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Author Topic: Surviving in an Alien World [Suggestion Game]  (Read 107022 times)

King Zultan

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Re: Surviving in an Alien World [Suggestion Game]
« Reply #540 on: October 07, 2019, 04:45:23 am »

+1 to flying and learning.  Let's not go around messing with the horde.  We have a stable supply of food, money, and can lay low for a while.  If it gets stolen we can hunt down the thief and rip his throat out later.
I’m not sure if I voted +1 to flying and learning or not, if I didn’t, I’m voting for it now, If I did already, ignore the potential double vote
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


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Re: Surviving in an Alien World [Suggestion Game]
« Reply #541 on: October 13, 2019, 07:13:56 pm »

You leave Eiwhyl's and get back home. You spend much of the rest of the day trying to get Ali to explain some of the things you saw. While she can explain what chronometers are, her explanation of what "sterile" is makes no sense to you and she has no idea about what many of the things you saw are or how they work. She only gives broad explanations that are only marginally better than what Eiwhyl gave you. Looks like you'll have to pester Eiwhyl to convince her to stop being stubborn and explain things better.

On the bright side, she seems to be enjoying hearing about your experiences, even if it's sometimes hard for you to find the words to express what you want to say. But from what you can tell, she is familiar with Eiwhyl's Clinic, so she can usually work out what you mean and teach you words for the things you saw. Maybe after your work tonight you'll be the one teaching her new things. Yes. That would be good. Your chest fills with pride just imagining it.


Night falls and as expected Dad is still not home. You get the feeling Mom is glad to have your and Ali's help.

Eventually Mom and Ali fall asleep and you prepare to make your way back to Eiwhyl's. You hesitate for a few minutes, fearing you're going to bump into Dad when you walk out or that he'll realize you're missing when he eventually gets home. But you've agreed with Eiwhyl that you'll go to her after nightfall. And really, it's not like you're doing anything wrong. How mad could he get if he found out?

After a few minutes of convincing yourself, you finally go outside and head for the elevators. Once you reach the Clinic you find Eiwhyl waiting for you with a container of still-warm meat. You thank her and eat greedily. It's not as good as Ali's cooking but it's real meat and that more than makes up for it. After your meal is over Eiwhyl makes sure you remember everything she taught you earlier today (and forces you to sterilize your forelegs while she watches) and then makes her way to her room. You hear noise from inside and try to figure out what's going on, but eventually the noise stops and you give up.

Then you have to solve the problem of keeping yourself entertained in a place where nothing happens and where you're allowed to touch nothing. Sleep is a tempting option, but you're supposed to be guarding this place, you can't sleep. So you resort to watching everything intently. Counting the beeps on the machine before its lights change. Seeing how often the vat emits bubbles. How often the human inside it moves his limbs in his unconscious state. How the three-eyed being sounds like when it sleeps. Trying to figure out if it sleeps the same way humans do. Then spray your hands. Then look around some more.

Eiwhyl comes out of her room about an hour and a half after she went in. She says it's to throw away some trash but you're pretty sure she just wanted to check up on you and make sure you're doing fine. You display your wings, feeling smug that she has nothing to reprimand you for. She mutters something and goes back to her room, closing the door behind her.

The rest of the evening is uneventful. The most exciting thing that happens is when a yellow light appears on the vat the burnt human is in. You wake up Eiwhyl like she instructed you and then follow her back to the vat, where she starts working on a control panel next to the vat.

You pester her as she fiddles with the switches, asking her to explain what she's doing. She eventually relents and she... well, she gives you names for the switches and the lights and she walks you through the steps she has to take, but that doesn't really explain what she's doing. Still, better than nothing. You do your best to memorize the names and the procedure she's following.

The procedure ends with Eiwhyl opening a side panel and revealing a slot holding two large cylindrical canisters that hold a cyan, almost white sludge that seems to be emitting a faint glow. She removes the one that's almost empty, hands it to you and then asks you to get a replacement from the storage room. You do your best to walk to the storage room while holding the container, but walking with two legs is hard, especially when you're holding something heavy enough to mess with your balance. The cylinder is hard to grip, no handholds you can use your mouth on, smooth and slippery. Your claws are made to dig into flesh, not to hold these sorts of things.

Eiwhyl is summoned by the clatter of the container falling. She reprimands you for dropping the canister and goes to pick it up herself, but you growl in frustration and try to pick it up again. You don't want her to see you as useless. You want to be useful, helpful, admired. You want another try. You manage to almost make it to the door before you drop it a second time. You pick it up again, but this time Eiwhyl forcefully rips it out of your grip, not really caring for your protests.
"I ain't got all night. Practice on your spare time."

It hurts. It's a new kind of pain. When you fail at something you are attempting for yourself, it's only you there to judge yourself. You don't have to care about anybody else's opinion. When Ali or even Mom show you something, they're patient, helpful, understanding. And even then, there's no responsibility, no job, just learning and helping. But here, you've asked for this job. Just moments ago you asked for more responsibility. And now...

You don't let it stop you. You keep following Eiwhyl, watching her install the replacement canister and close the machine up. But the feeling stays with you, nagging you with doubt and anger, even after Eiwhyl goes back to sleep. 'It's her fault for having such crappy canisters with no handholds.' 'What could I had done better?' 'Is she going to keep teaching me? I need her to trust me so that she'll teach me more.' 'It would had been easier if I could use my mouth.' 'Is she angry?' 'She should had given me another chance.'

You resolve to try harder. You don't want to feel like this again. You'll practice on your own, like she said. And next time, you'll impress her.

End of Chapter 3: The Outside
Quote from: Security Force Anti-Gang Unit Weekly Sector Report
...a decrease in the number of reported incidents by 2%. We expect this strategy will continue deterring illegal production, however without actions that address the source of the problem, we can't expect full cessation of production.

An informant has reported increased activity near a residential tower, signs of possible inter-gang conflict related to the distribution of illegally produced drugs. Due to more pressing concerns, we currently lack the manpower necessary to conduct surveillance of the area and investigate this claim. Given the probability of this conflict escalating to open violence, we suggest assigning more local Security Force officers to patrol the area and conducting readiness drills.

We also reiterate our request for a 1.3% increase to our sector's budget allocation for the next quarter to facilitate...

Fame: 5+2=7: How prominent you are in the public's attention
Notoriety: 3+7=10: The public perception of your actions and the threat you pose
Fear: 5+12=17: The public perception of your power and abilities


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Re: Surviving in an Alien World [Suggestion Game]
« Reply #542 on: October 13, 2019, 07:17:52 pm »

If there's something that can characterize your last few weeks, it's 'exhausting' and 'frustrating'.
Status gained: Tired

Every night you come home you feel like you can barely stand up. You fall unconscious only to wake up in the afternoon with all your muscles aching. You've been forcing yourself to walk on two legs, something your body clearly is not happy about. But you have to learn how to do it if you want to be good at your job. And all the effort is starting to pay off. You've learnt how to balance well enough and in the last couple of days you've started to feel like your body is complaining a lot less. Maybe your muscles are getting stronger, maybe your body is adapting.

Even walking on two legs is not enough to solve all your problems. Your hands are not good at manipulating machines. You lack the necessary dexterity and your claws keep getting in the way. It would be so much easier if you could use your mouth, but you know Eiwhyl would get mad if you did that (not to mention there's a great many things that can't fit in your mouth). Ali suggested trimming your claws to make it easier to grab things, but you're reluctant to give them up. You'd feel disarmed without them.

And then there's Ali's parents. You're not sure what the problem is. Maybe they're getting suspicious of the changes in your behaviour. Maybe they just don't like you. You've been trying to make them like you and you think it's working, to an extent. But there's always something... off. And then there was that time they changed the lock-code for the door. You couldn't make it to Eiwhyl's on time and she was so angry the next day...

That's why you're now even more determined to practice flying. Eiwhyl's given you some suggestions based on other flying species. She's been letting you use her window to jump out and glide back down to Ali's Apartment. During your short decent, you've been practicing, circling the tower, trying to stay in the air for as long as possible.

The worst is Ali. You wake up late, you're always tired. There's too little time and energy left for you to play with her, at least not for very long. You try to make it up to her by talking to her about your day, the things you saw and the things you learned. She smiles and praises you, but you can somehow tell she misses you when you're away.

Despite all the hardships you've experienced during that time, there have been moments that have made you think that all the pain and stress might be worth it.

Like when you managed to fly all the way up to Eiwhyl's in one go, without having to pause for a rest. Granted, there was a favourable updraft helping you, but that does little to diminish the joy you received from this achievement.
Quote from: Ability upgraded
Short Flight: You can glide in order to survive falls and quickly move great distances. You can even fly upwards for short distances. You can use favorable winds and updrafts to increase your glide time.

Or after receiving your first salary. 20 credits as a reward for your help. It's not a lot but you don't really need a lot. It feels great knowing you have earned these credits with your hard work. And there's a primal satisfaction in seeing your pile of colorful valuable things grow.
Item Gained: 60 credits (3 blue chips)

Or that time Eiwhyl woke up and scrambled out of her room, thinking you'd failed to wake her up, only to find that you'd exchanged the healing vat's empty canister with a full one yourself. She didn't take your word for it of course, she made sure to double check your work, but you've come to expect that. You don't see it as an insult, as mistrust. She simply cares too much about her work and worries too much about the people under her care. She's not yet certain that you've learned everything you need to. And, if nothing else, it makes it all the more rewarding when she finally relents and admits you did a good job.
Quote from: Ability gained
Basic Nursing: You know the basics of caring for patients and preparing and maintaining equipment used in their care. You can also administer certain simple treatments. However you still lack much of the knowledge necessary for you to be able to determine what said treatment should be.

Eiwhyl doesn't like talking about herself too much. You've tried talking to her during your shared meals, but she either avoids the questions or flat out refuses to answer. You don't learn much from watching her either. She never leaves her Clinic, at least not when you're around. Even the meals you share are delivered to her door. And the door is always closed when she's in her room. Ali also doesn't know much about her. All she could tell you was that her species of horned humanoids is called Iktotchi and that it's rumored they know the future. Given how many times you've managed to surprise her, you're pretty sure that's not true.

At least Eiwhyl was willing to talk about biology and about you. She did a good job giving you some basic knowledge of the inner workings of humans and some of the other most common species. However when it comes to you, she doesn't really know that much. She used her machines to examine you but whatever they told her, it didn't help, at least not beyond pointing out some already obvious organs. She tried searching using your blood and searching in her datapads, but she found nothing like you. Her theory is that you're a draconic species from some unknown world. She asked for more information about your hatching and where you came from, but you weren't certain if you should answer. She might get mad if she learns you killed and ate a human, even if that human did shoot first.

You've also been speaking to Eiwhyl's clients and patients. You've discovered that almost all species can understand at least the basics of the human language and can even read and write it, even if they can't speak it. Ali has taught you the 34 symbols used to represent the sounds used in human language, so if you can get them to write what they want to say, you can communicate with them (though figuring out the words from the symbols still takes a lot of time).
Quote from: Ability Upgraded
Basic Human Language: You are able to understand many of the most common words of the human language, including some that express more abstract things, though there are still a great many words and expressions that you have yet to learn. You can also read, though it takes you some time to understand the words. You can also speak, though it's sometimes hard for others to understand you.
That goes for the human body-language as well: nods and hand gestures are also universal, at least for many species that have such appendages (and even some that don't). And many of the species that don't use human body language tend to use displays very similar to yours, which makes them easy to understand. That, along with a smattering of words of other languages has helped you take care of patients and fulfill their needs. You've been trying to convince Eiwhyl to let you man the shop while she sleeps as well.
Quote from: Ability Gained
Communication: You have a knack for understanding other beings, even those whose language you don't know.

All in all, life is difficult and uncertain, but improving. You're feeling optimistic about your future.


You and Eiwhyl have just finished your meal. It's one of those rare occasions where you've seen her smile. You just told her a joke Ali told you ("Why did the man hurt all over? He had a broken finger.") and she responded with one of her own ("What did one eye say to the other? 'Something between us smells!'"). You don't really get this 'joke' thing, but it makes them smile, so you participate.

That's when the doorbell rings. Eiwhyl's mood goes sour the moment she hears the voice coming from the intercom. She goes to open the door and the moment she does so a blue-skinned biped rushes in. You recognize her. You saw her arguing with Eiwhyl on your first day at work. Her name is Iseng'ela. She used to work with Eiwhyl but "run off to do something dumb because she's dumb" some time ago.

That's all Eiwhyl told you. She's still mad at her. But this time there's something different. Instead of the mutual anger and frustration you saw last time, this time there's fear and desperation. You can't understand the specifics since they're not using the human language, but you can tell Iseng'ela is scared and asking for help. You see the shock and fear spread to Eiwhyl's body language before it is masked by anger. Eiwhyl is demanding that she leaves.

Spoiler: Status (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Hoard (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Inventory (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Known Locations (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: October 13, 2019, 07:27:01 pm by Parisbre56 »


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Re: Surviving in an Alien World [Suggestion Game]
« Reply #543 on: October 13, 2019, 07:44:36 pm »

We should go ask Eiwhyl what's wrong, and if we can help.


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Re: Surviving in an Alien World [Suggestion Game]
« Reply #544 on: October 13, 2019, 07:58:52 pm »

I hope we can help!  It sounds like we might have to fight something if we do, which will be a fun change of pace.

Also, we should see if we can train our hearing, so we can doze off while waking up if any of the machines go beep.  We're too tired to play with Ali, and if we're too tired when working we'll make mistakes.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2019, 08:07:24 pm by Devastator »


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Re: Surviving in an Alien World [Suggestion Game]
« Reply #545 on: October 13, 2019, 11:16:26 pm »

Also, we should see if we can train our hearing, so we can doze off while waking up if any of the machines go beep.  We're too tired to play with Ali, and if we're too tired when working we'll make mistakes.

Alertness is a must. 
I never thought genocide would look so cute. . .
No reason someone can be dorfed only once. An entire army of Carefulrogue! All in one coffin, it seems.
"Guys if you say 'oops sorry' afterwards it's not a war crime, right?"

King Zultan

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Re: Surviving in an Alien World [Suggestion Game]
« Reply #546 on: October 14, 2019, 02:00:08 am »

I hope we can help!  It sounds like we might have to fight something if we do, which will be a fun change of pace.

Also, we should see if we can train our hearing, so we can doze off while waking up if any of the machines go beep.  We're too tired to play with Ali, and if we're too tired when working we'll make mistakes.
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


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Re: Surviving in an Alien World [Suggestion Game]
« Reply #547 on: October 14, 2019, 04:27:16 am »

-1 to trying to nap and work, that's a recipe for missing an important alarm and losing our job.

+1 to offering to help though. Hopefully it'll be a task that is more suited to our abilities, cos whilst helping people is nice we are not built for it.


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Re: Surviving in an Alien World [Suggestion Game]
« Reply #548 on: October 14, 2019, 05:37:53 am »

I'd normally agree with you completely, Kashyyk, but so is working while exhausted doing really boring things.


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Re: Surviving in an Alien World [Suggestion Game]
« Reply #549 on: October 14, 2019, 08:12:41 am »

+1 to helping

-1 to sleeping on the job


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Re: Surviving in an Alien World [Suggestion Game]
« Reply #550 on: October 14, 2019, 09:00:19 am »

+1 to helping

-1 to sleeping on the job
+1 to helping
-1 to sleeping on the job
+1 to training hearing


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Surviving in an Alien World [Suggestion Game]
« Reply #551 on: October 14, 2019, 09:06:42 am »

I'm not sure how one would go about training hearing. Regardless, we'd best turn our attention to the problem at hand... namely, this "Iseng'ela" person that has Eiwhyl so upset!

We should go ask Eiwhyl what's wrong, and if we can help.

« Last Edit: October 14, 2019, 09:08:13 am by Superdorf »
Falling angel met the rising ape, and the sound it made was

tormenting the player is important


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Re: Surviving in an Alien World [Suggestion Game]
« Reply #552 on: October 14, 2019, 09:07:23 am »

It'd be bad to sleep on the job, but being exhausted all the time isn't really sustainable. Part of our tiredness is probably from standing up, which we seem to be adapting to, but there's probably other things we could do. Maybe spend that money on some better bedding.
We also have to decide on trimming our claws. There's probably a hard limit on how much medic-ing we can do with usably weaponized claws, but we might well need a weapon. This leads to the idea that trimming our claws could lead to additional options for held weapons. It's probably not practical or sensible for us to use the sonic rifle, but even something like a switchblade could make up for a lack of claws while still letting us finely manipulate things. And well, our job is pretty much as a guard, we might be able to justify getting a sidearm. Probably can't afford one, but we might just run into one.
Speaking of~...

Ask what the problem is, and if we can help. While doing so, avoid looking harmless, in case the helping involves harm.

Also, address the question to Iseng'ela. We may work for Eiwhyl, but that doesn't mean we're obliged to work for her alone. And it's Iseng'ela is the one with a problem. If we ask Eiwhyl, she might refuse to tell us and we're out on a gig.
« Last Edit: October 14, 2019, 09:11:01 am by Egan_BW »


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Re: Surviving in an Alien World [Suggestion Game]
« Reply #553 on: October 14, 2019, 09:09:13 am »

Ask what the problem is, and if we can help. While doing so, avoid looking harmless, in case the helping involves harm.

Sounds good to me! +1
Falling angel met the rising ape, and the sound it made was

tormenting the player is important


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Surviving in an Alien World [Suggestion Game]
« Reply #554 on: October 14, 2019, 11:22:04 am »

Ask what the problem is, and if we can help. While doing so, avoid looking harmless, in case the helping involves harm.

Sounds good to me! +1

Do we by chance know at what rate our claws grow?  If we trimmed them, how long could we expect it to be before they are usable again?
I never thought genocide would look so cute. . .
No reason someone can be dorfed only once. An entire army of Carefulrogue! All in one coffin, it seems.
"Guys if you say 'oops sorry' afterwards it's not a war crime, right?"
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