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Author Topic: Wiki Wars: The Omega Games  (Read 32788 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Wiki Wars: The Omega Games
« Reply #150 on: January 06, 2020, 05:10:55 pm »

Well, I've sent a message to Roseheart, and 0cra is unable to participate.

In other news, I decided to pre-roll some more characters, so I've got the next few characters ready to be dropped into the game in a random order as needed. I've also made a second Wiki-list that is only for rolling maps and modifiers, that list contains wiki's that I'm unwilling to give to players for having too high of an average power level(such as Wikizilla and SupCom)
Because I was bored, I decided to roll up the details for the next episode as well. It's looking to be just as interesting as this one. Spoilers for those interested in knowing beforehand:

Spoiler: Episode 2 spoilers (click to show/hide)


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Re: Wiki Wars: The Omega Games
« Reply #151 on: January 06, 2020, 06:00:00 pm »

If Ocra isn’t playing, can I take his place?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Wiki Wars: The Omega Games
« Reply #152 on: January 06, 2020, 06:04:46 pm »

If Ocra isn’t playing, can I take his place?
Well, he's going to be dropped anyway(the rule is; miss two turns in a row, and you get dropped), but the place goes to the next person on the waitlist, so it will be Zultan first. If somebody else dies(as in, for good) or otherwise gets removed, then you'll get in.


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Re: Wiki Wars: The Omega Games
« Reply #153 on: January 06, 2020, 06:10:22 pm »

Ok, thank you for clarifying


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Re: Wiki Wars: The Omega Games
« Reply #154 on: January 07, 2020, 08:06:53 pm »

Alright, well Roseheart has decided to be skipped this turn, so now I'm getting on with, well, the turn. I've also been steadily thinking up new wiki's to add to the list, further matches(and even just further characters) should hopefully have a fair bit more variety to them.
I'm still always open to recommendations, y'know, if you've got any.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2020, 08:12:06 pm by Failbird105 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Wiki Wars: The Omega Games
« Reply #155 on: January 20, 2020, 06:05:11 pm »

Ok, so I've been kinda struggling with motivation for a while now, but I have still been gradually working on the turn. There's no hiatus, and I'm certainly not ending the game, it'll just be a bit longer before it's ready.

Also, to cut down on the amount of time each turn takes, from now on the Star Guardians will get a summarized version of their section whenever there aren't any players grouped up with them, and since Elena has been dropped, that includes this turn.


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Re: Wiki Wars: The Omega Games
« Reply #156 on: January 21, 2020, 05:01:59 am »

I thought it would be kind of funny but a little unfair if after all this time I got a lucky hit or something and won. So out of sportsmanship towards players that put more effort into this session I will drop out now.
Awesome With Autism

Better to burn up in the atmosphere, than drift in space!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Wiki Wars: The Omega Games
« Reply #157 on: January 21, 2020, 10:04:37 am »

Huh, okay if that's what you want. I'll just roll the dice again and pick out another of my pre-made character sheets for Naturegirl then.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Wiki Wars: The Omega Games
« Reply #158 on: January 21, 2020, 11:56:32 am »

Ok. I’m still interested


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Wiki Wars: The Omega Games
« Reply #159 on: February 05, 2020, 07:16:52 pm »

Okay, so, I'm almost done with the turn(my apologies, I've been procrastinating severely with FGO and Bloons TD 6). All that's left is to write the two new arrivals, and the monster encounter roll. SO just before I do that, I'd like to ask, would the two of you(Naturegirl and Zultan) like to arrive at the park gates like the other players did at the start, or somewhere else(location will be chosen by me, and if you both decide somewhere else, then you will both be at the same location)

If you start at the gates, you will be fairly close to the Star Guardians(which could go poorly for one of you in particular on its own if not handled correctly), and also surrounded by monsters.
Anyway, I want to have the turn ready no later than tomorrow night, so if I don't get an answer from one or both of you by tomorrow afternoon, I'll just choose 'somewhere else'.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2020, 07:19:27 pm by Failbird105 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Wiki Wars: The Omega Games
« Reply #160 on: February 05, 2020, 07:56:27 pm »

Somewhere else

King Zultan

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Wiki Wars: The Omega Games
« Reply #161 on: February 06, 2020, 02:30:02 am »

I'm also gonna choose somewhere else.
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Wiki Wars: The Omega Games
« Reply #162 on: February 06, 2020, 06:47:20 pm »

Episode 1: Save us Star Guardians!
Turn 9: The First to Fall
(Initiative: Capitao=10, Androxus=9, Beirus=9, Persephone=4, Clinkz=4, Kan=1, Smoke=DROPPED, Elena=DROPPED, Zultan=Arrives, Elizabeth=Arrives)

Coming up with a daring and, perhaps, inadvisable plan, Capitao pushes through the pain. Materializing a pair of Sai from his chest, he charges the monster.(8-1(Pain) v 3+1+1(HUGE, reach)) though the beast has greater reach than him, and far more strength, he dodges its sweeping limb, reaching its leg, then, he jams one of his sai in just below its knee. (4-1(pain) v 4+1(HUGE)) As he goes to jab with the second sai however, he feels his injuries catching up with him, and flinches, the sai glancing off of the monsters leg.

"Swing and a miss!"

Androxus nods to his new companion and gives a simple gesture, 'after you'. Obligingly, Gebura steps towards the fallen monster, blade in hand, she sprints towards the monster as it lifts itself from the ground. (5+1+1(Skill, E.G.O.) v 1+1-1(HUGE, One arm)) The creature, seeing her coming, attempts to strike back, launching itself towards the woman with the intent to bite her in half. This was not a mistake it would have the chance to reflect on. The combination of the supernatural sharpness of the organic blade, the force of Gebura's attack, and the force of the beasts hurtling body meant that the blade did not simply bite into its target, it cleaved through it. A chunk of the beasts head and torso flies separately from its body as it hits the ground dead.

Gebura proves her worth. Androxus gets: Sand Marine
+Asset- Sand Marine, +Allies- Ptolmaic Sand Marine Crew

The ground behind them churns as grassy soil suddenly turns to the consistancy of sand, and from the surface emerges a large vessel, like a ship on land with a main cannon large enough to contain a man. As the bottom of its shovel-like treads breach the surface, the ground settles and solidifies beneath it. From the vehicles entrance emerges a soldier, with tanned skin and a red bandana covering his mouth.

"Captain Androxus, Sand Marine reporting in!"

"My my, looks like somebody has picked up quite the bit of firepower."

Beirus moves quickly, a basic plan already formed in his head. Floating forward rapidly, he spins around before mounting himself in the protective compartment on the back of the harness. Getting himself into position, he fires off a will-o-wisp at the monster. (9-1(Blindfire) v 2) The purple flame collides with the beast, and it immediately begins to burn. "Chan-de chan!" He shouts, and the Gabbro Man, in spite of everything, or perhaps because of it, understands.
The Gabbro Man charges at the beasts legs, well, 'charges' being a relative term considering that it is made of stone. (6 v 8+1+1-1(HUGE, Reach, Burning)) The beast attempts to respond with a strike of its own before the golem can reach. Its swing flies wide with the fire already acting as a distraction. This causes the Gabbro Man itself to get distracted, as it takes a failed swing at the retreating arm.
(9) "Chan, chan-de, chan-de-lure!" Beirus shouts, and Party Corn gets the gist. Lifting his cob busters, he holds them ready, charging them up, and causing the two to launch in their entirety into their target. (9&7 v 6+1-1(HUGE, Burning)) The cobs slam into its body, blowing a pair of deep holes into its torso. Then, he turns to focus on regrowing his cobs, one forming back to full size quickly, but the other will take more time.

"You already made that joke dear."

Persephone, in uncharacteristic brutality, swings yet again at the monsters legs, targeting the one that is still unbroken. (6+1+1-1(Strength, Staff, Aimed) v 5+1-1(HUGE, Crippled)) Jumping from the broken leg, she brings her staff once again, and with yet another brutal crack, the monster topples to the ground, its legs broken.

Clinkz form retracts inwards, flesh and muscle pulling away to reveal burning bone and wrappings once again. Taking stock of himself, his ribs are clearly very damaged, though that doesn't mean overly much considering he cannot bleed, nor do they cause any further pain. (8+1(Huntsman)) It's fairly easy for him to track down where his ribs where broken, what he sees doesn't paint a particularly good picture. The bones were not simply broken off, they're in several small pieces. He'd need some form of adhesive and a decent bit of time to put it all back together, and for little gain. So instead, he moves on. (6+1+1(KTE, Rampage)) It's honestly not hard to find a large enough monster to fight, the real challenge is finding one that's alone, nevertheless, Clinkz manages. The beast is somewhere between a minotaur and a dinosaur, with chitinous plating guarding many parts of its body. A Void Crusher, while they don't have a weakpoint so much as several strong points, they're so topheavy that they can barely stop themselves mid charge, and they're just asking to be knocked over.

Kan gestures to his worm to stand back, and levels his guns, aiming a shot from the right-side cannon. (5 v 10+1-1(Injured)) The shot flies wide as the monster approaches and sends his cannon swinging sideways. Furtunately, the creature is too far away to properly capitalize on this opening. Seeing that one of his forces was actually now likely to be harmed, Kan tosses down another card, a brief cloud of purple light appears with a sort of warped chime, and dissipates to reveal a swirling crystal, or rather, a set of crystals, one purple and two clear, that all seemed to be occupying the same space, and spinning through eachother. It immediately projects a beam of energy at the grub nearby, but he tosses a haste its way anyway, he has mana to burn.
Kan only realizes that he failed to hold back his other ally when the Moss Elemental charges the monster. Rushing in to face the somewhat larger, and far more solid creature. (10 v 4+1-1(Huge, Injured)) The Moss Elemental crashes into the beast, wooden logs slamming into its form, and moss enveloping its limbs. Sharp branches jam into the open wounds, prying them yet wider and causing the monster to scream out as the moss-man holds it in place with its vegetative bulk.

"The best laid plans of monsters and men..."
"Are often interrupted by moss!

Smoke, still observing The Big One, decides now would be an opportune time to strike. He attempts to pull his body back together... and he attempts again, and again. He begins to realize he had never spent this much time simply drifting in the air as mist, the nanites making up his body have drifted much too far apart, and are slowly taking parts of his mind with them. He is doomed to a slow, silent end.

"Hah! Whoopsie-daisy! That's what happens when you laze around all day am I right?"

Elena desparately rumages through her Di-Cokka, trying to find another shell to load into the cannon to even attempt to stem the on-coming tide of monsters that the Star Guardians are fighting to hold at bay. A rumbling comes from the ground beneath her, and a pair of large, chitinous arms burst forth and grip onto the mini-tank. The burrowing beast pulls back into the hole quickly, burrying its catch as the Guardians swirl around, barely too late to respond.

"There's our real first blood. Tough luck dear."
"Looks like somebody is grounded. Hah!

With no one left to defend, the Star Guardians push onwards, shaken, but not deterred. They understand that this will only continue if they do not put a stop to it.
Spoiler: rolls (click to show/hide)
They move, hammers swing, lasers blast, monsters explode as they push further into the park towards their objective. Some fall slightly behind, slowing the groups progress, but they continue nonetheless.

Elsewhere in the park, down come two streams of light. From them, emerge another two Warriors. One a rough looking woman in even rougher garb, backed by a giant of a man holding a brutal whip, and a lithe girl with a blunderbuss. The other an alien brute, with one strange creature taken root on each of its two primary arms, a lanky, partially rotten elven woman in dark garb stood behind it..

And with that, the monsters make their moves

Capitao's target swings its leg, attempting to shake the annoyance loose. (1+1(HUGE) v 6+1 (Grip)) It shakes and shakes, but he doesn't come loose. Instead, his other hand comes forward, jamming the other sai in.

(2+1) Persephone winds up uninterrupted in her efforts of torment in spite of everything. Perhaps the inward tide is starting to lighten up. Nonetheless, a couple small creatures approach, but nothing of particular note.

(1+1) Kan watches as the monster entangled within the moss fights and struggles, but it can't seem to pull itself loose. It doesn't seem like anything is keen on coming to its aid.

(6+2(Sand Marine)) Attracted to the immense rumbling of the Sand Marine emerging, another monster of great size stomps forth.

(2+1+1) Clinkz and Fozzer, despite one being on fire and the other holding a flaming sword, manage to only draw the attention of a few of the lesser monsters. Though if not dealt with carefully, such could easily lead to the attention of the hunters current prey.

The beast fighting against Beirus' group stumbles from the damage it had received, but takes a swing at the Golem pestering it regardless. (2+1-1(HUGE, wounded) v 4-1-1(Stone, simple-minded)) It falters once again, its claws cutting into the ground next to the rock-man instead of the rock itself.

(2) The new arrivals, Zultan and Elizabeth, find themselves going unnoticed by all but eachother amidst the chaos.

(5) And the horde closes in on the Star Guardians, beast after beast clashing against their might, and slowly, but surely, being repelled.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Wiki Wars: The Omega Games
« Reply #163 on: February 06, 2020, 06:47:57 pm »

Spoiler: Hotfire (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: ANGRY DEMON (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Two Eternities (click to show/hide)
Spoiler:  Greatness (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: NRDL (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Beirus (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: King Zultan (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Naturegirl (click to show/hide)
Alright, and there's the turn. It was finished in a bit of a rush, so please, please do point out anything you think might be a mistake so that I can look into it and I'll either explain or correct it.
Zultan, Naturegirl, you're both in. I'd recommend examining your sheets closely to help you decide what to do. Remember, there's nothing stopping you from working together, but in the end this is still a competition.
NRDL, I'll send your cards tomorrow, cards, plural, because I never got around to sending last turns card, so I'm giving it to you now.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2020, 12:54:54 pm by Failbird105 »


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Re: Wiki Wars: The Omega Games
« Reply #164 on: February 06, 2020, 07:14:39 pm »

Send in my Carrion Grub to assist the Moss Elemental. Summon an Anomalus, even if it doesn't do anything this turn.

((Could you please send me a total list of what cards I have left, my last list would be pretty out of date. ))
NRDL will roll a die and decide how sadistic and insane he's feeling well you do.
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