New test version:
I have a building that converts vanilla humans into armsmen (the civ's non-magic using military caste) for my religious crazies civ. Works fine perfectly fine last I tested it.
Can I see this? Using some weird make-own script variant?
It just uses reaction-trigger to impart a transformation syndrome on the relevant creature, either male or female humans in this case. The kicker is they have to be a citizen as the one you want to transform is the one running the reaction, and who is most likely to join a fort from outside? Bards and scholars. It'd work on the same principle here. Bard or whoever becomes citizen, newly minted citizen runs reaction and embraces the dark side as they are turned into a warlock of the relevant race.
Should note, I think there needs to be a reaction per caste, so while this isn't much of a big deal for vanilla, it'd be a huge hassle for all the various castes found in Masterwork. Not 100% sure there because ZM helped me with the testing and we did that with just vanilla humans in mind.
Boulders: That feels like a very artificial and, as much as I hate to say it, gamey reason for using large amounts of boulders. I would think the main issue should be actual... like... Important things to make the altar work, not the time it takes the builder to drag unprocessed rocks to a given place. While I can't speak for anyone else, I'd prefer needing to make things to make the higher altars with, not needing to wheel or autodump rocks around.
Slade Guardian: The unkillableness of it would be intentional, but it'd also be very much something you couldn't just throw out instantly or in large numbers. Magma, souls, hard to come by materials (platinum or tungsten, depending on if it's vanilla or masterwork,) or
huge amounts of the exceedingly common alternatives. It's basically meant to be an ultimate unit, but I wouldn't be against it having some kind of damageable weak spots (preferrably multiples so they can't be instantly one-shotted, cause that would be the defintion of tragic and rage inducing to have that happen.)
EDIT: Don't forget a use for vermin remains. Gather some up, grind'em up for blood, or for hunks of ground vermin meat to feed the ghouls!
EDIT II: God, there's so much good that was in the old warlocks. I feel like them and the orcs probably got hurt the most by the world activation changes.