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Author Topic: [IC] Eclipse (Always Open)  (Read 3643 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [IC] Eclipse (Always Open)
« Reply #30 on: November 05, 2019, 07:55:52 pm »


"Elyn? She went down to the brig." Dunner said, "Didn't she tell-" Dunner finally looked away from his terminal and saw who he was talking to. "Oh, it's you, Willard." Dunner looked crestfallen, knowing full well how much trouble he would be in once Elyn found out he was the one who told Willard where she went, again.


"I haven't had a chance to speak to you and I don't think Andy has either, so this might be a bit of a bombshell. We have a foster daughter." Palla paused to give Vixen a chance to react to that before explaining in full, "She's absolutely obsessed with old starfighters and I thought you two could do some bonding. It's not an urgent matter, but the next time the Eclipse has some extended downtime, do you think you could give me a call? I know babysitting isn't exactly something that interests you, but I think she really needs this. She hasn't been coping well with the loss of her parents. She gets along with Andy, but he's been very busy and I don't think she trusts me. I'm hoping that spending some time with you will help her open up a bit, even if it's not with me."
Am Shami, I run RPs. People seem to like them.
Currently focused on Defile Circles, a game all about being corrupted by demonic powers while trying to figure out a magic system where there are literally billions of possible spells.
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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Re: [IC] Eclipse (Always Open)
« Reply #31 on: November 05, 2019, 10:05:20 pm »


Vixen was taken aback for a second. That was sorta the last thing we expected her to ask about. She'd figured it'd be something or other about Est, the youngest of the three sisters. Palla and her had never really gotten along so she tended to end up being the intermediary between the two, much to her chagrin. She sat there thinking awhile, unable to process such a development. The space give would be much appreciated later, once she wasn't fresh off having a quite big development suddenly land in her lap without much time for the bandage to be torn off. She'd ave asked why they didn't tell her, but she knew the answer. All three of them lead busy lives and she'd been out of easy contact for a while now on her new post. There was questions that actually had worth to be asked.

"First of all... bit of a bombshell is an understatement." she said a bit of her snark remaining, but afterwards she quickly stowed it for the time being. As much as she loved twisting her sister's buttons, now wasn't really the time or place. "And I don't mean to sound like I'm refusing when I say, this but Palla... if you don't think she trusts you, why would she trust me any more?" Vixen wasn't exactly the best with children, and she always thought Palla would be much better suited to being a mother than her... this all felt, weirdly backwards to Vixen. "How old is she?" Vixen added, she figured it would help inform the situation.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [IC] Eclipse (Always Open)
« Reply #32 on: February 18, 2020, 01:39:44 pm »


"Shared interests, it's the best I've got." Palla explained, fully aware of how weak an explanation it was, "You both like fighters and being rebellious, and the only person who can get either of you to open up at all is my husband." Palla chuckled, "When the two of them are together she always seems so happy, but the Emryss has been caught up in a political struggle near the outer edge of the empire for almost two months now, and since he left I don't think she's said more than two sentences to me. She's 13, oh and her name is Varathine, Andy tells me she goes by Vari."

Palla likely would have gone on to describe Vari in great depth, but a disruptive beeping from her bag indicated that their time was up. She reached into her bag, pulled out the beeping tablet, and keyed in a code to let her ship know she was ready to transport back. "I'm sorry to cut this short, please give it some thought, okay?" She said just before dematerializing.

Everyone, timeskipped forward to pirate fighting because we need to move on

As the Eclipse's fighter compliment deployed, they were met with one of the stranger pirate fleets they'd had to deal with. a large number of smaller cargo ships surrounded by a variety of strikers. Each and every ship had a unique design, even more so than the pirates they were used to dealing with. Most unique of all was the ship at the center colored lights all across its surface flashing in an incomprehensible pattern. The pirates, known as the Merry Melodic Marauders of Morsar, were blockading a small colony planet, blackmailing the residents, who were in desperate need of supplies. Their captain, the ruthless Dunkirk, had refuse to communicate with the Eclipse, and had deployed his fleet with the clear intent of a fight.

While most of this was standard fare, the flashing lights presented a unique problem. Dunkirk was renowned for winning fights with very little losses on his own side, as the seemingly unpredictable patterns that the lights blinked in translated to the entire enemy fleet moving in an equally unpredictable pattern. And so, as the pirate's strikers began their advance, the crew of the Eclipse would find themselves struggling to do much of anything to stop them.

(OOC: don't successfully kill anything until the whole, "unpredictable pattern" thing gets sorted out, which I promise won't take long. Feel free to speculate, might make it go faster)
Am Shami, I run RPs. People seem to like them.
Currently focused on Defile Circles, a game all about being corrupted by demonic powers while trying to figure out a magic system where there are literally billions of possible spells.
Defile Circles Discord


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Re: [IC] Eclipse (Always Open)
« Reply #33 on: February 29, 2020, 10:34:08 am »


"Initiating standard doomsday procedure,” comes an old man’s voice over comms, with a hint of humor in it. But the bulky blue Striker doesn’t charge ahead as it usually did once that message was broadcast; instead it hangs back with its comrades, its pilot unsure of how to proceed.

"...that is, I would be, if I knew I could without getting shot to hell and back. What kind of tactics are these, exactly? Scatter? Feint...? If any youngsters have a bright idea or two for this old hand, I’d be happy to take them.”
Black lives matter.


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: [IC] Eclipse (Always Open)
« Reply #34 on: February 29, 2020, 05:16:23 pm »


"Well..." Alezar began, taking in the scene that was before him, "the best that I can do for now is set up a bit of a perimeter". He then proceeded to move back around the Eclipse setting out 30 of his drills before repositioning himself in a location where he could act as needed.


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Re: [IC] Eclipse (Always Open)
« Reply #35 on: March 01, 2020, 11:26:10 am »

"We will have to see." She nudged the nose of her craft towards a likely victim while keeping to long range as she always did. The cannon fired with a pop that reverberated through the hull, a shard of c-fractional steel tearing through space toward. . . more empty space, as the shot whiffed as if it'd been fired at random. The next three shots suffered the same fate. "Something needs to be done to disrupt whatever that is."
GM of Trespassers V2.
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Re: [IC] Eclipse (Always Open)
« Reply #36 on: March 02, 2020, 06:52:36 pm »

Angelica Ree

"... I'm not sure sir, but I think it's some kind of communication tactic? Like, one ship surveys the fight, and gives detailed commands to the crew. The academy taught us about this kind of thing, though we didn't have much drills with it" Angelica reported into the comms, her ship quickly turning away from the edge of, what she presumed, the pirate's firing range, trying to observe how they were advancing without much luck. She hadn't outright been given the order to attack, and she didn't want to fly in all on her lonesome just yet, "Captain, permission to engage on the center ship?"
Just some nerd who thinks they're a half decent writer.
FEF: Marks of Royalty links:

Sutoratosu Akira

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Re: [IC] Eclipse (Always Open)
« Reply #37 on: March 14, 2020, 10:13:26 pm »

Creeeeeee Daniels
Cree examined the enemy fleet as they drew closer, his eyes and scanner alike picking out which craft might be the most vulnerable. He refrained from gunning off just yet though; even he was wise enough to know better than to charge forward into the deceptively deadly chaos that was the Merry Melodic Marauders of Morsar without some sort of damn good backup plan. He'd heard far too many tales of spacers who'd underestimated this bunch, and he'd very much liked to not become one of them.

Because... come on? Killed by a bunch of fools who call themselves such a ridiculous name? He'd never live down the personal shame... and not just because he'd be dead. As he sat watching the lightshow though, it occurred to him that perhaps... the tales simply enhanced the pirates effectiveness. They almost all mentioned the lights, and well... let's face it, Cree doubted any of these loons were truly that skilled, to be able to coordinate this absolute chaos through visual cues alone.

"Just a crazy thought kiddos," Cree's voice began over the comms "but what if... those lights are actually meaningless and they're just using them as a distraction? One big ploy designed to keep their victims chasing geese while they pick them apart in the confusion. Could be wrong, of course, but it's food for thought."
"Reality, unlike fiction, has no obligation to conform to what people find believable." -Chroniqler


  • Bay Watcher
  • Cute Vampire Witch Girl
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Re: [IC] Eclipse (Always Open)
« Reply #38 on: March 20, 2020, 09:38:13 am »

Rhees had her eye on the battlefield and her ear to the comms as always, but her mind wasn't able to focus on those things. Something was eating at her, although she wasn't sure what. Something wasn't right about this battle. It was only when Angelica's request came through that she finally snapped back to reality. "Negative, Quadra, that's most likely the Inferno Disc, Dunkirk's flagship. It's going to be the hardest ship of them all to take out." she answered.

Cree had a point though, but it still left one problem. "Whether the lights are a decoy or not, we still can't hit them. We need a way to delay until we figure out what to do." she glanced things over and snapped fully into her proper attitude, "Strikers, make for the planet, try to draw as many of them off as you can. We need to draw this fight out. Longer ranged interceptors, focus your fire on the carriers in the back, not the Disc, let's see how they protect them. Kormirand, you're our best defense right now, if any of them make a run for the Eclipse make sure you've got them blocked off before they get here. Aeon Hawk, Quadra... How do you feel about flying straight at them?"

Rhees had a really stupid plan, something she probably never would have suggested a few months prior. But now she felt stupid was the way to go. If these pirates had a perfect strategy for dealing with even the smartest of tactics, maybe doing something stupid would be unprecedented for them. Rhees doubted it would be that easy, of course, but it might at least disrupt them enough to reveal their secret.
Am Shami, I run RPs. People seem to like them.
Currently focused on Defile Circles, a game all about being corrupted by demonic powers while trying to figure out a magic system where there are literally billions of possible spells.
Defile Circles Discord
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