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Author Topic: Mechanized Warfare: Embral Thread / Final Phase, 1941 Cold Season  (Read 24703 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mechanized Warfare: Embral Thread / Strategy Phase, 1939 Hot Season
« Reply #165 on: January 14, 2020, 08:44:31 pm »

Quote from: is it though?
(4) Old World Blues: ConFive, SC777, Madman, Strider
(0) Lasting Impressions:

(3) Ore in Burning Hills: ConFive, Madman, Strider
(1) Wellmaterial in Burning Hills: SC777

(4) Full Focus West (W. Maelstrom and Northern Peaks): Confive, SC777, Madman, Strider

(3) W. Maelstrom: SC777, Madman, Strider
Within that world, she was God. But here, outside of it, her name was Yoake o-Shiri. That was unimportant. She was a Godslayer. That too was unimportant. But what was important, was that she had a motherfucking boat.
And by God, was she going to use it.

"But deceleration is for pansies. We're headed for the stars. Bye, Burnsie. Bye, Mission Control. Bye, Sol. See you at heat death" -Blindsight


  • Bay Watcher
  • Ckk Ckk
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Re: Mechanized Warfare: Embral Thread / Strategy Phase, 1939 Hot Season
« Reply #166 on: January 16, 2020, 12:21:28 pm »

Quote from: Of course we know this is the Votebox
(5) Old World Blues: ConFive, SC777, Madman, Strider, TFF
(0) Lasting Impressions:

(4) Ore in Burning Hills: ConFive, Madman, Strider, TFF
(1) Wellmaterial in Burning Hills: SC777

(5) Full Focus West (W. Maelstrom and Northern Peaks): Confive, SC777, Madman, Strider, TFF

(4) W. Maelstrom: SC777, Madman, Strider, TFF

Man of Paper

  • Bay Watcher
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Mechanized Warfare: Embral Thread / Design Phase, 1939 Cold Season
« Reply #167 on: January 18, 2020, 10:05:50 am »

Strategy Phase, Hot Season 1939 AC

This season saw the utilization of a large deposit of Ore in the Burning Hills, meaning we now have access to 5 Ore. This provides the following changes to our armory:

Havezara-108 Mk.IV becomes (CHEAP)
-It's access to LIE Shells is set to (EXPENSIVE), and should have been noted last turn, but did not see use either way so suck it nerds
-The Mortar's LIE Shells are set to (CHEAP) , which wouldn't have changed the outcome of the invasion last turn anyways
Legion Issues Explosives Set becomes (EXPENSIVE)
Submersible Engineered Aquatic Litter Diver Propulsion Vehicle and Rebreather becomes (EXPENSIVE)

We have also embraced the Old World Blues, meaning Close-Quarters weaponry has it's difficulty level reduced by one tier.

Combat Phase, Hot Season 1939 AC

The Western Front

Plans this season for the Embral forces focused efforts on pushing through the Initharian defenses they'd managed to probe the season before. Unfortunately for our fleet, Inithar had made progress asserting control over the sea, and had shored up their positions. The most immediate and apparent issue was the increased presence of Kaipo'u-class Battleships leading a number of sub-hunting groups. Our Hethams, outnumbered by the ships hunting them, and now facing Destroyer Groups with refocyte-armed battleship support, had to fight more conservatively than any of them would have wanted. The Initharian Ho'oulas were already enough a pest for our Mukebaza cruisers based on sheer volume of fire alone, and with the additional firepower from more Kaipo'us they didn't really stand a chance. The Initharians picked almost every engagement, and without sufficient surface presence we were unable to wrest their control of the sector from them. The Leviathan was the only vessel that was able to actively make an impact, sinking a Kaipo'u and causing significant damage to two more.

It would've been a bad enough season on the seas if things ended there. But they did not. Towers had cropped up along the Initharian-controlled shores, and their purpose was made abundantly clear when our submarines tried navigating through the Initharian minefields. At first we thought the captains of the Hethams were just being careless, but a large uptick in mine-related sinkings within visual range of these towers, and the lucky discovery of a series of cables laid in the seabed uncovered the nature of Inithar's new sea-based mines. Sets of indicator cables relayed information to the towers, where an observer would decide whether or not to detonate a series of mines. These things weren't all too common, thankfully, so a few of our subs were able to get close enough to shore to safely launch their SEALS. Not many made it past the Initharian fleet and their mines, but we were able to land a few disorganized units onto the enemy shores. Not that the North Peaks offered many safe landing zones in the first place, at least not for someone lacking significant support or climbing equipment.

Our saving grace here was Inithar's focus was not on the Western Maelstrom, and so they were unable to increase their gains in the sector. The Western Maelstrom is still under Initharian Light Control.


Our scattered commandos landed and struck the night before our second attempt to claw into the North Peaks. A couple of them managed to locate a landing and passes past the Initharian lines, but had no means of marking or relaying this information. The disruptions caused by our SEAL Commandos was heavily underwhelming. Not enough of them made it to land in one piece to cause significant havoc behind enemy lines, and without means of communication and coordination between scattered teams, joint efforts to secure important positions prior to the coming landing were practically impossible to pull off. The did manage to pull attention away from the shore defenses somewhat, but their activities acted more to increase Initharian alertness more than anything. Better equipment or more support (if, say, we already controlled a part of Initharian territory and used them to insert behind lines with artillery support, etc.) could see their effectiveness increase greatly, but a couple explosives planted in nonvital locations was not worth the men thrown into Inithar's snapping jaws. The first use of SEAL Commandos would go down ultimately as a failure, with little gained and each Commando missing, captured, or killed by the end of the landing attempt.

The landing itself was pretty rough once more. Approaching ships had to be extremely cautious of enemy mines, and the Initharian navy was able to harass our mostly unescorted transports. While a large number of their ships were dedicated to keeping our Hethams away, our comparative lack of surface presence bit us hard. Some analysts suspect the use of WellQuartz in our Mamkiralis is the only reason our troops were willing to fight after going through sea mines, ship-based fire, and the silent Initharian firearms. The enemy had no new advancements on the ground in this theater, but by-and-large neither did we. Again, as last season, our forces were able to bypass small sections of the Initharian defenses before being pushed back - which is an admirable feat, given the situation at sea was much worse than the last time we tried an amphibious assault. We suspect that there would have been gains this time around if the sea situation had stayed similar to last season's.

Embral has failed to push the North Peaks.


The Eastern Front

In preparation for their second attempt at landing in our territory, the Initharian Navy set to the task of securing the seas from us. Destroyer Groups centered around a Kaipo'u or, in one case, the Kona had little issue locating our submarines and saturating their suspected locations with refocyte bombardment to dissuade getting close to the surface. Our Hethams saw increased losses, and while a few of their ships did still get sunk by them, by and large every engagement was decided by the Initharian Fleet - and then won by them. The Mukebazas, now facing multiple Kaipo'us, were nowhere near enough of a surface presence to stem the tide. The Kona being active in the sector and organizing fleet actions made the situation that much more extreme (in a bad way for us). With Inithar's capability to reduce our advantage of stealth and the inability to engage on our own terms, they dominated the push into our territory.

Inithar attains Significant Control of the Eastern Maelstrom.


Rain pounded The Mudflats on the morning of the invasion. Deep pools of water collected in the craters littering the oversaturated earth. Artillery, too, fell onto our territory. Initharian capital ships were able to focus largely on supporting the invasion thanks to the shellacking of our fleets in the area, and we most definitely felt that as conventional 300mm shells whistled overhead alongside a large number of refocyte munitions. The appearance of the Makuahine CLC, a 50m long landing craft with 200 ton capacity, 20mm armor, a 90mm armored ramp, two 50mm guns, two Kakalas, smoke launchers, and a top speed of 15 knots, was certainly an undesirable sight for the forces having devils dropped on their doorstep.

Our 108mm artillery and 105mm mortars had zeroed in on slices of the landing area after last year's attempted landings, and the time we'd been given them to recover and reinforce was made abundantly clear. It felt as though more water was being thrown into the air by explosions than there was falling from the clouds. Being infantry on either side of this engagement was quite an undesirable prospect, as the sheer volume of indirect fire - mostly at the Initharians - was withering at best and downright devastating at worst.

Chemical clouds drifted across the landing zones as chemical mortars dropped with alarming frequency. One Makuahine was unfortunate enough to have a shell land right in front of the ramp as it opened, blocking the exit with a toxic cloud of smoke and drifting inward towards the trapped infantry and crew. Counterbattery fire from their fleet was able to stifle that pressure somewhat, while the ship-based refocyte rounds pounded the old Salviosi defenses, cracking, crumpling, and collapsing the decades-old abandoned concrete bunkers.

The first wave of landing craft was almost solely infantry. Their footsoldiers were at a disadvantage thanks to our superior range in regard to firearms, as with last time, but the uptick in indirect fire support and significant smoke cover gave their infantry the chance to push forward and not get socked in by the hail of 108mm shells. Then the second wave hit the beaches.

Makuahines opened up to reveal the first Initharian armored fighting vehicle of the war - the G2 Alanui, a tank wielding a 50mm cannon, two Kakalas, 50mm armor on all four sides and the turret, 20mm up top, and 15mm beneath, and can travel at speeds of 50km/h. These tanks provided a clear and present target for the Rogis which proved itself...somewhat lacking, though still capable. While it's AP and APHE shells could penetrate the Alanui, the tank was capable of high speeds that required significant leading, even in the muck of the Mudflats. The Alanuis provided direct-fire support for Initharian infantry, pounding defenses with their refocyte rounds and suppressing infantry with it's pair of Kakalas. The advantage provided to troops pushing forward was somewhat mitigated by the deep pools restricting movement forward to select routes, and the Rogis, largely used on the beach as defensive emplacements, severely outnumbered the Alanui. That said, they also afforded the Wikiwiki the opportunity to move up without getting absolutely annihilated immediately.

Their forces suffered significant losses on the landing, adding corpses to those already half-buried and rotted in the mud. But the inclusion of a proper lander, as well as the delayed introduction of the Alanui, paired with a significant degree of naval bombardment, with no advancements of our own in the theater, saw us pushed away from the landing zones along the strait. In the following days the landings were able to form a unified front and went largely unopposed, save for the occasional ambush of screaming, whistling Sikari, slowing them just enough for our troops to set up a solid second line (with a little help from the Strings of Motion) at some old Salviosi defenses. Long-abandoned Abberan positions provided their forces with some cover from fire and the elements.

As both sides dug in, one thing remained clear: many people would die in the coming months trying to fight over this useless, undesirable slice of land.

Embral has failed to defend The Mudflats, losing control of an empty Resource Node in the process.


As the season comes to a close, a single ship appears over the horizon from the east. It hails us as soon as it possibly can, identifying itself as a ship sent from the homeland with a very important person on board.

After docking and coming ashore, the envoy makes herself well known. Dressed in some of the finest garb available in the Empire, Lady Amanvir and her armed escort turn many heads and draw much attention. They move swiftly and with purpose, arranging an emergency meeting with you - those she knew to be pulling the strings, regardless of your job as "engineers".

The subterranean bunker is cooler than outside, but beads of sweat still form on the Lady's brow, being unaccustomed to the environment. Lady Amanvir and her family are wealthy individuals with a lot of influence in Embral, but no military background, so it is strange to see her here alone save for her two guards and the ship's crew. Once you've all been gathered she is quick to begin the meeting.

"I have come here and gathered you lot together because, to put it bluntly, things at home are dire indeed. The war has turned poorly, the capital is bombed regularly, and we're being pressed too hard to hold out indefinitely. While aid from this expedition would certainly help the cause, I come to you with more troubling news," Amanvir shifts uncomfortably in her admittedly uncomfortable seat, "Subversive elements have been revealed within the Empire. An entity known as the Sau-Cihare has been pulling the strings of the Empire since, well, before it was an empire. They're responsible for almost everything, good or bad, that has befallen Embral. And they - we - need your help."

Amanvir purses her lips and makes a sucking noise with her teeth before continuing, "The Sau-Cihare are the only reason the Embralish Empire hasn't been absorbed and eliminated by The Union. Genocide is taking place within our borders, entire towns being lined up against walls and shot, and yet people are still attempting defection. In the face of absolute annihilation they would bow to The Union, be taken in, and, as has already happened to a number of people, never be heard from again. Surrender is not an option, and yet a few members of the Sau-Cihare have formed a splinter group after being corrupted by Union agents. They seek to systematically wipe out the members of the Sau-Cihare and steer our empire into the shadows before it's tossed into a shallow grave."

Amanvir pauses. Something tells you she's being honest, or at least believes she is - and that this has affected her personally on a deep level.

"The Sau-Cihare fight for Embral, but we cannot fight alone. This expedition could help us fight back, or at the very least, provide the Empire with a stronghold to fall back to should the worst come to pa-"

The door to the room opens. Two shots echo through the small room and both Amanvir's guards slump to the floor.

"You", Amanvir hisses, "You're why we haven't heard from Rasam."

"Yep," Dave says matter-of-factly, "He's at the bottom of the sea, kept company by some old artillery pieces. Sorry about that, by the way," Dave states, directing the apology your way.

"Don't listen to her bullshit," Dave was addressing you still, but his eyes and handgun both remain trained on Amanvir, "The Sau-Cihare is one of the worst, most corrupt, corrupting, and corruptible entities in the entirety of human history. AH! NOPE!" Amanvir tries to stand. Dave walks around her, places an arm on her shoulder, puts the gun to the base of her skull, and looks at each of you.

"The Embralish Empire is a rotting scarecrow propped up on the bones of the less fortunate, both within and outside of her borders. We've been demonized by The Union because we've acted like demons. We've been controlled from the shadows by fear, deceit, murder, and, well, wealthy assholes like this one," Dave punctuates his statement by tapping his handgun on Amanvir's head, "The Union isn't as bad as they've been painted. Yes, they're guilty of killing civilians, but so is Embral, and over the course of her entire history without ever answering for it. There's even evidence that one of the villages wiped out by The Union was done at the behest of the Sau-Cihare by the Sau-Cihare. And worst of all? This devastating war could be over."

Dave sighs, "The Union has requested peace multiple times. Every time the message is intercepted or corrupted by the Sau-Cihare, and even if it reaches the 'leaders' of our Empire, agents whispering in ears, utilizing blackmail, and making empty promises have turned those in power from the path of peace."

"Liar!" Amanvir interrupted, visibly seething, but her eyes seemed to beg you for help.

"That's cute, coming from the mouth of the Serpent Lady herself," Dave responded, "I represent those 'subversive' elements within the Sau-Cihare. We'd hoped Rasam's disappearance was all we needed to prevent the Sau-Cihare infecting this expedition, but it looks like my hand was forced. To put it simply, the Union is willing to withdraw from the Embral jungles and a significant area surrounding them, so long as we cease fighting them and replace our government with one approved by a Union council."

"And become a puppet for foreigners. Never in all of Embral's history..." Amanvir sighed.

There's a gun under the table. It's time for you to decide who walks out of here alive...and ultimately how interactions with the Old World will continue from this point onward.

Will you Kill Amanvir, siding with Dave and the Union, forsaking your Empire? Or will you Kill Dave, cementing your loyalties to the motherland at the cost of countless lives in the war at home?

You have one design.


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Spoiler: Embrallish Armory (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Credits (click to show/hide)



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mechanized Warfare: Embral Thread / Design Phase, 1939 Cold Season
« Reply #168 on: January 19, 2020, 09:51:21 pm »

Shock Steel:
New studies of the infusion of the active ingredient of wellvine sap into armor and machine steels allow for the controlled dissipation of shock incident upon the steel. Shockwaves can be uniformly dispersed through the steel, preventing the focus of stress at a point.

If demonstrations prove successful, a method of mass production will be sought, to allow for the incorporation into ship and vehicle armor schemes and drive shafts, one limiting factor on ship speeds. In the future, we hope to possibly utilize this in soldier armor, as thin sheets of hard but brittle steel plate may be useable as armor if the shock of a bullet can be instantly dispersed through the whole plate.

Ultrasonic resonator:
A refinement of the Wellbronze material yielded Wellcopper, capable of oscillating powerfully and directionally upon the impingement of electric current. Our first use was the ultrasonic resonator. This submarine or surface ship mounted weapon, built using Wellcopper nodes on the hull, when activated causes strong pulses to be sent out from the ship. The net effect is the vibration of nearby targets, especially mines or enemy ship hulls. We hope that this intense disruption may preemptively activate mines, damage enemy hull armor for eventual torpedo strikes, and perhaps trigger the release of refocyte force, if not with enemy ship engines, at least on their ramming prows.

Subsonic waterhammer:
A refinement of the Wellbronze material yielded Wellcopper, capable of oscillating powerfully and directionally upon the impingement of electric current. Our first use was the subsonic water hammer. This submarine or surface ship mounted weapon utilizes a concentric array of Wellcopper nodes beneath the hull, and launches a powerful, directional water pulse. It was convenient that we discovered the cavitation resonance effect, which allows these sonic pulses to maintain stability over long distances.

The goal is to form a weapon capable of being utilized repeatedly by submarines, unhindered by the speed and armament limitations of torpedo launchers. For destroyers and cruisers, the system adds underwater weaponry for both general use and so that in the event that the main battery is damaged by shell fire, the ship will not be defenseless.

Universal spaced armor plating:
While not particularly interesting as a concept, our engineers decided that spaced armor might be a most effective tool against our enemy's refocyte tools. The spacing is variant depending upon the vehicle or armor system intended for use. We hope that adding this will preemptively trigger the refocyte force effect on projectiles, allowing our landers, ships, and land vehicles to more effectively shrug off enemy gun hits.

Wellshock trooper kit:
In pursuit of close combat effectiveness, we have attempted to create an effective outfit for trench combat. This includes simple inclusions like a trench knife, pistol, and light armored vest. But more importantly, it includes a back mounted flamethrower, using the same chemicals found in our L.I.E.s to replicate their mucus mutilating effects.

((I was thinking when I made the name that if we could have some kind of close quarters sonic weapon, that'd be nice, but I didn't come up with one. I urge anyone to take my designs and refine, or rewrite them into something useful))
Lezara-Class Submarine:
Recent surveys of our armaments have lead to the growing consensus that the Hetham-class is outdated. A prewar design, it's speed and armament leave much to be desired, as does it's ability to stay fully submerged for long periods of time. The designers set out to accomplish three main tasks:

Increased speed, capable of better trailing surface ships moving at cruising speed (not max speed!). We hope the destroyers to not bog down our cruisers when moving as a convoy, and to be able to better set up ambushes for enemy surface ships, even if they will not be able to pursue something like the Ho'oula. This effect is accomplished in three main ways. Newer diesel and electric engines are equipped, based on designs from Europe. This in theory, should improve both efficiency, and speed both surfaced and submerged. Next, wellvine sap infusion methods dampen engine vibrations at key points. This allows for both our characteristically quiet engines, but more importantly, the ability to run the engines slightly faster and more efficiently. Thirdly, our experiments with sound propagation in water have lead to some fluid dynamics breakthroughs. The engineers hope that reshaping the ships hull will lead to lower water drag.

Increased armament, capable of more effectively engaging surface ships. For this purpose, the 80mm deck gun is removed. We believe that it would be more effectively used in dedicated surface ships, splitting things half and half will not suffice. With the removal of the deck gun, profile again becomes sleeker in the water. But more imporantly, the removal of shells and the gun allows for increased torpedo armament, room for a more versatile loading mechanism capable of more quickly loading torpedo tubes for large fleet engagements. Finally, we attempt to develop basic torpedo homing capabilities. These function with a basic, extremely weak well sonar ping directed forwards, the direction is judged via mechanical computer, and the torpedoes very gently curve towards the ping. This function may easily be deactivated, and will be sacrificed if time and research power is short.

Increased miscellaneous:
This is the further refinement of onboard wellsonar stations, wellsap based sonar absorbing plating, and more effective communications arrays. These will allow for active communication at slightly deeper levels of the ocean, and hopefully slightly decrease the chance of Lezaras being tracked by their communications. There is nothing revolutionary in the methods used, we simply intend to use our better understanding of these materials that comes with time and research on them.

Silada-Class Destroyer:
The first destroyer built by the Embral navy here. Built in response to the prevalence of Ho'oula class, and to protect our cruisers, these ships eschew (at least ludicrous) speed in favor of survivability, as it is unlikely that we would be able to match enemy speed at present.

In addition, as we hope for our submarine fleet to deal the crippling torpedo strikes, we mount only a single centerline quintuple mount, meant to scare off over-eager enemies or keep capital ships at bay. With this in mind, the ship is designed to mount rapid loading 120mm guns in a 3x2 configuration, taken from our existing cruisers. With low caliber and correspondingly faster rates of fire, we hope to ensure strikes on enemy destroyers even if the individual shells might not be quite so devastating.  The 3x2 configuration was chosen to save weight for other purposes:

Firstly, damage control stations, meant to keep even a heavily damaged Silada afloat, shooting, and moving. In the event that it is necessary, the destroyer should be able to interpose itself between enemy destroyers and our cruisers or future capital ships. Additionally, a fairly large number of bulkheads have been added, all with the purpose of ensuring survival as long as possible (survival means more time shooting, and more sailors who can escape and survive to be picked up).

The final consideration for the armoring of this ship was the decision of spaced plating in the hull. The spacing is minimal, not enough to serve much purpose as an armor inherently. However, the hull is packed full of Well-moss. This recently discovered material remains inactive when confined. When given space, and when sound is heard, Wellmoss expands rapidly. The rate of expansion is proportional to the volume of the sound. The net result is that if the armor is punctured by shellfire, a large amount of Wellmoss has both plenty of noise, and plenty of water to allow it to grow and plug the hole in a spongy mass. Water may still leak through, but flooding will be reduced, and time will be given to damage control crews to get in and begin necessary repairs.

Beyond the armament and armoring, the ship is equipped with basic well sonar capacities, basic communications suite, and mine laying cabilities (could be excluded if necessary.)
Based on suggestions by Madman, some changes have been made.

All hard numbers such as ship speed, size, and specific armor thicknesses are left to GM discretion, as I'm not sure what to put for those.

Quote from: Why, that's a votebox!
() Shock Steel:
() Ultrasonic Resonator:
() Subsonic Waterhammer:
() Universal spaced armor plating:
() Wellshock trooper kit:
() Lezara-class Submarine:
(1) Silada-class Destroyer: Strider03
« Last Edit: January 22, 2020, 08:59:09 pm by Strider03 »
Within that world, she was God. But here, outside of it, her name was Yoake o-Shiri. That was unimportant. She was a Godslayer. That too was unimportant. But what was important, was that she had a motherfucking boat.
And by God, was she going to use it.

"But deceleration is for pansies. We're headed for the stars. Bye, Burnsie. Bye, Mission Control. Bye, Sol. See you at heat death" -Blindsight


  • Bay Watcher
  • Most Sleep Deprived
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Re: Mechanized Warfare: Embral Thread / Design Phase, 1939 Cold Season
« Reply #169 on: January 21, 2020, 09:23:53 pm »

As much as I'd like to design a Mk2 Sub, we were hit by a Clue-By-Four to get a more existent surface fleet.

Quote from: Why, that's a votebox!
() Shock Steel:
() Ultrasonic Resonator:
() Subsonic Waterhammer:
() Universal spaced armor plating:
() Wellshock trooper kit:
() Lezara-class Submarine:
(2) Silada-class Destroyer: Strider03, Jilladilla

Glory to United Forenia!

If you see a 'Nemonole' on the internet elsewhere, it's probably me


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mechanized Warfare: Embral Thread / Design Phase, 1939 Cold Season
« Reply #170 on: January 23, 2020, 12:03:56 pm »

We shall make the highest quality of quality quantities of soldiers with quantities of quality.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Ckk Ckk
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Re: Mechanized Warfare: Embral Thread / Design Phase, 1939 Cold Season
« Reply #171 on: January 24, 2020, 11:12:02 am »

Quote from: Why, that's a votebox!
() Shock Steel:
() Ultrasonic Resonator:
() Subsonic Waterhammer:
() Universal spaced armor plating:
() Wellshock trooper kit:
() Lezara-class Submarine:
(4) Silada-class Destroyer: Strider03, Jilladilla, Madman, TFF

Man of Paper

  • Bay Watcher
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Mechanized Warfare: Embral Thread / Revision Phase, 1939 Cold Season
« Reply #172 on: February 03, 2020, 09:18:00 pm »

Design Phase, Cold Season 1939 AC

Proposal: Silada-Class Destroyer
Silada-Class Destroyer:
The first destroyer built by the Embral navy here. Built in response to the prevalence of Ho'oula class, and to protect our cruisers, these ships eschew (at least ludicrous) speed in favor of survivability, as it is unlikely that we would be able to match enemy speed at present.

In addition, as we hope for our submarine fleet to deal the crippling torpedo strikes, we mount only a single centerline quintuple mount, meant to scare off over-eager enemies or keep capital ships at bay. With this in mind, the ship is designed to mount rapid loading 120mm guns in a 3x2 configuration, taken from our existing cruisers. With low caliber and correspondingly faster rates of fire, we hope to ensure strikes on enemy destroyers even if the individual shells might not be quite so devastating.  The 3x2 configuration was chosen to save weight for other purposes:

Firstly, damage control stations, meant to keep even a heavily damaged Silada afloat, shooting, and moving. In the event that it is necessary, the destroyer should be able to interpose itself between enemy destroyers and our cruisers or future capital ships. Additionally, a fairly large number of bulkheads have been added, all with the purpose of ensuring survival as long as possible (survival means more time shooting, and more sailors who can escape and survive to be picked up).

The final consideration for the armoring of this ship was the decision of spaced plating in the hull. The spacing is minimal, not enough to serve much purpose as an armor inherently. However, the hull is packed full of Well-moss. This recently discovered material remains inactive when confined. When given space, and when sound is heard, Wellmoss expands rapidly. The rate of expansion is proportional to the volume of the sound. The net result is that if the armor is punctured by shellfire, a large amount of Wellmoss has both plenty of noise, and plenty of water to allow it to grow and plug the hole in a spongy mass. Water may still leak through, but flooding will be reduced, and time will be given to damage control crews to get in and begin necessary repairs.

Beyond the armament and armoring, the ship is equipped with basic well sonar capacities, basic communications suite, and mine laying cabilities (could be excluded if necessary.)

Difficulty: Hard
Result: (6+6)-1=11, Masterwork

The Silada-Class Destroyer is a much needed, and extremely welcome, addition to the Embralish Navy at Harren. The high displacement of the 115 meter long ship compared to other destroyers of the time comes from the relatively thick armor, with 120mm at the belt and 100mm elsewhere. Bulkheads and redundant systems, including separate engine and boiler rooms for increased survivability, also add to the ship's mass. A single quintuple torpedo mount provides the ship with the ability to threaten and deter larger vessels, while it's 3x2 120mm guns provide rapid firing ability for engaging lightly armored targets as well as indirect fire support for land-based engagements. It's engines are able to put out enough power for maintainable speeds of 38 knots.

The guns are quite impressive, capable of launching shells out to a maximum 20 kilometers. Shells available to the Silada consist of AP, APHE, and Flak, as the gun is capable of rapid traversal and elevation at 20 degrees/second for both, and has a maximum vertical ceiling of 14 kilometers (at 90 degrees).

The most unique aspect of the Silada is the spaced hull filled with Wellmoss. While initial estimates expected a hefty cost in well-extracted material due to the installation of throughout the spacing between the ship's armor and hull, more intelligent engineers realized that simple seeding of the Wellmoss combined with controlled introduction of water and hammering on the hull allowed the stuff to grow on it's own, using the nutrients it gained from the water and...whatever it pulled from sound. While not perfect, as the process isn't rapid, it's fast enough to reduce the intake of water through breaches in the hull, and can patch smaller wounds over the course of an engagement. The only downsides to Wellmoss come on the form of increased drag as the Wellmoss grows outward, as well as it's continual growth once released from it's confines. Wellmoss growth can be stopped, and the material destroyed, through consistent application of direct flame after being removed from water.

The Silada-Class Destroyer costs 5 Ore, 3 Oil, and 4 Wellmaterials, making it (EXPENSIVE).


You have a single revision to work on, and remember to discuss which contact from the Old World you wish to support! Will you Kill Dave and side with the shadow government of the Sau-Cihare? Or will you Kill Amanvir and let a foreign power dictate Embral's future?

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mechanized Warfare: Embral Thread / Revision Phase, 1939 Cold Season
« Reply #173 on: February 05, 2020, 01:03:56 pm »

After the successful employment of Wellmoss in the warship-sort-of-repair role, a new use was realized for the material: the reshaping of battlefield terrain. By employing a species of Wellmoss that grows into something more accurately described as "Wellshrubberies", we can grow bushes and similar natural-looking concealment overnight or even faster given the success of Wellmoss. The ingredients are simple: Water, seeds, and, of course, noise. This noise can be provided by something like a vehicle engine or a Sikari flute (if you don't mind scaring the life out of anyone in the vicinity who isn't wearing their earplugs), or the children's noisemaking toy that comes with the short list of instructions, entitled "How Not To Be Seen", in the Grow Your Own Concealment kit.

Use cases include: Obstructing sightlines, providing obvious places in which one might hide (where we would of course not be hiding) which we can rig with LIES to make the hiding place into a high explosive lie, providing less obvious places in which to hide (where we might sometimes be hiding, but not always, so as to confuse our opponents), and providing a flammable wall of shrubbery which could at any point just totally spontaneously burst into flames.

Carpet Moss
Based on Wellmoss and Wellmaterial sonar systems, the "Carpet Moss" system is a sort of naval mine, except instead of being used to blow enemy warships up, which denies landing to one vessel, it's used to deny an entire section of beach to the enemies. The system is deployed with packets of Wellmoss that can be blasted open with small charges on command, and a sonar array (powered via shore installation) that blasts noise out into the water of a given area to cause the Wellmoss to grow very, very rapidly.

The enemy might see their first waves cut off from reinforcements, as it's very hard to lug equipment across a waterborne shrub and then swim the rest of the way to beach after your landing craft grounds itself on said shrub.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2020, 11:17:13 pm by Madman198237 »
We shall make the highest quality of quality quantities of soldiers with quantities of quality.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mechanized Warfare: Embral Thread / Revision Phase, 1939 Cold Season
« Reply #174 on: February 05, 2020, 07:14:28 pm »

I very much approve of wellshrubbery. Though, will we have to worry about the enemy burning our cover easily?
Within that world, she was God. But here, outside of it, her name was Yoake o-Shiri. That was unimportant. She was a Godslayer. That too was unimportant. But what was important, was that she had a motherfucking boat.
And by God, was she going to use it.

"But deceleration is for pansies. We're headed for the stars. Bye, Burnsie. Bye, Mission Control. Bye, Sol. See you at heat death" -Blindsight


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mechanized Warfare: Embral Thread / Revision Phase, 1939 Cold Season
« Reply #175 on: February 07, 2020, 04:39:25 pm »

Quote from: MopeyBox
Carpet Moss: (1) SC777

Kill Dave
Kill Amanvir: (1) SC777


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mechanized Warfare: Embral Thread / Revision Phase, 1939 Cold Season
« Reply #176 on: February 07, 2020, 05:37:29 pm »

Quote from: MopeyBox
Wellshrubbery: (1) Madman
Carpet Moss: (1) SC777

Kill Dave: (1) Madman
Kill Amanvir: (1) SC777

We should *probably* do something other than Wellshrubbery, buuuuuuuut…..
We shall make the highest quality of quality quantities of soldiers with quantities of quality.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mechanized Warfare: Embral Thread / Revision Phase, 1939 Cold Season
« Reply #177 on: February 08, 2020, 12:37:29 pm »

Quote from: MopeyBox
Wellshrubbery: (2) Madman, TFF
Carpet Moss: (1) SC777

Kill Dave: (2) Madman, TFF
Kill Amanvir: (1) SC777



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mechanized Warfare: Embral Thread / Revision Phase, 1939 Cold Season
« Reply #178 on: February 08, 2020, 03:31:10 pm »

Damnit, Dave.

Quote from: MopeyBox
Wellshrubbery: (3) Madman, TFF, NUKE9.13
Carpet Moss: (1) SC777

Kill Dave: (3) Madman, TFF, NUKE9.13
Kill Amanvir: (1) SC777
Long Live United Forenia!


  • Bay Watcher
  • Resident Wisenheimer
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Re: Mechanized Warfare: Embral Thread / Revision Phase, 1939 Cold Season
« Reply #179 on: February 08, 2020, 04:47:34 pm »


Quote from: MopeyBox
Wellshrubbery: (4) Madman, TFF, NUKE9.13, SC777
Carpet Moss: (0)

Kill Dave: (4) Madman, TFF, NUKE9.13, SC777
Kill Amanvir: (0)
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