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Author Topic: Mechanized Warfare: Embral Thread / Final Phase, 1941 Cold Season  (Read 24690 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mechanized Warfare: Embral Thread / Design Phase, 1940 Cold Season
« Reply #225 on: June 18, 2020, 04:11:49 pm »

Proposal for some time later since I got myself on the supercavitation track.

Mark XIII Supercavitating Torpedo
Everyone who's ever been issued an ASH and told not to waste compressed air canisters knows what happens if you point an ASH at water. The water shakes and froths and starts to bubble as the vibrations force air bubbles out of it and heat the water. However, one enterprising engineer and her team asked an interesting question. "What if we do this, but intentionally?" Naturally this is something of an absurd question, bubbling water is not exactly a useful trait. But they persisted, and after about a dozen requests for more parts they presented us with an apparently functional torpedo. Previously a "Sharak" oxygen-enriched torpedo, it had been extensively modified, the normal propeller-based propulsion system removed and the fuel mixture altered to burn at lower temperatures. The gases resulting from the combustion were fed into ASH-based "horns" spread along the body, with a particularly powerful one facing forwards. The autoresonant horns were tuned to seawater, and would adjust themselves slightly during the torpedo's travel to more effectively resonate with the particular sea conditions of the day. As the torpedo was dropped into the water, it proceed to its assigned depth. After that, however, the torpedo powered up two extremely strong gyroscopes with the waste gases, and the system powered up the autoresonant horns. The water flowing around the device was turned into low-pressure water vapor and steam by the energy the horns were applying reducing friction to comparatively nothing. More of the gas from the reaction was blown backwards out of a nozzle in the rear of the torpedo, effectively turning it into an underwater rocket.

The course and depth are maintained by the powerful gyroscopes, necessary because the cavitations prevents a normal depth reading from being taken. Altering the power going to the horns that maintain the low-pressure bubble around the rest of the torpedo will alter its direction and can be used for good enough steering. This torpedo runs at incredible underwater speeds because of the low friction, and could conceivably be useful even against the enemy's ultra-fast destroyers due to its high speed. The principle weakness of the device is that despite using the same oxygen-enriched air supply as the Sharak the new torpedo has a shorter range, due to the increased power requirements of the higher speeds and the ASH horns.

Quote from: Votebox
Mutant Rose | Xilmal Jagpal (NE): (1) Madman
"Behemoth" Assault Hovercraft (NE): (1) Madman
We shall make the highest quality of quality quantities of soldiers with quantities of quality.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mechanized Warfare: Embral Thread / Design Phase, 1940 Cold Season
« Reply #226 on: June 18, 2020, 04:23:41 pm »

Quote from: Votebox
Mutant Rose | Xilmal Jagpal (NE): (2) Madman, Frostgiant
"Behemoth" Assault Hovercraft (NE): (2) Madman, Frostgiant


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mechanized Warfare: Embral Thread / Design Phase, 1940 Cold Season
« Reply #227 on: June 19, 2020, 07:18:18 am »

Quote from: Votebox
Mutant Rose | Xilmal Jagpal (NE): (3) Madman, Frostgiant, NUKE9.13
"Behemoth" Assault Hovercraft (NE): (3) Madman, Frostgiant, NUKE9.13
Long Live United Forenia!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mechanized Warfare: Embral Thread / Design Phase, 1940 Cold Season
« Reply #228 on: June 19, 2020, 05:27:14 pm »

Quote from: Votebox
Mutant Rose | Xilmal Jagpal (NE): (4) Madman, Frostgiant, NUKE9.13, TheFantasticMsFox
"Behemoth" Assault Hovercraft (NE): (4) Madman, Frostgiant, NUKE9.13, TheFantasticMsFox


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mechanized Warfare: Embral Thread / Design Phase, 1940 Cold Season
« Reply #229 on: June 19, 2020, 09:12:54 pm »

Quote from: Votebox
Mutant Rose | Xilmal Jagpal (NE): (5) Madman, Frostgiant, NUKE9.13, TheFantasticMsFox, Strider03
"Behemoth" Assault Hovercraft (NE): (5) Madman, Frostgiant, NUKE9.13, TheFantasticMsFox, Strider03
Within that world, she was God. But here, outside of it, her name was Yoake o-Shiri. That was unimportant. She was a Godslayer. That too was unimportant. But what was important, was that she had a motherfucking boat.
And by God, was she going to use it.

"But deceleration is for pansies. We're headed for the stars. Bye, Burnsie. Bye, Mission Control. Bye, Sol. See you at heat death" -Blindsight

Man of Paper

  • Bay Watcher
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Mechanized Warfare: Embral Thread / Revision Phase, 1940 Cold Season
« Reply #230 on: June 24, 2020, 11:48:39 pm »

Design Phase, Cold Season 1940 AC

Proposal: "Behemoth" Assault Hovercraft
The recent discovery of Caelium and Gavrillium has given rise to some rather extreme ideas amongst the design teams. One, in particular, has gotten an unfortunate amount of funding. They've transplanted an 8in gun turret, armor and ammunition handling and barbette included, from a crippled Mukebaza heavy cruiser into a..."tank". The turret, with much-reduced ammunition stores and therefore a shortened barbette, sits on top of an oval-shaped body, the main turret mounted slightly above a set of 6 120mm twin enclosed gun turrets off of Silada destroyers, facing in all directions. Cutouts in the lower faces of each turret and alterations to the elevation gear allow the 120mm and 200mm turrets to depress far enough to hit very close ground targets. Lower down on the body, in sponson-esque mounts, are ASH weapons aimed to sweep the ground near the vehicle to destroy infantry or anything that escaped the notice of the other turrets. Also included are numerous MGs aimed to cover every possibly angle. And one armored viewport on the bottom, that allows the crew to ascertain whether anything has taken shelter underneath them. If anything does, the gravity system is slowly powered down and the annoyances are crushed before operations resume.

The vehicle is powered and moved by a combination of a Gavrillium-based power source, the "Gavreactor", and a form of Caelium that counteracts gravity...and causes the entire vehicle to hover a few feet above the ground. The Gavreactor powers the large amount of Caelium necessary for this, it uses 'Aligned Gavrilium'; Gavrilium that has been heated to melting point, combined with a number of alloying agents, then cast and cooled under the influence of a strong magnetic field. Put simply, when in a magnetic field, Aligned Gavrilium generates heat on one side, and cold on the other (proportional to the strength of the field). How? Don't ask. Which is to say, Aligned Gavrilium does eventually 'deplete', but 'sane' physicists assure us that the process is impossible regardless. Anyway, with rods of Aligned Gavrilium in hand, creating a super-efficient reactor is child's play. One need merely exploit the considerable temperature differential between the two ends of the rods, which in this case we have done by creating a closed-circuit of purified water. The water is turned into super-heated steam on one end, passes through a turbine, and is rapidly cooled into near-freezing water on the other. To modulate the reactor's power, the electromagnets used to generate the magnetic field can be adjusted.

The Caelium system is created by alloying Caelium with some iron that was found in a Well, and then blasting sound at it from some direction. This creates a field of directional gravity around the system, which can be influenced and altered in shape by a adding much smaller units of the system in other locations. This field is capable of almost exactly cancelling out the gravitational effect of the Earth on the ship, and can be altered to provide omnidirectional propulsion or turning power for the vessel, not that it normally needs to turn.

This system allows the Behemoth to hover over any terrain and move at a reasonable speed despite its humongous mass. It will be capable of participating in amphibious assault despite being mostly a land vehicle. Internally it can carry many troops in the space left in the hull underneath the 5" guns, which do not need anywhere near the same vertical space as the 8" triple turret.

The Behemoth is heavily armored, with 150mm of armor on the bottom of the vehicle, splinter protection on every magazine, 200mm of armor on the outward faces, and 80mm of armor on the top. A thin layer of 15mm steel is used as spaced armor. The 200mm triple turret is protected by a 200mm turret face and 150mm turret sides and back and an 80mm armored roof, while the exposed portion of the barbette is armored with 200mm again. The internal portions of the barbette have their armor reduced to splinter protection.

There's only one of them, but the "Behemoth" is a large and powerful device we hope to use to break any defensive line, even those located across the straits from us.

Difficulty: Normal
Results: (5+3) (5+5)=10, Superior

"Behold now behemoth, which I made with thee; he eateth grass as an ox."

After getting in touch with our homeland there was a trade of some pretty interesting ideas. One of these ideas was a landship, but our fellows could only theorize with what little Gavrillium and Caelium they had gotten to experiment with from refugees. We took their plans and ran with them.

"His bones are as strong pieces of brass; his bones are like bars of iron."

The Behemoth is a massive "ground-based" vehicle with an ovoid shape covered in 200mm armor just about everywhere save for the 150mm armor on top of the thing, with an extra 30mm layer of spaced armor. The vehicle measures at 30m in length and about 20m at it's widest point, with a height of 12m. The body of the Behemoth also tapers inward from bottom to top in order to increase effective armor thickness and improve the chance of a deflected shot.

"Lo now, his strength is in his loins, and his force is in the navel of his belly."

At the center of this monster we installed what we call a GavReactor. This large construction uses Aligned Gavrillium, an alloy of the freshly-attained Gavrillium and copper and immersed in a powerful electromagnetic field during the entire process. Aligned Gavrillium has a positive and negative end, where the positive end absorbs heat and the negative end expels it. The temperature differential can be modified based on the strength of the electromagnetic field it is within, with the Earth's natural magnetosphere causing almost imperceptible radiation of heat and cold. The reactor provides power thanks to a large closed-circuit pipe of purified water that passes through a steam turbine as steam (woah) thanks to the Negative end before the Positive end converts it back into water. The GavReactor is capable of providing power to every system and subsystem on the Behemoth. While we've measured decay in Aligned Gavrillium used within the GavReactor, it is so miniscule that it should be years before it needs to be replaced. We expect this to be very difficult to replicate elsewhere, but the effort could be worth it.

An adjacent soundproofed chamber houses a Tonal Caelium Drive, a device built around a large sphere of refined Caelium alloyed with Welliron and anchored to the ship. The Caelium Core is surrounded by speakers that emit a highly directionalized hum when activated. When agitated, the Caelium Core produces a strong gravitational field that pulls on the core in the direction of the sound, as if it's trying to reach out to the source. Higher frequency sounds create more intense fields and allow the Behemoth to move at speeds of 30km/h even with all it's mass. The Tonal Caelium Drive allows omnidirectional movement, and a series of smaller Rotational Drives installed at the front and back of the vehicle allow it to turn fairly quickly relative to it's size.

"He is the chief of the ways of God: he that made him can make his sword to approach unto him."

6x2 120mm guns are positioned equidistantly around the Behemoth's main gun and are capable of depressing enough to fire shots at close targets - but not close enough to damage the Behemoth itself, obviously. The primary gun is a triple 200mm turret mounted centrally and also capable of firing at relatively close targets thanks to it being raised enough to depress effectively. Each turret is fully protected with 200mm armor, as is the exposed portion of the 200mm gun's barbette. Splinter protection provides some level of internal defense as well.

"Surely the mountains bring him forth food, where all the beasts of the field play."

The Behemoth has a good bit of extra space that can be used to transport a cohort of soldiers when assaulting positions. Over a dozen well-protected sponson guns utilizing ASHes dot the sides of the ship. The Behemoth is also lousy with machine gun mounts currently utilizing Musakilas in order to cover every angle of approach. When in close-combat with the enemy, the Behemoth is also able to sit over enemy positions and lower itself onto them, crushing softer or smaller targets (which are admittedly most things) should it need to. A number of hatches and a rear ramp allow infantry to disembark and assault positions directly that cannot be pulverized by the Behemoth.

"Behold, he drinketh up a river, and hasteth not: he trusteth that he can draw up Jordan into his mouth."

The Behemoth is a large, versatile, novel vehicle capable not only of engaging forces on land, but at sea as well. While it's combat ability in a naval engagement would be somewhat limited, it's ability to support a coastal assault cannot be understated. It can provide fire support to rival smaller naval vessels while providing more direct support as well as the capability to break through - or completely bypass if the captain is ballsy enough - enemy positions.

The Behemoth is and always will be a (NATIONAL EFFORT). We expect to see it crush many an enemy, though no doubt our homeland will want to take a larger bite of the powers afforded to us by Gavrillium and Caelium. Accompanying text was discovered in local ruins as part of a fairy tale novel.

Proposal: Mutant Rose | Xilmal Jagpal
Sorry Nuke, I had to cut it to meet the character limit and I didn't feel like opening up another tab. Looks like I have to start separating the armories from the updates now. Here's the link tho

Difficulty: Very Easy
Results: ???

Pain. It was all Xilmal really felt. Her vision was shot. Her body, broken. But her spirit, her will, those remained untouched. She was a prime soldier before her traumatic experience behind enemy lines, and while none knew her story but herself, everyone understood the disarray among the defenders of Talwar Beach was solely her own doing.

She was rescued, but recovery seemed impossible. She was therefore the perfect candidate for experimentation with the Mutant Rose.

Botanical studies in the homeland had been focused on research into the double helical molecule known as Deoxyribonucleic Acid, or DNA, and it appeared to be present within human cells as well. With the knowledge of the effects the Mutant Rose has on local wildlife, Genetic Engineers began work in earnest on creating a means of controlling the mutation. While they dabbled with the more common Mutant Roses at first, they ultimately decided to utilize the Painted Mutant Rose, a vibrant flower with each petal a different color. Being rare even among Mutant Roses (being themselves a mutant of the species unable to breed), they are unlikely to be utilized for anything meant to be deployed en masse.

First, Xilmal needed to be stabilized. While she wasn't dead, her health was deteriorating rapidly enough that she'd be gone within a week.

She had been in a medically-induced coma for three days. During that time her body attempted to mend it's many wound. It did so. Spectacularly. She came to on her own as her body countered the effects of the drugs being pumped into her. Over the course of 24 hours after introduction of Painted Nectar her body had healed over, leaving nothing behind to give away the fact that she'd been uncomfortably close to death, not even scarring. Others were not so lucky, as half of the remaining subjects died from injuries that refused to heal.

While other subjects seemed to reject their Painted Nectar treatments once they'd healed, for some reason the Painted Nectar within Xilmal continued to work it's mysterious magic on her body.

Xilmal reported feeling uncomfortable as her body changed ever so slightly, adding a couple inches of height and increasing muscle density over the next couple days. Physical tests showed a dramatic increase in strength and endurance as she broke world records at every single turn. Running speed and time, lifting and carrying ability, leaping capability, lung capacity, all of these measured quite literally off the charts the Genetic Engineers held.

The day after breaking just about every record athletes the world over cared for, Genetic Engineers noted her eye color had shifted from an almost black brown to a bright orange. Visual tests revealed her eyesight to be an unprecedented 20/2, as well as the ability to see in nearly no-light conditions given a moment to acclimate. Audio tests also showed an ability to detect a range of sound twice as large as a standard human's without any negative effects from louder noises tested up to 140 dB.

Day after day new things were discovered. Her bones proved unbreakable. Her skin became resistant to cutting and would stiffen in response to blunt force. She had "learned" to moderate chemical production within her body, allowing her to control her output of adrenaline and temporarily boost her augmentations even further. Eventually the Genetic Engineers ran out of tests and began to throw everything they could at her - up to and including driving a truck at her at full speed while she was blindfolded and shackled to the ground (she ripped the shackles out of the ground and decimated the engine of the truck with a powerful swing of the chain as she sidestepped the vehicle) and live-fire combat exercises (she completed a massive obstacle course covered in LIE gas without a mask while under constant fire without getting hit).

Near the end of her evolution, Xilmal's regenerative ability was tested once more. At first it was a cut across her shoulder blades. The skin began to mend before the cut had even finished. A deeper stab saw the blade being forced out as the flesh tried to heal within moments of being penetrated. Then it was the loss of a finger. It regrew seconds later. Then a hand. Forearm. Leg. Xilmal mentioned a level of of pain well within her tolerance with every operation, but was very calm as every removed part grew back rather quickly. While it was assumed her regeneration was linked to nutrition in some way, two very peculiar things were discovered during the final days of Xilmal's treatment, in particular about her skin.

Her cells had been augmented heavily enough to photosynthesize. So long as she stayed hydrated (which proved not to be a problem as her body stored water with unprecedented efficiency) Xilmal was able to nourish herself with sunlight. So long as she wasn't trapped underground for a month, Xilmal would be quite capable of full functionality without the need to eat. The second peculiar discovery, one which led to quite a scare, was an ability to alter the color of her skin at will. This chameleonic ability was insanely powerful, and save for her clothing and profile, she could blend in perfectly with her surroundings.

The Painted Mutant Rose's Nectar seems particularly unstable. (This is just a narrative justification for why you could make mutations that can effect Xilmal without needing to subject her to more experimentation.)

Such successful experimentation with the Painted Mutant Rose will likely impact further efforts in utilization of more common colors of the Mutant Rose.

Xilmal Jagpal, Sui Centurio, will always be a (NATIONAL EFFORT). She has become more than human, and we expect to see her bring a swift end to many Initharian ambitions.

Results: (6+6)+2=14, Unexpected Boon (Only needed to roll once)


You've got two revisions to work with. Remember that the Research Credit bonus still applies to any National Effort action!


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« Last Edit: July 01, 2020, 06:31:17 am by Man of Paper »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mechanized Warfare: Embral Thread / Revision Phase, 1940 Cold Season
« Reply #231 on: June 25, 2020, 06:29:28 am »

That went better than expected.

Revisions, then. One revision we definitely want to consider is fixing the Sharak. I've written a proposal:
Sharak Torpedo Mk.II:
Dave was a resourceful guy. His sabotage endures to this day, as evidenced by the ineffectual Sharak. He managed to replace our torpedo-fuze blueprints without anyone noticing, and we only recently uncovered the originals. Now that we have the right documentation, fixing the fuzes in the Sharak (that is, making the contact fuze less finicky, and making the magnetic fuze functional) should be a piece of cake. The problem of the torpedo running too deep is an even more trivial fix.
In fact, while the Sharak is severely crippled by these issues, fixing them is so little work, that we're also taking the time to create a modified surface-vessel-launched version: the Sharak Mk.IIb. Given the increased risk of nearby explosions, the IIb has been made slightly less volatile, by way of using a 80:20 mix of oxygen:nitrogen instead of the 98:2 mix used in the standard version. This does reduce the speed and range of the torpedo, but still results in a far superior product to the seriously outdated Backstab torpedo.   

Other revisions we could consider:
-Leviathan upgrade: adding a Gavreactor... although it's not like the Leviathan is weak, so maybe this isn't a priority.
-Submarine upgrade: creating a Hetham variant with a Gavreactor, which would get us a Gavreactor in the Leviathan for free. The Gavreactor Hetham would be more expensive, and doing it this way wouldn't get us the NE re-roll (though we do have the +1 to submarine tech that would apply).
-Mutant Rose medical gel: while not on Xilmal's level, even a fraction of her healing power would greatly enhance our soldiers' survival rates.
-Grenades: LIE is not a very good grenade, and LIES can't be used as grenades at all. There might be value in actually making a decent grenade.
-Katarani could use a reliability improvement.
-Probably other stuff I'm forgetting.

Bear in mind that we are going to be attacking walking into the abandoned bases of the Pact with both actions this turn, so we might not want to prioritise stuff that is primarily useful on the attack, but rather things that will let us hold on to the ground we do have (particularly the foothold on the other side of the straight, I don't want to lose that). On the other hand, if Inithar has any sense, they will be attacking the Pact with both actions this turn as well- even if they don't realise that there are undefended Harrenodes, they can't really afford the risk of falling behind in the resource war. 

Also, we might want to discuss Xilmal lore. How the near-death experience and subsequent major modifications affected her, sort of thing. And I'd still like to expand on her backstory and personality more.
Long Live United Forenia!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mechanized Warfare: Embral Thread / Revision Phase, 1940 Cold Season
« Reply #232 on: June 25, 2020, 09:07:17 pm »

Legion-Issued Explosives Set Lightweight Individual Thrown Explosives
LIEs are used as highly unreliable grenades at present, while LIESes are issued as reliable and capable demolition devices. LIES LITE is a grenade version of the LIE throwable pipe bombs, which comes in high explosive, fragmentation, and chemical forms. These are smaller than a LIES bomb and altered to a more standard grenade form for better throwing. A much more reliable five-second fuse is fitted to the grenades to replace the malfunction-prone LIE timer system or remote detonation of the LIES.

Katarani Medium Tank Mk.II
Despite initial issues, the Katarani has proved itself on the battlefield as a solid and dangerous combatant. However, it does still have some problems with reliability and rectifying those will provide us with a much superior vehicle. First up, the Wellbronze agitators. These are presently a source of additional motion in the engine and can cause damage to it. This is fixed by adding a mechanical disconnect switch, so that when the vehicle has warmed up the crew can disconnect the Wellbronze system from electrical power, thus stopping the vibrations. A small battery is likewise installed to get the Wellbronze moving before engine startup, so we don't have a chicken-and-egg problem with needing the agitators to be running to start the engine which powers the agitators.

The Wellbronze system also constitutes additional deadweight whenever temperatures are not freezing cold. It is mostly external to the fuel system, which makes it possible for it to be made removable for operations in climates that don't freeze the Katarani's fuel.

The side and rear armor is reduced to a uniform 40mm instead of 50mm and the frontal armor is reduced to 70mm, since the enemy's weaponry is at present extremely lackluster at piercing spaced armor. The spaced armor sections are strengthened somewhat since they have been noted to be somewhat weak and easily damaged by smaller-caliber munitions.

Quote from: Votes
Sharak Torpedo Mk.II: (1) Madman
Legion-Issued Explosives Set Lightweight Individual Thrown Explosives: (1) Madman
We shall make the highest quality of quality quantities of soldiers with quantities of quality.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mechanized Warfare: Embral Thread / Revision Phase, 1940 Cold Season
« Reply #233 on: June 26, 2020, 03:16:01 am »

Here's a proposal for Mutant Rose medical gel:
Health Augmenter (eXperimental):
War is actually quite dangerous. Workplace injuries happen all the time. We have medics, of course, but there's only so much they can do, especially on the front lines. A legionary might bleed out in the couple of minutes it takes for a medic to reach him, if a medic is even available. Some in the Legions have told us that that's just the way war is. You can't cheat death, they said. Well, tell that to Xilmal Jagpal.
Xilmal's augmentations are not feasible for reproduction on a large scale, but we don't need to match her power level to have a major impact on legionary survival rates. The common or garden Mutant Rose can also be used to make regenerative medicine, which is strong enough to heal small wounds, alleviate pain, and stabilise more serious injuries until professional care is available. The substance, referred to as "Health Augmenter (eXperimental)" is a light pink ointment, provided to legionaries in small squeeze tubes, like toothpaste (do not actually use as toothpaste).
Inithar will surely curse the shadows when they realise our soldiers are using HAX to cheat death.

Which I am tentatively going to vote for. I could also go for the grenades, but I think HAX is low-hanging fruit given how well Xilmal rolled.

Quote from: Votes
Sharak Torpedo Mk.II: (2) Madman, NUKE9.13
Legion-Issued Explosives Set Lightweight Individual Thrown Explosives: (1) Madman
Health Augmenter (eXperimental): (1) NUKE9.13
Long Live United Forenia!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mechanized Warfare: Embral Thread / Revision Phase, 1940 Cold Season
« Reply #234 on: June 26, 2020, 09:38:52 am »

[quote a
Quote from: Votes
Sharak Torpedo Mk.II: (3) Madman, NUKE9.13, Frostgiant
Legion-Issued Explosives Set Lightweight Individual Thrown Explosives: (1) Madman
Health Augmenter (eXperimental): (2) NUKE9.13, Frostgiant


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mechanized Warfare: Embral Thread / Revision Phase, 1940 Cold Season
« Reply #235 on: June 26, 2020, 10:40:43 am »

Quote from: Votes
Sharak Torpedo Mk.II: (4) Madman, NUKE9.13, Frostgiant, TFF
Legion-Issued Explosives Set Lightweight Individual Thrown Explosives: (1) Madman
Health Augmenter (eXperimental): (3) NUKE9.13, Frostgiant, TFF

Man of Paper

  • Bay Watcher
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Mechanized Warfare: Embral Thread / Strategy Phase, 1940 Cold Season
« Reply #236 on: July 02, 2020, 01:00:47 pm »

Revision Phase, Cold Season 1940 AC

Proposal: "Sharak" Torpedo Mk.II
Dave was a resourceful guy. His sabotage endures to this day, as evidenced by the ineffectual Sharak. He managed to replace our torpedo-fuze blueprints without anyone noticing, and we only recently uncovered the originals. Now that we have the right documentation, fixing the fuzes in the Sharak (that is, making the contact fuze less finicky, and making the magnetic fuze functional) should be a piece of cake. The problem of the torpedo running too deep is an even more trivial fix.
In fact, while the Sharak is severely crippled by these issues, fixing them is so little work, that we're also taking the time to create a modified surface-vessel-launched version: the Sharak Mk.IIb. Given the increased risk of nearby explosions, the IIb has been made slightly less volatile, by way of using a 80:20 mix of oxygen:nitrogen instead of the 98:2 mix used in the standard version. This does reduce the speed and range of the torpedo, but still results in a far superior product to the seriously outdated Backstab torpedo.   

Difficulty: Easy Very Easy
Result: (2+1)+2=5, Below Average

The relatively simple fixes to the Sharak this season took place alongside the development of a surface-launched variant for, currently, our Silada. All things considered, progress went well. The Sharak Mk.II was properly weighted during testing and Dave's Fuzes were replaced with more reliable, actually functional triggers. The Sharak Mk.IIb is slower than it's submersible-based sibling thanks to changes in the air mix, but is much more reliable than it's predecessor, and the air mix is less likely to damage the ship if set off for some reason. These improvements to our new torpedoes should see a major boost in our projection of power asea.

The only problem is, externally, there is exactly zero difference between the original Sharak and the variants. We've told our captains it's because we're trying not to waste any resources so we're integrating the new models over time, but that is an absolute lie. We forgot to include a visual marker in our blueprints and our engineers have zero initiative. So while the torpedoes are technically fixed, there may still be the occasional dud that slips through.

Cost for the "Sharak" Mk.II Torpedo and "Sharak" Mk.IIb Torpedo do not adjust cost of the original, meaning both are still (CHEAP).

Proposal: Health Augmenter (eXperimental)
War is actually quite dangerous. Workplace injuries happen all the time. We have medics, of course, but there's only so much they can do, especially on the front lines. A legionary might bleed out in the couple of minutes it takes for a medic to reach him, if a medic is even available. Some in the Legions have told us that that's just the way war is. You can't cheat death, they said. Well, tell that to Xilmal Jagpal.
Xilmal's augmentations are not feasible for reproduction on a large scale, but we don't need to match her power level to have a major impact on legionary survival rates. The common or garden Mutant Rose can also be used to make regenerative medicine, which is strong enough to heal small wounds, alleviate pain, and stabilise more serious injuries until professional care is available. The substance, referred to as "Health Augmenter (eXperimental)" is a light pink ointment, provided to legionaries in small squeeze tubes, like toothpaste (do not actually use as toothpaste).
Inithar will surely curse the shadows when they realise our soldiers are using HAX to cheat death.

Difficulty: Theoretical
Result: (6+5)-3=8, Average

Finding out what, exactly, affected Xilmal in such a way that she could regenerate proved...difficult. But possible. We isolated the Common Mutant Rose, a light pink variant, as a potential source of the Painted Rose's healing abilities. During our experimentation, a pulp formed largely of CMR matter was left out overnight in an uncapped beaker beneath a UV light. The scientist responsible has been taken care of, but the results of his ineptitude prove quite useful.

Taking it's name from the label on the first beaker, Health Augmenter (eXperimental) is a pulpy paste made of Common Mutant Rose finely mashed and left out under UV light. HAX is formed as excess liquid in the mixture dries up, leaving mostly mushy, congealed plant. This mixture can be stored in a container, like a squeezable tube, for later use. As long as it isn't stored in direct sunlight, HAX will prove to be quite useful to our soldiers.

While it isn't an immediate cure-all, HAX is an easy-to-apply, smearable, nontoxic mush that seals wounds, stimulates healing, and minimizes scarring. HAX also acts as a mild local anesthetic and sanitizer. While it can't be used to glue people back together, Health Augmenter (eXperimental) will most definitely see people stabilized, and potentially returned to the line, at a higher rate than before.

Described as tasting like raw chicken, not that anyone should know how that tastes.

Health Augmenter (eXperimental) costs 3 Mutant Roses to produce, making it (EXPENSIVE). However, since we do not actually have a steady supply of Mutant Roses yet, HAX is also [complex], making it functionally (VERY EXPENSIVE).


It is time to make our last choices for the season. Remember to choose two locations to attack, the deployment of any National Efforts, and your decisions regarding sending home or keeping the Caelium and Gavrillium you got last Combat Phase (and the resource you get in return if you end one out), as well as voting on whether you'll be maintaining or destroying the Glas Bolg Transporters.

That's a lot of decisions to make. Best get on with it then!


Spoiler: Land Territories (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Sea Territories (click to show/hide)
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Spoiler: Embrallish Armory (click to show/hide)
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mechanized Warfare: Embral Thread / Strategy Phase, 1940 Cold Season
« Reply #237 on: July 02, 2020, 02:21:37 pm »

Quote from: Feature Creepbox
Attack (pick two)
Mesas Caelium Node: (1) NUKE9.13
Desert Gavrilium Node: (1) NUKE9.13

Western Maelstrom: (1) NUKE9.13

Xilmal Jagpal, Sui Centurio
North Peaks: (1) NUKE9.13

Mudflats: (1) NUKE9.13

Resource Development
Mutant Rose in Mesas: (1) NUKE9.13

Harresources distribution
Keep Both: (1) NUKE9.13

Glas Bolg Transporters
Maintain: (1) NUKE9.13

  Attacks: Obvious.
  Leviathan: Attempt to prevent Inithar from attaining greater control over the Western Maelstrom, which would make holding the North Peaks harder.
  Xilmal & Behemoth: Infantry are probably more useful in the mountains and cliffs than a gigantic tank (even if it is a hovertank), whereas a gigantic hovertank is just what the doctor ordered in the Mudflats. While I suspect that Inithar will be doing the same as us this turn- going all-in on grabbing Harrenodes-, it can't hurt to put our NEs on defence.
  Resource development: Obvious.
  Harresources distribution: Keeping both lets us deploy the SMG-32a this turn. We can (and should) send the Harresources we grab this turn home.
  Glas Bolg: MoP clarified on Discord that the Pact cannot attack us through the portals (for extremely well thought out reasons), so since Inithar doesn't control any at the moment, I figure there's no significant risk in keeping them around for at least a turn. We can dismantle them later on, if we want.
Long Live United Forenia!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mechanized Warfare: Embral Thread / Strategy Phase, 1940 Cold Season
« Reply #238 on: July 02, 2020, 02:28:06 pm »

Quote from: Feature Creepbox
Attack (pick two)
Mesas Caelium Node: (2) NUKE9.13, Frostgiant
Desert Gavrilium Node: (2) NUKE9.13, Frostgiant

Western Maelstrom: (1) NUKE9.13
Eastern Maelstrom (1) Frostgiant

Xilmal Jagpal, Sui Centurio
North Peaks: (2) NUKE9.13, Frostgiant

Mudflats: (2) NUKE9.13,Frostgiant

Resource Development
Mutant Rose in Mesas: (2) NUKE9.13, frostgiant

Harresources distribution
Keep Both: (2) NUKE9.13,Frostgiant

Glas Bolg Transporters
Maintain: (2) NUKE9.13, Frostgiant



  • Bay Watcher
    • View Profile
Re: Mechanized Warfare: Embral Thread / Strategy Phase, 1940 Cold Season
« Reply #239 on: July 02, 2020, 02:43:30 pm »

Quote from: Feature Creepbox
Attack (pick two)
Mesas Caelium Node: (3) NUKE9.13, Frostgiant, Madman
Desert Gavrilium Node: (3) NUKE9.13, Frostgiant, Madman

Western Maelstrom: (2) NUKE9.13, Madman
Eastern Maelstrom (1) Frostgiant

Xilmal Jagpal, Sui Centurio
North Peaks: (3) NUKE9.13, Frostgiant, Madman

Mudflats: (3) NUKE9.13, Frostgiant, Madman

Resource Development
Mutant Rose in Mesas: (3) NUKE9.13, Frostgiant, Madman

Harresources distribution
Keep Both: (3) NUKE9.13, Frostgiant, Madman

Glas Bolg Transporters
Maintain: (3) NUKE9.13, Frostgiant, Madman

Having considered the situation I agree with NUKE, that if anything they're going to try and cut us out of their territory, though admittedly it's not actually likely to happen. Therefore, I agree with sending the Leviathan to defend our foothold instead of threatening theirs.
We shall make the highest quality of quality quantities of soldiers with quantities of quality.
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