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Author Topic: Wiki Wars: The Omega Games  (Read 32829 times)


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Re: Wiki Wars: The Omega Games
« Reply #60 on: September 22, 2019, 06:51:06 pm »

>Hop in my tank and shoot the surrounding monsters with it. Pwn Kan because he's unarmed while I'm at it.
it's over


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Re: Wiki Wars: The Omega Games
« Reply #61 on: September 22, 2019, 10:09:36 pm »

Sneak away from the monsters nearby, then try to find a HUGE monster that's located deeper into the park.
Roll to Multitask, seeking new players.
Yeah sorry, someone blew up a street in my state and took the internet down for multiple days with it.
This really happened. 2020 was wild.


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Re: Wiki Wars: The Omega Games
« Reply #62 on: September 23, 2019, 10:14:46 am »

Stay in stealth mode, but have the drone bounce one of the flying tentacle monster's own energy balls back at itself.
Awesome With Autism

Better to burn up in the atmosphere, than drift in space!


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Re: Wiki Wars: The Omega Games
« Reply #63 on: September 23, 2019, 09:41:58 pm »

Spin my gun (because I can) before firing into the medium monster. Kick and pistol whip the smaller ones if they get close.
Offer them each a glass of a local drink, Rwandan Flower Wine, which contains secret ingredients to help calm the drinker such as crushed amethyst, dandelion wine and just the right amount of marijuana.
I desire, for whatever reason, to create Space Louisiana.


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Re: Wiki Wars: The Omega Games
« Reply #64 on: September 24, 2019, 02:09:51 am »

Wait and watch the fight from the cover of the corner with 13th Hour. If I can do so without being detected, such as by hiding it within the fire of the Cerberus attacks, use Will-o-Wisp on the huge monster, then Hex if it catches on fire. If the Cerberus forces are about to kill the monster before I have acted, hit the monster with two Flame Bursts instead to its center mass so the AOE hopefully hits more of the monster and not the Cerberus forces.
Because everything is Megaman when you have an arm cannon.


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Re: Wiki Wars: The Omega Games
« Reply #65 on: September 24, 2019, 02:24:10 pm »

Okay, some updates:
0cra now has the guns and ammo they collected from the Cerberus troops.
Greatness has had an extra shot removed from his Kompressor.
From now on, feel free to specify how many shots you want to fire in your attack just don't go crazy with it. Your average shotgun is only going to get one shot per attack without some form of buff on the wielders own part, and a revolver-type weapon will only fire a couple.

Also, Index has been updated, and I fixed Laughys font, which is important.


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Re: Wiki Wars: The Omega Games
« Reply #66 on: September 28, 2019, 07:33:17 pm »

Just felt like I should say this since it's happening: The next turn is very close to completion. It should be ready some time tomorrow.


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Re: Wiki Wars: The Omega Games
« Reply #67 on: September 29, 2019, 06:33:07 pm »

Episode 1: Save us Star Guardians!
Turn 3: Monster Mash
(Initiative: Capitao=10, Androxus=10, Kan=7, Cerberus=4, Persephone=3, Clinkz= 3, Beirus=3, Elena=2, Smoke=2)

Capitao, not interested in sticking around in such a potentially dangerous situation, decided to keep moving. (10+1(Camo)) He practically vanishes into the bushes, skulking forth to find a new target. (5+1(Perfect Stealth)), He spots one, a massive beast, with a pair of scything limbs sprouting from its shoulders, two-clawed hands, a powerful tail, and a vicious maw that looked like it could easily swallow a person whole or crunch through an armored truck. And whether the creature hadn't encountered an opponent yet, or had simply destroyed anything that tried to challenge it, it was completely unharmed, and on the hunt.

Androxus grunted in slight annoyance as more foes came to aid the first.(4+1(Familiarity)) He attempted to twirl the weapon in his hands, fumbling it, but managing to keep his grip. Continuing on like that had never happened he fired. (8 v 5+1-1(Armor, Just Wounded)), another two blasts fly, another two holes form in the monsters shell. His minions, looking to prove their worth, charge at, of course, the larger monster.
Spoiler: rolls (click to show/hide)
Surprisingly for everyone involved except the Gnoblar, they sink their bare hands into the holes punctured in the beasts flesh by their leaders energy blasts, and begin ripping out chunk, the creature roars and thrashes as it loses several bits, evidently, one of those bits was important, because it suddenly siezes up, and drops to the ground dead.

"HAH! Now isn't that a surprise!" Laughy... Laughs
"A surprise indeed, and certainly going straight to their heads."

The smaller monsters, of course, responded. Splitting up to attack each of their foes, one on one.
Spoiler: rolls (click to show/hide)
And the Gnoblar continue being uncharacteristically effective, as the little creatures lunge, the Gnoblar simply turn and strike at the attackers, hands glowing with flourescent green blood. The first simply gets swatted away, but the other finds itself pounded to the ground, a vicious kick cracking its shell. The third however, stood practically no chance, leaping at scientist. Androxus brought up his pistol, and swung it down, with a wet crack, the void creatures shell splits open as it head snaps backwards, neck snapping with a single strike.

Kan grunts at his hand, he still wasn't ready to play, he needed some sort of weapon to use to defend himself while he waited to build up his force. (10) He scurries through the brush searching for... oh... oh. He looks up to see a mech, rolled over awkwardly, with the glass that would cover its cockpit torn clean off and no sign of a pilot other than some red splatters. As he approaches the disabled war-machine, though the cockpit has effortlessly been ripped open, none of the machinery or electronics seem to be damaged. It should easily be completely functional, though... what did this.

"OOOhoohoo! Looks like my little champion of chance has gotten lucky~" Lady Luck cheered. "Though what... eh, it wasn't in the script, should just be a coincidence."
"You sure you want to tempt fate like that Luck?
"I am fate dear."

Persephone chooses to be proactive, not allowing the monsters to make the first strike. She points her staff towards the creature, and fires a blasts of energy towards its eye. (9-1(Targeted) v 7+1(HUGE)) It just barely notices the projectile before contact, slapping at it with a limb. However, the projectile detonates on contact, the explosion crashes against every point of its eye. It shakes in the air, eye closed. The remaining Cerberus gunship takes the opportunity to do some damage. (10+1(Heat seaking) v 7+1-2(HUGE, Blinded)) The missiles streak through the air, and smash into the monster it lets out a groan as it spins through the air, beginning to streak towards the ground, it starts to slow as it attempts to correct itself.

Clinkz decides that the voidspawn is not worth his time. Instead, he moves forth, attempting to get himself into a position to strike at the Burrower where it is weakest. (10) The beast doesn't notice as he readies himself, he raises his hand, and from the earth rises the quartet of skeletal archers. Immediately they ready their bows, and loose a set of flaming arrows, burning with hellfire.
Spoiler: rolls (click to show/hide)
Two of their shots manage to pierce into the beast, one of the arrows even landing itself inside one of the blast wounds from the mech. The unholy fire burns the creatures body deep, and it roars as the other two arrows simply bounce off.

Beirus is more than willing to allow the creature and the soldiers to fight, and fight they do.
Spoiler: rolls (click to show/hide)
The soldiers bullets simply bounce off of the monster. The mech however, punches a couple holes in the beasts flesh with its powerful cannons. Taking this opportunity to try and disguise his attacks, Beirus fires off a Will-O-Wisp. (10 v 3) In the midst of the fighting, the purple flames go unnoticed, right up until the point where the creature suddenly ignites. Then, he casts off a terrible curse. (7+1(Status Bonus) v 5+1(HUGE)) Dark magic courses through the monsters body, sending glowing cracks running along its carapace and skin. The monster, seeing no other foes, lashes out at the enemies it was already fighting. (10+1-1(HUGE, Burning) v 7&2) The monster rushes forth, knocking the mech aside with a crash, and tearing into the soldiers effortlessly.

"Ooh, these guys don't learn do they?" Lady Luck says, wincing
"I hope they never do! Hahah!"

Elena stashes her newly acquired weapons, and decides that her next priority should be to secure her Girida-O. Using their unawareness to her advantage, Elena makes a mad dash for her vehicle. (10!) With blinding speed she rushes through the monsters arrayed before her, flipping onto the roof of her mini-tank, and landing in the seat. Without breaking a sweat, she fires. (4+1+1(AoE, Overkill) v 9&5-1(Pathetic)) An explosion clouds her vision of the monsters, yet when it clears, surprisingly they have not all been vanquished, Elena catches the brief glimpse of a barrier dissipating around the largest of the group, still no more injured than it was prior, it appears just as surprised as her.

A patch of clouds seems to get darker and denser for a moment, before out comes the BLB-118 drone. Assumedly Smoke would be around here somewhere then. Unfortunately, the previously flying monster does not seems to be firing as it careens towards its death in the streets. The drone though, not having the intelligence to process this on its own, simply puts up its reflector shield and watches the monster streak past.

And multicolored lights grow yet closer in the night sky

The monsters are not inactive however.
(7-2(Not quite the stealthiest)) Merely a single, small creature spots Capitao as he observes the larger monster. It would take practically nothing to kill, the problem is the giant beast not too far away.
(5+1(Fighting)) Though the Gnoblar are now too busy relishing their kill to continue actively attempting to draw attention, another group of tiny monsters spots the trio in combat.
(3) Kans surroundings seem clear. Though the thought of something doing this to a mech is worrisome, it appears whatever it was, if it even was anything more than another large monster, is not here now.
(9-1(Flying)) The monster that was once plummeting to its death spins through the air, managing to catch itself. Though it is distant, Persephone can tell it is staring straight at her. It begins flying off, though not particularly quickly. On the downside, it will likely draw attention to her if it escapes, on the plusside, Cerberus didn't steal her kill.
(3+1(He's on fire)) Clinkz keen senses can hear other monsters approaching, but it is a small force, and they have yet to arrive. The monster that's already here however, is another story. (9+1-1(HUGE, pain) v 8+1(Know Thy Enemy)&9-1(Don't move)) The beast slams its hulking fist into the ground, Clinkz, understanding roughly how a Void Burrower fights, narrowly jumps backwards out of the way of the attack. Miraculously, it manages to stop short of his archers as well, knocking them to the ground from the shockwave, but leaving them otherwise intact.
(1) Beirus watches as the monster, burning and crackling painfully with dark energy, finishes savaging the Cerberus force, it falls forward weakely, it may not be dead yet but...
(3+2(Big Boom)) Another tiny monster approaches. Even your cartoonishly undersized tank could easily roll clean over it.
(9-3(The stealthiest)) Though Smoke remains unseen, another of the large tentacled monsters seems to have taken notice of his drone. It's gaze locked unshakingly upon it.

Spoiler: Hotfire (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: ANGRY DEMON (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Two Eternities (click to show/hide)
Spoiler:  Greatness (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: NRDL (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: 0cra (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Roseheart (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Beirus (click to show/hide)

Beep Beep turn.

Also, feel free to point out mistakes or things that seem off if you notice any. I'm the kind of person who always has mistakes that I need to go back and fix after posting.

Monster status:
Capitao has tracked down a particularly HUGE monster, though it has not tracked him down. Another small monster has though.

The Scorpion creature fighting Androxus is dead, but now there's five tiny monsters instead of just three

Kan is still in a monster free zone, but has found possible evidence of a Bigger Fish

Persephone's monster is very heavily wounded, but it's getting away.

Clinkz and his band of merry boneheads are doing well against their first HUGE monster, though backup is on the way, and it's not Clinkz's

Beirus' monster is damn near dead on its feet

Elena is in a tank, facing off against one medium monster whos life is still flashing before its eyes as we speak, and another little pest.

And finally Smoke is up in the clouds, his drone having been spotted by another flying eyeball monster.

Also, NRDLs next card will be drawn tomorrow, because I'm now tired.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2019, 06:35:10 pm by Failbird105 »


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Re: Wiki Wars: The Omega Games
« Reply #68 on: September 29, 2019, 06:50:11 pm »

Get in the mech, baby. Power it up as quickly as I can, and ascertain its combat capabilities.
NRDL will roll a die and decide how sadistic and insane he's feeling well you do.


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Re: Wiki Wars: The Omega Games
« Reply #69 on: September 29, 2019, 06:56:19 pm »

Persephone will pursue the monster while blasting at it with the staff. After all, she has an extra life or two to spare.


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Re: Wiki Wars: The Omega Games
« Reply #70 on: September 29, 2019, 08:09:32 pm »

Hit that monster with a double Hex to finish it off. Or, it it only takes one Hex, spend my second action to scavenge parts from the Cerberus remains to build one of those protective suit designs (with protective lamp carrier compartment) for 13th Hour.
Because everything is Megaman when you have an arm cannon.


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Re: Wiki Wars: The Omega Games
« Reply #71 on: September 29, 2019, 09:42:45 pm »

Have the drone return. Avoid mooks and monsters stealthily, and hunt for "The Big One".
Awesome With Autism

Better to burn up in the atmosphere, than drift in space!


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Re: Wiki Wars: The Omega Games
« Reply #72 on: September 30, 2019, 09:17:24 am »

Strafe with Searing Arrows, 6 flaming arrows should be enough to kill it.


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Re: Wiki Wars: The Omega Games
« Reply #73 on: September 30, 2019, 06:02:10 pm »

EDIT: Stab the small monster with the sai.
The rifle would likely attract attention from the HUGE monster, and shapeshifting is a bonus action.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2019, 12:18:35 pm by The_Two_Eternities »
Roll to Multitask, seeking new players.
Yeah sorry, someone blew up a street in my state and took the internet down for multiple days with it.
This really happened. 2020 was wild.


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Re: Wiki Wars: The Omega Games
« Reply #74 on: September 30, 2019, 06:30:41 pm »

>Kill that medium-sized monster in front of me using my swords.
it's over
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