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Author Topic: Earthentomb: An excercise in goblin-baiting (Community fort)  (Read 9222 times)


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Re: Earthentomb: An excercise in goblin-baiting (Community fort)
« Reply #15 on: July 30, 2019, 04:26:51 pm »

Honestly I'm pleasantly surprised. Could definitely get far, far worse as far as stats go, and with some training, he'll actually be pretty decent in a fight (the training would be more to make up for that spatial sense than anything, oof...)


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Re: Earthentomb: An excercise in goblin-baiting (Community fort)
« Reply #16 on: July 30, 2019, 04:54:53 pm »

It's refreshing seeing a bit of mania in the writing and development of a community fort. Takes me back.
NRDL will roll a die and decide how sadistic and insane he's feeling well you do.


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Re: Earthentomb: An excercise in goblin-baiting (Community fort)
« Reply #17 on: July 30, 2019, 06:18:14 pm »

Hold up. Are there two different gods named Avuz Goldenmountains, or is Splint somehow the worshipper of the same god... twice?


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Re: Earthentomb: An excercise in goblin-baiting (Community fort)
« Reply #18 on: July 30, 2019, 06:35:34 pm »

It's refreshing seeing a bit of mania in the writing and development of a community fort. Takes me back.
Thankeesir! I am a bit of a maniac. :))

Hold up. Are there two different gods named Avuz Goldenmountains, or is Splint somehow the worshipper of the same god... twice?

Oh. Huh. I'd not noticed.
That's... that's really weird that is. I checked, and I can confirm there is only one "Avuz Goldenmountains". Splint somehow got a duplicate.

Come to that, there's only one "Avuz Goldenmountains" listed in his relations screen!
I just hope this doesn't mess up his prayertime.
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Re: Earthentomb: An excercise in goblin-baiting (Community fort)
« Reply #19 on: July 30, 2019, 06:37:57 pm »


[Dude, you were just at the temple.]


[There isn't another one.]



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Earthentomb: It's full of bards!
« Reply #20 on: July 30, 2019, 08:56:36 pm »

A week into winter, I am met with a surprising proposition.
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A kangaroo person? Delighted by the sheer novelty of the thing, I accept without thinking.

Unfortunately, he's a pretty old little guy

so he's probably gonna up and die on me before long... but hey, it'll be fun to have him around for the time being! I'll try to give a decent retirement or a nice coffin or something. The place is called "Earthentomb", after al-- oh.

Rolo came here to die.

I'm sad now.

In less depressing news... we have a wall!
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It's not all that impressive a wall. It's kinda puny, really. But it's a start, and I can use it as a base for all my above-ground quarters and magmaworks! That's gotta count for something, right?


Perhaps heartened by Rolo's easy entry, a dwarfish poet attempts a petition of his own.
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I'm sorry Erith, but you are not fuzzy or adorable and you do not sing. Go away.

Oh now he's crying.
Now I'm sad again.

Wot, another one?
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Well, it's no kangaroo but... well, humans are pretty useful to have around a fort. I can always use more meatshields for the militia, especially non-cave-adaptable ones... fine, you stay.

Enjoy your two years of fleeting peace.

Seriously, how many of you are gonna do this?
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Yes, fine, alright, you can go sing in the dining hole or whatever, just let me be. I'm trying to raise an empire here!

Another one!
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Another one!

Well, I let him in.
Basic weapon competency, stats for days, missing toe... missing toe? Huh. Anyway. I'm thinking I've found a militia captain for one of my future squads. He shall lead his poetic brethren to glory and death!

Well, we've been able to get some work done in the meantime. Our smelters are online!
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I bought lots-'n-lots of tetrahedrite at embark, so we're just gonna cook that for awhile. Trashy copper equipment for everyone!
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« Last Edit: July 31, 2019, 01:16:11 pm by Superdorf »
Falling angel met the rising ape, and the sound it made was

tormenting the player is important


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Re: Earthentomb: An excercise in goblin-baiting (Community fort)
« Reply #21 on: July 30, 2019, 09:10:36 pm »

Your copper offends me, but the swiftness of your magma work construction does not.


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Earthentombs: Minions! Glorious minions!
« Reply #22 on: July 31, 2019, 01:12:27 pm »

With spring comes elves.

Ayup, here they come now, with their pack animals and their wood-crafts and-- woah!

What kind of highfalutin caravan is this?!
Are the elves in this world so pathetic that they're having to give high-rankers the lowly work? Does the queen just really like merchanting?

Well, whatever the reason. Her Majesty here is just carting along the usual fruit-n'-nuts-n'-woodcraft-- nothing I actually particularly want-- so I'm just gonna let these two hang around on our nice fresh wooden trade depot until they get bored and leave. Maybe next time they'll think to bring something useful.

I doubt it.

There's a bear lurking around. Nix decides to go kill it.
Yeesh, tho... I have got to do something about that copper axe. That's just not gonna cut it when the gobboes show up!

"Cut it"?

'Cos it's an axe?




I tell him we walled off the caverns, go away.
Spoiler: So another one comes. (click to show/hide)
I tell her to go away too.
I tell him to scram, and get on with my life.
Why does such a young fort get so many visitors? It's not like our tavern actually serves anything.

The tetrahedrite-cooking operation is yielding a lot of silver as byproduct. Ordinarily I'd make hammers with it, but I'm trying not to abuse weird quirks of DF physics this fort 'round, and silver is a trashy soft metal that doesn't belong in any self-respecting hammer shaft, so... let's make some trade goods!

I mean. Come to think of it. It's not like copper is really much better. Still.

Sooo y'know how I said I hate migrants?
Yeah we actually need these migrants. The backlog of stuff I want my dwarves to do is huge; we need all the hands we can get. This is a good thing.

Craftsdwarves! Warriors! Useless-peons-that-I've-arbitrarily-forced-to-be-warriors! Wonderful, wonderful minions!

By the time I'm done, Splint's got some underlings to school in the finer points of macework, and the rest of the militia's over tripled in size!

I just hope I can equip them all...

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« Last Edit: July 31, 2019, 05:41:10 pm by Superdorf »
Falling angel met the rising ape, and the sound it made was

tormenting the player is important


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Re: Earthentomb: An excercise in goblin-baiting (Community fort)
« Reply #23 on: July 31, 2019, 02:07:49 pm »

Dear Overseer,

Your item puns cause me physical pain.

Captain Splint


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Earthentomb: We shall slay our foes with the power of BLING
« Reply #24 on: July 31, 2019, 05:33:44 pm »

My miners are idle.
It's time to give 'em something to do.





So. Here we have the preliminary layout for my magma-stacks! I'll be setting up the southeast one first, 'cos it bypasses the first cavern through a rock pillar so it'll be way quicker to do. Once that's online, I'll rig up a system to direct its output whereever's needed, then start on the others.

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This is gonna be fun.

Ooh! Ooh ooh! Time to start hauling goblets!
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And more goblets
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And morrre goblets
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We end up hauling over 25,000 dorfbucks' worth of goblets. With a bit of haggling, I manage to buy up nearly every scrap of weapon-grade metal the caravan has to offer.

Uh oh. Bear!

Spoiler: BEAR! (click to show/hide)


The bear gets kind of a nasty bite in on our good hammercaptain
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so I send in Nix and her fellow fish-cleaners-with-axes to resolve the situation.
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They do so with aplomb.
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Migrant day!

There's a couple with shoddy personality traits or nice skills or whatever I keep, but mostly I just draft everybody.


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Not the steel

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Solid gold

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Solid gold, with which to crush our enemies

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Spoiler: AHAHAHAHAHA (click to show/hide)

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Okay wait who is this "Cog Arrowbears" guy? Because that's a beautiful name. When I'm done with this fort, I'm gonna go make an adventurer, and I'm gonna ask everyone who "Cog Arrowbears" is, and I'm gonna find him, and I'm gonna throw arrows at him. And bears.

Mostly bears.

Because... because that's a beautiful name.
It really is.

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« Last Edit: August 03, 2019, 01:59:05 pm by Superdorf »
Falling angel met the rising ape, and the sound it made was

tormenting the player is important


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Re: Earthentomb: An excercise in goblin-baiting (Community fort)
« Reply #25 on: July 31, 2019, 05:43:44 pm »

Oi, quit stealing Spearbreakers' bit ya mug peddler.  :P


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Earthentomb: Beasties great and small
« Reply #26 on: August 02, 2019, 12:50:49 pm »

An entire troupe. They brought... an entire troupe.
Spoiler: And it's ALL POETS. (click to show/hide)
Seriously, why is our unfinished dining room suddenly the mediocre-poetry capital of the world?
But I let 'em in. It's an awful lot of mouths to feed, and we're moving dangerously quickly towards siege-threshold, but... they have a little kitty person!
Spoiler: A LITTLE KITTY PERSON! (click to show/hide)
How could I refuse something so absurdly adorable?

Welp, our friendly neighborhood spear-liaison is back.
Usual fortress life grinds to a halt as every free-handed dwarf rushes to haul the export...
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...which amounts to only around 19,000 dorfbucks. Not so much as last time, but enough to buy up the metal-n'-ore I ordered last year, and a bit of extra stuff to boot.

It'll do.

I'm disturbed from my thoughts of economy by an announcement of attack!

I dispatch Nix's axe squad to confront the beast.
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Nix reaches the scene first...
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...and last. As it turns out, Nix alone is quite capable of putting any mere demibeast through a world of hurt!

After suffering punishment no mundane biped could survive...
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...the ettin exsanguinates under a relentless flurry of axe-strikes.
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Nix leaves her enemy dead in a pool of its own blood. Her weapon and her training have served her well.
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Migrant day!

I run personality checks, draft everybody and get on with things.

Sooner or later, the goblins are gonna realize I'm smuggling an entire village right past their trenches... for now tho, we're in the clear.

The pumpstack operation has hit... complications.
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Which wouldn't really be such a big deal, if not for this guy.
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I had to pop over to Wikipedia just to figure out what a nematode even is. As it turns out, "nematode" is the nice frilly scientific term for... a roundworm.

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I elect to halt the diggings until our military's toughened up a bit. I'd rather not see anyone on the wrong end of that horrible, horrible stinger 'til I know for sure we can handle it.

I'll have to settle for lesser magma-projects in the meantime.
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I badly need to start moving the magmaworks up topside. These minecarts will help me greatly with that.

Ahhh I forgot about cavern climbers
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How did I forget about cavern climbers
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Troglodyte in the magma-stack
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Go kill it


I just wanted it dead
You didn't have to
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paint the walls with it
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Some weeks after Splint's little slaughterfest, I'm greeted by a most welcome message.
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We have land-holdings!
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It'll be nice to have a place to expel workers to, and to draw emergency labor from should we find ourselves in a really sticky situation! I just hope I can prepare rooms sufficient for a baron in time...

As the autumn draws to a close, I prepare plans for cart-hauling magma to a more convenient location
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and consider an assault on Zanor the roundworm.
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Somehow, Zaneg must be slain before we can continue our magma operations. Nix, Nord, and Besmar their underling are the only dwarves I deem sufficiently trained to safely contest the beast, but their bronze axes will make it difficult for them to hack through Zaneg's thick hide, and their copper armor is easily penetrated-- and for all I know, even a single good strike from that ungodly stinger could prove fatal!. I am thus reluctant to attempt an attack without... confirmation.

NRDL, NordicNooob: Will your dwarves take up arms against Zaneg the roundworm at this time?

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« Last Edit: August 03, 2019, 02:00:31 pm by Superdorf »
Falling angel met the rising ape, and the sound it made was

tormenting the player is important


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Re: Earthentomb: An excercise in goblin-baiting (Community fort)
« Reply #27 on: August 02, 2019, 01:05:28 pm »

I probably wouldn't, not yet. It's very likely an easy victory, but no point in taking unneeded risks. Perhaps you could trap it instead?


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Re: Earthentomb: An excercise in goblin-baiting (Community fort)
« Reply #28 on: August 02, 2019, 01:16:47 pm »

If my training is up to snuff, lemme smash. It's a nematode with a sting. Lemme smash it. I wanna squish it. Squish it dead.

EDIT: To clarify, if my training will permit smashing.


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Re: Earthentomb: An excercise in goblin-baiting (Community fort)
« Reply #29 on: August 02, 2019, 01:38:48 pm »

If my training is up to snuff, lemme smash. It's a nematode with a sting. Lemme smash it. I wanna squish it. Squish it dead.

EDIT: To clarify, if my training will permit smashing.

You're no mace-lord, but you can hold your own in a fight. Mostly. Your macebuddies are only Proficient and Skilled in their weapons of choice, but they don't have to be the ones to come with you-- you could bring Besmar the Axe Lord instead, or even a couple of the many, many draftees... of course, most of the draftees are worse fighters than your macebuddies anyway.
Falling angel met the rising ape, and the sound it made was

tormenting the player is important
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