Types of ActionsAll actions cost 1 action unless otherwise stated.
Grow: Convert a plain tile you own into a field tile. (You cannot grow in the same tile as a city.)
Harvest: Convert a field tile you own into a plains tile. Gain +1 population.
Expand: Take over a neighbouring uncontested territory. This costs +1 extra action per defence of terrain (rivers are ignored).
Conquer: Take over a neighbouring contested territory. This costs +1 extra action per defence of terrain. Both the conquered region and the conquerors lose 1 population, to a minimum of 1. All fields and fortifications in the conquered hex are destroyed.
Dismantle: for one action do one of:
Remove from a tile you own one of: a fortification, a city.
Convert a field you own into a plain without harvesting
Abandon a territory you own, turning it into a neutral territory.
Raze: Turn an owned plain or field into a desert, this tile ceases to be in your ownership at the end of your turn. Any city or fortification present is destroyed. Gain +2 actions for this turn only.
Raid: Turn a field tile you neighbour into a plains tile. Gain +2 actions for this turn only. A fortified tile cannot be raided. You cannot raid then conquer the same tile in the same turn.
Improve: Change a tile or river line or create a terrain feature, as follows:
Drain: Remove a single river line that borders a tile you own. If a lake tile has no river tiles next to it, it turns into a plain. Deforest: Turn a forest tile you own into a plains tile. Build City: Build a city on plain or favoured terrain you own. To do this, you must have a population number greater than your minimum population. Fortify: Increase the defence of a tile you own by +1 (a tile can only ever be fortified once, and conquered terrain loses its fortifications) Irrigate: Turn a desert tile that you own into a plain if it is bordered by a river line . Channel: Create a river line on a border of one of your tiles that joins an existing river line. A river line cannot form the border between any tile and an ocean tile. If a non-mountain tile is completely surrounded by river lines, it turns into a lake. |
Actions for Each SeasonSpring - Grow, Improve, Raze, Raid, Dismantle
Summer - Conquer, Expand, Raze, Raid, Dismantle
Fall - Harvest, Expand, Raze, Raid, Dismantle
Winter - Conquer, Improve, Raze, Raid, Dismantle