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Author Topic: Absolutely Absurd Abductee Arms Race: F. Cities of Sujia (Turn 4 Revision Phase)  (Read 10087 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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hmm I feel like that might get quickly surpassed by a land vehicle, but we could concentrate on a armored personnel carrier on our next action instead of a transport truck.

Man of Paper

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Quote from: Standard Issue Pulse Pistol
The SIPP is simply a result of a better understanding of the technologies and resources available to us now that we've been on this strange planet for a decade. Internal components are reworked and simplified in order to reduce the chance of a malfunction, and in the case of malfunction damage is highly localized in the weapon and compromised parts are easy to replace on the fly. The simplification of internal components is also meant to coincide with a reduced need for power per shot, improving the lifetime of each battery.

My take on the Caravaneers thinger. I had a similar idea but with more a focus on selective breeding over training and acclimation:

Quote from: Tradesman's Silicalisk
The Tradesman's Silicalisk is a larger, hardier, more docile breed of the Silicalisks used for war - comparable more to the tame civilian breeds, but bred more for overland travel and high carrying capacity. Tradesman's Silicalisks drag sleds or carts, dependent on terrain, across wide tracts of arid, nearly inhospitable land, and are capable of sustaining themselves off of the desert sands for extended periods of time. A pure sand diet will eventually clog up a T. Silicalisk's digestive tract, but it allows for periods of extended travel with a reduced strain on supplies and less cargo load taken up by food for the beasts.

These beasts are not particularly fast nor are they exceptionally good at killing, but if you need to move things from one place to another and you don't have a tunnel for it then the Tradesman's Silicalisk is the go-to beast of burden.


  • Bay Watcher
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Quote from: Acid Muzzle
One of the greatest drawbacks to the Silacalisk, and also one of their greatest strengths, is their ability to produce incredibly powerful acid. While this will make them incredibly useful in combat, it creates a constant element of risk. Currently this risk has been mitigated through the dangerous and costly process of acid gland removal. However this creates several drawbacks in using the beasts for war and labor, some even being unable to feed themselves after the procedure.

However, our "scientists" have been hard at work studying the acid have created a solution. Using acid-proof materials (largely the leather of the beasts themselves), they have crafted muzzles which prevent the beasts from spitting acid. These muzzles can be easily placed on the beasts and keep their mouths closed, preventing acid spit. However, with a few lightening of clasps, the muzzle can be loosened from behind by a rider, allowing the beasts to feed, or in the case of combat, use the acid spit as a weapon.


  • Bay Watcher
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I think I'm gonna join this team. I like the idea of the Silicalisk more than what the others are doing.


  • Bay Watcher
  • You fool. You absolute buffoon.
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Quote from: Votebox
Silic Powder|(0):
Silicalisk Caravaneers|(0):
Tradesman's Silicalisk|(0):
Acid Muzzle|(1): Doubloonseven
It makes sense and will presumably reduce the cost of our acid-y comrades. Though, I should also like to note that in their current state, I don't think riding them is a good idea.



  • Bay Watcher
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Quote from: Votebox
Silic Powder|(0):
Silicalisk Caravaneers|(0):
Tradesman's Silicalisk|(0):
Acid Muzzle|(2): Doubloonseven, Roboson


  • Bay Watcher
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Quote from: Votebox
Silic Powder|(0):
Silicalisk Caravaneers|(0):
SIPP|(1): Failbird
Tradesman's Silicalisk|(0):
Acid Muzzle|(3): Doubloonseven, Roboson, Failbird
According to the first post, we get two revisions for these first four turns.
I wouldn't be against getting logistics Silicalisks, but I'd kinda rather not spend both revisions on them.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2019, 05:03:35 pm by Failbird105 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Quote from: Votebox
Silic Powder|(1):voidslayer
Silicalisk Caravaneers|(0):
SIPP|(2): Failbird,voidslayer
Tradesman's Silicalisk|(0):
Acid Muzzle|(3): Doubloonseven, Roboson, Failbird

I would rather control the beasts better rather then stop the acid but seeing how difficult working with the pistol is a good idea.


  • Bay Watcher
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Hmm, on one hand I do agree, but on the other, I worry about difficulty. The muzzle is likely to be normal at the absolute worst, which means we're just all the more likely to get an exceptional result from it.

Man of Paper

  • Bay Watcher
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Quote from: Votebox
Silic Powder|(1):voidslayer
Silicalisk Caravaneers|(0):
SIPP|(3): Failbird,voidslayer, MoP
Tradesman's Silicalisk|(0):
Acid Muzzle|(3): Doubloonseven, Roboson, Failbird

I dunno if I prefer caravaneer or tradesman, but I’m of the mind that we should be focusing on breeding or training over accessories for the time being. We’ve got some preturns to work on things, and I think getting our experimental stuff gauged as soon as possible gives us boundaries to push, especially as the gm has heavily implied a desire for nonstandard transportation and the like. That tells me that our two nonmuzzle proposals could be easier than expected, and the muzzle simpler than maybe we’d like for pregame work.

Also, perhaps we could design a badass acid resistant uniform with a few bells and whistles as opposed to just some muzzle. I mean, I have a hard time figuring out a good bonus for a high muzzle roll. And this is coming from the guy who was able to make a helluva bonus for an unexpected boon on salviosi sleds. Not saying it isn’t possible to get something badass out of it, but I feel like it’s a bit of an under reach.

Only putting in one vote for now. If I’m rambling or not making a cohesive point it’s because I’m on a phone and too lazy to read through everything I wrote.


  • Bay Watcher
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I'd imagine the bonus would be better Silicalisk training as the muzzles make the 'lisks less dangerous to work with.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Still a demilich, despite the 4e and 5e nerfs
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Turn 1 Revision Phase Results
Quote from: Standard Issue Pulse Pistol
The SIPP is simply a result of a better understanding of the technologies and resources available to us now that we've been on this strange planet for a decade. Internal components are reworked and simplified in order to reduce the chance of a malfunction, and in the case of malfunction damage is highly localized in the weapon and compromised parts are easy to replace on the fly. The simplification of internal components is also meant to coincide with a reduced need for power per shot, improving the lifetime of each battery.
Easy (8+6)+1 = 15 (Exceptional)

Many of the malfunctioning components were actually poorly implemented safeties, meant to burn out like a fuse when going over a limit - which the scrap pistol had been going over regularly, plus fuses don't work well in series. Better, more durable fuses meant to handle higher energy outputs, less of them, and having them slotted into ports accessible from outside the weapon means that burn outs happen less, and are easier to fix. Further, additional unnecessary parts (like a focusing electromagnetic ring AFTER the pulse was already focused) were identified and removed or streamlined reduce the power consumption; also increasing stability and accuracy, and making the projectile more packed together, like a glowing energetic ball of solitary waves, instead of a nebulous mass of hard to identify energy. A solid hit from a maximum power shot can even stop a heart now.

All in all, this is a solid step up, reducing the risk of a pulse pistol no longer working in the field, either because of a misfire, burn out, backblast, or simply running out of power, but also making it so that the pistol can be field stripped and cleaned or repaired. It can even be lethal with a single shot, as the maximum energy allowance has been increased, but using higher energy shots also increases the battery drain - a single battery can usually get 8 kill shots or 50 black-out-stun shots. And while they are easy to change the battery, they aren't quick to do so as the battery is a major central component of the pistol.

No change in cost over the scrap pulse pistol.

Quote from: Acid Muzzle
One of the greatest drawbacks to the Silacalisk, and also one of their greatest strengths, is their ability to produce incredibly powerful acid. While this will make them incredibly useful in combat, it creates a constant element of risk. Currently this risk has been mitigated through the dangerous and costly process of acid gland removal. However this creates several drawbacks in using the beasts for war and labor, some even being unable to feed themselves after the procedure.

However, our "scientists" have been hard at work studying the acid have created a solution. Using acid-proof materials (largely the leather of the beasts themselves), they have crafted muzzles which prevent the beasts from spitting acid. These muzzles can be easily placed on the beasts and keep their mouths closed, preventing acid spit. However, with a few lightening of clasps, the muzzle can be loosened from behind by a rider, allowing the beasts to feed, or in the case of combat, use the acid spit as a weapon.
Normal (9+1)+0 = 10 (Average)

Silicalisks need to eat. To be able to feed them, they need use of their acidic spit to break down rock and stone. We've been hampering their ability to produce acid to keep them controllable, but this also makes it harder for them to eat. The new muzzles, usually made of Silicalisk hide treated with extra acid proofing materials, or sometimes scrap leather from Earthly artifacts - such as the further broken down cars that some Silicalisks have taken a shine to as a food source - keep the animals' mouths shut, and funnel any drool escaping their lips safely behind their head onto the ground, instead of allowing them to spit it forwards.

The clasps are easy to loosen by hand, and easy to retighten by hand - not by claw, or else they'd get loose when scratched at. This allows the Silicalisks to feed on native and nearby stone, rather than having to have food shipped to them after their acid glands had been removed. Most pet Silicalisks still have the glands removed instead of relying on the muzzles, but beasts of burden and war are almost universally adapted to the new muzzles. It will be a generation before this helps, but with quick gestation periods, this shouldn't be a problem. Much of the breeding stock is also still deglanded.

While still adverse to being ridden, stiff reigns on the muzzle allow nearby trainers to point the creature's mouth in a direction once loosened, letting it fire it's acidic spit where they aim it. It also gives them more "stick" ability when training, being able to drag the beast's head down to punish it.

Being allowed to eat wherever, the logistics train behind a Silicalisk and it's handlers is greatly reduced, not needing to quarry stone and reduce it to a size they can eat without their full acidic gland compliment.

Spoiler: Designs (click to show/hide)

It is now the second turn design phase.
The Cyan Menace

Went away for a while, came back, went away for a while, and back for now.

Man of Paper

  • Bay Watcher
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Here's an idea to work off of:

Quote from: Helioraptor
The Helioraptor is a nimble, agile, fast creature with a hide similar to, but thinner and more pliable than, the Silicalisk. The Helioraptor is bipedal with two small arms at the torso and a thick tail to provide balance while sprinting, as these creatures often do. The feet and hands of the Helioraptor end in nasty claws capable of disemboweling a man in a single swipe, and it's mouth is lined with razor-sharp teeth. The Helioraptor's saliva is slightly acidic, though it cannot spit as the Silicalisk does. This is because the Helioraptor only supplements it's diet with stone and sand. This creature seemingly evolved with a taste for the most abundant of resources: sunlight. A patch of vibrant scales atop the head absorbs sunlight, which is then processed by the Helioraptor in a way that is reminiscent of photosynthesis in plants. Helioraptors will bask when "feeding", laying on the warm desert sands while the sun beats down upon their heads.

Helioraptors are protective of their pack, which is defined to them by those who are present at birth, and as they grow expands to include those that care for them as well as their kin. Helioraptor teeth and claws are naturally refined for combat and capable of tearing through even a Silicalisk's hide with relative ease. These are not hunting implements in the slightest - rocks and sunlight don't need to be stalked and taken down after all.

Helioraptors proved to be a menace after our initial displacement, but after a number of nests were discovered and the eggs (similar to geodes, save for being filled with amniotic fluid and a Helioraptor embryo) hatched around human observers we were able to begin the process of training and breeding Helioraptors as we deem necessary.

Helioraptors see use in our military forces as fast attack cavalry, giving a single rider the ability to rapidly traverse terrain while also being able to support an attack once dismounted. A Heliobeast is highly protective of it's rider, and will act to ensure their safety. This includes attacking approaching threats as well as removing an injured rider from danger. Riders don't use a bit and reins to guide the Helioraptor, and instead command the beasts with physical guidance (a heel knocking onto their side, for instance) as well as whistles and clicks that loosely resemble the sounds Helioraptors use to communicate.

Also another idea that totally isn't reposted:

Quote from: Reverse-Engineered Extraction Equipment (uses Alien Credit)
The lands we've been thrust upon are dry, cracked, and barren. If this is some sort of alien experiment then there is no doubt that we are the group expected to fail first. Plant life on the surface is sparse, and what little there is is either covered in barbs or some manner of toxic. The wildlife is something else altogether. With little food or water we should have died, and many did. The first few years ravaged our population, and it would have been worse had it not been for a single seemingly abandoned mining facility.

There were stains of blood but no bodies and most of the facility was inoperable, but our people gained three things that day: space with which to expand underground safe from the sun, access to an abandoned mine still rich with ores both familiar and foreign, and the means of creating tools to extract said foreign material. The primary means of mining in the facility seems to have been what we refer to now as the Reverse-Engineered Extraction Equipment.

The R-E3 is a sledgehammer-like tool with an alien device within the head of the hammer that multiplies the power of the hammerblow with little to no impact to the wearer. While the device is mostly contained within the hammerhead, a small protrusion pops out of the top. This little piece allows air to run through it and lets out a low whistle whenever the R-E3 is swung. The vibration caused by the frequency of the whistling in the device triggers a response in the inner mechanisms that turn it into some sort of inertial amplifier and shock absorber.

This sledgehammer led to the rapid expansion of a number of sietches and is one of the leading reasons why our people are as numerous as they are today.


  • Bay Watcher
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I do quite like the idea of being a faction largely based around the taming and utilization of alien beasts.

Man of Paper

  • Bay Watcher
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Ooh, just had some more animal-based inspiration:

Quote from: Borewasp Hive
A borewasp is an insect of a size similar to a speck of dust. Borewasps live beneath the surface of the desert in caves and caverns, housed in firm balls of fungal bloom not unlike a hard mushroom. Borewasps often spend the entirety of their life-cycle within the confines of their hives, feeding off of the inner walls of these hollow mushroom balls as well as the corpses of their dead. When a hive's food supply becomes to small for the nest, a queen will tunnel through the fungus wall and search for a new bloom to call home. The Borewasp Queen will tunnel into the fungus ball and reduce the interior through digestion, leaving little more than a pool for her spawn to feed from. Once enough space is made inside, the Borewasp Queen will seal off the hole she entered with a combination of saliva and fungus pulp and begin laying eggs. Queens need no mate, and are capable of constant birthing of Borewasps once settled in.

A few of our first explorers met untimely ends when trying to harvest some cave fungus for use. A Borewasp Hive was broken open and the contents burst forth in the angriest of clouds. These diminutive Borewasps ferociously attacked the explorers by tunneling into their flesh, hence their name. While nearly impossible to extract thanks to their size, Borewasps have a very short lifespan outside of the confines of their preferred environment (that is, inside a fungus ball), and upon experimentation it was discovered that their life expectancy on the surface is cut down to within a minute thanks to solar radiation and the inhospitable surface.

We've managed to utilize Borewasp Hives as throwable weapons by coating them in a layer of perfumed wax. The scent of the wax keeps Borewasps from burrowing through it, and provides enough of a casing that they're safe to transport without making them resistant to breaking upon being thrown. A cloth or hide sling can be utilized to launch Borewasp Hives further than when tossed by hand.

Meant to work as a grenade, essentially.
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