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Author Topic: Wiki Wars: The Omega Games  (Read 32789 times)


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Re: Wiki Wars: The Omega Games
« Reply #165 on: February 06, 2020, 08:19:26 pm »

"I'll get its attention, you throw it off balance from the side during its charge. It will fall and become easy prey."

Fire a single searing arrow at the the void crusher to get its attention. Should Fozzer have succeeded in throwing the beast off balance and to the ground, charge the vicetopus form to level one if I can, transform into it and keep the void crusher pinned with my tentacles, otherwise do the same but instead of pinning it, sweep its legs with my tentacles instead.


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Re: Wiki Wars: The Omega Games
« Reply #166 on: February 06, 2020, 09:16:29 pm »

Hit the monster with a Double Hex to kill it. If I only need 1 hex to kill it, see about designing a 2-person protective device for Party Corn and Gabbro Man out of any monster materials and Cerberus scraps left over. If the monster doesn't die after my attack(s), have Party Corn finish reloading and then blast into the beast's wounds with a regular Cob Buster (dual wielded if both are reloaded). Gabbro Man should keep distracting the monster and Thirteenth Hour should try to stay away from any collateral damage.
Because everything is Megaman when you have an arm cannon.


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Re: Wiki Wars: The Omega Games
« Reply #167 on: February 07, 2020, 08:24:42 am »

look for some monsters to kill


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Re: Wiki Wars: The Omega Games
« Reply #168 on: February 07, 2020, 10:00:19 am »

Now to finish it, Persephone will unleash a point-blank energy blast to the face of the creature.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2020, 11:15:33 am by ANGRY_DEMON_NOISES »

King Zultan

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Re: Wiki Wars: The Omega Games
« Reply #169 on: February 07, 2020, 11:00:26 am »

Go look for the largest hostile creature I can find, and also be on the look out for some kind of weapon my follower can use.
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Wiki Wars: The Omega Games
« Reply #170 on: February 08, 2020, 01:08:02 pm »

Go look for the largest hostile creature I can find, and also be on the look out for some kind of weapon my follower can use.
So you're not going to use your 'new Ally' ability?
I'm not saying whether you should or shouldn't, I just want to know your logic


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Re: Wiki Wars: The Omega Games
« Reply #171 on: February 08, 2020, 11:34:44 pm »

Now that I've got two handles, jam Zolya's blade into the monster, try to sever a tendon.
Roll to Multitask, seeking new players.
Yeah sorry, someone blew up a street in my state and took the internet down for multiple days with it.
This really happened. 2020 was wild.

King Zultan

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Re: Wiki Wars: The Omega Games
« Reply #172 on: February 09, 2020, 02:36:19 am »

So you're not going to use your 'new Ally' ability?
I'm not saying whether you should or shouldn't, I just want to know your logic
I'm gonna hold onto it for a bit longer, at least until I feel like I need to use it.
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


  • Bay Watcher
  • A sarcastic, weird nerd of many things. That's me.
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Re: Wiki Wars: The Omega Games
« Reply #173 on: February 12, 2020, 11:13:42 pm »

Ask if the Sand Marine has a loudspeaker. If it does, blast heavy metal and let the Sand Marine, Gebura, and the Gnoblar kick some ass while I reload my weapons.
Offer them each a glass of a local drink, Rwandan Flower Wine, which contains secret ingredients to help calm the drinker such as crushed amethyst, dandelion wine and just the right amount of marijuana.
I desire, for whatever reason, to create Space Louisiana.


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Re: Wiki Wars: The Omega Games
« Reply #174 on: February 15, 2020, 04:49:32 pm »

Whoops, forgot to say anything here. Don't worry though, the turn is being worked on, I just forgot to mention it.


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Re: Wiki Wars: The Omega Games
« Reply #175 on: March 20, 2020, 05:42:11 pm »

First of all, my sincerest apologies for the wait. It's been over a month at this point and considering the amount of free time I've had it really shouldn't have.
I don't have any sort of excuse for this, I've just been procrastinating with mobile games(that I have to play on my computer, preventing me from writing while doing so) for an extended period of time.

Believe me when I say that I'm not ending this game. In fact, only one players turn remains incomplete. From there it's just the Star Guardian summary and adding commentary. Expect the turn to arrive within the next two days at the absolute latest.

I apologize once again for how long this has taken, and I hope to avoid such wait times in the future.


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Re: Wiki Wars: The Omega Games
« Reply #176 on: March 20, 2020, 07:41:57 pm »

It’s ok


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Re: Wiki Wars: The Omega Games
« Reply #177 on: March 22, 2020, 06:50:04 pm »

Episode 1: Save us Star Guardians!
Turn 10: A Monstrous Comeback
(Initiative: Zultan=10, Capitao=10, Beirus=9, Persephone=8+1, Elizabeth=8, Kan=7, Clinkz=6, Androxus=2)

"Welcome back, I hope you're all having a wonderful quarantine!" Laughy says, cheerfully
"Oh? I... don't believe there are any zone-wide infections going around, dear. Luck replies, confused
"But enough about that! On with the show!

Zultan, one of the newest warriors to arrive, took his move first. Paying the small group that had arrived along side him and his companion no mind, the alien brute stomped forth. Firstly to arm his companion, and secondly to find a worthy foe to slay. (7) Finding a weapon was far from difficulty. Indeed, with the swarm of monsters ravaging the city, there's no doubt that somewhere in the dozens if not low hundreds of Cerberus soldiers have died in this park alone. Finding a few corpses with still intact weapons was simple. And so, he gathers up the human firearms and hands them to his companion. She doesn't quite understand the technology, but the basic function should be simple enough to gather.
(10+1(Rampage)) Finding a beast comes even easier. Zultan finds himself lucky enough to stumble upon a void-spawned behemoth, hunched over and bleeding from many severe wounds. Hardly a worthy opponent, but power is power, and Zultan understands that with a monster of such size, a good blow from it could still be fatal to him, despite its injuries. Thankfully, with the beast not having notice him, Zultan had the chance to approach this as he pleased.

"Don't go looking a gift horse in the mouth now darling!"

On the other side, Capitao is already well, immersed in combat, each hand held onto a blade that was buried up to the hilt in the leg of a monster. Focusing on his gem, he drew out the new presence within, his new weapon, and, letting go of one of his grips, he grabbed it. Then, Zolya's Blade in hand, he swung. (8+1(Zolya's Blade) v 9+1-1(HUGE, Shake-off)) The beast shakes its leg to the side in an attempt to remove the dangerous hanger-on, and though Capitao holds his grip, it diverts his swing in such a way that he fails to break the carapace.

Beirus casts a dark hex upon his foe. (9+1(Status Bonus) v (5+1-1-1(HUGE, severely injured, Burning)) Its body crackles with dark energy, and it stumbles from the pain. Quickly, eager to secure the kill, he performs the move once again (2+1(Status) v (5+1-1-1 (HUGE, severely injured, Burning)) Unfortunately, the beast, perhaps ready for it this time, resists the dark energy attempting to erupt into its body. It growls, its mouth bending into what you can only assume is its equivalent of a smile. Party corn, regrowing his second Cob Buster, is eager to wipe the look off its face. Aiming his arms, he fires into the open wounds left behind. (7&1 v 8+1-1-1(HUGE, severely injured, Burning)) The monster bends forward, allowing the kernels to bound uselessly off of its carapace.
The Gabbro Man, still following its assigned task, continues flailing against the beasts limbs.
Spoiler: rolls (click to show/hide)
And it takes offense to this. The monster swings its arm, fist slamming into the Gabbro Mans earthen torso, there's a series of cracks as the golem tumbles a short distance through the air, and from Beirus brief glimpse at its situation, the Gabbro Man is severely damaged. Its right arm laying several feet further away and a decent chunk of its torso crumbled.

The scene repeats briefly, this time punctuated by a cartoonish sound of shattering glass.
"I love this thing!"

Persephone continues her brutalization of the poor, defenseless... yeah no, the raging muderous beast. Having removed its mobility, she brings the tip of her staff upwards, aiming to blast the creatures head clean off with hot plasma. (3+1(Staff) v 10+1-1(HUGE, Crippled)) Unfortunately, as said, this is not a defenseless beast, and it brings its head forward before Persephone can fire her shot, aiming to take a bite out of the Spinster Guardian. Blood splatters, bones crunch, and metal tears as her left arm and the staff held within are torn off and ripped apart by the monsters teeth. (1) "Partner!" Persephone's Ghost shrieks, unable to hold its composure through the sudden turnaround. The monster locks eyes upon it immediately, and lets out a snarl.

"Looks like she's been disArmed, Hah!"
"Oh my, is that in poor taste?"
"Abso-lutely not!

Elizabeth moves forward, as is the way of Nagakabouros, her companions follow behind her, as do the arms of her goddess. She has a simple goal in mind. Victory. And for that, she needs to slay monsters. (6+1(Rampage)) Though the tide of monsters has slowed down, it remains consistent, and finding a large enough monster that was distracted from its task is easy enough. Now the question simply is, how to approach this.

Kan sees that the monster is well handled, and allows is grub to charge. (9 v 7+1-2(Huge, Grappled)) The worm slams into its target, moss clearing away to make room for the Carrion Grub to take a bite out of the creatures side. Meanwhile, the Moss Elemental continues to hold its victim down. (5+2(Grappling) v 5+1-2(Huge, Grappled)) The monster struggles, but the moss holds fast. Kan pulls another card from his ethereal hand and smiles as he throws it not down, but up. The sky swirls with blue energy, and a pillar descends rapidly, like a tornado reaching down. As it touches the ground, the swirling energy in the air is drawn downards, forming into a huge figure, easily the size of any of the monster and crackling with blue light. Mouthless face and long, muscled limbs lead down to a lower half that swirls in a miniature storm of mana.

"Chaos beckons." Rumbles the voice of Anomalus, Guardian of the Nexus

"Oho! The big guns have come into play now!

Clinkz forms a plan rapidly, the mind of the hunter working full speed. "I'll get its attention, you throw it off balance from the side during its charge. It will fall and become easy prey." the bone fletcher clatters out.
"Okay!" Says Fozzer, his confidence having easily skyrocketed since his arrival.
Clinkz fires a flaming arrow towards the back of the Chargers head, aiming to draw its ire towards him and away from his companion (7+1(KYE) v 1+1(HUGE)) The beast turns in his direction unknowingly before the arrow even reaches, and this mistake proves fatal as the arrow embeds itself into its eye. It roars to the sky in pain before shaking the pain clear and locking eyes with the only thing in the nearby area that is very clearly covered in fire.
The Charger, as is its namesake, charges, rushing forward, horned head held low in a futile attempt to gore its target instead of simply trampling him. And as the beast rushes forth, Fozzer sneaks onto its blind side. (6 v 2+1-1-1(HUGE, half-blind, imbalanced)) Fozzer once again sweeps his blade at a monsters legs. And this time is no less successful than the last. The charger, its ankle half-severed, tumbles forward to the ground in a heap.

"And another one comes down!"

With his prey fallen before him, Clinkz makes his move, attempting to utilize his new skill to enhance his monstrous form. (7+1(Supercharged) v 8+1-1-1(HUGE, prone, crippled)) His body shifts, and immediately is thrown into a forward lunge far greater than what a Vicetopus should be able to achieve on land. His body slams into the charger, causing the two to tumble over once before halting with Clinkz on the top and the monster pinned beneath him. It appears that supercharging the transformation did not enhance his form, but rather, turned the transformation itself into a powerful physical attack.

Androxus turns to his new craft, the mischievous glint in his eye hidden beneath the opaque goggles of his mask. "So, does your craft have some sort of loudspeaker?" He asks
"Uh... yes Captain."
"Well zen! Zis calls for some fitting musi-" Androxus attempts to say before being cut off by a hand gripping against his arm. It's Geburah, she looks him directly in the eyes as she speaks.
"Don't be a moron, with a vehicle this size, we're already at risk of drawing more attention than we can handle. Trying to draw in any more is just going to get us all killed."
Androxus grumbles before going to reload his Kompressor. He shouts to the others "Ready defensive positions!"

"Sounds like someone needs to learn how to have a little fun~"
"I know, she should have taken his mask off first! Haha!"

The Star Guardians continue their fight deeper into the park.
Spoiler: rolls (click to show/hide)
They march on, some falling behind and struggling to deal with the dense swarm, others doing even better than before. But all working together.

And the monsters move in.

The Beast dueling against Capitao shakes and kicks, keen on removing this nuisance.(6+1(HUGE) v 3+1(Grip)) Capitao finally loses his grip, tumbling backwards as he is forced to let go of his sai.

Persephone breaths hard as she holds her torn shoulder, once home to an arm. The monster takes this new opportunity to press the attack. (5+1-1(HUGE, Crippled) v 3-1(Crippling wound)) The monster swings a fist, which crashes into Persephone, sending her tumbling across the ground with several things broken inside her.

(9+2+2(Titans, Anomalus)) The breif localized magical storm caused by Anomalus' arrival seems to have attracted significant attention. A pair of behemoth monsters and a moderate horde of more moderately sized ones break off from the pack and gather around the group, snarling and roaring, sizing up the threat for an attack. The monster already being savaged by Kan's forces however, struggles against both the binds of the moss, and the worm tearing into its flesh. (8+1-2(HUGE, Grappled) v 5+2(Grappler)) They fight briefly, and though the Moss Elementals grip wavers, it maintains its hold for now.

"And with great power..."
"Comes a great opportunity to try it out!"

(9+2(Sandmarine)) As predicted, the mere presence of the rumbling metal behemoth known as the sand marine draws attention, as a small force of moderately sized monsters begin to surround the gathered force the ground rumbles yet again, and dirt shifts as an enormous beast briefly breaches the surface, leaving churned dirt and ruined hedges in its wake as it circles like a shark.

"Dun-dun, Dun-dun, dundudulun..."

(10-1(Vicetopus)) Clinkz duel appears to attract attention, one of the keen eyed and clearly more intelligent flying monsters begins to circle around from above. A Void Seer, it's weakness is, obviously, the one massive eye on its head, from which it both sees and attacks. However, they're cunning creatures.

The half dead monster facing Beirus and his group sees its opening, and acts on it. (6+1-1-1(HUGE, Severely Injured, Burning) v 3)) It slaps Party Corn with the back of its hand, sending him similarly flying. Thankfully his flexible body and lack of vitals minimize the potential damage, but he still comes away from the experience lying on the ground with a bruised stem.

"GEN-" Laughy begins
"Laughy..." Before Lady Luck, exasperated, cuts him off.
"Sorry, I don't have many corn jokes."
"Oh really? I don't suppose it's because the others are all too..."
"HAAHAHAHAHAHA-" Laughy cracks up uncontrollably, and there is a sudden loud crash and thumb
"Oh dear! Are you uh..." Lady Luck begins, concerned.
"Oh... ummm... he's... going to be a bit, isn't he?"

(4) Zultan and his companion find a few diminutive creatures approaching to aid their dying comrade. He doubts the pitiful beasts would even be able to penetrate his skin, but his companion is not blessed with a body built for war like his own.

(6) Elizabeth however, finds her group approached by a much more moderately sized scorpion monster. They could deal with it on its own, but it would be difficult to handle this situation without drawing the attention of the nearby giant.

(10) The Star Guardians find themselves face with a push much greater than they had expected. The monsters assaulting their position in enormous numbers. Many of their number find themselves being hurt, some even injured severely. They choose to hunker down for the time being, and fortify their position to recouperate.

"Well, it seems like the Guardians have finally bit off more than they can chew."
"And with that I uh... suppose we'll be back after a word from our... sponsors... This might take a bit"

A word from our sponsors


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Re: Wiki Wars: The Omega Games
« Reply #178 on: March 22, 2020, 06:51:18 pm »

Spoiler: Hotfire (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: ANGRY DEMON (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Two Eternities (click to show/hide)
Spoiler:  Greatness (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: NRDL (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Beirus (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: King Zultan (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Naturegirl (click to show/hide)

Once again, my apologies for the wait and thank you for your patience.
As always NRDL you will receive your card when I get the chance to roll it. And, similarly as always, please do point out any errors, either in the turn or in your character sheet, that you notice.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2020, 06:29:12 am by Failbird105 »


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Re: Wiki Wars: The Omega Games
« Reply #179 on: March 22, 2020, 08:44:59 pm »

As a note: I've realized at least a pair of mistakes myself in the Status of several characters while I was attempting to go to sleep. So expect those to be dealt with when I have computer access next.
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