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Author Topic: Mechanized Warfare: Inithar Thread / Final Phase, 1941 Cold Season  (Read 38332 times)

Man of Paper

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Re: Mechanized Warfare: Inithar Thread / 2nd Prelim Design Phase
« Reply #45 on: August 09, 2019, 11:52:18 am »

Couple of issues, Craftsdwarf:

Inithar isn't Abbera in any way except for the fact that that's the half of the island they're on. In fact both sides are completely foreign to this part of the world. The teams from the old game are still around in the form of The Pact, an NPC faction you will not be playing as. The Reality Defense Cannon was also deployed to Harren City, which means it rests firmly in the hands of The Pact. Unless your team manages to take the Fortress City, which is highly unlikely for a good while, you'll only ever be on the receiving end of the last game's equipment, plus two decades of refinement.

I'll also say for both you and the proposer of An Advanced Age (Tric) that that design is very much invalid. The point of the designs this phase is to define your nation through their accomplishments and advancements, not "steal things from someone else and be better everywhere lol".


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Re: Mechanized Warfare: Inithar Thread / 2nd Prelim Design Phase
« Reply #46 on: August 09, 2019, 12:01:55 pm »

Quote from: Votebox
Normal Longbows: (0)
Laumalie Longbows: (0)
Catapults: (0)
An Advanced Age: (1)Craftsdwarf Boi
Smoke Slings: (0)
Cat's Eye (1): TricMagic
Refocyte Longbows (4): Twinwolf, Powder Miner, Wozzy, jerick
-but call Refocyte Nima Silver, after the Tongan word for "hand": (1) Powder Miner
Tribolument Longbows (1): TricMagic
Recovery Of Reality Defense Cannon (0)


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Re: Mechanized Warfare: Inithar Thread / 2nd Prelim Design Phase
« Reply #47 on: August 09, 2019, 12:21:10 pm »

Quote from: Votebox
Normal Longbows: (0)
Laumalie Longbows: (0)
Catapults: (0)
An Advanced Age: (1)Craftsdwarf Boi
Smoke Slings: (0)
Cat's Eye (0):
Refocyte Longbows (5): Twinwolf, Powder Miner, Wozzy, jerick, TricMagic
-but call Refocyte Nima Silver, after the Tongan word for "hand": (1) Powder Miner
Tribolument Longbows (0):
Recovery Of Reality Defense Cannon (0)

I'll note this Refocyte is likely to end up in damage, since having to hammer the thing to make it store energy is..


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Re: Mechanized Warfare: Inithar Thread / 1st Prelim Design Phase
« Reply #48 on: August 09, 2019, 04:46:17 pm »


Meton is a curious substance found in the bodies of sea creatures inhabiting deep, dark parts of the ocean. It slows down their metabolism, and allows them to endure enormous pressure. However, it was noted in the initial sighting that smaller creatures that normally wouldn't survive at such depths or temperatures were spotted in the immediate vicinity.

Best of all, we know how to make it now.

Meton is an organic chemical compound that slows the movement of molecules of an object, protecting it from harsh environments and forces while simultaneously reinforcing its internal structure so that damage doesn't occur while slowed relative to the timestream. When the creatures can no longer create this compound, they age at a normal pace, though a small "jump" does occur, in which the creature has been seen to phase through matter.

TL;DR: stasis juice with minor teleportation abilities. Makes good defense and armor, as well as Medicinal and movement subcategories
« Last Edit: August 09, 2019, 04:50:16 pm by Doomblade187 »
In any case it would be a battle of critical thinking and I refuse to fight an unarmed individual.
One mustn't stare into the pathos, lest one become Pathos.

Man of Paper

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Mechanized Warfare: Inithar Thread / 2nd Prelim Revision Phase
« Reply #49 on: August 09, 2019, 08:42:40 pm »

Initharian Defining Tech: Bronze Age

Proposal: Refocyte/Refocyte Longbows

Refocyte, called “Nima Silver” by our ancestors who discovered it, is a metallic ore that in many ways resembles silver - hence the colloquial name. As an ore, it is nothing special - it is quite difficult to distinguish it from other silver-colored metals in it’s natural state. But when processed, some very unique properties can manifest themselves. Our ancestors discovered this when working the metal, thinking it to be bronze or iron.

When refined, Refocyte doesn’t seem to distribute force as a normal material would, but instead stores the energy of whatever forces act on it. It continues to do so, until the Refocyte makes a strong impact - at which point, all the force is released at once. If one takes a hammer to a bar of Refocyte a few times and then drops the bar, it may well damage the floor as the force of the hammer blows is released.

Refocyte Longbows

Sunaka tried to calm his rapid heartbeat as he sighted in on his target. The invaders were unaware of their impending death. He realized he’d closed an eye - “Sloppy. Throws off your aim, your depth perception,” his grandfather had told him when explaining why it was a mistake. He opened his eye. He drew the bowstring back to his chest, breathing heavily. “Take a breath and hold it, or your aim will drift with your breath.”

He had learned from his grandfather while hunting, using a smaller bow that was like a longbow to him at the time. He had learned archery, and now he could hit the wings off a fly at 200 paces. Sunaka had killed before - but animals, not men. But these men had killed his fellows, wished death upon him and his family. And, with the longbow passed down from his father, and his father’s father, and so on down their line, he would do something about it.

As one, a hundred arrows flew between the trees. The invader’s formation simply disintegrated as arrows pierced bronze armor as easily as cloth. Sunaka’s target didn’t even get a death rattle - he was a corpse before he hit the ground. The survivors fled, as the Inithari archers readied another precise volley. 

Men, it would seem, were just another kind of animal.

While bows had been in use among the Inithari’s ancestors since near the start, it was this invasion where the prevalence and quality of the bows shot up. Inithari Longbows were tall, about the height of a man (taller than some), made from the same trees that they built their boats from, and had a draw weight that surprised foreigners. While it required intense training to use, a skilled archer could kill their enemy from long range, well before they were in any danger. During this period, the arrows also changed, using metal heads instead of the sharpened stone of ages past - more specifically, arrowheads made of Refocyte. Carefully forged and imbued with kinetic force during the creation process, and stored in a specially made quiver to prevent a premature discharge of the energy, the arrows would hit their target and release a large amount of force into them all at once, piercing armor and inflicting grievous wounds.

Difficulty: Very Hard
Result: (6+3)-2=7, Average

While the Inithar Archipelago contained a wide variety of wildlife and terrain, one thing (besides the inhabitants) was shared by each island: an abundance of a strange material known as Nima Silver or Refocyte. This material proved difficult to extract from the earth at first - miners tried to carve the ore from the hard stone it was found within, when in fact if a miner applied enough force to the ore itself the impact would be amplified through the rock around it, weakening the stone and more often than not freeing the ore for gathering. The Initharians had worked the material into spearheads and arrows but soon did away with them when they proved to cause too much damage to the meat and bone of their prey. The Refocyte, it turned out, was capable of converting kinetic energy to potential energy and storing it until a threshold was reached, where it would unleash the sum of all collected force at the point of impact.

When the first massive ships from the Median Empire were spotted in Initharian seas the people were wary, but did not expect a generation of war to result. The first Median landings were on relatively uninhabited islands, and they were quick to build up fortresses and settlements to support their expanding empire. The Initharians kept their distance until they could no longer. A large Median landing fleet struck the shores of one of the Big Five Islands of Inithar, the major hubs of the nation. The landing was bloody and violent - the Medians took no prisoners, gave no quarter, and the largely unprepared island was slaughtered to the man. Almost.

A single ship bearing remnants of an unremarkable family managed to slip away and spread word of the brutality of these newcomers bearing weapons and armor made of mighty metals. Nothing the defenders of the island brought to bear did significant damage, and while these invaders secured their position many Initharians believed all was lost. That was, until a few mastercraftsmen recalled the devastating damage an arrow tipped in Nima Silver could do to a beast.

Equipped with longbows (a fairly recent creation themselves carved of wood with a string of sinew or plant fibers) and Refocyte Arrows the first of what would become many raiding parties struck out to test these weapons against their foes. The Initharian Longbowmen had to be careful when transporting the Refocyte Arrows, wrapping each one in a cloth to help prevent accidental discharge and chain reactions of force dispersal, but the effect was well worth it. While the energy stored in these arrows could fade, that still left a usable arrow for the Initharian Longbows.

When the first Initharian ships came across a Median vessel they opened fire with these arrows, striking the wooden hull and causing it to burst and splinter at the point of impact. With better range and a higher rate of fire than the Median ship's siege weaponry, the Initharians handily sunk vessel after vessel before slipping away. These raiders, the Tahoratakarar, were able to cut off the Median supply ships and diminish the strength of the wood and stone fortresses defiling their islands. Once the defenders were forced to live off the land to survive the Initharians struck, and from distances too great for the Medians to sufficiently respond. Initharian vessels circled occupied islands like sharks, and if the Medians could understand and differentiate ship markings, they would have noticed the occasional ship disappear from the blockade as they landed on unoccupied, unwatched portions of the islands. The Medians, as advanced as they were, capable of fielding whole armies with iron armor, could not withstand the Initharian ambushes and probing assaults. They'd watch as relief vessels approached over the horizon, only to be swarmed by much smaller vessels and battered into the sea - if they felt confident enough to poke their heads out of cover. The iron armor did little to protect the Medians from Refocyte Arrows, which had a tendency to blast the armor inwards and cause devastating damage to the wearer.

Fortress after fortress was starved out and the defenders whittled away. Yet the Medians still attempted to strike at the Initharians, and so a council of the most renowned Initharians decided to take the fighting to the Big Island. Fighting in unfamiliar territory was difficult, and the inability to take advantage of the ocean stymied Initharian progress, but the amount of men and resources the Medians had sent only to be buried beneath the waves left the empire in a precarious position. Not only had they begun to succumb to infighting, but other opportunistic nations had sought to break away from their Median overlords or take a piece of the pie for themselves. The large, slow moving masses of Median infantry, and the huge targets provided by cavalry, were easily cut down by Initharian raiders who probed further and further into Median territory with each passing month. While a few losses were suffered, the multitude of threats meant the Medians were never able to truly press their advantage. By the eighth year of war the Initharians found themselves preparing an army outside the walls of Media, the illustrious capital city, viewed as untouchable until recently, and impenetrable by it's inhabitants. Two massive stone walls encircled the the massive city defended by the best of what remained of the Median military. It would have indeed proven quite the task were it not for the dozen other armies seeking to sack the city.

While many nations partook in the Siege of Media, the Initharians stood out as a pivotal force, using bows that surpassed anything else of the time to launch the devastating Refocyte Arrows at and over the walls, crumbling both stone and morale. Once a breach was forced though, the barbarity of street fighting was taken on in large part by the other nations seeking vengeance, loot, and/or a bloodbath. Fighting over actual control of the ruins of the city soon erupted between rival groups, though the Initharians withdrew. They had succeeded in toppling their foe. They didn't leave the Big Island empty-handed though, and occupied or absorbed towns and cities near the coast that used to belong to the dead empire.

The Initharians could no longer go back to their isolationist ways, and their toppling of the Medians was only the tip of the iceberg...



Once again you will be given some leniency on what you can do with your revision, but note that these revisions should be used more for bringing past advancements into the current age. Your special resource, Refocyte, lies firmly within the sphere of (Physical Force). Keep that in mind when using it in the future.

Spoiler: Preliminary Proposals (click to show/hide)


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Re: Mechanized Warfare: Inithar Thread / 2nd Prelim Revision Phase
« Reply #50 on: August 09, 2019, 09:14:31 pm »

Refocyte Paddles
Once the war had ended, and further exploitation of Refocyte deposits was possible, it's spread into everyday life started. One of the key developments would be the introduction of Refocyte-clad paddles, enabling Initharian ships to achieve speeds which could not be matched by any of it's rivals.
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll

Powder Miner

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Re: Mechanized Warfare: Inithar Thread / 2nd Prelim Revision Phase
« Reply #51 on: August 09, 2019, 09:43:57 pm »

paddles don't seem like a good idea for an open ocean vessel, they've historically really found their best use in inland seas like the north sea and mediterranean sea, and a refocyte paddle sounds like a path to just exploding the fucking paddle, so here's an option to make our close-combat a bit better:

Refocyte Shortbow:
The devastating power and range of the longbows of Inithar made its way into the historical record as a tool capable of the destruction of boats, walls, and men, as has been evidenced not only by our Initharian colleagues' deciphering of old color codes but by outside written records, such as those of the Median Empire and its conquerors, which I hope can help reduce the mistrust I know some institutions have for evidence drawn from the inscrutable Initharian "tales". However, it is still a matter of debate within the academic community as to why they failed to take the capital of Media when they had been such a major presence during the siege. One prominent theory is that the Initharian attitude of the time had simply not driven the Initharians to conflict with their fellow sieging empires, but this theory has always suffered from the incongruity of the loss of Initharian isolationism soon thereafter with such an allegedly pacific action. In this paper, I outline a new theory about the Siege of Media: evidenced by the dating of all Initharian shortbows after the oldest discovered longbows, I propose that it was simply a lack of ability to participate in close-quarters combat that led to the Initharians' lack of presence in Media, and the adjustment of their civilizations' weaponry thereafter...

-Introduction of the paper "Archaeological Solutions to the Initharian Absence at Media", by Dr. Richard Favre

While the longbows had served their role well as defenders of the Initharian archipelago, as Inithar began to expand into the world, its isolationism shattered by the brutality and involvement of the Median War, it became clear that the longbows could not be the only tool of combat the Initharians used on land. Each longbow took training, careful transport, and took significant effort to fire, and these things made the longbow unable to solely form the Initharian arsenal either for large-scale land actions or for urban warfare. The shortbow was the rather simple solution to these problems; significantly shorter and easier to fire than the Nima Silver longbow, the shortbow could be much more easily used for close-quarters hit-and-run attacks, and more Initharians could use the weapon in any given Initharian force, giving the Initharians much-needed tactical versatility.

Craftsdwarf boi

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Re: Mechanized Warfare: Inithar Thread / 2nd Prelim Revision Phase
« Reply #52 on: August 10, 2019, 03:50:39 am »

Generic Refocyte Crossbow
A cheap and reliable weapon must be constructed
The elastic portion of the crossbow is composed of refocyte, and a rail is attached with a mallet inside the rail, allowing for projectile release upon impact.
Generic crossbow
A crossbow.
Refocyte Board shield
Due to Nima silver's properties, one will ultimately exploit it, this weapon/defense can absorb a great quantity of damage, and deflect it with a simple shield bash, Not even the power-armour and the firearms of The Pact will threaten the safety of the user.

Technological espionage
Due to the pact having most of the technologies of the great war, one will benefit greatly from obtaining these said technologies.

Ball bearings
This allows for more efficient rotation
The wheel
This allows for transport.
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...and Engine Heart!
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Re: Mechanized Warfare: Inithar Thread / 2nd Prelim Revision Phase
« Reply #53 on: August 10, 2019, 08:12:23 am »

Quote from: Refocyte Bounding Boots

The Refocyte boots were an interesting invention of the Inithar that appeared not long after the fall of the Medians. Inland travel was not something the Inithar were used to. They had little experience with pack animals and trouble maintaining a travel and communication network inland. It wasn't long before the first Refocyte boots appeared. These were boots with soles made of refocyte. On initial inspection, this seems an odd choice since force can't propagate through refocyte. Attempting to walk normally by pushing against the ground while wearing them won't work. Instead, wearers had to unbalance themselves and constantly fall forwards, moving their feet to better support themselves rather than for locomotion. As comical as the image of people who walk by leaning too far forwards is, according to accounts from the time the boots were rarely worn when not in active use.

The true power of the boots shone when the wearer jumped from someplace high. Many Inithar settlements built tall platforms for precisely this purpose. When the refocyte soles hit the ground they would store the energy and then release it throwing the wearer into the air. If they landed feet first it would happen again. Each arc the wearer was sent on decreased in size until they landed and didn't launch again. Couriers planned out routes so that the points they stopped at would have something nearby they could jump off of. In some cases, platforms similar to the ones in the settlements were built if there was nothing convient to jump from. Proper use of these boots required practise and skill. You needed to angle your body correctly to get a good speed and you always needed to hit the ground feet first. A mistake could cost you your life. But the speed they allowed people to cross from one place to another made it more than worth it. Inithar couriers could outpace any other form of message deliver from the time.
Removed for reasons of being suicidal.
« Last Edit: August 10, 2019, 08:56:43 am by Jerick »


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Re: Mechanized Warfare: Inithar Thread / 2nd Prelim Revision Phase
« Reply #54 on: August 10, 2019, 08:44:21 am »

Spoiler: Obsolete, I guess (click to show/hide)

Nima Silver was forged into a cross, then wood was applied around it to form a diamond shield, with Nima Silver serving as the four corners. The resulting shield could take any strike against it, and when swung, tore through it's target. Whether with a thrust forward like a punch to destroy walls, or a swing to knock off limbs and shatter weapons. It truly brought a great defense to warriors, while serving as a melee weapon of great power. One thing is that the metal slowly turned black as it absorbed energy, to show how much was stored.
« Last Edit: August 10, 2019, 09:21:31 am by TricMagic »


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Re: Mechanized Warfare: Inithar Thread / 2nd Prelim Revision Phase
« Reply #55 on: August 10, 2019, 09:15:43 am »

Quote from: Refocyte Passive engine
The earliest form of a refocyte engine appeared not long after the defeat of the Medians. It was simplistic and primitive but effective. A band of refocyte ringed hull of a small boat. A hard wooden cover could be lowered over it to protect it from the impact of the waves. Typically this cover was often painted with the tales of colour. The back of the band of refocyte could be exposed to the sea separately from the rest. These craft were known at the time as Nima Silver Ships.

Refocyte tarnishes as it approaches the point when it will unleash its stored force. The band of refocyte around the ship gathered energy as waves hit the sides of the boat and when the sailors saw it begin to tarnish they covered it up protecting it from further impacts. Except at the back where it was left uncovered so the waves could release the full force that had been stored up. It would push against the water creating a spray of water and propelling the boat forward. Once it pushed them forward the covers were raised and the refocyte was left to gather more energy from the waves. The boats needed to be heavily reinforced to survive these bursts of acceleration. The centerline of these vessels become much more solidly built. Often built around a tree trunk.

There were some interesting side effects from these vessels. First amoung them was that the Inithar sailed best in rough seas and secondly they were no longer limited by wind or oar power.


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Re: Mechanized Warfare: Inithar Thread / 2nd Prelim Revision Phase
« Reply #56 on: August 10, 2019, 03:29:31 pm »

Quote from: Votebox
Refocyte Passive Engine (1): m1895
Refocyte Shortbow ():
Nimashield ():


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Re: Mechanized Warfare: Inithar Thread / 2nd Prelim Revision Phase
« Reply #57 on: August 10, 2019, 03:32:23 pm »

Quote from: Votebox
Refocyte Passive Engine (2): m1895, TricMagic
Refocyte Shortbow ():
Nimashield ():

Powder Miner

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Re: Mechanized Warfare: Inithar Thread / 2nd Prelim Revision Phase
« Reply #58 on: August 10, 2019, 03:34:07 pm »

Quote from: Votebox
Refocyte Passive Engine (3): m1895, TricMagic, Powder Miner
Refocyte Shortbow ():
Nimashield ():


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Re: Mechanized Warfare: Inithar Thread / 2nd Prelim Revision Phase
« Reply #59 on: August 10, 2019, 03:58:07 pm »

Quote from: Votebox
Refocyte Passive Engine (4): m1895, TricMagic, Powder Miner, Jerick
Refocyte Shortbow ():
Nimashield ():
« Last Edit: August 10, 2019, 04:02:31 pm by Jerick »
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