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Author Topic: Mechanized Warfare: Inithar Thread / Final Phase, 1941 Cold Season  (Read 38364 times)

Man of Paper

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Re: Mechanized Warfare: Inithar Thread / Design Phase, 1938 Cold Season
« Reply #285 on: November 15, 2019, 01:50:34 pm »

Strategy Phase, Hot Season 1938 AC

This season we began extracting Refocyte in the Tundra. This brings us to 3 Refocyte, resulting in the following:

M2 'Haaheo' Heavy Rifle becomes (EXPENSIVE)
M1 'Kakala' becomes (CHEAP)
Ho'oula-Class Destroyer becomes (CHEAP)

Combat Phase, Hot Season 1938 AC

War Without Mercy

With both sides massed and planning to invade one another almost simultaneously on the same front, while we were able to organize and mobilize at high speed as usual, the Embralish seemed to gather their men and material at an alarmingly faster rate than we anticipated. Rumors are it is because of the use of Strings of Motion, which can quicken the pace and extend the distance that entire armies move though not enough to make them superhuman or anything. The Maelstrom proved to be the first arena where the two nations faced off against one another.

The Maelstrom's storms made it difficult to identify ships at sea, and our hydrophones picked up on very little as Ho'oulas sped through The Maelstrom in search of targets. All too often however one of our destroyers would go up in a massive blast of fire and water, struck by a torpedo launched by the enemy's most pervasive sea craft, the Hetham-Class Submarine. The Hethams are 77m long and is capable of going 12 knots surfaced and 6 submerged. They are armed with 4 bow and 2 stern torpedo tubes and can carry 20 torpedoes, and come with a single 80mm deck gun. Notably, they use "wellmaterials" in a couple ways - Wellbronze in WellSonar for improved detection abilities and WellSap in the engine room to dampen noise. Our basic detection equipment could pick up on their propeller wash on occasion, but that's about it. With their improved detection capabilities thanks to their WellSonar, the Embralish were able to dictate when and where our initial confrontations occurred.

Or at least they tried to. Their submarines were too slow to attempt to intercept our vessels, so their only windows of engagement were when our Destroyers stumbled close enough to a Hetham for it to open fire, and even then it required the Ho'oula to maintain course, the Hetham to get lucky, the seas to not disturb the torpedo, or any combination of the three. Our engine's silence made it a little harder for them to locate our ships with detection equipment, but the vessels made enough noise that they were able to eventually. We didn't fare too much better, as our Destroyers found it nearly impossible to visually detect anything in the permanent grey skies and downpour that made up The Maelstrom, and so our Destroyer Groups were delegated the task of mining the coasts.

While the mines didn't sink many submarines, they did act as a deterrent enough so that we decreased our own losses. The sparring between Hethams and Ho'oulas leaned towards the Embralish, if only because they could occasionally sink a Ho'oula sometimes but had no ability to truly capitalize on anything they did. This led to the Naval Fellowship planning for and launching a fleet meant to destroy the Embralish naval bases and ports on their coast. This fleet was supported by both the Kona and the Kaipo'u and launched midway through the Hot Season.They used minefields as a means of cover on their way toward the strait, and it seemed most Hethams maintained their distance.


It was midday but the skies within The Maelstrom were, as always, a dark gray. The Initharian fleet was combating harsh winds, rain, and sea spray as they made their way south. They'd lost a small handful of ships throughout the journey, but the Kaipo'u and Kona were unscathed. Still, every ship's crew was on edge as any Destroyer who found itself alone would find itself sunk in short order.

As our fleet neared Embralish-controlled waters they spotted a small number of surface vessels in the distance mere kilometers away. They were identified as Mukebaza-Class Heavy Cruisers. The Mukebazas are 186m long ships with a 30-knot speed armed with 3x3 200mm guns, 4x2 120mm guns, and 10x2 20mm AA guns. The small handful of targets were quickly focused on by our fleet, and while the Destroyers were relatively easy, numerous targets, the Mukebazas opened fire on theKaipo'u and Kona. After a small relatively ineffective exchange of initial shots, the full extent of the situation our fleet found itself in was revealed. Torpedoes were identified passing by ships, with one Ho'oula being lifted into the air as it was struck amidships and blown practically in half. Moments afterward a Refocyte shell struck one of the Mukebazas at the conning tower, unleashing a torrent of force into the vessel and forcing the ship to crater, bulge, and split downward along the shell's trajectory. The horrid screeching of so much metal was clear above the sounds of storms and cannonfire.

A second, third, and fourth Ho'oula were caught by torpedoes and sunk. Some submarines had surfaced and used their deck guns to some effect on our Destroyers, though it gave us the opportunity to score a couple kills as well. A few Ho'oulas sped off straight for the Embralish surface ships while the rest of the fleet maneuvered to try to combat the trap that Embral had sprung. The crew of the Kaipu'o had taken to fighting a deck fire after being struck by a few shots from one of the remaining two Mukebazas let at this point in the brawl. She was attempting to break from the fight when...


Four explosions rocked the battleship simultaneously from below the waterline. The sky brightened in a flash as the light from the explosion reflected off the clouds and the sea seemed to rise beneath the ship, lifting it up and cracking it in two as it slammed back to the surface. The Kaipu'o went down remarkably fast with all hands and is, for now, the single most devastating loss Inithar has suffered in the seas. The Embralish are truly like no foe we've fought before.

While the sea swallowed the Kaipu'o, a Ho'oula approaching an Embralish Mukebaza unveiled it's Refocyte bow. It began to slowly acquire it's green hue as waves crashed against it and was left relatively unmolested on approach as the Heavy Cruiser focused on the Kona. Some small arms fire met the ship, but no evasive actions were taken as our Destroyer rammed the Heavy Cruiser. The bow turned from a light jade to forest green and then to steel gray in an instant as it discharged force into the Mukebaza. A gigantic hole was caved into the Heavy Cruiser, which tangled with the Ho'oula, pulling them down beneath the waves with it as water flooded the wound. The final enemy surface vessel was struck a number of times and had begun to disengage before being immobilized and succumbing to the seas.

With the surface ships taken care of, our forces set to disrupting or breaking out of the submersible ambush. We managed to sink one of their submarines when a Destroyer passed over it unknowingly while laying mines and dropped one that struck it's nose. While another couple destroyers had been sunk, the enemy seemed to be losing cohesion.


Kai Leilani was a member of the Naval Fellowship as a Marine fresh out of training just before the formation of the fleet that brought them all to Harren. She was assigned the task of security on the destroyer INFS Paakiki Maoli for their trip south toward the Embralish, and was on the rain-lashed deck when she noticed something odd. She was on the bow of the destroyer when in the distance the waves parted enough to partially reveal the hull of a massive submersible. They'd stumbled across the enemy flagship: The Leviathan, a beast that had been largely wild speculation and rumor until now. The 175 meters long, 23 meters wide submersible flagship, and from what information we have been able to gather has multiple internal pressurized hulls. Some of our seamen have said it is possible to pick up on it's propellers cutting through the water sometimes, but nobody had laid eyes on this mystery beast until this moment. She rapidly signaled to someone nearby and news of The Leviathan was quickly passed to the bridge and Comms. officer, who relayed the discovery and location of the scourge of the seas to the Kona. The Kona hastily aimed it's guns and they lit up as Kai watched The Leviathan slip back beneath the waves. Large refocyte shells pounded the water above The Leviathan, blasting energy into the sea. The Refocyte Shells had been recently discovered to be relatively effective at causing damage to submersible vessels, and while we couldn't confirm any damage done to The Leviathan, the fact that their fleet largely disengaged was telling enough.

It was only moments after The Leviathan broke contact when a destroyer near the Kona exploded as the Kona itself was struck by a torpedo astern, causing heavy damage to the Kona, leaving her to drift while a number of Ho'oulas had to work as impromptu tugs to aid the ship in returning to port.

This is a frightening thing to say, but without proper up-to-date detection equipment, it is highly unlikely we will see many more battles at sea going our way. As it is, our speed and minelaying are the only things giving us an edge over their smaller, largely submersible fleet. While our mines are a fair deterrent, their pre-War design is outdated, and they may prove more impactful should we modernize them.

Since the Embralish don't have the presence at sea to allow them to effectively contest our control over the waves, Inithar attains Very Minor Control over E. Maelstrom.


Our landing forces set off to assault the "beaches" of The Mudflats right on time, and thanks to some "leaked" information, were a week ahead of what the Embralish expected. While we are glad we had a ruse in place in anticipation for enemy infiltration, we have proven that we are indeed compromised on some level.

The convoys were harassed by submarines and so the Destroyers were kept busy trying to fight them off. This left a smaller number of ships providing support for the landings themselves than anticipated. The amphibious assaults all along the coast of The Mudflats occurred practically simultaneously. Our landing ships came under fire from Embralish guns in the form of Havezara-108 Mk.IV 108-mm artillery and Rogi Hunter-Killer Vehicles, open-topped 4 crew vehicles with a 50mm cannon, speeds around 45km/h, and protected by 30mm front armor and 20mm of armor everywhere else with a pintle-mounted machine gun. Without the possibility of air support, little naval bombardment, and nothing larger than the Wikiwiki coming ashore, the infantry were in hell.

The enemy was laid up in shore fortifications left in ruin after they were breached in a previous war. Our landing ships began to hit the muddy shores, and with no good intel on the area many got stuck in the muck that made up the half-kilometer between the waterline and the first source of hard cover. The first troops ashore slipped on the slick mud and were torn apart by two Embralish firearms: the Samarata 1902, a 7mm bolt-action rifle with a 5-round box magazine; and the Mk.III Musakila Machine Gun, an 8.5mm automatic machine gun utilizing 20- or 40-round box magazines. Both of their weapons had low rates of fire but more than made up for it with range, with both weapons being effective at rages of at least 1000m. Some landing craft hit the mid hard enough that their doors were jammed shut and the men inside forced to climb over and out. Old craters filled with water provided only brief respite for our troops on the approach. The craters proved lethal themselves, as the water within often proved deeper than anticipated, and the slick mud made it easy to fall in. The Embralish 108s also had a tendency to drop artillery on the heads of clusters of our soldiers. When the Wikiwikis started coming ashore they did slip and fishtail a lot, but they didn't get bogged down to the point of immobility. That said, they were not designed to be the primary means of support of an amphibious invasion, let alone the sole target of Embralish Rogis. Wikiwikis, as promising as they were, proved ineffective without heavier support on an invasion like this.

Our Haaheos and Haaheo-Bs proved fairly effective at picking off Embralish defenders whenever they got the opportunity to do so. The first few kills were with refocyte rounds, and definitely left a lasting impression on the Embralish defenders as they left baseball-sized exit wounds. As a bulk of our landings met with stiff resistance, some of the more southern shores were undermanned. It was on these fronts where our soldiers were able to approach Embralish forces enough to positively ID them.

Embralish soldiers wore a Terra Nova Expedition Uniform, easily identified by it's rimmed dome helmet and coming in khaki, olive drab, grey, or deep blue based on the deployment environment. Notably, every soldier had access to some very stylish shades. And a machete. Assaulting Embralish positions was an interesting stalemate as our forces coordinated and organized wordlessly, firing weapons that made almost no noise themselves but the enemy had access to the Sikari Mask Mk.III, a gas mask/wellwood flute that resembles a bird's face, providing the wearer good field of view and protection from airborne pollutants as well as the mask's own terrifying wail when the whistle is used. The sound of this whistle can trigger the fight-or-flight response in people within close proximity, and generally causes a sense of dread and uneasiness. They also made use of Legion Issued Explosives, or LIEs. These pipe bombs called upon the knowledge of potent explosive chemical cocktails dabbled on during the creation of their toxic fertilizer and applied it to a combat explosive. While the LIEs themselves often didn't go off, and when they did it as unpredictable as to where the explosion and resulting chemical cocktail would be directed. The contaminants left by LIEs are absorbed by and burn through mucus membranes and cause intense pain, with the higher lethal doses causing liquefaction of organs. LIEs were often used in traps along the enemy lines as well as grenades, and the satchels of eight they came in could be set off together for a larger blast and, worse, more lethal contaminated area.


Kai Leilani was rushing an old in-line pair of pillboxes that'd been partially swallowed by mud and connected by a trench. The shifted earth also engulfed the trenches on either side of these pillboxes, isolating them from the rest of the line. Her squad came under heavy fire from the pillbox further back and were forced to take cover in some old craters. She and a few other Initharian Marines were pushed forward enough to attack the position while also under fire from another line of entrenchments a few hundred meters behind that. Enemy numbers were lower here at the southern edge of the advance than expected, as the enemy had underestimated our capability to strike this far and redirected men and supplies elsewhere - including most of their artillery. This was one of the few beaches where the Wikiwiki acted to effectively push the line forward, even if the push itself was minimal. Unfortunately Kai didn't have the "luxury" of Wikiwiki "support" and had to make do with her Haaheo-B, not that that was necessarily a bad thing.

The enemy in the second pillbox were preventing a push into the seemingly empty first, though their numbers seemed low. Lower still when Kai put a refocyte round through one of their eyes. The enemy was kept pinned down as forces leapfrogged ahead of her squad and took to the trenches to charge the occupied pillbox. Once they'd managed to move in on the second pillbox Kai began moving forward. She had a perfect view down the trenchline leading to the second pillbox and got to witness a squad scramble from the metal door they'd blown open with refocyte rounds. The chilling scream of the Sikari Mask Mk.III gave Kai chills, but the soldiers at the pillbox were absolutely shaken and then rapidly gunned down. One of these mask-wielding psychopaths emerged from the pillbox just as the first one exploded in a massive blast, knocking Kai onto her back. As her head cleared and ears stopped ringing she began to hear coughing and gagging from further ahead, closer to the pillbox. People were clutching their faces, rolling around in pain as the chemicals dispersed by the explosion ate away at their eyes, mouths, and insides. She tried to scramble back up but kept slipping in the mud as she tried to escape. She slid into a flooded crater and took cover. Her eyes had begun to sting.


There were a few places where we saw breakthroughs, and it was in holding these locations that our weapon's range didn't hinder us as much. Clearing and holding old bunker complexes would be an easy thing to do thanks to the general quietness of our army. Would be, but isn't, as our forces currently have poor ground support and suffer under fire from enemy artillery. The enemy is currently picking off our troops before we can actually hit them, and while we fare well in close-quarters, it seems taking ground in The Mudflats is going to require something longer ranged, heavily gunned, heavily armored, or any combination thereof.

Unfortunately we took too many losses during the initial landing phase and could not uphold or support any gains we may have made. As a result our amphibious assault has failed, and the Embralish Empire has pushed us back across the strait.

Inithar has failed to attack The Mudflats.


The war has only just begun, so there is no need to worry quite yet! The Cold Season is upon us, and with it will no doubt come new challenges. We've learned that it's not smart to go to battle across a waterway without dedicated landing craft, so we have two designs this turn. One design will be standard, do what you want with it. The other will be a design for a landing vehicle. We could have modified ships in the fleet for the role, but everyone agrees it'd be better to put resources and manpower into making it happen.

As you have been on the offensive for the first time in this war, you are also to select a new trait from the following list by the end of the turn!

1) Acknowledged Marine Fellowship: The importance of trained and equipped Marines in this war is clear. As a result, a new Marine Fellowship is identified and will receive the proper support and resources befitting an official fellowship. Any designs or revisions used to create equipment for amphibious landings and the Marine forces performing them will be one difficulty lower.
2) Pride of Inithar: The loss of our first Kaipu'o was devastating, and stirred up national pride fiercely with volunteer workers coming out in droves. Any Capital ship and Capital ship-related designs or revisions will prove to be one difficulty level lower than normal.


Spoiler: Land Territories (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Sea Territories (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Resources (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Initharian Armory (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Known Embralish Armory (click to show/hide)


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Re: Mechanized Warfare: Inithar Thread / Design Phase, 1938 Cold Season
« Reply #286 on: November 15, 2019, 02:19:29 pm »

K. 1 Design is a new ship, an aircraft carrier with radio equipment and sonar. Along with a new bomb type, the Refocyte-Bomb.

... Not likely going to be able to write it properly, but I'll write some of it and see what you think.

Inithar Aircraft Support Carrier

The IASC is a boat 182.65 m (599.2 ft) (overall),174.1 m (571 ft) (flight deck)
164.1 metres (538 ft) (between perpendiculars).
Our aircraft require far less space to launch, making a smaller vessel ideal. It runs off the same Coilengines as our others, and has a torpedo Belt to prevent sinking.

Perhaps most important is it's Sonar System. [Sonar goes here] Along with it's Radio to communicate with other ships, it can also communicate with our Planes, with our Io having received a basic radio to communicate with it's carrier, as well as ground units.

Finally, there is the new bomb develeoped, the Refocyte Bomb. It is simply a mass of refocyte protected by a rubber case. When dropped, the rubber covering falls away, and the R-Bomb directs all it's huge amount of energy into the water deep below, creating enough pressure to crack open submarines in the nearby area beneath and around the impact zone. It can also be used to bomb ground positions to similar effect, destroying bunkers through the intense energy traveling through the earth, and creating a shockwave of air on impact.

For Defense, the IASC only has a basic Refocyte flak-gun set up near the back to take care of aircraft that come in. As well as a conning tower. Overall, it's main job is to support our units on the seas against these submarines, and bring aircraft to bomb landings.

Needs a better writer, but the basic gist of that would be my proposal.

... We will actually need a new aircraft for bombing purposes, so, remove the R-Bomb for now.


The Wakawaka

The Wakawaka isn't exactly small. It is made up of two wings of metal, which each have a propeller on each wing, powered by a Refocyte Coil Engine.It Frame is made up of Metal, and over that is wood and stretched canvas. What makes it ingenious is the Refocyte clasp. By mixing Refocyte with a magnetic metal, and magnetizing it, it can be urged to shift so long as an electrical current of some sort is applied. The Props are connected by 8 clasps, and by applying electricity to flow through it in a direction, the clasps will shift.

This Magnetic Refocyte seems to claps together in the same manner as a magnet, but with far more force. Only by applying a current through it does it seem to shift, but it stays clasped to it's opposite throughout.

As for what all this leads up to, this new aircraft is meant to carry people, supplies, and perform bombing runs. For the latter, it makes use of an R-Bomb, a charged 100 Kilogram chunk of Refocyte Wrapped in a rubber sheet. The back opens up to let someone push them out, and when the hit the surface, they send the kinetic energy into the sea. This energy creates a pressure wave that rips apart anything below water in the area, as if a submarine had suddenly ended up far lower than what it was rated for. This can also be used to bomb land, collapsing bunkers and anything else it hits, as well as generating a massive shockwave which pulverizes anything nearby.

For People, everyone has been given a parachute, effectively a piece of strong cloth tied to the user's torso. This will let them parachute onto the battlefield from any ship which has room for the aircraft to sit.

Last, the Wakawaka does have a radio for communicating with ships and ground troops.
« Last Edit: November 15, 2019, 03:00:21 pm by TricMagic »


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Re: Mechanized Warfare: Inithar Thread / Design Phase, 1938 Cold Season
« Reply #287 on: November 15, 2019, 02:32:12 pm »

No point in an aircraft carrier until one of us pushes past the first line of territories. Can't use aircraft in the maelstrom, which includes the land territories bordered by it.

So, one of our designs is going to be a landing craft; I think other could probably be some form of artillery, or else a comprehensive sonar package. That being said, I think we can get some level of sonar by revision. I don't think either are important enough to use our research credit yet.

I think we should go for the marine bonus, part because of flavor and part because mechanically, landings are very hard and some help on that would be good.
« Last Edit: November 15, 2019, 02:36:08 pm by Twinwolf »
Of course, Twin is neither man nor woman but an unholy eldritch abomination like every other Bay12er. The difference is they hide it better.
Quote from: Caellath on IRC
<Caellath>: Twinwolf, your thirst for blood has been noted.


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Re: Mechanized Warfare: Inithar Thread / Design Phase, 1938 Cold Season
« Reply #288 on: November 15, 2019, 02:47:30 pm »

Posting to join.
Noble Nafuni Engineer


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Re: Mechanized Warfare: Inithar Thread / Design Phase, 1938 Cold Season
« Reply #289 on: November 15, 2019, 03:02:04 pm »

Will we get it this turn or next though.

I wrote something up for the landing. And the Wakawaka doesn't require a dedicated landing strip, meaning most ships with free space on deck can carry them. No reason to use water based landers for our people.

Would most certainly have some trouble in the Maelstrom, but we aren't completely bound by it, are we? So long as we don't fly too high and let our ships deal with theirs, while these deal with submarines.

Basic Image of WakaWaka shape
« Last Edit: November 15, 2019, 03:08:23 pm by TricMagic »


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Re: Mechanized Warfare: Inithar Thread / Design Phase, 1938 Cold Season
« Reply #290 on: November 15, 2019, 03:24:50 pm »

M1 medium tank "Honu"
The bloody fighting at the mudflats has shown us the necessity of a heavily armored and armed vehicle to take out their pillboxes and bunkers.

Enter the Honu, with 60mm of armor at a decent slant at the front and 50mm elsewhere, and a 50mm high velocity gun derived from the "magic bullet", it should be quite effective at shattering their defenses. It has a moderate top speed of 60 km/h with Refocyte in its Christie suspension giving it similar endurance to the WikiWiki. Secondary armament includes three Kakala's, one on a pintle mount, one coaxial to the main gun, and one hull-mounted for the radio operator to use. The final point of interest on the Honu is a set of attachment points on the front, currently it can only mount the "red carpet", a roll of reinforced canvas that unrolls under the Honu, decreasing ground pressure and likewise the chance of getting stuck, or a dozer blade.
« Last Edit: November 15, 2019, 05:01:09 pm by m1895 »


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Re: Mechanized Warfare: Inithar Thread / Design Phase, 1938 Cold Season
« Reply #291 on: November 15, 2019, 03:29:53 pm »

...? How will we get them over the mud flats though?

Man of Paper

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Re: Mechanized Warfare: Inithar Thread / Design Phase, 1938 Cold Season
« Reply #292 on: November 15, 2019, 04:06:46 pm »

Tric, "Air Power is Unavailable in Land and Sea Sectors located within The Maelstrom." is literally in bold in the OP of the main thread.


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Re: Mechanized Warfare: Inithar Thread / Design Phase, 1938 Cold Season
« Reply #293 on: November 15, 2019, 04:14:44 pm »

M1 medium tank "Honu"
The bloody fighting at the mudflats has shown us the necessity of a heavily armored and armed vehicle to take out their pillboxes and bunkers.

Enter the Honu, with 60mm of armor at a decent slant at the front and 50mm elsewhere and a 50mm high velocity gun, it should be quite effective at shattering their defenses. It has a moderate top speed of 60 km/h with Refocyte in its Christie suspension giving it similar endurance to the WikiWiki. Secondary armament includes three Kakala's, one on a pintle mount, one coaxial to the main gun, and one hull-mounted for the radio operator to use. The final point of interest on the Honu is a set of attachment points on the front, currently it can only mount the "red carpet", a roll of reinforced canvas that unrolls under the Honu, decreasing ground pressure and likewise the chance of getting stuck.

I like it. The second design - the lander - will make deploying it possible.
Noble Nafuni Engineer

Powder Miner

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Re: Mechanized Warfare: Inithar Thread / Design Phase, 1938 Cold Season
« Reply #294 on: November 15, 2019, 05:20:26 pm »

G1 Kao
The G1 Kao is a tank designed to avert the horrific experience we recently encountered on the Mudflats of Harren.

The Kao is very much a medium tank, and in terms of its base armor rather standard, with 55mm armor at its front and back and at the sides, and 25mm armor at the top and bottom, overall utilizing cast armor. It utilizes steel tracks, as most tanks do, powered by a fairly powerful supercharger coilengine, as one would probably expect from a tank. The turret and gun are clearly where the most effort have gone -- the front armor of the tank is sloped upwards and the turret too slopes a bit, allowing its outline to blend into that of the tank a little.

The turret itself, actuated through a coilengine of its own, can be described perhaps as a one-and-a-half man turret -- the gunner sits fully in the tank, but the loader remains standing in the middle, with his legs dropping into the chassis of the tank itself, with a small seat in the chassis allowing him to rest between moments of combat. The actual gun itself is a 50mm rather than a contemporary gun size of around 70mm -- this saves some real space because the firing mechanism is a refocyte plate mechanism much like that of the Haaheo, if larger. The gun's loading mechanism, placed just under the gun on the inside of the turret, contains space for a few shells, taking advantage of the smaller shell size to take up less room than this normally does, and the space that the size of the gun saves for the turret means that that shell capacity, and the battery, placed just behind the gun with the nickel contact very close to the refocyte plate and with clamps to allow relatively fast exchange, don't end up cramping the turret. Furthermore, the fact that the turret is "one-and-half-man" means that it can be relatively small compared to other medium tanks' turrets. The tank has fairly standard armor-piercing shells (albeit ones that don't use nickel!) and jacketed refocyte shells much like that of the Haaheo.

The commander/radio operator and driver both sit in the body of the tank.

There are two Kakalas on the Kao -- one coaxial to the main gun, operated by the main gunner, and one hull-mounted on the front of the tank, where the gunner sits half outside of the tank and half in the tank, with his legs behind the driver and commander. There is a shield around the gunner's area, which can't obscure the gunner entirely while he fires, but which obscures some of his body to fire and which he can duck behind when under too much fire to operate the gun.

Also, it has an optional and simple bulldozer blade attachment.
« Last Edit: November 15, 2019, 06:45:51 pm by Powder Miner »


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Re: Mechanized Warfare: Inithar Thread / Design Phase, 1938 Cold Season
« Reply #295 on: November 15, 2019, 08:05:38 pm »

Makuahine Combined Landing Craft

Our marines had a lot to say about their equipment on the first landings. A lot to say. The assistants who took their comments learned 16 new curse words in 4 languages, and several nonverbal swears as well. But beyond that, one of the most widespread issues was faulty landing craft. In the early days of the war we had to buy many from foreign countries on account of an early attack on their production facilities. We should have suspected they would be shoddy for how cheap they were. This will be rectified post haste.

The Makuahine landing craft is built to provide a reliable and safe landing craft, as well as facilitate heavier armored support after the other teams get to work on those projects. It is a landing craft built to bear vehicles and soldiers to the coasts, with reasonable speed and protection. It has a carrying capacity of ~190 tons, enough for several tanks or other vehicles, and their associated infantry and gear. The front end of the craft has a dropgate to allow the tanks to roll onto the shore and into combat. Infantry have two options for disembarking; the drop gate, taking cover behind the tanks, or the side hatches. It uses a moderately powerful coilengine for it's size.

The craft is, on the whole, rather lightly armored. The majority has enough that the enemy rifles won’t shoot through it, while the drop gate is armored a bit more heavily so that it stands a chance against heavier armament. It is armed with a pair of 50mm naval guns much like the flak our ships have, for supporting the assault (and eventually, for driving off aircraft). It also has a pair of smoke launchers to provide cover for infantry landing, and two mounted Kalakas in case it lands among infantry.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2019, 04:01:29 pm by Twinwolf »
Of course, Twin is neither man nor woman but an unholy eldritch abomination like every other Bay12er. The difference is they hide it better.
Quote from: Caellath on IRC
<Caellath>: Twinwolf, your thirst for blood has been noted.


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Re: Mechanized Warfare: Inithar Thread / Design Phase, 1938 Cold Season
« Reply #296 on: November 15, 2019, 08:44:03 pm »

G2 Alanui ["Tracked monster"]
Having learned from the slaughter at the Mudflats, engineers sought out to design a versatile tank design to offer the Inithari war machine some breakthrough power.

The Alanui is protected with 55 mm of rolled homogenous armor at its front, back and sides, owing to the fact coilengines generate much less heat during operation and their greater power output, and 25 mm armor at the top and bottom. It utilizes steel tracks powered by a fairly powerful [supercharged, but saying that is redundant] coilengine. The front armor of the tank is sloped at a 37° angle with two rows of edge plates rotating by 30° as one approaches the sides such as to give it good directional protection at intersections between the front, sides and back. The turret is realized as a single rounded cast unit with an average thickness of 70 mm, made such as to allow its outline to blend into that of the tank somewhat where the two meet.

The three-man turret itself is deceivingly small owing to its refocyte plate mechanism fired cannon and is actuated through a small coilengine situated in the back with the commander's intercom, with an emergency crank should the engine fail for whatever reason. The gunner sits to the left of the breech, and the loader to the right -- lower in comparison, with his legs dropping into the chassis of the tank itself and a small seat in the chassis co-rotating with the turret allowing him to rest between moments of combat. In the back one might find the commander, situated in front of the main exit hatch, realized as two hinged plates, which slopes back. In the center -- slightly behind the gunner and loader -- is a cupola, allowing the commander to continue providing situational awareness when the crew buttons down. The driver and radio operator can both be found in the front of the hull, side to side.

The tank's main armament is a 50 mm refocyte cannon- using the firing plate mechanism much like that of the Haaheo, if larger. The gun's loading mechanism, placed just under the gun on the inside of the turret, contains space for a few shells -- with all of the tank's 63 rounds of ammunition stored in the turret's right "cheek" low enough for the loader to replenish the cannon's rack when needed. The space that the size of the gun saves for the turret means that the easily replaceable battery charging the gun's firing plate, placed adjacent to the left of the breech (to facilitate a high maximum rate of fire for the cannon if needed), doesn't end up cramping the turret. The tank has fairly standard armor-piercing shells (albeit ones that don't use nickel to avoid ammo detonation) with refocyte plate compatible casings, and jacketed refocyte shells much like that of the Haaheo.

There are two Kakalas on the Alanui -- one coaxial to the main gun, operated by the main gunner, and one pintle mounted in front of the back hatch, where the commander can mow down any infantry trying to approach the tank from behind while he's surveying. There is a shield around the rear exit area which obscures some of his body when the hatches are opened, allowing him enough time to close the doors when under heavy fire.

Finally, a simple bulldozer blade is provided as an attachment to facilitate clearing obstructions where necessary.

Designer's note: We've shoved a rubber coated box under the Kakala's and the main cannon's ejection port to collect spent caps.
« Last Edit: November 15, 2019, 09:22:16 pm by Thanik »
Noble Nafuni Engineer


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Re: Mechanized Warfare: Inithar Thread / Design Phase, 1938 Cold Season
« Reply #297 on: November 15, 2019, 09:28:44 pm »

G2 Alanui (1): m1895
G1 Kao ():

Landing craft
Makuahine CLC (1): m1895

Powder Miner

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Re: Mechanized Warfare: Inithar Thread / Design Phase, 1938 Cold Season
« Reply #298 on: November 15, 2019, 09:55:50 pm »

G2 Alanui (2): m1895, Powder Miner
Use the Research Credit, for the love of God (1): Powder Miner
G1 Kao ():

Landing craft
Makuahine CLC (2): m1895, Powder Miner


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Re: Mechanized Warfare: Inithar Thread / Design Phase, 1938 Cold Season
« Reply #299 on: November 15, 2019, 10:03:56 pm »

G2 Alanui (3): m1895, Powder Miner, Twinwolf
Use the Research Credit, for the love of God (2): Powder Miner, Twinwolf
G1 Kao ():

Landing craft
Makuahine CLC (3): m1895, Powder Miner, Twinwolf
Of course, Twin is neither man nor woman but an unholy eldritch abomination like every other Bay12er. The difference is they hide it better.
Quote from: Caellath on IRC
<Caellath>: Twinwolf, your thirst for blood has been noted.
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