

The plucky heroes who slew the King of Night have been parading his severed head through various streets to the relief and disgust of onlookers. They are considering taking the head to the temple in Warrior's Glory in order to properly sacrifice it to the Warrior.

The anti-Slunn coalition has reclaimed a few of the villages taken by the Slunnic invasions at a high cost, but amany villagers remain missing. It is commonly thought that the missing villagers have been sent down to the deeper mines. The coalition is currently focusing on consolidating its control over the reclaimed villages, as even numbers were barely enough against the strange arms of the Slunn.

There is a chilling silence on the surface, and no one knows why this is so.

Twoflower, the city built on rivers of fire and water, has finally run out of suitable magical gems as foretold by the keepers of the inventory. Although the city remains a bustling hub of metallurgical activity, other places are rapidly catching up in the production of enchanted items in its lack of production.

The Flying Fruit found the Warrior and prepared to attack once again when the Heroes of the Sun turned up. The Heroes of the Sun feasted on the Flying Fruit's succulent interior until nothing was left but a murderous-looking collection of seeds.

Flying Fruit has been struck down!

Astronomers on the surface have discovered signs of life on the nearby yet inaccessible moon. They hope to one day explore it.

Quote from: Known Lords

Quote from: Identified Names
Once upon a Time Terminal incorporation
(Party hat?)
Lantern Legion Slain by Champions
(Conical being)
(Whistling scolder?)
Flying Fruit Tried to attack Warrio, was attacked by Warrior and Champions

Quote from: Noteworthy quasimortals
Hurricane Anne Smitten by Snake
The Ward(en)
The Hashmal

Quote from: Noteworthy mortals
The Champions of the Sun
The King of Night Beheaded by plucky heroes
Plucky heroes
Psychotic tornadoes Smitten by Snake
The liberators

b28b 84f2 b6e5 6f86 b10b c99b 8d9a 8530 54dc 2c8c d3b2 0e8e 36d4 9949 d87e d12b

Kilojoule Proton

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Re: Single-Blinded Submarine Lords (playtest) (??/??)
« Reply #23 on: October 16, 2019, 01:55:02 am »

Turn 14: Revival

Rumors spread of a powerful orb granting control over the shadows. The Champions of the Sun quickly announced their intent to claim and secure it for the safety of the world to great applause from most. A sizeable minority demanded that the Champions cease their mission for reasons ranging from concern over the possibility of corruption to something bordering on envy. Some among them set out on a quest to claim and destroy or at least store it away before the Champions can reach it. At some point, it was revealed that the Slunn dispatched a party of trackers to claim the orb before it falls into the frail hands of foul-smelling surface-dwellers.

Anaxares' rampage continued for some time before the furious crab turned its attention to the very earth itself. For five days and five nights, Anaxares pummeled the ground at every turn until at last, the Ward(en) could take no more and died. Now fully unrestrained, the despoiler of the deeps began collapsing tunnel after tunnel, undermining entire villages in the process. The Plucky Heroes set out to also bring a permanent end to Anaxares' reign of terror as they did for the King of Night before.

Fortifications have been constructed around the villages reclaimed by the anti-Slunn coalition, who are now waiting for a raid from below. Strangely enough, the Slunn have been exceptionally quiet lately, not having openly attacked any settlements in weeks. Some of the less well-off members of the coalition have withdrawn to attend to preparations for Anaxares' possible approach.

The city of Onion has struck a lode of magical gems. Throngs of hopefuls from far-flung regions are pouring in to claim their share and are enjoying far more success than their middling gear and skills would suggest. The administrators of Twoflower are in talks seeking an exclusive arrangement for buying Onion gems but have been stymied by the exorbitant prices the Onionites demanded.

The cult of the sky is slowly losing prominence with the gradual calming of the clouds. Many beastfolk are calling out to the Names to reveal themselves in order that the people may thank them for their involvement in their creation. Some who see this as an opportunity claim themselves as Names in mortal guise, and of these, a few have begun gathering small followings. Their bright-eyed hope for the future and amazing powers are enough that most handily believe their honeyed words.

The King of Night's head has vanished from its display following a particularly dark night (not that this mattered underground). What significance this has, if any, is unknown.

A mad astronomer has somehow enlisted the aid of a team of tornadoes for passage to the lush-looking moon. Although most dismiss the astronomer's outlandish ideas, a small contingent of opportunists are eagerly waiting for his return and report. Most of them have gathered their belongings in preparation for a possible migration there. This is despite the fact that the general consensus is that the moon, though harboring life, is fundamentally uninhabitable for creatures from the unnamed planet for the reason that the tornadoes have had many turns to move there but have never been reported to have done so.

The ocean has offered to protect the earth from the predations of the violent sky. The earth ignored this.

Quote from: Known Lords

Quote from: Identified Names
Once upon a Time Terminal incorporation
(Party hat?)
Lantern Legion Slain by Champions
(Conical being)
(Whistling scolder?)
Flying Fruit Tried to attack Warrior, was attacked by Warrior and Champions

Quote from: Noteworthy quasimortals
Hurricane Anne Smitten by Snake
The Ward(en) Crushed by Anaxares
The Hashmal

Quote from: Noteworthy mortals
The Champions of the Sun
The King of Night Beheaded by plucky heroes
Plucky Heroes
Psychotic tornadoes Smitten by Snake
The liberators
Slunn trackers
Pretender Names

((Sorry for the delay; daily updates should resume now.))
« Last Edit: October 16, 2019, 02:01:57 am by Kilojoule Proton »

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Kilojoule Proton

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Re: Single-Blinded Submarine Lords (playtest) (??/??)
« Reply #24 on: October 17, 2019, 03:57:45 am »

Turn 15: Advances

The quest for the orb of shadows has claimed its first casualties. A party of questing heroes seeking to help the Champions of the Sun were slaughtered by an anti-Champion band of warriors who were in turn wiped out by yet another anti-Champion group. The Slunn trackers and the Champions themselves have come to blows at several points. As a result, the Slunn are missing a few members. Another distinct group of seekers (searching in the name of the late King of Night) has also emerged in the chaos. Overall, it appears that most of the groups hunting for the orb are making good progress and will likely reach it in a turn or two.

Anaxares continued destroying tunnels, and at some point, the destruction began accelerating extremely rapidly. Some say that that Anaxares is being surrounded by a yellow cloud of pure destruction infused with magic gems, while others say that the spawn of Anaxares have arrived. Whatever the case, the Plucky Heroes have not had much luck getting too close to Anaxares and have spent most of their time working with the enchanters of Twoflower to commission improved magical equipment. A doom cult dedicated to the worship and appeasement of Anaxares has arisen and is spreading like wildfire among the deeper settlements. They sacrifice such things as jewelry, expensive clothing, and children to keep Anaxares at bay (with little reported success). A number of these settlements have, seeking protection from the evil crustacean, defected to the Slunn. They are viewed as traitors by most other beastfolk for doing so.

With all the chaos over the orb of shadows and crab attacks, the Slunn have merrily retaken a number of towns from the coalition, but losses on the coalition's side have dropped significantly thanks to recent innovations in enchanted equipment. Pooled reports of what few Slunn sightings can be confirmed suggest that they may be planning a massive surprise attack on the productive forges of Twoflower or the bountiful mines of Onion next. Representatives of these two cities, which lie on opposite sides of Slunn-occupied territory, are understandably lobbying coalition leaders for exclusive support. Tensions are building with those who would stand to lose their homes to the Slunn incursions should the coalition concentrate on defending either Twoflower or Onion.

Those claiming to be Names are slowly but steadily gaining influence, and the greatest among them are reputedly capable of performing great miracles. The most prominent of these is the Mother of Magma, whose purported powers include the reclamation of land from the jealous seas. Her followers have founded the cultic center of Fireborn near a volcano into which they ritually throw sacrifices of metal objects.

A great fire has broken out in Warrior's Glory, destroying most of the original buildings. Due to the suspicious positioning of this paragraph, one may suspect the Mother of Magma was involved.

The expedition to the moon has succeeded, and the sky there is said to be calm and scarcely conscious. The astronomer's followers/creditors have established a small farming village on the face oriented toward the unnamed planet. In other news, the stormkin of the planet's skies are even now plotting to seize control over the lunar atmosphere in order that they may persuade it to mourn as they do even now.

Thanks to recent improvements in masonry and the rise of an architecturally inclined bear builder, sanctuaries dedicated to the Names who patronize artisans and builders are springing up both on the surface and in the tunnels.

Quote from: Known Lords

Quote from: Identified Names
Once upon a Time Terminal incorporation
(Party hat?)
Lantern Legion Slain by Champions
(Conical being)
(Whistling scolder?)
Flying Fruit Tried to attack Warrior, was attacked by Warrior and Champions

Quote from: Noteworthy quasimortals
Hurricane Anne Smitten by Snake
The Ward(en) Destroyed by Anaxares
The Hashmal

Quote from: Noteworthy mortals
The Champions of the Sun
The King of Night Beheaded by plucky heroes
Plucky Heroes
Psychotic tornadoes Smitten by Snake
The liberators
Slunn trackers (wounded)
Pretender Names
Mother of Magma
Builder bear

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Kilojoule Proton

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Re: Submarine Lords: Turn 15: Advances (??/??, closed)
« Reply #25 on: October 18, 2019, 02:38:29 am »

Turn 16: Pressure

Anaxares finally noticed the Plucky Heroes' attempts to get its attention and fell on them with hitherto unseen fury. Slashing and smashing, the clever crustacean and its spawn slaughtered all the Heroes but one before skittering off in a yellow cloud in the direction of the orb-chasers. Having heard of the Plucky Heroes' defeat, the cult of the Clawed King has come and looted the Heroes' equipment and a fair number of demonic scales. The high priest has assembled a set of ceremonial armor crafted from Anaxares' scales and has managed to intimidate many into joining this terrifying movement. They preach of the Shortening of the Story, whatever that could possibly mean.

The various parties seeking the orb have reached a recently discovered labyrinthine cavern said to house the orb in its depths. Uneasy truces are formed and broken as the many adventurers chart the twisting tunnels, and many are lost simply due to navigational blunders. The Champions of Light seem much less capable than usual, and one of the Champions has contracted a bad and easily preventable case of food poisoning despite the vigilance of the Hashmal. Still the questers press on, and not even the Slunn, natives of the depths, seem especially close to the prize. Less savory individuals have begun arriving to supply the weary explorers at terrible prices.

Scouts have observed Slunn forces rallying near their recent conquests. The leaders of Onion, Twoflower, and the frontier cities are each calling out to any Names who will help protect their homelands from being overrun by the dread lizards. Twoflower is attempting to recall its mercenaries, currently pursuing the orb of shadows, to aid in the defense of the city, while Onion is gambling on retrieving the orb and using it against the Slunn. In light of the Slunn's natural habitat, many consider Onion's plan to be laughable if not outright dangerous.

The Mother of Magma has unexpectedly been smitten by the Warrior (most likely for blasphemy). Her followers have sacrificed her remains to the volcano and spend their evenings calling her back to the world. Nothing interesting happens here.

The ruined parts of Warrior's Glory are being rebuilt in shining marble quarried far away with the help of the builder bear. What few buildings are complete are certainly more beautiful than before, but many are concerned that this luxurious construction goes against the Warrior's central tenets. The elders of Warrior's Glory have approved a measure to ban fire cultists from entering the city's walls.

Out in a sunny archipelago on the surface, an ardent worshiper of the life-giving Names claims to be able to see the future thanks to a gift from Snake. Beastfolk from far and wide have come to her sanctuary to see if the rumors are true.

The number of pretender Names remains steady, and no particularly strong ones emerge at this time. The fate of the Mother of Magma appears to have discouraged many from speaking out and spreading their idolatrous little cults.

The lunar village continues its idyllic existence unaware of the literal coming storm. The mad astronomer is grateful for the conditions on the moon and is currently scrutinizing a strangely non-empty void in the sky.

Quote from: Known Lords

Quote from: Identified Names
Once upon a Time Terminal incorporation
(Party hat?)
Lantern Legion Slain by Champions
(Conical being)
(Whistling scolder?)
Flying Fruit Tried to attack Warrior, was attacked by Warrior and Champions

Quote from: Noteworthy quasimortals
Hurricane Anne Smitten by Snake
The Ward(en) Destroyed by Anaxares
The Hashmal

Quote from: Noteworthy mortals
The Champions of the Sun
The King of Night Beheaded by plucky heroes
Plucky Heroes Almost wiped out by Anaxares
Psychotic tornadoes Smitten by Snake
The liberators
Slunn trackers (hurt)
Pretender Names
Mother of Magma Smitten by the Warrior
Builder bear

b28b 84f2 b6e5 6f86 b10b c99b 8d9a 8530 54dc 2c8c d3b2 0e8e 36d4 9949 d87e d12b

Kilojoule Proton

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Re: Submarine Lords: Turn 15: Advances (??/??, closed)
« Reply #26 on: October 19, 2019, 06:22:35 am »

Turn 17: The Tilling

News of the Oracle of Snake's accurate predictions has spread far and wide, and many beastfolk from far and wide have come to have their futures told. The colonies in the archipelago have grown significantly.

Shrines of the Cult of the Clawed King have sprung up throughout the tunnels following Anaxares' victory over the Plucky Heroes. Those who have had a taste of Anaxares' devastation are doing their best to eliminate this cult with limited success.

The orb of shadows has finally been located, and fighting has broken out among the various parties interested in seizing it. Many of the lesser adventurers have fallen to the ferocious blows of the Champions and Slunn trackers save the Brotherhood of the Plow Unbroken, who wish to destroy the orb, and the Onion Knights. The Brotherhood currently have the advantage and are fighting off the survivors even as their leader, the Grand Plow, moves to snatch the orb and take it back to their sanctuary. The Slunn, Champions, and a number of other parties have joined together to prevent the orb's removal and subsequent destruction at the hands of the Plow.

Having lost all hope for victory, the last of the Plucky Heroes wanders aimlessly from town to town seeking to forget the Heroes' great loss. Despair is setting in, and the Pallid Hare contemplates joining the fallen heroes by jumping onto a magma river.

The first scout winds have blown across the moon in preparation for the upcoming invasion. The mad astronomer remains unaware of this and believes there is a false star of great power hidden in the void.

Quote from: Known Lords

Quote from: Identified Names
Once upon a Time Terminal incorporation
(Party hat?)
Lantern Legion Slain by Champions
(Conical being)
(Whistling scolder?)
Flying Fruit Tried to attack Warrior, was attacked by Warrior and Champions

Quote from: Noteworthy quasimortals
Hurricane Anne Smitten by Snake
The Ward(en) Destroyed by Anaxares
The Hashmal

Quote from: Noteworthy mortals
The Champions of the Sun
The King of Night Beheaded by plucky heroes
Plucky Heroes Almost wiped out by Anaxares
Pallid Hare
Psychotic tornadoes Smitten by Snake
The liberators
Slunn trackers (hurt)
Pretender Names
Mother of Magma Smitten by the Warrior
Builder bear
Order of the Plow Unbroken

b28b 84f2 b6e5 6f86 b10b c99b 8d9a 8530 54dc 2c8c d3b2 0e8e 36d4 9949 d87e d12b

Kilojoule Proton

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Re: Submarine Lords: Turn 15: Advances (??/??, closed)
« Reply #27 on: October 22, 2019, 03:44:52 am »

Turn 18: The Ripening

The last of the Plucky Heroes began seeing apparitions of her fallen comrades. Over many days, these ghosts consoled her and made a case for there being hope for her mission. As a result of this spooky encouragement, the Purposeful Huntress returned to her mission of slaying the untouchable Anaxares.

The Cult of the Clawed King have lately been killing off anyone who does anything even vaguely heroic. Some speculate that their leader went to the Oracle of Snake and received a most unhappy prediction regarding their fate as an order. Anaxares itself seems to feel above such concerns even as the demon burns a village that resisted wanton destruction.

Anaxares, incidentally, has recently been undermining Slunn settlements. Hasty triangulation suggests that Anaxares may be hunting down the orb of shadow at its most recent resting place. The hypnotic gaze of the vile crab is somehow much more effective now than it was before, and no one knows why. The hypnotic gaze of the vile crab is somehow much more effective now than it was before, and no one knows why. The hypnotic gaze of the vile crab is somehow much more effective now than it was before, and no one knows why. The hypnotic gaze of the vile crab is somehow much more effective now than it was before, and no one knows why.

Dramatic music suddenly began playing in the caverns of the orb of darkness. The Plow Unbroken was soon broken by the combined efforts of the Slunn, Champions and similarly aligned groups. In the end, to prevent further bloodshed, the orb was conceded to the Slunn in exchange for them returning the lands they claimed from the beastfolk. Many are concerned that the Slunn will renege on their end of the bargain and are generally very unhappy with the leniency of this peace when all records are clear on the Slunn having started the conflict.

With a peace of some sort arranged with the Slunn, the anti-Slunn coalition was dismantled, and its leaders returned to their homelands to bitter shouting. Onion and Twoflower were particularly angry at each other for what they perceive as grievous strategic insults during the course of the war and have sent their armies out to enforce their claims on the surrounding tunnels. Various large cities have begun currying the favor of smaller but strategically placed or endowed cities. Not having had to deal with the worst of Anaxares and the Slunn, the surface-dwellers remain neutral for the most part.

An invasion force of tornadoes and thunderheads has arrived on the moon and promptly leveled the first lunar village. The clamoring winds and clouds of the earth's sky are working even now to convert the lunar sky to a similar degree of howling madness to the abject horror of the mad astronomer and his followers.

Warrior's Glory is proclaimed a monument to decadence by fanatical worshipers of the Warrior, who have begun carving a new sanctuary out of the walls of a canyon of red stone. The soil there is poor, and the mute beasts aggressive, but the founders accept the purifying hardship. They have named their fledgling settlement the community of Dustwall.

There is a resurgence in hopeful pretender Names. The most prominent of these, the Lord of the Vines, claims dominion over the plants of the world.

Calibration is slowly approaching.

Quote from: Known Lords

Quote from: Identified Names
Once upon a Time Terminal incorporation
(Party hat?)
Lantern Legion Slain by Champions
(Conical being)
(Whistling scolder?)
Flying Fruit Tried to attack Warrior, was attacked by Warrior and Champions

Quote from: Noteworthy quasimortals
Hurricane Anne Smitten by Snake
The Ward(en) Destroyed by Anaxares
The Hashmal

Quote from: Noteworthy mortals
The Champions of the Sun
The King of Night Beheaded by plucky heroes
Plucky Heroes Almost wiped out by Anaxares
Pallid Hare
Psychotic tornadoes Smitten by Snake
The liberators
Slunn trackers (hurt)
Pretender Names
Mother of Magma Smitten by the Warrior
Builder bear
Order of the Plow Unbroken
Lord of the Vines

b28b 84f2 b6e5 6f86 b10b c99b 8d9a 8530 54dc 2c8c d3b2 0e8e 36d4 9949 d87e d12b
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