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Author Topic: Re: AIAR - Providence Seekers - Cold Season 1921 - Event Phase  (Read 9742 times)


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Re: AIAR - Providence Seekers - Cold Season 1921 - ABC Phase
« Reply #105 on: September 22, 2019, 11:37:00 am »

How many tokens does reverse engineering the M15 Stielhandgranade cost?


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Re: AIAR - Providence Seekers - Cold Season 1921 - ABC Phase
« Reply #106 on: September 22, 2019, 11:39:07 am »

Ok so rifle is two tokens.

The rivision and reversengineering is 2 tokens

I changed the kit to just uniform and small things which should be two.

What item in the kit is adding the extra 2 tokens?


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Re: AIAR - Providence Seekers - Cold Season 1921 - ABC Phase
« Reply #107 on: September 22, 2019, 11:58:18 am »

 Rifle is three tokens, uniform is three tokens, each revision is one token. However, I just realized I fucked up, and ou have 10 tokens total, of which 6 are assigned here. Its a good thing I checked.
Highly Opinionated Fool
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Re: AIAR - Providence Seekers - Cold Season 1921 - ABC Phase
« Reply #108 on: September 22, 2019, 03:14:14 pm »

i thought designs were two tokens each

quoted from basic rules

 Turns are bi-yearly, and will probably have four phases, consisting of production/construction/allotment(ABC), design/revision, rituals/expeditions and a reports phase. Events will also occur fairly regularly within the reports phase.
 During the production/construction/allotment(ABC) phase the players vote on what to spend their tokens on, allot the contents of their stockpiles to their armies, and assign what production center to do what work(which will take a turn, or two if it was already 'tooled up'). Each side will start with 10 tokens, although events in game may increase or decrease this. One token may be used to start construction, revise a piece of equipment or plan an expedition, two or four are used to start designs, two are used for starting research on a ritual or relic, and any number of tokens may be spent each turn to continue development of a project.

 During design/revision, players vote on what designs and/or revisions they work on that turn. Two tokens are required to start a design, although four may be spent to make it a "rush project" or spent in any number after the first turn of work to improve any aspect of the design. They may also spend one token to revise a design, completed or not. For more details, please check the section on Design & Revisions

« Last Edit: September 22, 2019, 03:15:52 pm by Khang36 »


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Re: AIAR - Providence Seekers - Cold Season 1921 - ABC Phase
« Reply #109 on: September 22, 2019, 03:25:17 pm »

 Curse you brain, confusing me with rules from other things! I think I might also have to refund a token to the other side now, since apparently I always forget this.

So, yes, plan yall had was 6 tokens, you have four tokens you can spend anywhere.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2019, 03:47:35 pm by Aseaheru »
Highly Opinionated Fool
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Re: AIAR - Providence Seekers - Cold Season 1921 - ABC Phase
« Reply #110 on: September 23, 2019, 10:13:30 am »

ABC = 2 tokens
1.expande workshop in East Neu Salsburg
2. Build a steel foundry in Sellye Industrial Zone

Design = 4 tokens
Spoiler: PA SLR 1921 (click to show/hide)

Revisions = 1 token
fix the CSRE 1921
Fix the gun housing to removing the jamming problems caused by over heating and improve the build quality, move the forward grip to the otherside of of the magzine reciever, in front, to make it less awkward to handle. If possible a replacing the rotary magazine with a 25 round box magazine that is cross compatible with the PA SLR being designed.

reverse engineer = 3 tokens
M15 Stielhandgranate
10cm M.14 Feldhaubitze & shells = 2 tokens


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Re: AIAR - Providence Seekers - Cold Season 1921 - ABC Phase
« Reply #111 on: September 23, 2019, 10:15:51 am »

ABC = 2 tokens
1.expande workshop in East Neu Salsburg
2. Build a steel foundry in Sellye Industrial Zone

Design = 4 tokens
Spoiler: PA SLR 1921 (click to show/hide)

Revisions = 1 token
fix the CSRE 1921
Fix the gun housing to removing the jamming problems caused by over heating and improve the build quality, move the forward grip to the otherside of of the magzine reciever, in front, to make it less awkward to handle. If possible a replacing the rotary magazine with a 25 round box magazine that is cross compatible with the PA SLR being designed.

reverse engineer = 3 tokens
M15 Stielhandgranate
10cm M.14 Feldhaubitze & shells = 2 tokens


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Re: AIAR - Providence Seekers - Cold Season 1921 - ABC Phase
« Reply #112 on: September 30, 2019, 04:09:14 pm »

 Starting work on the turn. Sorry for the wait, I thought atleast one side had a third player.
Tad depressing, that

Oh, and on the CSRG 1921/CSRE 1921, you changing the name to be the CSRE, or was that a typo?
« Last Edit: September 30, 2019, 04:25:43 pm by Aseaheru »
Highly Opinionated Fool
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Re: AIAR - Providence Seekers - Cold Season 1921 - ABC Phase
« Reply #113 on: September 30, 2019, 04:41:30 pm »



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Re: AIAR - Providence Seekers - Cold Season 1921 - ABC Phase
« Reply #114 on: September 30, 2019, 06:28:32 pm »

 Oh, found one issue. The M.14 Feldhaubitze and its shells being revised, would you like the smoke or the HE? To have both would mean giving up a token elsewhere.
Highly Opinionated Fool
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Re: AIAR - Providence Seekers - Cold Season 1921 - ABC Phase
« Reply #115 on: September 30, 2019, 06:47:11 pm »

He please forgot about the smoke.


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Re: AIAR - Providence Seekers - Cold Season 1921 - ABC Phase
« Reply #116 on: October 13, 2019, 05:40:06 pm »

 Going through things fer final checks, I just learned that yall already had the shells fer the fieldhalbutzers. So, what you want that token spent on. Also, I wrote that with only three errors, which is surprising and slightly worrying.

 Question will also be asked on the discord, first place I see respond gets it. Mostly because I really want this bit out so I can cry at the battle phase cry at lack of information on australia get to the next ABC phase.
Highly Opinionated Fool
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Re: AIAR - Providence Seekers - Cold Season 1921 - Event Phase
« Reply #117 on: October 13, 2019, 08:32:19 pm »

Cold Season, 1921, D&R Phase

But first, ABC Shenanagans

 The East Neu Salsburg workshops where worked on being expanded this turn, and a new steel foundry was started construction on in Sellye to take advantage of its iron and coal. The workshop expansion went well, getting two lines constructed before the season was over(they will produce goods this turn if wished), as was the steel foundry, for that matter.
 The foundry, stated by some of the engineers to be world-class(if the world still exists, and if things remain the same anyhow), has its own problems, partially due to its successes. Part of the preprocessing of the steel requires some amount of electricity, and the sheer scale of possible production places strain on existing technology to shift material about. And then there is the issue of Flux.
 While our isle has large deposits of flux stone, production is almost entirely limited to the northern swamps. The steelmill can still produce, but it would be better if it had access to fresh dolomite.

End of ABC Shenanagans

 Starting off with the lower end of work, we have four revisions or reverse engineering.
 First off, the CSRG 1921* program, aiming to reduce jamming, shifiting the forward grip to a better position, and seeing about replacing the magazine. Well, the work has gone well, with fit and finish improving, the cost increasing as a result, and somehow more bugs being worked in. Most of these appear to be due to the magazine changes, going from the slightly bulky detachable rotary magazine to various designs of box magazines, which are invaribally too long, too fragile, hold too few rounds, or some combanation thereof, our engineers having not figured out how to do anything past a single-stack box magazine. The best example is now side-mounted, and holds 15 rounds while only failing to work when breathed on half the time. That said, jamming has been reduced, and the few remaining problems with debris have been knocked on the head.
 Next, the reverse engineering of things.
 The M15 Stielhandgranate has long been recognized as a savage force multiplier in the assault. Our copy thereof is of fairly decent quality and is produced cheaply in bulk. Final blueprints are able to be handed out to factories imminently.
 The M.14 Feldhaubitze is... of dubious quality. Fit and finish are nonexistent, and parts breakage is higher as a result. But the gun(now the M.14/21FH) is, atleast, significantly cheaper to produce. The blueprints are ready to be delivered to the workshops now.
 After an abortive start on recreating the blueprints for the 100x183mmR HE warhead, efforts instead went over to improving the 6.5x54mmP round, particually in improving its mass-production with the aim of thus improving its accuricy. This effort went quite well, the bugs in the process being worked out, the quality able to be made increasing, the revised prints in the workshops, and no new bugs for the squashing.
 The PA-SLR-M.21 is the first self-loading rifle seen on these islands and is being designed by the Providence Arsenal. Chambering 6.5x54mmP, this gas-operated  long-piston rotary-bolt weapon is about half-way to being completed. That is not to say there arent a few issues.
 The weapon is expensive. Allready it looks like we could make almost two CSRGs for one SLR. The box magazine proved impossible, instead the team fell back on a choice of Mannlicher clips or fitting the gun to use a CSRG M.21 rotary magazine. Finally, on the subject of the scope mounting bracket, our engineers where unable to design a manner inwhich it could be on the centerline without fouling the irons, so have proposed two methods: Having a sight rail on the side of the gun, or having the sight be affixed offset to the centerline of the gun.
 The PA-SIK-M.21 is our standard infantry kit, including waxed woolen cloak, woolen coat, woolen mittens with both a thumb and a finger separate from the rest of the hand and leather fingers and palm, a waxed canvas half-tent that can be used as a hammock, a simple canvas haversack, a similarly constructed backpack with the ability to have a wooden frame fitted, a spade, a metal(although cloth-covered) canteen, a simple mess tin of stamped metal, an olive-green battledress(composed of tunic, trousers, belt, and messcap) and some rope. All items are of exceptional quality, while production time is slated to be minimal for each item.
 And then the issues begin to occur. The dye chosen for the pieces is not in the slightest olive green, runs if one glances at it, and apparently makes the items highly flammable. The leather for the belt, mitten palms, and backpack has numerous issues with durability(linked to the tanning), and the canteen and messtin just... Arent good. The canteen holds less water than the haversack, while the messtin bends if one swears within a mile and shines like the sun tooboot. Speaking of tooboot, there arent any.

You have no tokens for this phase.
The Scryery Ritual progresses to 2/3.

Welcome to the Events Phase for Cold Season, 1921
You are now waiting on silly gubbins from the GM.

Spoiler: WIP Projects (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Logistics & Designs (click to show/hide)

Sorry about the wait, and every other similar things. Now, to scream about one mechanic I missed, battles, and all that.
Highly Opinionated Fool
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Re: AIAR - Providence Seekers - Cold Season 1921 - Event Phase
« Reply #118 on: October 15, 2019, 07:08:13 am »

Ok the the new lines.
I say for now both will be for wagons.

Also do i have any steel production now? Or will i need the dolomite and eletricity first

Additionaly for the SLR

1.offset the rail


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Re: AIAR - Providence Seekers - Cold Season 1921 - Event Phase
« Reply #119 on: October 15, 2019, 06:25:19 pm »

Steel production exists, at a malus.
Lines being wagons. Got it.

SLR offset rail. And the magazine?
Highly Opinionated Fool
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