Dreams count as stories, but when the entity that dreamed them wakes up or dies, the dreams morph into the opposites of what the dreamer dreamed about
(Amendment To Truth 4)
The Nightmare is an aberration of corrupted dreams and lies, with it's only purpose being the corruption of all Dreams, and to scare other beings. This is the accepted truth, but Nightmares are the opposites of various dreams
(Amendment To Truth 10)
The Nightmare is an aberration of corrupted dreams and lies, with it's only purpose being the corruption of all Dreams, and to scare other beings. This is the accepted truth, but it is actually a stabilizing force, absorbing the wildest dreams into itself in order to avoid the nocturnal havoc they would cause.
Amendment to truth 10
Dreams count as stories, but the effects of them always take place far away from the dreamer.
(Amendment To Truth 4)
Dreams count as stories, but it is the Id, the primal beast within all creatures, which shapes these, rather than one's conscious mind.
Amendment to truth 4
Cycle 1: Ultimate Truth1: Stories are real.
Cycle 2: Great Truths1."The size of the world at any given time is directly proportional to the amount of people who tell stories" Is the accepted truth but in fact the world has many sizes, and can be endless or have no size at all, depending for each person on the stories they know.
2. There are many species, each of whom have their own stories
3. Any story told even if its a lie might become reality.
4. Dreams count as stories, but it is the Id, the primal beast within all creatures, which shapes these, rather than one's conscious mind.
5. Different species prefer different tropes, and these tropes shape the land locally based on the amount of storytellers.
6. The most important species are immortal spiders, whose string shows each story, connecting all of them into a giant and always growing web. But the world was not created by a spider, but by a mysterious being known as the Author, the subject and teller of the first story.
7. Dreams count as stories and their effects are even more permanent and long lasting than normal stories.
8. Contradictory stories simply cancel each other out harmlessly.
9. Most creatures hurt their prey and competitors through slander.
10.The Nightmare is an aberration of corrupted dreams and lies, with it's only purpose being the corruption of all Dreams, and to scare other beings. This is the accepted truth, but it is actually a stabilizing force, absorbing the wildest dreams into itself in order to avoid the nocturnal havoc they would cause.
Cycle three: Truths about the nature of the world
We have the bones of the universe set, now we work on the world built upon them. The history or features of the world, specific details about the origins of life on it, the species that inhabit it, etc. Planets, planes, moons, regions, mountains, valleys, species, the rise and fall of continents, all is free game.